
Fire and Roses at Firewell High

Moving to New York was supposed to be a fresh start. Until I attracted the attention of the school psychos. Dexter. Axel.Jasper. Callix. Romeo. They become my latest obsession. But I'm being hunted. Hunted cruelly by someone who wants revenge. Why ?. I have no idea. The worst thing about it all is I have to rely on five strangers to save me. Nothing could go wrong right ?

tma281372 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs





"It's just me" I whispered quietly. 

Midnight's body instantly relaxed, almost like I soothed her.

 Flicking my eyes to her mirror, I glanced at her.

 "Who did that?" I asked curiously, feeling a type of anger slithering into my body.

 No one hurts Midnight, not like Lila. 

"I have no idea", she whispered quietly.

 "It's in my lipstick," she said palely.

 "You live here with just your aunt, right?" I asked, covering every base.

 She nodded. 

As Midnight's tears flowed uncontrollably, I tried to calm her down, softly stroking her blonde hair.

"I'll clean it off. Go get into bed, Shadow," I whispered, hoping to soothe her.

 But she only seemed to get more distressed as she cried out, "Who did this?".

As I scanned the room, my eyes landed on the slightly open window.

"Did you open that window?" I asked, hoping to get a clue.

 Shadow shook her head, her expression a mix of fear and confusion.

I guided her to the bed with utmost care, hoping to give her a sense of safety amidst the strange situation.

Sitting beside her, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

 The room was dimly lit, with only a small lamp casting a warm glow across the space.

Midnight lay beside me; she looked up at me with sleepy eyes.

 "Do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?" I asked her, my voice barely above a whisper.

I couldn't explain why I said it.

 Romance was no longer part of my life since the only woman I had ever loved left me.

 But as I watched Midnight, I knew I couldn't leave her alone.

 I could feel her anxiety melting away as she settled in under the covers, still holding onto my hand.

I smiled at her, hoping to convey the reassurance I felt at that moment.

As she drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but stare at

 her. She looked so peaceful, so innocent.

I stroked her hair back from her grey eyes, feeling a sense of protectiveness wash over me.

 Soon, she'd fallen asleep, still clutching my hand.

 I stared at her and stroked some more hair from her

 angelic face.

 From my position, I knew someone was at the door. 

 Dex spoke quietly, his voice barely audible.

 "That's the first time I've seen that look on your face since Dehlila," he remarked, his deep blue eyes fixed on me.

I maintained my composure and responded calmly, "I won't

 hurt her."

 Despite knowing her for only a day, this girl had already captivated me in a way that was hard to explain.

 Maybe it was because of Lila, but it didn't matter at that moment.

I craved her.

 I was determined to avoid making the same mistakes again.

 I couldn't let what happened to Dehlila happen to Midnight.

Dex seemed to understand my intention and replied, "I know."

 It was a relief to hear his support.

 Feeling a sudden urge to protect her, I gestured to the long mirror and said, "Or let anyone else."

 Standing up, I walked towards the window and shut it, checking that everything else was locked up. 

Dexter's eyes turned a darker shade of blue, and I sensed anger simmering within him.

 "Who did this?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

 "I have no idea," I admitted.

"We all protect her," he said, finishing up by grabbing some wipes.

 He seemed distracted as he angrily wiped the lipstick off her mirror.

 I grunted. 

He was the boss, but when I looked at Midnight Ellison, my whole body warmed a feeling I'd never thought I'd get. again.

Romance. I could see myself falling for Midnight. 

I told the boys about the mirror on our way home after we

 had thanked Aliza.

 They were all furious.

 Even Jasper clenched his fists.

 That was good enough for me. 

Midnight had come into our lives for a reason—one I was still determining, but oh well.

 Maybe it was a second chance to change what had happened with Dehlila. 


The next day, I grabbed my black hoodie and waited patiently for Dex to pull up. 

Axel stood beside me as we waited.

Midnight was running through my mind profusely.

 Dexter pulled up with a sharp look as he rolled down his Land Rover's window. 

"Get in," he managed quietly.

 As I got into the back seat, I glanced outside as the rain began to patter on the car's tinted windows.

 "We look out for Midnight today; Romeo and Jasper have the same message: No one touches her. I've sent out some of our boys to assess what happened last night, who was in the area, and all that," managed Dex in a dark tone. 

"She's been in the town 24 hours. Who could want her?" asked Axel, finding himself confused.

 But it was a question directed to himself rather than us.

 Pulling up at school, we all headed to our first class. Jas and Romeo met us on the way.

Romeo, Dexter, and I headed inside, muttering quietly. 

Midnight was stood Selena and her girls surrounding her

 and I grimaced.

 Axel stormed forward.

 "You stay away from Midnight, got me "he growled, causing some girls to shrink back with panic. 

"I was just having a bit of fun. You should try it sometime," smiled Selena, slithering her bony little hand down Axe's arm.

 He wouldn't take well to that.

 Suddenly Axel gripped her chin, causing her to squeal in shock." You touch Midnight again, and I'll fucking rip off your fake eyelashes one by one and then break your face and make it unrecognisable", he hissed, causing Sel's light green eyes to gleam, with worry. 

Axe grinned terrifyingly and grabbed Midnight's arm.

 "You've been warned, Selena. You know who we are" said Romeo, flicking his gaze over to Midnight to check that she was okay.

 She sat down between Axel and me after Selena had stormed out of class. 

 "Thank you", she mumbled, gnawing at her lip.

It was a flip from last night, and her confidence was gone. 

"Anytime stunner," stated Axel, his amber-fire eyes glowing as he adjusted his black T-shirt, which showed off all his tattoos.

 I couldn't relate. 

 Hopefully, Selena would heed our warning.

 She didn't want to mess with the Rose boys; no one did.

 Although we owned the school, soon we'd own the city. 






 As I mulled over Selena's words, I mentally tossed them back and forth like a game of ping-pong.

 She had made it crystal clear that Romeo was off-limits, and any attempt to get closer to him would have consequences.

 Great, huh? 

I decided against discussing it with the boys, knowing they would go ballistic.

 However, I felt a sense of comfort and protection in Axel's presence.

Glancing at them all, I looked at Callix and asked, "What's our next lesson?" He smirked, his eyes trained on me, making me feel both intrigued and uneasy.

 "Biology, but break first," he said quietly.

I turned to whisper a grateful "thank you" before facing the front again, trying to concentrate on the lesson.

 I felt his gaze on me, but we both seemed to acknowledge an unspoken rule of not looking at each other.

When the class ended, I walked to the cafeteria with the boys.

 We found Dex and Jasper sitting at a table that offered a clear view of the busy cafeteria.

 It was apparent that this table had been chosen strategically to keep an eye on things. 

 I was about to leave feeling awkward when Romeo appeared next to me with his signature smile and put his arm around me.

 "Come on, beautiful, you're with us,"he said, looking at me with his captivating green eyes.

 I mustered up a weak smile and sat between Romeo and Callix.

 I took a moment to scan the room, observing the boys engrossed in their own little conversations.

 My curiosity piqued, and I examined their trays, wondering what they had decided to have for lunch.

As I looked around the table, I noticed that everyone had different kinds of food on their trays. 

Dexter's burger was drenched in grease and accompanied by a can of Coke. 

Meanwhile, Jasper had an untouched salad, and his eyes darted nervously around the room as if eating was a crime.

 Axel had a pack of cigarettes and some cheesy fries on his tray while Romeo was wolfing down his hotdog and chips with abandon, a grin spread across his face.

 Seeing someone so unapologetically themself was refreshing, and I couldn't help but appreciate Romeo's carefree attitude. 

Callix had a sandwich and a can of Coke, which remained untouched.

Despite their differences in food choices, there was an undeniable connection between them all.

 As my mind wandered back to the previous night, I

 remembered how Callix had helped me sleep; maybe the boys weren't that bad after all.

 Looking up at him, I managed a weak smile.

 He looked at me knowingly, a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips. 

He knew what I wanted to say.

 He just had that sort of vibe.

His baby blue eyes shined with contentment, and

 his happiness made me happy for some reason. 

Turning to Dexter, I eyed him cautiously.

 "You know you don't have to keep me here because of what I saw yesterday. I won't tell anyone", I managed to say, finally biting into my apple. 

 A smirk kicked up on his terrifying mouth.

 "Oh, I know you won't say a word", he stated, sounding so sure. I scoffed. 

"Ignore him, baby; he's just in a mood today. Bad night, his whore rejected him", smiled Romeo winking at me. 

A small laugh came out involuntarily.

 Romeo smiled at me.

 Dexter studied him with a look that could cut through glass. Fuck. 

"I don't have time for your petty remarks today, Summers," managed Jasper, pushing his tray away and standing up.

 He was wearing a blue shirt and black jeans today. 

 With the top button undone, he was the definition of beautiful.

He stormed off, and I glanced at Dexter because he seemed to understand him the best. 

"You think I'm bad, Jasper is your most terrifying nightmare when he's mad" he stated.

Dexter's words sent chills down my spine.

 His serious tone and unwavering gaze made it clear that he wasn't joking.

He casually grabbed a few fries and popped them into his mouth as if what he had just said was nothing unusual.

 I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach as I mustered the courage to ask what I'd seen yesterday.

Romeo, who was utterly absorbed in his phone, finally looked at me.

 "Jack was stealing from us. He needed to be taught a lesson", he said, shrugging.

 "So, did you actually kill him?" I asked quietly.

Axel placed his rough, calloused hands on my face and told me not to worry.

 Despite my curiosity, I knew better than to push any more.


We got up, and I headed to Biology with Axel and Callix.

 Jasper was already sitting at the back, scowling at me as we entered, and I didn't dare look at him. 

He scared me more than anyone.

 Axel and Callix put me between them so I didn't have to sit next to Jasper.

I felt terrible for Callix because he did. 

Drawing a body diagram, I looked for a rubber in my bag.

 I couldn't find one.

 A rubber appeared on my desk, and I looked around.

 Callix was busy drawing something from his bio book, and Axel listened intently. 

I met Jasper's stormy eyes and shrunk further into my seat.

 "You're welcome," he said, tilting his head slightly.

 I mumbled a thank you and used the rubber, pushing it across the table towards Jasper.

 He snapped it up instantly, and I shot my gaze to the board. 

 I needed the bathroom; I was desperate.

 I should have gone during the break but was too busy with the boys.

 Putting my hand up, I felt the boy's gaze flick to mine. 

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked.

 The teacher, Miss Jones or something, nodded, and I rushed out. 


Opening the doors to the toilets down the corridor, I glanced around.

 The toilets stunk of old urine and had tissue splattered on the walls. 

I walked into the bathroom and immediately noticed the unpleasant smell.

 I realised the sanitary bins had been knocked over in all three stalls.

 I held my breath and covered my nose with my sleeve, trying to avoid inhaling the smell. 

Suddenly, the bathroom door creaked open, making a grating sound.

 I turned around to see Selena, accompanied by a group of girls, entering the bathroom. 

One of the girls approached me, and I recognised her from my math class.

It was Laina, and she had a wicked smirk on her face that made me feel uneasy.

Her brown hair was high, and her green eyes hissed at me like a snake. 

"You've fucked with our girl. Now we are going to fuck

 with your face", she snapped, striking a punch to my stomach. 

 I had no time to defend myself.

 I cried out, trying to gain some attention from someone outside.

 But it was no use. 

Before I knew it, they were all kicking and hitting me.

 I felt the blood spurt from my nose.

 I tried to fight back, even getting a punch on one of the girls.

 Before everything went black.