

In an attempt to evade his maternal curse, the fearless demigod and king of Middleton stumbles onto a more heartless curse, the Pandora's curse. He must hunt down his twin born in a Time not his own and out of his reach. THE CURSE CRAVES THERE BLOOD Follow the journey of Anqa and Aaron as they fight to evade their father's wraith and end the curse that torments the balance of time itself. HAPPY READING

Dark_jasper · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


Aaron woke up feeling dizzy.

"Crap, it's 12 already", he mumbled rubbing his face with his palm then running it through his blond hair.

'I've never slept this long before and how come I don't remember shit from last night ' he wondered as he got up from his bed.

"Sup Maurice, watchu staring at?", He called out to his cat who was sitting on a shelf staring at him with it's large gold eyes.

"Tsk you'll never change will you. Always staring. Any chance you knew what happened last night?", He asked walking into his bathroom. He wasn't expecting an answer. Maurice just jumped down from the shelf and walked up to the front of the bathroom and lay there.

Aaron stood in front of the bathroom mirror, his blue eyes widened with fear,"Damn, w...what Happened last night", he stuttered. There were splashes of blood on his face and chest but he felt no pain so he knew it was not his blood. He was panicking now.

Then it all started coming back to him. He recalled going out with his friends, Brandon and Jacob to the club early last night. He remembered drinking a lot while his friends hailed his name. For some reason he has never gotten drunk since he started drinking no matter how much he drank. Then he remembers some thugs pushing his friend Bran in a dark alley. ' we must have been heading home I guess', he thought to himself. The same thug punched Jake who had rushed to retailate and he fell to the ground. Their were five of them. He remembers walking up to the thug and it all went black. He couldn't remember anything else. He was confused. ' did I pass out?', he asked himself still looking at the mirror.

Then it dawned on him, 'what if it was their blood ', he gasped in fear as he rushed back into his room heading for his phone as Maurice scampared away in fright. He dialed Bran's cell. It rang but he didn't pick up. Now he was terrified. He dialed again, still nothing. Then he dialed Jake instead with his palms now sweating and...

"Dude!" Jake exclaimed excitedly on the other side.

"Dude!!" He replied.

"Dude!!!" Jake exclaimed once more.

"Dafuq happened last night dude!! thought you was dead or some shit like that. Where tf is Bran?! He ain't picking his cell", he said pacing up and down in his room.

"Chilax bro, I think he's bathing. Last night was lit asf. The way you handled those thugs. You was a monster bro", Jake replied laughing hard.

"Whatchu talking about", he asked staring at his phone confused not sure if he was still speaking with his friend.

"What do you mean. You don't remember nothing? Well head on down to my crib I think Bran's got it taped", he said still sounding excited as he ended the call.

"Is he still drunk or something?", He asked himself still staring at his cell."oh well I better get there, my curiosity needs satisfying", he said as he walked back into his bathroom.

After a while he came out wearing a towel around his waist. Aaron was tall and broad shouldered, his abs firm. He wasn't too ripped but was fit. Some say he had the body of an Olympian God while others don't say anything, they just drool at the sight of him. If only he could find a girl who wasn't drooling all over him then he might have not been single.

Maurice was now on his bed napping. He quietly dressed up so he wouldn't wake him. Maurice had an attitude of following him around no matter where he was going even without his knowledge.

He opened the door quietly and sneaked out closing it slowly again. He quickly went downstairs. His chaperone has already made breakfast and had set it up on the dining table for him.

"Are you going out sir? Your parents called. They invited you for dinner", Winfred his chaperone called out as he took a bite out the pancake on the dining table and headed for the door.

"C'mon Winfred, what did I tell you about calling me sir ey? We talked about this", he replied not looking back as he went out of the door heading for his Lamborghini.

As he entered his car he noticed a black van behind him.'hmm, are they watching me?', he thought as he drove off heading for Bran's place. He noticed the van was still following him till he was getting closer to Brandon's place. The van then took another street.

"That was awkward", he said as he got out of his car and went inside. He spotted Bran and Jake staring into a phone they didn't even notice him walk in.

"Dayum, see how he sent that fucker flying

", Jake said pushing an ice bag on his face where he was punched.

He walked up behind them and peered into the phone to see what they were watching. There he was dodging punches at an alarming speed and bashing heads into walls. His mouth dropped open.

"Is that me?", He enquired.

Bran jerked up almost dropping the phone.

"Hell man!! don't be dropping in on me like that, you gone give me a heart attack", Jake screamed as he jerked back also.

"Was that really me in the video? I don't remember any of that", he said still confused.

"We should be asking you. Where did you learn to move let that bro?",Jake said as he dropped the ice bag on the table.

"Maybe he's been working out behind our backs. C'mon bro what's your secret. We need whatever juice you are on", Bran said playfully punching him on the shoulder.

"Me? Work out? You must be joking. You're forgetting am lazy asf", he said and they all started laughing.

"Well that's awkward yunno, the fact that you don't even remember shit from last night. You was in all up on their asses", Bran said sitting back down. Jake sat too.

"What was really awkward was some black van following me here then turning into another street when I stopped in front of your house", he said walking up in front of them.

"Damn, really? You better talk to your pops about it. Maybe his enemies are at it again", Jake said sitting up.

"Well am having dinner with em tonight so I guess I'll bring it up", he replied sitting down on the couch with them.

"Well let's forget about all that shit and talk about your big one nine coming up", Bran said standing up to face them both. He was talking about Aaron's 19th birthday that was coming up in 2 days. As they planned, Aaron's mind was elsewhere. What happened last night was still bothering him. 'And the black van, what was that all about', he thought....