
Chapter 1 YONI

Yoni woke up to the same thing she's been waking up to for the past month. To say it didn't really have the same effect as the first time would be a down straight lie,she still gets that weird feeling inside that somebody's watching her

Yoni jumped still not knowing why she's getting scared of the same thing. It's like she knows somebody's taunting her but she can't help but to react I mean who wouldn't

She was just stuck sitting against her headboard until she came to the realization that something was touching her. All she could do was sit there and cry being to scared to move not knowing who or what was doing this to her

Then she heard laughing and all of a sudden everything disappeared all she could hear was footsteps

"We'll be back Yoni you know the drill don't get too comfortable" The same things she's been hearing for the past month. She couldn't see the person it was all a blur, so the only thing she could do was listen to them talk with that deep voice that could send shivers down anybody's spine

A whole month at this point Yoni actually considered filling up her room with crosses,holy oil, and pictures of Jesus . She wasn't much of a religious person but she'll change that for whatever these things are to leave her alone

She heard somebody bust in her room "Yoni get up bitch we finna go out today" she got scared but calmed down once she saw it was her cousin Kenna

"Dang Kenna don't just be busting in my room like that please." She hurried up and wiped her eyes not wanting somebody to question why she's crying, because then she would have to come up with a lie

"Girl shut up and get ready I got to go check this nigga for playing with me." Yoni just shook her head not knowing why Kenna still messed with her boyfriend of a year Jamari all they would do is argue and even sometimes cheat on each other.

She got up and and went to the restroom to get dressed. She decided to put on something simple a black graphic tee with Tupac on it with some blue jean short and her Black Cat 4s. After that she did the rest of her hygiene,she only had to style her box braids then she would be done

"Yoni hurry the hell up girl why it's taking you so long." Yoni rolled her eyes all she did was rush people "I'm coming Kenna where are we even going."

"To the basketball court that's where one of my homegirls say they saw him at." She was popping her gum and doing hand things while she talked. If you asked anybody they would say Kenna is the definition of ghetto sometimes people even called her a hoe

"I don't even know why you hang around those girls they messy as heck." Yoni been trying to tell her for some time those girls are weird. They the type to talk about behind your back,jump you, or sleep with your boyfriend

"Girl be quiet they my friends it's better then having no friends like yo antisocial ass now let's go." The only thing Yoni could do was roll her eyes.Kenna thought they were her real friends she thinks she fits in with them it's to the point you could even say she wants to even be like them.

Yoni walked downstairs looking for her mamma but couldn't find her, she was probably at work again. She got her a water and then they were on the way to the basketball court.

"Look at this nigga all up in this girl fa-Jamari don't make me embarrass you in front of yo friends." When Jamari saw her he rolled his eyes and just kept talking to the girl.

Kenna started running towards him and when she got close enough she swung and got him good in his lip. He was finna hit her back but one of his friends pulled him back

To Kenna it didn't matter if he hit or not the only thing she saw was red because she couldn't understand what he was doing"Kenna what you doing if he would've hit you you would've probably got knocked out." All Yoni could do in this situation was yell at Kenna not knowing why she was doing it and why her so called friends were hyping the situation up

"He think it's cool to be caked up in some other bitch face Yoni what you mean."  At this point everybody in the park was intrigued because of how big of a scene Kenna was making. " Me and you not even together you stupid ass bit-."

Yoni interrupted him she may not agree with Kenna but she couldn't let nobody call her out her name "I know you're mad but don't start calling her out her name please."

He just smacked his lips and wiped the blood off his lip. The only thing he could do was be quiet he actually liked Yoni,I mean who wouldn't she was probably the kindest person you would know

"Man I don't even know why i'm entertaining yo stupid ass we not even together." To say Yoni was shocked was an understatement she's over causing a scene for some dude that's not hers, it's like Yoni got second hand embarrassment from the situation.

Kenna was just shocked all she could do was go back to her car not believing he just said that to her. "Kenna where you going don't lea-." with that Kenna was already gone

"Dang she just left you like that and y'all supposed to be friends." One of Jamaris friends said while laughing, which caused all of them to laugh except for Jamari,some other boy and Yoni

In all honesty those three didn't find it funny how are you gonna get upset because you got embarrassed and it was your fault in the first place, then proceed to leave somebody who you wanted to come in the first place

How was Yoni supposed to get home she understood she was embarrassed but she didn't have to leave her like that. "Umm Jamari can you take me home please because as you can see I don't have a ride anymore."

"Yeah come on you but you go have to sit on somebody's lap cause we got a full car."

That was one thing Yoni hoped she could avoid, she didn't like anybody in her bubble so she was pretty sure somebody else didn't want her in their bubble

"I don't mind you sitting in my lap lil mamma cause you one fine piece of chocolate." I'm pretty sure if Yoni was lighter you would see her blushing. " Shut up Limo you always tryna run game on somebody."

He just smacked his lips and started walking to the car. "Since you gotta sit in somebody lap lemme introduce you to my people's this Limo,Nine,Demon,and Kadence." Everybody said hi except for Demon and Kadence "So who's lap am I sitting in."

The first person to raise their hand is Limo, but Jamari slapped him in the back of his head "Nope you might do some weird shit Yoni you sitting on Demon lap."

She looked at over at him and she could see him mugging her along with Kadence, who was trying to act like she didn't care,Yoni didn't know why she was mugging her but at this moment she didn't care

Yoni just nodded as they finally got to the car,everybody got in and Yoni sat on Demons lap. she kept moving around because she was trying to get comfortable then she felt something poking her butt

"Stop fucking moving yo." he whispered in her ear,to say that didn't send chills down her spine would be a lie. His voice was so deep and raspy it made the hair on the back of her neck stand up

"sorry" was the only thing she could get out feeling as if she talked more than she would embarrass herself.

"Alright does everyone have their seatbelts on." Nine said in a playful motherly tone.

"Shit you stupid ass up and put up seatbelt on so I can drive." After that they just started going back and forth.

Yoni tuned them out and started spacing off until she felt a hand on her thigh.She was finna say something before he interrupted her " Don't even say nothing just keep looking out the window."

That's exactly what she did for the rest of the ride. "Thank you Jamari for dropping me off and it was nice meeting y'all." Just like that she was gone into the house.

Demon watched her walk in and surprisingly didn't like the feeling of an empty lap. Kadence was mugging her from the moment she got in the car to the moment she got in the house.

Everybody saw Kadence mugging her and they knew why, I mean you could be blind and still see she had feelings for Demon. Demon saw but he only thought of Kadence as a homeboy,friend, or associate whatever you decided to call it

You could obviously tell she was in her feelings but nobody cared I mean Jamari made sure Yoni sat in Demons lap on purpose. The whole ride the only thing you heard were Nine and Jamari arguing and Kadence trying to make conversation with Demon in the car


The first chapter of Finding Toni

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