
The beginning of a huge loss

Yuta grabs his phone and decides to read some creepy pasta.Yuta goes to the comment section as he's ready to go to bed. He gets curious as he sees a comment. His eyes intensely focuses on the comment." You should really do a documentary about SCP-457" Yuta laughs at the comment as he says that SCP stuff are lame and not scary."yawn " Yuta places his phone down and goes to sleep. Cough.. Cough... "What is this smell, " what the heck is this! "Yuta looks around to see his room on fire. He merely had time to think but something told him to rush towards his little brothers room." Little brother where are you?" Yuta remembers that his little brother slept in his mom's room, he rushes towards his mom's bedroom."The door is locked, why now why now! " he breaks the door open with his bare fists in panic."No no... this can't be" Yuta falls on the floor as he sees his little brother and his parents burning on the bed. As he cries on the floor the fire becomes worse and planks and doors start to fall down."This can't be this can't be theres no way, " mom... dad... brother..."Yuta run towards the hallway while being angry at himself for not being able to prevent this.