

My breath hitched, her mismatched eyes meeting mine. Her golden cat eye matched the scarlet reaper’s eyes, her white hair brightening to match the various oranges and reds of my eyes. Bruises covered her skin, a defiant snarl curled on her determined face. Lowering my feet, something was about to happen. All four elements swirled in her broken soul, her immortality capturing my eyes. There was no way another immortal existed, my glass of water spilling the moment I leaned onto the table. Silent tears slid down her cheeks, her inky fingernails extending into claws. My cock stiffened at her five foot seven hourglass figure, my eyes tracing the diamond chain bikini as it draped over her flat stomach. Another desire brewed in me, something telling me to take her now. Whispering something in her ears, low growls rumbled in her throat. Shaking off her hot temper, she stood straight up. “I am Ellasandra and I am excellent at cooking and cleaning. I am the wife of your dreams. Besides, I am a virgin after all.” She chirped with a false smile, her thighs rubbing together. “I have prepared a dance for you. Please enjoy!” Pressing her palms together, a scarlet circle glowed underneath her. Every step of her seductive dance unlocked another gate, the audience none the wiser.

Yvette_Francaise · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter Six: To Save a Mother


Hiding behind the wall, his mother needed to be saved. I don't know what happened to Fireboy in his childhood but I wanted to give him a parent. Little did he know that I was listening in on his thoughts, a quiet smile spread across my face. A couple of guards were heading my way, an idea came to mind the moment I noticed a guard that was female and my size. Knocking them both out with the handle of my scythe, they dropped to the worn wooden floor. Stealing her armor, the thick cobalt hugged my body a little too tightly. Twisting my hair into a bun, my scythe shrunk down to its ax size. Tucking it in the inner pocket of the issued cloak, the next task was to drag my victims into the nearest closet. Shoving them in, I made sure to swipe all of their keys. Locking it from the outside, they would wake up at some point. Walking through the hall, my mask bounced off my hips. Nodding when others nodded in my direction, I kept on going into the deeper dungeons. Steel turned to rough rock, my inner monologue telling me that this disguise wouldn't last forever. Marching past the torture chamber, those people happened to be violent criminals getting their punishment. Stopping in front of the last cell, a beautiful woman stole my breath away. Her fiery eyes met mine, her long waves reminded me of flames. Taking in the bright oranges and reds, she was certainly his mother. A soiled and torn silky gown hugged her petite hourglass figure, her black lips curling into a snarl. Running up to the door, orange scales lined her high cheekbones. Spitting on my helmet, it burned my skin a bit. Ripping off the helmet, her expression softened. I get that I was in a disguise but did she do this shit all the fucking time. The fact that she was immortal proved to be her saving grace, her temper annoying me. Pushing my irritation away, compassion had to come first.

"Who are you?" She demanded venomously, her pointed ears pinning back. "I won't be kidn-'' Showing her my wedding ring, curiosity twinkled in her eyes. Smiling warmly in her direction, my hands cupped hers. At least she calmed down, I mumbled to myself. Thinking about my introduction, one shot was all that I had in reality. If I got it wrong, his mother wouldn't like me.

"I am his wife. I am Ellasandra, an immortal just like you guys. I came to break you out so he could have a parent when I don't have one." I promised sweetly with a bit of bitterness, placing her hand on my bump. "You have a grandchild on the way and an adopted grandchild. Will you come with me to an island your husband could never reach you?" Waiting with bated breath, tears welled up in her eyes at the news. Cupping my face, an unfamiliar warmth washed over me. The last time I felt this was my mother's touch that day. Fighting back tears, violent sobs wracked my body. Tears soaked the wood underneath my feet, her dirty thumb wiping my tears away.

"I am Teina Dragonsmith, his mother." She introduced herself with a sad smile, her hand still resting on my bump. "I would love to come with you. I would love to be a part of your lives but an alarm will go off once you break me out. I don't need you to sacrif-" Fireboy stopped at the bottom step, his blade clattering to the ground. Running up to the cage, Flames picked up his blade in his teeth as he hugged his mother through the bars. Taking the chance to unlock the door, she collapsed into his arms. Tears soaked each other's shoulders while my scythe trembled in my hands. Hiding my eyes underneath my bangs, now wasn't the time to be jealous. Never again would I get to hold my father or mother. What I wouldn't give to hold them once more. Turning away, Flames dropped his blade at Fireboy's feet. Rising to their feet, a couple of scaly red fans appeared in her hands. Holding them over her head, the three inches I had on her wouldn't matter in a battle. Her strength surpassed mine by miles, another bout of jealousy burning in my eyes. Stop being a monster, I yelled at myself. Flames rubbed up against my legs, a crooked grin met my broken expression. Peeling off the armor, Fireboy and his mother looked back at me. Guards were fast approaching, two dragons roaring to life behind them. Noting my busted expression, Flames leapt onto my shoulders. Rubbing his head against my cheek, something about it seemed so familiar. Chanting a spell together, a circle glowed to life. My husband yanked me in, the dungeon faded away to a brimstone landscape. No one followed us, a blast of lava burst through the rock inches from me. A small scream burst from my lips as I jumped out of my skin, Fireboy catching me in his arms. Another blast shot into the smoky sky, my tail straightening out while my ears pinned back. Chuckling under his breath, my eyes narrowed in his direction. Hiding her smile underneath her hand, his lips kissed the top of my head. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, the hurt from watching him interact with his mother fading slightly. Where was my credit for finding his mother? I did the hard work not him, I thought bitterly to myself.

"Thank you." His mother thanked me with a tired smile, my expression softened at her kind words. "I can't wait to act as your mother-in-law whenever we get back to wherever we are going. It must be hard to not have any parents. I will step in as your mother. I promise to do the right things and take care of you as someone should have this entire time." Ignoring her words, a decaying castle sat in the distance, both of their faces lighting up at the sight of its ruins.

"We can camp here tonight and draw up a spell to get home in the morning." He announced, my crappy mood becoming worse by the second. A second mother wasn't what I needed, both of them crying out in protest as I leapt out of his arms. Walking forward in a brooding silence, I couldn't stand to look at them. Stepping into the ruins, a torched picture of his mother and a younger version of him made me feel worse. Turning back towards them, I excused myself to go explore the brimstone castle. Of course, he was royalty. Climbing the shady stairs, something caught my eyes. A door creaked open, a centuries-old bedroom greeted me. Another picture of his family stuck on the bare walls, his father's face had been scratched out. Curious as to what went down, Fireboy had to be angry enough to do this. Blood stained the walls, my lips pressing into a thin line. Sinking to my knees, this room screamed of his past. Tracing the bloodstain, footfalls scared the shit out of me. His mother sat down next to me, a dark regret dimming her eyes. Taking my hands, all of my anger melted away. Silent tears stained her cheeks, her arms yanking me into a motherly embrace. Sobbing onto her shoulder, all the agony of my life soaked her shoulders. How pathetic could I be?

"His father used to beat me up all the time. He took it upon himself to try and protect me all the time. One thing led to another and he had me imprisoned when he was thirteen." She wept softly, her tears soaking the top of my head. "He would get beaten with me and yet he never stopped defending me." Being in her embrace felt like a new warmth, her finger lifting up my chin. Scarlet colored my cheeks, her gentle smile melted my icy attitude towards her in seconds.

"Who would have thought that his wife would rescue me?" She gushed with newfound life, her hand falling on my small bump. "Who would have thought that I would get to see my grandchild? I will be there when you need me. You aren't alone anymore. I see a little bit of me in you. You have that crippling depression underneath that bright smile of yours. It doesn't go away but time has a funny way of healing things. Thank you for rescuing me. I can't stop saying that. If only I could break this bond with his father." An idea struck me, a spell coming to mind. Taking off her ring, my reaper's ability could break any bond. Cupping it in my palm, the metal began to melt. Seeing their string, a pair of sleek reaper's scissor's floated in front of me. Cutting the string of their bond, a sigh of relief poured from her lips as the ring decayed to ash. A loud scream echoed in my ear, a strong voice calling out for it to stop. Ignoring it together, her hands cupped mine. Flames cleared his throat, his mother exiting the room. Sitting a distance from me, his behavior threw me off. What was his deal? He probably was going to ream me out like usual, my ears waiting for the onslaught of stern words.

"I have something to tell you and I am afraid that you will lose your temper like you tend to do. Albeit, most of the time it is my fault." He breathed deliberately, resting his paw on his forehead like my father had always done. "I am your father. Flames died in the fire and he said I could use his body. I am so sor-" Surprise rounded his eyes at me the moment I clutched him close to my chest, tears of joy soaking the top of his head. Holding him out in front of me, it didn't matter that he lied. He had been there for it all, my lips kissing the top of his head feverishly.

"I love you, father. I don't care that you lied. You got to see me grow up. I should have known." Ib comforted the sobbing cat, his paws cupping my cheeks. "Flames proved to be a bit of a pushover and you tried to push me to do things I didn't want to do. Sorry for all the spats and sarcastic banter. You were still there for me. Who slept on my chest in the barn? Who sang me lullabies when I was younger? I can't be mad at my father for not leaving me. Like I said, I love you with all of my heart. Don't you forget that. Remember what you told me when I was younger." Licking my cheek, he leapt onto my shoulder. Part of me wanted to ring his tiny neck while the other side of me wanted to smother him with hugs. Struggling with the two different emotions, he needed me to be nice about it. Processing my emotions privately would be more ideal in this situation if I was being honest.

"What?" He purred sweetly, rubbing his head against my cheeks. Patting the top of his head, this moment felt so surreal. Holding in front of me again, his real smile never left his face. Living in the moment, he waited anxiously for me to answer.

"Family should give each other another chance unless abuse is involved." I chirped cheerfully, silent tears staining my cheeks. "You didn't hurt me so our relationship is back on. Besides, I am sure you had your reasons. What would yelling get done? I am happy you are back in my life. Let's relish the moment. Our lives are only immortal after all. What I will chastise you about is lying to you, you freaking idiot. You watched me mourn you since I was five. You could have said something. As a kid I would have protected you. Do you have critiques of me? That is only fair." Leaping out of my hands, he stood on my chest. Embarrassment burned my cheeks at his furry face being inches to mine. Regret dawned on me faster than I had planned, his regular speech attacking me.

"I don't like how you don't want to shirk your duties as the ruler of this kingdom and you know it." He barked impatiently, a fury burned in his eyes. "I don't understand why you can't be a queen or something. Do you think that hiding out is the best answer right now? You have to stop your brother from destroying the kingdom. If that involves killing him, then you have to do it." Pushing him off my lap, the floor cracked underneath me as I rose to my feet. Shit! Control your powers I growled angrily to myself.

"Why do I have to do it! I don't want to kill my brother! He doesn't deserve the crown, and I know that! You don't think I watched him climb up the ranks of royalty while my position got lower and lower! He made messes for me to pick up." I returned venomously, punching the wall. "I don't want to be the only leader. I want a council so everything is fair for everyone. I don't want a crown, only an elevated position. Is that too much to ask! I didn't hide my identity from my daughter. I was going to pretend to be okay with it all but no you had to bring that up. You always pushed me the hardest even though I was only five. Maybe my brother wouldn't so fucked up if you didn't give up on him!" Circling around me, his tail twitched irritably. Tears flowed freely from my eyes the moment he spat with me worse than we ever did before. Why was it always like it with us!

"I gave up on him when he almost killed your mother at the age of fifteen! He had a different mother because I had to be a promiscuous failure. She died during childbirth and I did my best to raise him but he kept hurting people and animals alike. Don't you dare lecture me until you have your own." He bellowed thunderously, my ears pinning back. "He tried to kill you as a baby and you were bleeding from your sliced throat! Then it healed itself. You are the one in the prophecy, the immortal one to save us all. Darkness and chaos will bathe the land with a brother's hands." Massaging my forehead, he spoke of this prophecy too many times. Calming down for a second, this couldn't be happening.

"Why us?" I asked brokenly, wanting freedom not this. "I didn't want it to be true. If I am going to do it, I am going to do it my way with a council so everyone has a choice. You win. See you downstairs." Wiping away the last of my tears, I left him to stew with our words. Wandering into another room, I needed to think alone for a second. My father was back in my life, his words confirming that his prophecy was real. Why did the world hate me so fucking much? All of me wanted to be selfish but I couldn't let darkness and chaos devour the kingdom. Footsteps echoed behind me, my temper flared up.

"Go away, F-" I shouted until Fireboy's arms wrapped around my shoulders. "Oh, it's you. How long did you know? Don't you dare lie." Refusing to look at him, he had kept it from me. Trust wasn't easily won by me, my tail twitching with irritation. Folding my arms across my chest, everything told me to run.

"He told me right before I helped you with my mother. We heard the whole fight. How is your hand?" He queried awkwardly, spinning me around. Cupping my shoulders, his loving gaze fell on my quivering eyes. Every breath grew shorter, my heart was seconds from pounding out of my chest. Clammy sweat drenched my skin, his voice fading in and out as the room spun around me. Nausea wracked my body, the urge to throw everything up forcing me to shove him away as I emptied my stomach's contents onto the floor. My face paled, his hands holding my hair back. Fuck this morning sickness. Sinking to knees, two Fireboys stood in front of me. Attempting to shake off the combination of morning sickness and the panic attack, nothing was helping. It was my freaking job to save the kingdom, the pressure weighing down on me. A couple of voices joined in, another bout of vomit splashing on the floor. Catching me before I fell, a rough darkness stole me away.

Snapping awake, the sound of waves crashing gave away my location. A migraine throbbed violently, another bout of nausea had me bent over a bucket. This felt worse than my first hangover, a guilt ridden Flames sat on the end of the bed. Cocking his head to the right, the death glare in my eyes told him to back the fuck up. Upchucking anything I had left, the lining of my stomach burned like never before. I hate this freaking morning sickness!

"Hear me out." He pleaded with his big cat eyes, my attitude souring further. "I am so proud of you. You must know that. I am sorry for not telling you. You have to forgive me." Narrowing my eyes in his direction, Vera poked her head in. My expression softened at the ginger candy in her palms, her nervous smile twitching on her lips. Bowing her head in shame, the way her new emerald dress brought out her hair made me reach out for her. Accepting the candy in her palms, her face lit up at me swallowing the horrid piece of candy. Doing little to help my stomach, my bright smile did little to fool her.

"Are you going to be okay?" She sighed tiredly, Flames watching from the end of the bed. "They never said how you passed out or why even?" Her vocabulary was beyond her years, her hands crossing with a nervous twitch. Playing with her hair, she snuggled into my palm.

"I had a bad bout of morning sickness. That is all, my dear." I promised her sweetly, the little girl not buying the excuse at all. "Sometimes that happens to expecting women. Now go play while I get some rest. The candy will help me feel better very soon. Thank you for caring." Kissing my forehead, she bounced out of the room. Hot vomit flew up my throat again, the chunks hitting the bottom. Wishing that it would stop, my patience was wearing thin.

"Your mother had it that bad too. She couldn't leave her bed quite a bit." Flames admitted sheepishly, walking up the spot next to me. "I will go find a natural medicine of sorts. Hold on tight, little kitty." Crimson colored my cheeks at my childhood nickname, my hand patting the top of his head. Jumping off the bed, his tail was the last thing I saw. Seconds from laying down, his mother knocked on the door frame, a cup of tea steaming in her hands. Rolling my eyes at how beautiful she looked in her brand new ruby silk robe, her perfect hair had been twisted into a neat bun with a couple of strands hanging in her face. The silk hung off her shoulders with ease, a warm smile spreading across her lips. Her heels clicked towards me, something else catching my eyes. A bowl of ruby dragon berries rested in her other palm, guilt eating at me. Why was it so hard to be nice to her at times! What is freaking wrong with me!

"I brought the tea that kept me from suffering from morning sickness with Phoenix in my womb. The berries will give you the nutrients you need." She offered sincerely, placing the simple white tea cup into my trembling palms. "I see that you have a hard time trusting anybody at this point but try to trust me. You did save me after all, didn't you? You are carrying a dragon warrior mixed with reaper's powers. Let me take care of y-" Stopping her hand from feeling my forehead, every cell in me wanted to be alone. Fighting the urge to push her away, I took a long sip. The stomach pain faded to nothing immediately, childlike wonder brightened my eyes. Gulping it down, his smiling mother setting the bowl of berries on my lap. Trying one, a sweet but tart flavor coated my tongue. Craving more, embarrassment painted my cheeks at the empty bowl.

"I couldn't help but notice that you don't eat that much. We need to keep you on a steady diet to feed the baby." She gushed with an even brighter smile, her hand resting on my bump. "I will be back later with more tea to keep the pain away. Try to stay calm and avoid those panic attacks. My arms are always open wide for you my dear." Vessel hovered in the door, his eyes never leaving Fireboy's mother. The mattress creaked as she stood up, her shoulder brushing his on the way out. Following her, that guy was certainly shameless at times. Curling into a ball, tears soaked my pillow. A chair being dragged to the edge of the bed, an exhausted Fireboy took my hands while sliding a mint into my mouth.

"What am I going to do with you?" He joked tenderly, my ears flattening. "Thank you for finding and freeing my mother from her bond with my father. Promise me you won't do that with me. How are you holding up? That panic attack was rather serious. It was almost as if you saw two of me. Do you want to talk about it?" An oppressive silence hung over us, my lips pressing into a thin line.

"Do you remember the famous prophecy that said an immortal angel will take down the evil brother?" I answered cautiously, his head nodding. "That immortal angel is me and if I don't kill or stop but my brother his darkness will bathe the land. That asshole is my brother for real. The dumb cat is my father but you already knew that. What am I supposed to do? A dragon warrior reaper child is growing in me and I can't seem to get out of my head. I am a f-" Kissing me hungrily, my downward spiral stopped. Time stopped, his hands cupping my face while his tongue danced in my mouth. Letting me go, a goofy grin dawned on my lips.

"Let's rule together with your dream council then." He suggested with his trademark crooked grin, his hand falling on my bump. "I would love to have some peace in my life. For now relax and enjoy the ocean." Peeling off his boots and jacket, he slid into bed next to me. Draping his arm over my bump, his grip grew stronger. Brushing his lips against the nape of my neck, his touch felt like home. Whispering the word sleep into my ear, sweet slumber stole me away along with him.