
Fire Within Me (Book 1)

Kelvin lives a boring life. An orphan child that grow up with his auntie, he longs for an exciting life. Until he enters a world were nightmares exist. Getting powers he didn’t know and he have and a prophesy to fulfill or he will die. Is he the one of the four that the Diwatas are waiting for? Or another fatal failure? This is a reboot of my earlier work, hope you like it

PaoNel0408 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


That scream nearly kills me. He really is scared to death that he throws anything at me, those books, pillows and that damn chair. He cried for security while I am trying to calm him down. Fudge if Lights sees us like this he will castrate me.

"Don't you dare touch me, lady security! Janice! Anyone help me, there is a pervert in here!" Oh please shut up

We hear someone coming, and there are a lot of them... Dr. Gainza, Dr. Caday, Janice and oh no... Light. He said that he needed to investigate more, I'm so dead.

"Stay the hell out of me! No more fucking guys! Get out!" Eric is beyond hysterical right now so Dr. Caday orders us to go but Janice stays. When the door close we heard Eric sobbing that it breaks my heart to hear, Dr. Gainza grips my arm tightly.

"What the hell are you doing in there?! Did you know that men are forbidden to enter in that room! For fuck sake are you even thinking?! I'm going to fire your sorry ass you little piece of sh---"

"Dr. Fernando Gainza! Please shut up and calm down, let me handle this." Dr. Caday said to him.

"Oh you really going to handle this, you hired him Dave and he is your responsibility." Dr. Gainza walk out of the hall like a drama queen.

"He is the androphobic one? Do you have a plan on fucking telling me this! You are so dead." Light are so mad at me that his lights are seeping out of his body.

"You are not helping Light. Kelvin what are your plan for this?" Dr. Caday calmly asks me.

"I—I don't know, help me please ..." My heart is breaking, I can't even kiss him. I already have affection to him but I am afraid to love him, knowing that I can't even prove that he is my Iroga.

"Pray to Mapolan, pray for her guidance and she will help you." Light said to me.

"Who is Mapolan?" I ask them.

"Of course she will help you. She is the Goddess of love and protector of lovers. Just prove to her that you love him." Dr. Caday said to me.

"Thanks Dr.—"

"Just call me Dave, and don't mention it." He said.

Dave assures me that he will help me with Eric as long as he can. Light just smirk and say "Good luck Kelvin I heard he got a dirty mouth." and laughs. As they go back to the morgue I walk into my room thinking what they said about Mapolan. Will she hear my prayer?

I am in my bed staring in the ceiling pondering what I will do so she can hear my prayer; my roommate is still not here so I can do it now but how? The heck with it... I kneel to ground at my bedside and pray the normal way. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe.

"Um, good evening Mapolan? How will I say this? I need your help, desperately. I like someone but he is afraid of me, He is possibly my Iroga but I can't even tell because I can't kiss him yet. Is there anything that I can do, anything... just please help me." I open my eyes and see nothing.

"You know if I love someone I can do anything for them..." Fudge I can't think of anything to say.

"I want to love him but I am afraid..." damn that is the wrong thing to say...

"I like him and I cared for him. I promise that if you help me I will love him for the rest of my life so please... I am begging you. As a person who needs guidance for love, I need yours my goddess." I pray for the whole night until my voice is raw and nothing happens. My tears starting to flow as my hopes started to disappear every second. My roommate saw me crying in frustration and asks me what is wrong. I told him nothing and hide my face with a pillow and drifted to sleep.

When I woke up I know there something happens with my surrounding. I feel like I am content with my life for the first time, I feel loved and cared for. That someone out there loves me for who I am. When I about to sit up, I found a woman standing in front of me that I startled. She smiles at me and sit beside me. She looks so young yet her demeanor shows maturity.

"Hello kelvin, it is nice to finally meet you. I'm Mapolan and I'm here to answer your prayer." She said as she touch my heart and close her eyes. I am speechless seeing a deity beside of me, touching me.

"Aaahh the feeling of affection and love, I will never get used to this." She sighs and smiles at me. She looks like a mother, a young mother.

"uhhm.... Thank you?" I said to her wondering what is going on.

"You know that there is many of us right? Deities in the Kaluwalhatian, they are all watching over every mortal. But not all of them will guide you to the right path, so be careful and don't pray randomly." She said to me seriously.

"You're telling me this why?" I said.

"Some gods just wants to help but others just want you in their debt, especially you're a Four child." She said to me.

"And what do you want?" I ask her.

"Unfortunately I'm here for both of them."

"Can I ask why?"

"Technically you are not lovers yet and your patron god is Bathala, but I saw your love for him blooming that draws me in so I will help you. But I need your help too something that only mortals can do." She said. "You know what the only thing we can't do?"

"No I don't know. What is it?"

"We can't interfere in the mortal's fate, when Bathala gave mortals free will, we deities can't control what your decisions and your future. All we can do now is watch, help you and guide you but nothing else. But there is a loophole..."

"You can ask mortal to do the interference." I said to her, as I learn what she wants me to do.

"Exactly... so I need your help."

"OK, what will I do?"

"I need to formulate a plan before I tell you. As of now I will answer your prayer."

"Can you help Eric to conquer his fear?"

"I can cure him of his phobia but his wariness of male will still be a burden to him. It is up to you to help him trust human male again." She said to me smiling.

"Thank you very much, goddess."

"No need to thank me, I need your help too. Goodnight Kelvin may your adventure with love flourish." She said as she kisses my forehead and I fall asleep instantly.