
Rock, Paper, Scissors

After hanging up, I realize I need to put on my happy mask so he doesn't suspect anything. So much for decompressing. Looking into Pickles innocent looking face, I now know that she's not so innocent after all. Not completely trusting her, I wrap the leash around my wrist and pull her close to me. Nothing personal darling, but we can't have you wandering off. As I pet her, I feel like a bad guy. A villainous smile comes across my face while I pet her. After another 10 minutes pass, I see Dillon sprinting up to us. He looks like he just lost his child.


"Good to see you too, Dillon."

"Are you ok, my darling? Are you hurt anywhere? Daddy is sorry he took his eyes off of you. I won't let you untie your leash again!"

He continues to coo and check her over for injuries. All the while she calmly puts up with his antics, almost looking bored.

"You know I have to ask. How did she end up at the beach and how did she end up lost?"

��Well, she loves long walks on the beach. So once a week when the weather is perfect for her, I take her for a walk on the beach. Then, I saw a place was selling bananas. Pickles loves bananas so I went to get her one, but when I tried to bring her into the store they said she wasn't allowed. So I tied her up. I wasn't even in there for two minutes. When I came back she was gone!"

"So one of three things happened. Either she untied herself, you're terrible at tying knots …"


"... or someone untied her on purpose."

"You think someone tried to kidnap my precious Pickles?"

He says as he holds her tighter.

"Well, it could be that or it could've been some punks who did it for kicks."


"Shush, don't bring attention to us. The last thing I need is another run with the paparazzi today."

"What do you mean another run in? Had your first experience with the paparazzi?"

"Yep, and he was insane. He had no regard for the safety of others. It's bad enough he tried to take compromising pictures of Will and I, but he almost hurt a child just so he could escape and keep the pictures. If I hadn't shielded her, who knows what would have happened."

"Wait, you said you shielded the kid. Are you ok?

"I got a few burns and bruises but other than that, I'm ok."

"The guy hurt you? Astra, you should press charges!"

"I'm not sure. He has pictures."

"Has anyone told my mom about this?"

"You know, now that I think about it I'm not sure anyone has."

"Let me talk to my mother about this. I'm sure she'll help."

"You're right this involves one of two of her employees, one of whom is a talent. Surely she'll be able to come up with a decision. Thanks for thinking of that, Dillon!"

"Does this mean I finally upgrade from being your little brother?"

"No Dillon. Your age remains the same. You did lose a cat at the beach today."

"I am older than you by five years. How is this fair?"

"Simple. You are older. I am more mature. Therefore, I am the older one by experience."

"I refuse to acknowledge that. From now on you are my little sister."

"But I'm more mature," I whine.

"And I have five more years of experience."

I ponder it for a second. I always wanted an older brother but I also want a younger sibling.

"Alright I tell you what, we'll settle this like adults. We do rock paper scissors. Whoever wins gets to be the older sibling."

"Fair enough," he says as he puts his war face on.

Holding Pickles with one hand, he extends his other one to play the game. We say the phrase at the same time both with intent to win.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

I choose paper. I always win with paper. Feeling smug, I look down and see that he chose scissors. What?

"I win! You may call me big brother from now on."

"I will call you Dillon because big brother is too long."

"Spoil sport."

"And proud of it."

Looking at the time, I realize if I'm going to make it home before dark, I need to leave right now.

"It's getting late, I need to go. It was nice meeting you Pickles," I say as I rub her head.

"Wait, at least let me repay you."

"We're friends, there's no scoreboard. However, if you ever want to buy me food you are more than welcome to do that at any time."

"Thanks for finding her!"

"Anytime! Just try not to lose her."

After getting in my car, I feel exhausted. I switch from BLACKPINK to "No One Like You" by Scorpions to stay awake. I listen to the same song all the way home.

Walking in the door, I see my mom in the living room on the phone. I make dinner for her and leave a note next to it, so she doesn't get upset that I'm not eating dinner with her."

"Hey mom not feeling well right now. I'm going to skip dinner and go straight to bed. Love you!"

I want to just flop on my bed and pass out, but I do my best to put some more aloe vera on my burns before I do so. While I apply it, I turn on the same song I was listening to on the way home and start to sing along with it.

"There's no one like you.

I can't wait for the night's with you.

I imagine the things we'll do.

I just want to be loved by you."

Suddenly, Alexi pops back into my head. I blush as I think back on those moments.

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