

In an attempt to evade his maternal curse, the fearless demigod and king of Middleton stumbles onto a more heartless curse, the Pandora's curse. He must hunt down his twin born in a Time not his own and out of his reach. THE CURSE CRAVES THERE BLOOD Follow the journey of Anqa and Aaron as they fight to evade their father's wraith and end the curse that torments the balance of time itself. HAPPY READING

Dark_jasper · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

A Visit From The Past

"It lo...looks like a...a dragon?", Mist stuttered in disbelief. The pain ceased and they both let out a sigh of relief. The tattoo was ebbing red at first but then turned golden.

It started glowing, then everything froze except Anqa and Aaron. The cops froze midway as they wanted to get out of their cars. Edge was frozen in place too, his jaw ajar, astonished.

A dismembered body on the roof that was dripping blood into the pool making a popping sound ceased as a drop of blood stood mid-air. Their was no other sound except for their breathing. They looked around, confused as to what was happening. They were the only ones moving.

"Cyane? Ignis?", A deep voice called out from behind them. They froze as they heard the trotting of horse hooves . They slowly turned simultaneously to see what was behind them.

"You see this too right?", Aaron asked with his mouth gaping.

"If you mean the being with the head, arms and torso of an old man that is joined at the waist to the body and legs of a horse, then yeah. I guess am seeing what you're seeing", Anqa replied looking as stunned as him.

"Who are you calling an old man young lady? You can just say I'm at the peak of my youth", the being teased, pretending to be vexed. Anqa and Aaron just stood there astonished, still trying to make out what they're seeing. They could have ran away out of fear but they just fought a cyclops earlier so this was just normal to them.

"Oh my, look how much the both of you have grown", the horse-like man said trying to approach them, spreading his bare hairy arms for a hug but they both jerked back on instinct.

"Sorry where are my manners", it said covering it's face with it's large palm in annoyance.

"I'm Lord Nessus, a centaur, not just any centaur but the commander and general of the king's centaur army and also the great personal advisor of the great king himself, your father", Nessus said genuflecting, bending his forelimbs in a manner of kneeling briefly,"But I mean, you can just call me uncle Nessus or whatever you like", he giggled.

"hold on, go back a little bit, the great king? our fathers? I mean, I don't know about her father but if my old man is a king, might as well be the king of couches", Aaron said laughing out aloud.

"I never knew my father. Ra's is the closest thing I've got to a parent", Anqa said grimly, turning away. Aaron stopped laughing as he felt her.

"Well let's just say there's so many things you both don't know and that's why I'm here. And if am here then your birthmarks have been triggered", Nessus said, His hands akimbo.

" You mean this golden dragon on my arm and on her back?", Aaron asked looking at his arm.

"It was imprinted on you both when you were born", Nessus answered. Aaron opened his mouth to say something but Nessus interrupted him, " I know you've got a lot of questions and I'm going to try and answer them all if time permits. Firstly, you have to brace yourself for what am about to tell you", he swallowed hard,"The both of you are siblings, not just siblings but twins born to king Miguel of Middleton", he paused.

"hahahahaha me and her? Twins? That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. I don't even know her and I think she's tryna kill me or something", Aaron laughed out loud," wait, you are serious", he added when he saw Nessus was not laughing.

"How do I start explaining", Nessus muttered face palming himself,"This all may be hard to take in but I'll like to show you the answers to all your questions if you let me", he added stretching his hands forward, biding them to come closer. They both looked at each other. They were confused and curious so they had no choice and they both understood this. They walked closer to Nessus. As soon as they were close enough he touched their foreheads simultaneously with his index finger. They gasped as energy flowed through them. Their face turned upwards and their eyeballs glowed, Aaron's as blue as the sky in spring, Anqa's as red as glowing ember.

They saw vivid images of Middleton and all that has transpired before they were born with Nessus narrating in the background. They saw their birth and how Queen Arianna's birth bed became her death bed. They saw their father's furious stare as he tore the chains he was bind with. They watched him cut through soldiers like they were nothing. Finally they saw how they came to be in the present, the portal, Kairos dropping them off, Aaron was dropped at Mrs Johnson's bed side immediately after her new born breathed his last In the hospital, his blue eyes shimmering and Anqa was dropped off in the path of Ra's Al Gul the leader of the league of assassins as he was coming back from a mission deep in the southern mountains of Eth Alth'eban.

They both gasped as Nessus withdrew his fingers from their foreheads. They both were breathing hard, trying to catch their breath.

"Do you now believe?", Nessus said sternly folding his hands,"I know you still have many questions but my time here is up. I must leave you to meet you again soon, Sooner than you would imagine. But you have to listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you", he added as his body started fading. He was becoming translucent. They both looked on.

"You have to find the last seer of the sacred springs. She'll aid your journey. Then and only then can I reappear to this timeline. This book, the codex of time will aid your search for her", he said handing Aaron a thick black book," You are the world's only hope now. Farewell Cyane, farewell ignis...", He wiped off from existence in a gust of wind like he was never there.

Immediately he disappeared, the blood that was stuck mid air dropped into the pool in a popping sound. Time continued once more.

"Hands where I can see them!!", The cops shouted slowly approaching, pointing their guns towards them. Their were sirens everywhere flooding the night with it's constant blaring.

Edge was dumbstruck,' what just happened? I could have sworn they were both right in front of me', he wondered.

Aaron's hands were already in the air dropping the codex. Anqa slowly raised one hand as she used the other to reach behind her and grabbed a smoke bomb. She threw it hard on the ground and everywhere was enveloped in thick smoke.

"Don't *cough cough* move!!", A cop called out choking on the smoke as he waved off the smoke with his hand. When the smoke cleared of. Anqa and edge were gone. Aaron looked around confused.

"Aiish! They left me", he muttered frustrated, disappointed. He looked at his feet and there lay the sinister looking black codex....