
Fire Emblem: The Lion's Blade

A young man with black hair is reincarnated into the world of Fire Emblem. Born in the kingdom of Bern, he chases his dream of being the strongest.

ironictw1st · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chapter 8: First Real Fight!

[Host has received a quest]

[Quest Name: Bandits Be Gone!]

[Description: Host must slay or incapacitate the bandits in the camp. There are none that shall stand in your way as the strongest!]

[Special Objective: Kill the Berserker without any help.]

[Quest Rewards: Please Complete to See Them.]

[Failure: Death of Host. Destruction of the Elibe Continent.]

'Wow that special objective. System why do you want me dead?'

This popped up at the gate as my party members met up. I look around and see that everyone is here and nod my head.

"Okay everyone. Here's the plan. No one get involved unless you see me in trouble. I want to test my limits!" With a determined face I look at the group. "Alright kid if you think you can handle it, I'll let you try it. Especially with the way you treated me in the bar."

"Lloyd that means leave the Berserker too. Let me see how long I can last against them!"

Lloyd looks at me with a intense look in his eyes. I look into his eyes and don't look away. He nods his head. "As soon as you're in trouble I'm stepping in."

"Now since we're done with that… let's get going." I say looking at the group. I start heading out the

gate confidently.

After about 10 minutes I turn back to Lloyd. "Which way was the camp Lloyd?"

Lloyd looks at me for a moment while I'm smiling at him. He sighs and points towards a direction.

"Thanks, big bro!"

I start heading out that way.

We reached the bandit camp at night. We can see torches surrounding the camp and along the wall.

"Uhai how many are up on the wall?"

He looks up at the wall and his eyes get a sharp glint in them. "2 bandits. Both drunk off their ass. Easy enough to get inside and out."

"Legault sneak inside and get their valuables. I'll make some noise for you." I say with a grin on my face.

I try to rush in but Lloyd put's a hand on my shoulder.

"Percy. Think about what you're doing. You're about to rush into a bandit camp where you only know two are drunk. You didn't even check to see whether it was bait or anything of the sort. So try it again."

"Sorry Lloyd…"

I look towards the camp to see if there's anything that stands out.

"The wall is made of wood. There structures inside the camp are made of wood as well. Should we burn it? But if we do that there might be civilians inside that might get hurt…"

"I got it! Uhai pass me your bow and an arrow. Do any of you have any alcohol in your bags and rags?"

Uhai and Lloyd look at me skeptical. "When did you learn to use a bow?" Lloyd asks and Uhai nods.

"I haven't yet. I just watched Uhai do it." I say as I finish wrapping the arrow with the rag and dipping it in alcohol.

"Wait if you haven't trai-"Before Lloyd can finish his sentence I launch the arrow at my target. It connects with the torches hanging off the side of the wall. A minor fire starts on the wall. I start moving to the opposite side of the fire and wait for some sort of alarm or people to start moving towards the fire.

After a few minutes I can hear "FIRE!" and "KEEP IT DOWN DON'T WAKE THE CAPTAIN!". As soon as I hear that I move towards the wall and start to scale it. 'That surprisingly wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.'

I look down towards the buildings and see a few bandits running towards the fire. I hop down from the wall and land on top of bandit. My sword penetrating his neck. "Shit."

[Host has slain a bandit and received +2 Speed and 60 Experience. 10 System Points gained.]

Looking around I see 3 bandits around me. They look stunned seeing a kid standing on top of their friend with a sword through his neck. "Wha-"Before that bandit could finish his sentence I move forward and shove my sword through his mouth.

[Host has received +2 Speed and 60 Experience. 10 System Points gained.]

[Level Up!]

[HP + 2]

[STR +2]

[MAG +1]

[SKL +2]

[SPD +1]

[LCK +2]

[DEF +1]

[RES +1]

'That's a great level up!' I think as I move quickly towards my next target who managed to pull his weapon out to defend himself. He tries an overhead slash, but I sidestep it and send an elbow into his defenseless chest. I step back and then lunge forward with a piercing strike into his heart killing him instantly.

[Received +2 Speed and 30 Experience. 10 System Points gained.]

'That's 6-bonus speed so far. System show me my speed.'

[Host's Speed is 27.]

'Holy shit that's above Karel's speed in the endgame of Binding Blade! I should be able to handle that berserker no problem! Wait don't get cocky deal with the problems here now.'

I look towards the last bandit, but he isn't there.

"Shit!" I got caught up in my thoughts again! I rush past the dead bodies and head towards the biggest building I see.

"The Berserker should be here…"

I look at the building and hear grunting inside. 'Great just what I wanted. I'm going to have to go in there during that aren't I…'

Looking around I see a torch. Coming up with a plan I grab it and move towards one of the windows.

Using the hilt of my sword I break the window and toss the torch inside.

After a few moments of waiting a burly man walks out with his pants on and his axe in his hands.

"Which one of you idiots threw a torch in my room!" He yells out in a fury. Taking the opportunity that he's distracted I rush forward and go for his neck. He turns his head slightly and sees me coming at him and raises his axe to intercept. 'Tsk, he's much stronger than me. I have to use my speed to my advantage.'

I stop rushing in and stand looking at him with my sword in my hand. He rushes at me with an overhead slash. 'Shit he's fast!' I step to the side getting hit in the right arm.

[Host has lost 10 HP.]

I take the hit and then go to pierce his side with my blade.

The sword pierces his side and he stumbles backwards. I also step back to watch his next move.

I dash forward and use the first form of the Lion King's technique. I put the blade in front of me and the Berserker raises his axe in response. We both get a feral smile on our faces. My blade starts gaining energy around it as it sharp point. The berserker starts his swing but freezes. The berserker realizing his mistake tries to act, but it's too late and the sword pierced his chest. I look at the corpse and notice 4 holes along with the place my blade pierced him.

[Host has killed the leader of the Bandit Camp. Host has received +2 Speed and 200 Experience. 200 System Points gained.]

[Level Up x2!]

[HP +4]

[STR +3]

[MAG +3]

[SKL +3]

[SPD +3]

[LCK +2]

[DEF +2]

[RES +2]

'A great level up again. Soon I'll be one of the best!'

I pull my blade out of the berserker and look for the remaining bandits. I quickly dispatch them without any of them getting away.

[Host has completed the quest. Host has received 300 Experience for killing the remaining bandits. Host has received 200 Experience for completing the mission. Host receives an extra 400 Experience for completing the bonus objective.]

[Host has received the Tellius Wind Edge x1 and Sword Avoid +20 Skill x1.]

[Host has received Master Seal x1 and Colossus Skill x1 for completing the Bonus Objective.]

[Level Up! x9]

[HP +18]

[STR +17]

[MAG +15]

[SKL +15]

[SPD +16]

[LCK +12]

[DEF +9]

[RES +8]

I returned to Lloyd after I was finished and looked at him. His face was filled with amazement, but he fixed his stare on my wound. "Teodor use your staff to heal him." He looks at me again and shakes his head. "Good job, but next time try doing it without getting hurt you idiot."

After Teodor healed my wounds we went looking for anybody that were kidnapped. We escorted them back home and returned to the camp. Legault grabbed all the gold he could carry. Lloyd said we'll send someone else to come pick it up later.

(Lloyd POV)

Watching Percy and Linus fight is always worrying. They always rush in without a plan. At least he decided to finally use his brain here.

I look towards him and he started running towards the Berserker.

Sigh. 'Looks like some things don't change.'

I start to move closer but see the axe slash Percy's arm. When Percy got hit his aura changed and he got into a strange form I haven't seen him use. Behind him is the image of white lion roaring. It appears I'm not the only one who noticed it. The berserker that's facing him pauses the moment he sees it. The sword pierces through the berserker's chest, but rather than a sword connecting it looked like a lion ripping a chunk of out his flesh.

When I close my eyes and look back at the scene the lion is gone and Percy's sword is through the berserker's chest.

'Look's like we just received another monster…'

Lloyd sighs to himself and shakes his head.

'It doesn't matter as long as we're together as a family.'


On the day we returned I noticed a pale, black haired woman following Brendan around. 'Looks like Sonia is already here.' Behind her is a 6-year-old girl with green hair. Looking at her I can see that she isn't as well fed as a child is supposed to be. Along with them is a twenty or so blue haired woman. I can feel the magic emanating from here. Looks like Ursula is already a Valkyrie and quite capable at that. Looks like Nergal is already acting. Sonia might be a problem if she can sense magic, but she won't have the power to act here until a couple years in the future. I can take him though with the support I have behind me.

Don't worry, Nino, I'll make sure your potential shines through no matter what that morph has planned for you. Especially since you'll be helping me in the future against Nergal.


Stats For Anyone Curious

Percival Reeds



Class / Level: Myrmidon / 17

HP: 49/49

SP: 40/40

STR: 37

MAG: 28

SKL: 38

SPD: 40

LCK: 27

DEF: 24

RES: 14

CON: 5

Here is the final chapter for today!

3 of 3!

Tomorrow it'll most likely be just one chapter.

ironictw1stcreators' thoughts