
Finding the Leak

If my eyes had lasers, they'd be going right for his head. How dare he almost harm a child for a few pictures. There's a difference between being money motivated and being outright greedy. It takes everything in me not to walk over there and smack him into the astral plane. The director looks just as pissed as I am. The cops are called and I head to my car to get the spare change of clothes I keep in the car for this very situation. This is the second time, in a 7 day period, that someone has spilled coffee on me. Why didn't it hurt like this last time though?


I see Will run over to me looking concerned.

"I'm so sorry, are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Just some light burns from the coffee."

"I'll have someone pick up something for that."

"Will, I'm the 'someone' remember? It's my job to run to those errands for you. I just need to find some aloe vera and someone to put it on me."

"I can help with that."

We see Joy's mom holding a bottle of it.

"But you can't wear that shirt, it's too tight."

Looking at the shirt in hand, I realize she's right. It's just going to rub against the burns.

"That's fine. We can go to my trailer and I should have an extra shirt Astra can borrow."

Will finds the shirt and then leaves the trailer. Joy's mom starts to apply the aloe vera. Meanwhile Joy sits in one of the chairs. I don't think her mom wants to be separate from her after what happened.

"Thank you for what you did for Joy."

"Of course! I would never let anything happen to her."

Hearing Joy let out a whimper and my mother instincts come out.

"What's wrong, hon? Did you get hurt somewhere?"

"I-I'm so sorry!" She says as she starts to cry.

"Oh sweetheart no! You did nothing wrong. Don't say that."

"But you got hurt because of me."

"No, I got hurt because of a bad man. There's nothing we could've done about what he did."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

After they leave so I can get dressed, I realize I still don't know her mother's name. I'll have to ask her next time we talk. Seeing the director, I go to find out the filming schedule.

"It's ruined. The police are taking statements. He's ruined the whole day. We're going to just have to do today's schedule tomorrow."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine. It would have been bad if he got those pictures out anyways. The question is how did he find out about the filming. We've kept it completely quiet."

"That is odd isn't it. This is the second person who found out about the filming who shouldn't have. Someone's been talking."

"You mean someone who works here?"

"Most likely. But I can't say who without any evidence. If I were you, I'd keep an eye on everyone. Even I shouldn't be ruled out."

"You're the one who suggested there's a spy."

"Yes, but for all you know I could be doing it to throw you off of me."

"So what do you suggest?"

"Doing a mass investigation would be too hard with all the employee's here. Look at the backgrounds of everyone who's been checked. See if any of the stars have bad blood between them, or if any of the employees have anything against one of the stars. You can find out through gossip. It may not be true but most stories are based on fact. Anything that isn't necessary for someone to know, they shouldn't from here on out. Put the script under lock and key. You can also check the social media of people who work here. You'd be surprised what type of clues people leave on their social media.Keep it quiet, you don't want to let them know they're being watched. We might be lucky enough for them to slip up if they get too comfortable. That's all I can suggest for now."

"How do you know this much?"

"Let's just say I���ve learned the hard way. You'll have to excuse me. I need to let Will know about his new schedule."

I wonder who the leak is? There's almost 500 people here. It will be downright impossible to tell who's been saying things unless they slip up. Could this have something to do with how Alexi found out where I'll be spending my days? All I said was that I was Will's assistant. Could the leak not be someone from the set but someone from Callista? I'll have to talk to Keller about this. We're lucky it was just a paparazzi. If it had been a stalker this could have ended much sooner. Will just finished up with one of the officers, and he meets me in front of the trailer.

"How are you feeling?"

"Lucky that I didn't get burned worse than I did."

"I told the officers that you have an appointment and you'll give your statement tomorrow."

"Oh my goodness! I completely forgot I need to get going!"

"Before you go you should know that what he did was assault. You can press charges against him."

"Do you think I should?"

"He trespassed, took pictures of us without permission with the intent for defamation, and almost caused serious harm to Joy. Just imagined what could have happened to her if you hadn't gotten there in time."

"You're right. I'll think about it. Oh I spoke to the director. He said that you'll continue shooting tomorrow with the same schedule. Since I'll be here tomorrow, should I still send you the schedule?"

"No that's fine. I'll see you later."

As leave set and see the paparazzi giving me a death glare from the back of a patrol car. The feeling is mutual. Jumping into my car I turn on some Hollywood Undead to match my mood, and wonder if I'm going to be able to fit all the events that happened the past few days into the hour I'm going to spend in therapy.

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