

My breath hitched, her mismatched eyes meeting mine. Her golden cat eye matched the scarlet reaper’s eyes, her white hair brightening to match the various oranges and reds of my eyes. Bruises covered her skin, a defiant snarl curled on her determined face. Lowering my feet, something was about to happen. All four elements swirled in her broken soul, her immortality capturing my eyes. There was no way another immortal existed, my glass of water spilling the moment I leaned onto the table. Silent tears slid down her cheeks, her inky fingernails extending into claws. My cock stiffened at her five foot seven hourglass figure, my eyes tracing the diamond chain bikini as it draped over her flat stomach. Another desire brewed in me, something telling me to take her now. Whispering something in her ears, low growls rumbled in her throat. Shaking off her hot temper, she stood straight up. “I am Ellasandra and I am excellent at cooking and cleaning. I am the wife of your dreams. Besides, I am a virgin after all.” She chirped with a false smile, her thighs rubbing together. “I have prepared a dance for you. Please enjoy!” Pressing her palms together, a scarlet circle glowed underneath her. Every step of her seductive dance unlocked another gate, the audience none the wiser.

Yvette_Francaise · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter Twenty: The Ivy Meets The Rock


Sitting in a giant pool of reflecting water, onyx cherry blossoms floated in a gentle breeze. Scarlet trees twisted brokenly towards the blood moon, horror rounding my eyes at the water turning to ruby blood. The petals decayed to blades of metal, a scream bursting from my lips. The color drained from my face, my fingers curling around my scythe. Flickers was nowhere to be seen, my wild eyes catching Bloodvanya coming at me. Kicking up a wall of blood, running would be futile. A ball of lightning glowed to life over her head, the size and potency now much smaller. Grinning wickedly to myself, the game was about to end for her. Pressing my palm against the nearest tree, orange flames roared to life. Our reflection shimmered on the thrashing waves, another kick sending her back. Struggling to keep control, the heat of the flames had my hair floating up. Charging at her, a sleek black blade clashed against my scythe. The force sent us both back, new cracks lined her skin. Formulating a plan in my head, my boots splashed in the pool of blood. Inky water swirled to life around me, my brow cocking. Something told me that she wasn't the big bad wolf here, something smelling rotten. Popping up behind me, her movements were too slow. Spinning my scythe underneath my arm, the tip of my scythe pierced her heart. Swinging it over my head, her lightning crackled uncontrollably. Summoning a rubber bubble for my body, this was going to kill her in seconds. The smell of burnt flesh sickened me, my scythe keeping her in the electrical death trap. Her skin bubbled, a blast her flesh coating my bubble. Catching her soul in my hand, my chest huffed up and down. The nightmare wasn't over, a pair of boots splashing towards me. Looking up slowly, inky eyes met mine. Tucking her soul into my boot, he was the soul reason for her near death condition. Unfolding his ragged gray wings, small spots of a dark gray rock body peeked out of the moss covering his body. Spinning a giant curved granite blade in his palm, one flick of his wrists had a granite cage around us. Grinning ear to ear, his mossy lips reminded me of a gargoyle. Fear rounded my eyes, silent tears staining my cheeks. Gargoyles were only supposed to be legends, the beasts nearly impossible to defeat. Struggling to stay on my feet, his cold stone hands pinned me to his cage. A fit of wicked laughter burst from his lips, his claws digging into my neck. How the hell was he so strong?

"You are an idiot. Bloodvayna came to warn you about me. I killed all of her kind in one swing and the people who hated you are now stone. The curse may be gone but you have to defeat the gargoyles to free everyone." He growled venomously, his rough tongue licking my cheek. "I couldn't touch that island though. If you even think about getting all the gods to join you in the fight, I can turn them to stone as well. Play the game wisely, my pet." Dropping me in the blood, ruby painted my face the moment all evidence of his presence disappeared with him. Shivering in my spot, the news had me cupping the side of my head. All the work I was doing was for nothing, a frustrated scream bursting from my lips.

Jerking awake, a frantic Fireboy clutched me close to his chest. Rocking me back and forth, a new darkness had come over the land. Remembering that I had Bloodvayna's soul, we had work to do. Wiping my tears away, he noticed the soul floating over my head. Placing me on his back, my hand cupped her soul gingerly. Carrying me out to the waiting boat, he took a seat next to the place where I placed my scythe. Holding my scythe in place with me, her translucent spirit floated to the front seat. Gone was her twisted look of hate, a younger version of her smiled brightly in my direction. Offering her my hand, her fingers curled around it cautiously. Yanking her over to me, I let her hold my scythe. Mouthing a silent spell, any darkness dissolved. Only a golden aura surrounded her, confusion mixing with sorrow. Even the worst of enemies deserved a second chance at a better life.

"Why?" She choked out through a wall of tears, enjoying being a reaper for a minute. "I don't understand you." Fussing with her softer curls, her youthful face watched me with a nervous smile. My motto was that everyone deserved a redemption arc, the darkest of villains often having the saddest tragedies driving their motives. Struggling to my feet, my thumb wiped away her tears. Kissing her forehead, she had gone through enough. Life had rung her through the ringer and my job was to make her ending the happiest it could be. 

"A lot of people screw up, albeit that is an understatement with you. I am going to offer you a chance to be reborn. As the goddess of death, I can do that. I am stuck with the gargoyle king but I can manage that. You didn't have to come back to warn me but you did. Don't worry with your pretty little head." I assured her with my real smile, happy that my curse was gone. "How is it being a reaper? It's pretty fun, isn't it?" Nodding with tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, her free arm curled around my waist. Happy memories of her father and her flooded my mind, mixed emotions had me crying with her. Yanking her arm back, the freedom never left her eyes for the rest of the ride. Pulling onto the dock, I permitted her the honor of pulling it out of it's spot. Helping her out, my legs shook from all the wear and tear of the day. Pausing in front of the door to Heaven, she collapsed into my arms. Kissing the top of her head, her hand didn't want to let go of mine. Taking a step back, it was her time to move on.

"You really are like your father." She sighed serenely with one foot in the door, her kind gaze never leaving mine. "I know you will save the world. Good luck!" A bright light blinded me, the light dying down. Getting back in, my husband's arms curled around my waist. Holding me up while I kept my scythe in place, the world we knew was gone. Glancing around, anxiety increased its hold on me. Every breath grew shorter, my heart seconds from pounding out of my chest. The world began to spin, a kiss to the top of my head shut it all down in seconds. These damn attacks were getting worse, my mind decaying a bit each time. 

"Whatever fresh hell awaits us, we can save everyone. I know we can." He promised with a fear lined tone in his voice, his hands shaking. Shaking my head, this was bad. No matter what course of action I took, this fate was bound to happen. If I could just punch the god of fate, a sweet wave of pleasure would come over me. My reaper duties were about to drown me and there was nothing I could do about it. A war had started, the image of a world of stone people haunting me. Everything was my freaking fault and they were all going to hate me more. 

"I don't know about that. People are statues because of me." I panicked with my fingers gripping his shirt, the tears refusing to slow down. "What if there are stragglers? We need to rescue them right now. What about Otto and his people?" Spiraling deeper into my negative thoughts, his finger flicked my forehead. Preventing another panic attack, his hands cupped my face. Catching my breath, his lips kissed mine feverishly. Now wasn't the time, I needed to save the world right now. Unable to focus, his words faded in and out. Groaning into the dock, I couldn't get off fast enough. Tripping over my own feet, his strong arms caught me.

"You aren't going to get far in that condition." He teased lightly, watching my scythe shrink back down. "We need to do research and get a plan together. Beyond that, we can gather the stragglers over time and bring them here. Let me get you home and into the library if you really want to work. We need to see our kids. I am sure they miss you." Biting my lips, he was right. Family would carry me through this hard time, my lips curling into a sad smile. The door appeared, Fireboy carried me over the threshold and onto the beach. Scared people rushed up to me, their words mixing into one. Leaping off of his back, I landed on the tallest rock. Shaking off my fear and anxiety, they needed a leader. Whistling sharply, a deadly silence came over the beach.

"I am going to save your loved ones no matter the cost!" I shouted with the brightest smile I could manage to muster, wet eyes hiding shadows of doubt. "When have I ever let you down? I got you all to this island. Starting tomorrow, I will be scanning the land for survivors and bringing them here. What I need you to do is to write down the name of your loved ones or have someone who can write it down. Doing that will help me get them to safety. Let's do this in an orderly fashion. Thank you." Hopping off the rock, everyone ran off to get me their lists. Leaning onto the rock, a burning sensation stung my nose. Touching the area underneath my nose, a shiny black painted the tip of my finger. Using my bell sleeve to slow the bleeding, a fury flickered to life in my eyes. No one took over my kingdom without paying the consequences. His mother ran up to me with Argon in her arms, my ears perking up. Wagging my tail, she placed him into my arm. Catching Vera in my other arm, his mother's face was wrought with worry. Fussing over me, a warmth came over me. Her love for me left nothing to be desired, her hands cupping my cheeks. Examining my face for any new scars, her usual serene expression returned. Happy to see her relaxed once more, part of my goal had been satisfied. Keeping the people calm while I came up with the perfect strategy was the key way to take back my homeland. Promising to make me dinner, we were all being dragged back home with Vera telling me about her past couple of days. Being greeted by Ivan, her robes were the last thing I saw. Holding a map underneath his arm, his steady hands rolled it out onto the nearest table. Offering me a quill with reloading ink, it would be best to start with the closest territories. Keeping them underneath our control would be in our best interest, my magical protections would surely do the job. The bigger the space got, we could choke them out. My father made sure to teach me that when we discussed protecting my village if it ever came down to it. Circling the mainland closer to us, that would be our first target. Looking out the window, we would have to start growing more food. What grew well next to salty seawater? Fireboy was carrying a pile of books up to our room, my mind wondering when he left. Gazing upon my son with pure love, he would be the driving point of my new mission. He deserved a world of magic and play, not one with a desperate claw to survive. Smothering him with kisses, his smile made my day. Vera tugged on my sleeve, my free arm placing her on a chair next to me. Her happiness always melted my heart, her presence making it all worth it. 

"Can you read to me tonight?" She requested with crossed hands, my hand cupping hers. "I don't want to be a b-" Kissing the top of her head, she needn't worry. Placing my hand on my hip, her eager eyes glowed to life with wonder.

"I suppose you had better pick out a story, my little pup. Dad might be in the library. Ask him for help. I can't read an invisible book." I promised with my real smile, her body flipping through the air. Tiger took my side, his fingers tapping the circle on the map. Pinning my ears back, this couldn't be great. Ivan got closer, their shoulders seemed seconds from crushing me. Our strength was strategy while Phoenix was good at getting the information. 

"If we are going here, we will be gone for a couple of days." He pointed out simply, his playful smile throwing me off. "You didn't think that I was going to let you go on your own, did you? We can use White Lightning to shock them into a miniature paralysis. Our genius is upstairs doing research so perhaps he will find something. Our forte is plotting battles and such things. Isn't that right, my darling little sister?" Scarlet colored my cheeks, none of this felt like too much for the first time in my life. Draping his arm over my shoulder, he explained the terrain to me. Mountains dotted that land, shorter demons would inhabit them. Mentioning the gold buried in the stone, those people would still be alive. Using them to get all of the gold from the mountains would be the primary goal. Gargoyles would never lift a finger or he wouldn't at the very least. It all checked out, a pensive silence hanging between us. 

"If we help them, they could create a proper tunnel system for us to use. Do you think that they could manage that?" I queried curiously, a bit of hope twinkling in my eyes. Flashing me a thumbs up, a silent yes flooded from my lips. His lips parted to speak, the dinner bell ringing. Fireboy appeared at the top of the stairs with Vera on his hips. Waving at me with a book in her hand, a quiet smile spread across my lips. Seeing her laughing made me want to work harder than I ever had to in my life. Blowing her a kiss, her hand caught it. Carrying my son to the dining room, all of us taking our seats. Placing bowls of a creamy soup in front of us, she took her spot next to Vessel. Unable to focus on eating, Vera's tiny hand holding mine under the table stole my heart away. Noting her cotton emerald summer dress, her big puppy dog eyes watched me with a bit too much worry. Kissing the top of her head, her lips brushed against the top of my hand. Returning back to dinner, a carrier had to be made. A portal had to be a last resort, my mind coursing through the options. Someone calling out my name snapped me back to reality. His mother was offering me a piece of bread, my shaking fingers taking it from her. Whispering if I was okay in my ear, my tired smile did little to appease her. Finishing up dinner in a funk, Tiger chose to take kitchen duty. Wishing me goodnight, Vera leapt into my arms. Her little song brought me a bit of pure bliss. Carrying her up to her room, her hair floated as she pulled on a light cotton nightgown. Kicking off my boots, she crashed onto my lap. Laying Argon down next to her, she kissed her forehead. Opening the book, her smile never left her face with every word. Falling asleep before the last word, a prayer left my lips as I tucked her in. Leaving the room, Argon suckled away as I walked back towards the bedroom. Entering the room, his cute snores whistled in my ears. Fireboy slumbered on an open page, a pile of notes fluttered next to him. Picking them up, his penmanship was something to marvel at. Sitting on the bed next to my son, numbers labeled each page. Scanning the lines nothing stood out until he had mentioned a special type of poison ivy three times. Known to decay any stone it grew on, an idea came to mind. Laying Argon in his crib, he spread his legs out. Sneaking down the hall with the picture of the poison ivy, my fist hovered over Rosy Jack's door. The door creaked open, a groggy Rosy Jack taking the picture from my hand. Fixing his fluffy black robe, he yanked me. Sitting me on his bed, his assistant lay on a red hot rock. Snapping his fingers, a lily opened up to illuminate the page. Rolling his eyes, he pressed his palm against the page. Absorbing the information, his weary smile met my numb expression.

"This is a tough plant to find because it will crumble any rock like the page says. What on Earth would you need this for?" He asked with a curious twinkle in his eyes, my face falling at what I had to tell him. Crossing my hands across my lap, he needed to know about his former boss. Prepping myself for the next conversation, a quiet confusion came over his face.

"I had to kill Bloodvanya today." I blurted out with tears tainting my voice, his hand touching my shoulder. The bed groaned as he sat down next to me, a quiet depression dimmed his eyes. Rubbing my back, he leaned on my shoulder. Laughing heartily, his reaction threw me off. Taking his head onto my lap, the poison ivy creaked out of his palm. Everything about the situation threw me off as he worked through the emotions visibly. 

"I am fine. She was mean to me. Tell me that she got the happy ending she desired." He wept discreetly, the poison ivy staying off of the building. "I have you now anyway to be what she was to me. Trust me, I saw it in her future." Touched by my words, fresh tears splashed against his face. Closing his palm, the ivy waited for him. Getting off his bed, he tossed me a medium sized mortar and pestle. Ripping the leaves off, he placed half of them into mine. Crushing them next to him, his aura had brightened to a golden one over the time he had been here. Happy to see that he was warming up to everyone, his home would always be with us. 

"Be honest with me." I stammered with apprehension, Rosy Jack poking his head up. "Did you make a cure that weakened her? I understand that my new enemy pushed to the edge of her life but what I don't understand is why she was poisoned. Is that where you come in?" Scarlet flushed his cheeks, embarrassment causing him to shrink back.

"How did you know? I made sure it was odorless." He commented with a twitching grin, his grinding picking up. "I specialize in poisons. The one I gave her broke her from the inside. My partner dropped it into her drink and then the course of events played out in your favor. Her skin cracked because it was infused with holy water. I know how to take these gargoyles down but it won't be easy. You have the right plan with choking them out but you have to be able to crack stone. Plucking a spare leaf, he passed it to me. Sliding it in between my fingers, the silkiness was alluring.

"Thanks for helping." I returned with a crooked half smile, his face burning even brighter. "If I were to eat this, would it fuse with my Earth powers?" Cocking his brow in response, the poison he must have used was the porcelain doll tea leaves. I had seen them once in my life, his ability with poison was alarming at best. Making sure to never be on his bad side, that would make a most painful evening. 

"I think it would. You aren't made of rock which renders it nonvenomous. Go ahead and give yourself an advantage." He assured me with a light chuckle, his hand resting on my shoulders. "It might even clear up what is left of your ill health. If it all goes south , I can whip up an antidote in minutes." Dropping my leaf into my mouth before I talked myself out of it, the bitter taste had me cringing in response. Choking it down, a searing pain coursed through me. Pushing through the pain, black vines curled up my arm. Scarlet leaves blossomed to life along every inch. The magic died down, a new vine tattooed itself onto my arm. The vines crept back into my palm, Rosy Jack catching a leaf in his arms. Grinning ear to ear, a gasp of wonder escaped his lips.

"It appears Bloody left you with her magic, this poison ivy is strong enough to crumble the lowest level gargoyles in minutes. I can't wait to see it someday." He proclaimed with excitement, his hands cupping his mouth. "Sorry, I can't really wake him up. He has been working really hard. I am sure you understand. May I see your scythe?" Passing my ax over to him, his fingers traced the letters. The letters glowed to life, his eyes buzzing with excitement. What was he going to do with it?

"I am going to connect your new power. I am the keeper of all the reaper's powers." He informed me with an excited whisper. "Press your palm to the handle." Gripping my handle, inky vines creaked into the symbols. Glowing brightly for a quick flash, my weapon returned to normal. Putting it away, the new power would help me out greatly in the long run. Helping him grind away, my mind wouldn't stop racing as he gushed about plants of all kinds. Please grant me some good luck for tomorrow.