
Fine, I'll be the Villain

A villain. Someone that has their own ideals to follow and has a protagonist to fight. That's how it should be, right? Yet he doesn't do any of that. He only has one goal in life: To survive. He was supposed to be a Third-rate Villain that was supposed to fight the protagonist over a woman. Yet memories from another world entered his mind and he found out that... The world he lives in is a novel and had a protagonist where everything is centered at. Was he bothered by it? No. Did he have an existential crisis? No Did he get angry? Perhaps. Was he gonna follow his fate and just rot away as an easily-forgotten Antagonist? "Hell no." * * * Notes: - The main character is Hans Lukeiss, he received memories from a person from another world. - Slow updates due to school - Be prepared for a ton of Edge and cringe - Cover is not mine. If you are the artist and want me to take it down, please say so.

Just_A_Student · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

A Good Show [2]

At the auction hall, a crowd of people was currently occupying the seats below.

Some people are still entering through the four entrances, while some had already taken the seat assigned to them.

Hans, however, was one of the few who was allowed to enter a compartment at the side of the auction hall where he can oversee everything from the top.

But of course, he was not alone. Other wealthy people like Rosalyne also took a compartment and were on the opposite side of the auction hall from Hans' room.

Looking below, Hans leisurely observed what was happening. However, if one were to take a closer look, one would easily find that Hans' eyes were moving from one place to another.

He was finding something or someone.

'As expected, he's not here.' Hans internally sighed.

The person he was trying to spot was none other than a member of Veritas. He was known as 'The Ghost'.

'If I remember correctly when he infiltrated Feiran, Quinn encountered him and used his skill to analyze him, and found that his name was... Erm... What was it again?' Hans tried to remember the man.

'Oh well, I'll just call him Mob#1.' He thought with a deadpan expression

His title was pretty self-explanatory enough. Basically, he has a [C] Rank skill that lets him disguise his presence and breath.

He won't turn invisible though. It was just a skill that erases his presence.

If one were to seat right beside him, and if one were to not look at him directly, then one would not notice, hear, see, or perceive him in any way.

Through observing where he is located is the only way to notice him.

But because he had also mastered assassination and infiltration, it was easy for him to hide his presence even more.

This is how he became a middle-rank member in Veritas.

After a few more minutes, everyone finally sat down in their respective seats.

The crowd was finally calming down as the voices of various people slowly died down.

Shortly after, a middle-aged man wearing formal clothing appeared on the stage. However, following right beside him was a mechanical parrot with a color of gold. One of its key features is its wings which radiate faint blue light when it flies and its eyes which glow bright blue.

Sitting on the middle-aged man's shoulder, the parrot, along with the man, looked at the people and started speaking.

"Welcome, everyone!" Due to a certain machine, his voice was amplified to be heard by everyone

"I sincerely welcome you all for tonight's auction here at the Sethun Auction House at Serton Borough." The man slightly bowed. "I know that most of you here do not want to hear idle chitchat, so let us get straight to the point!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would first like to introduce the items that will be held in tonight's auction!"

Shortly after saying this, a loud applause came from the audience.

Hans, who was listening from the top while sitting on a chair, gently clapped both of his hands together to make a faint clapping sound.

"Are you uninterested, young sir?" Arnold, who was standing behind Hans, asked.

"No..." Hans shook his head.

"I see..." Arnold said. He knows that Hans was a hundred percent not interested in the other items.

This made him wonder why Hans would even want to go here.

Gesturing his hand, the man on the stage made a gesture to make everyone quiet down.

"Alright then! Without wasting any more time, let us introduce our first item!" The man started introducing the first item.

Hans, who was not interested in such items, decided to stand up.

"Going anywhere, young sir?" Arnold asked

"No." Hans shook his hand. "I'm just gonna use the bathroom. Take note of anything interesting while I'm gone, alright?"

"As you wish." Arnold nodded

"Hum." Hans hummed as he left the compartment to go to the bathroom.

But of course, that was not his true intention.

Walking down the stairs leading to the ground floor, Hans walked leisurely without a care in the world.

It was then that a wind brushed off his shoulder as if another person was there.

"Huh?" Hans looked around. "What was that?"

After a few seconds, he shrugged. "Probably just the wind."

After saying this, Hans continued walking normally.

He didn't say anything for a full five minutes before opening his mouth and closing it again in the next second. 'Mob#1 should be on the move right now.'

He knows that the wind that he felt was The Ghost. 'Seriously, he fell for something like a wind as an excuse?'

'We're in a closed space, idiot.' Hans thought, trying his best to keep a deadpan expression and not smile. 'How can a strong wind possibly enter and reach us?'

Reaching the bathroom, he entered and first opened the faucet and drenched his hand. He then took a handful of water and splashed the tiled floor next to the door.

'Since I can't detect him, then might as well use the Cliché method to spot invisible enemies.' Hans thought before entering one of the stalls.

Sitting down on the closed toilet, he looked at the purple ring on his index finger and gently tapped it four times.

After a few seconds, the ring glowed and Hans closed his eyes.

Then, After a few moments, an item suddenly appeared on Hans' arm that resembled a potion bottle.

'Basic rules when facing a stronger enemy.' Hans smiled. 'Always buff yourself before the fight.'

* * *

"...And that concludes that items from the art section!" The man on the stage said.


Hans opened the door and saw Arnold greeting him. "Welcome back, young sir. As you requested, I have listed down some interesting items. Unfortunately, they all have been bought."

"Yeah, I figured." Hans said. Truth to be told, he just needed an excuse to leave earlier.

"Forgive me, Young Sir, but I happen to notice that it took you quite a long time in the restroom." Arnold said with a somehow understanding tone. "If Young Sir wants, I can buy you a good medication that works in less than 15 minutes."

"..." Hans looked at Arnold with a deadpan expression.

Just then, the man's voice on the stage was heard.

"Now then, everyone!"

"It's time for the items that I know you all have been waiting for!"

"The artifacts from Domains!" The man announced

Hearing this, Hans' curiosity was piqued as he listened to the auction. "Finally, something I'm interested in."

"For our first item—" The man started introducing the artifacts that were found in domains.

"The Glove of Zynos!"

"This artifact was excavated from a domain located in the Great Magna Mensa Desert, inside a tomb!"

"This glove right here lets the user have the ability to stick to any terrain by injecting mana into it."

"But beware, only those with Mana pools above Four stars can use this item."

Heading such an artifact, it naturally got the attention of many people. Now, they were all just waiting for the bid price.

"The starting price for this item is 7,000 Syli!"

"9,000 Syli"

"10,000 Syli!"

"14,000 Syli!"

The price kept getting much higher and higher as the second passed.

"And 18,00 Syli! Is there anyone else wanting?"

Just then, a voice came from the top of one of the compartments. "20,000 Syli."

Everyone looked at who it was and saw someone they could never forget. A blonde beauty drinking a glass of red wine was the one that made the bid.

Seeing them look at her, Rosalyne smiled as she drank wine. 'Such an artifact has a lot of uses. I will make sure to—'

However, as she was thinking about this another voice was heard.

"25,000 Syli." A dull and lethargic sound from a male was heard.

Some of the people looked at who it was and saw a young man with dark-brown hair and a bandaged face looking down at them with a dull expression.

Rosalyne, who instantly recognized the voice, looked at Hans. 'This guy...'

Looking at her back, Hans smiled as if provoking her for a mere moment before going back to his dull expression.

Seeing his smile, Rosalyne gritted her teeth as she smiled back with a forced smile. 'You wanna fight? So be it!'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Just_A_Studentcreators' thoughts