
Take Me To Church

Entry 78:

Control, to me, is everything. I had all the factors playing into my hands just as I envisioned them.

I am not a true control freak, but I like to see my plans have no issues.

But then a Loli Dragon God moved into my house and won't stop eating my food.

But there has been one bright spot other than me having to exhaust myself feeding the infinite void that is Ophis.

My tinker of fiction ability activated, and I immediately got to work. Because of my fellow degenerates, I rolled the Android tech tree to end all tech trees.

Nier Automata and you all know what that means: it is time to create something beautiful.

I spent hours creating the design and adding various upgrades and tweaks, along with creating an updated version of her blindfold that surprisingly acted as a HUD for the androids.

After hours of work, I have done it and created two androids, and as they awaken, they look around, and upon seeing my form, they bow, to which I stop them and say.

"There will be no bowing today as this day's monumental as I name you both B-2 and A2. If you desire a new name, please let me know." 

As they nod in a completely obedient manner on the inside, I am as giddy as a child who just got a new toy in front of me. I have two of the most desirable mechanical women in all of media.

But what made the most recent tech tree valuable is the ability to design personality matrices and provide them with the ability to evolve and truly feel emotion.

These two will be acting as my direct aides as not only have I installed infinite energy generators from Dragon Ball but also lined their exoskeletons with a vibranium protoadamatium alloy, with their skin being a mesh of smart metal that can replicate the feeling of genuine skin.

I have also taught them knowledge of various forms of martial arts, and because of their design as bio androids, they are technically alive. 

As such, they can use magic similar to my other androids, but all in all, they are one of my most advanced models as of late. 

In addition to the fact that I have modeled their outfits exactly from their game counterparts, and hey, I'm a high-level angel, so I deserve some high-level personal assistance.

But after issuing the order to shadow me, both of them appeared to just disappear, which shows that the armor they are wearing is working as they have very high-level retroreflective panels.

And I kid you not, as soon as I returned to my residence, the infinite dragon God just pulled me in and made me make more food.

The only positive of this is that I am using my creation magic, and as such, I am gaining some good experience in manipulating my magic, and speaking of which, I spend my five charges on magic control. 

My goal is to mimic what can be done with limitless from JJK, as with that skill, Gojo can mimic unlimited energy by having such efficient control of his cursed energy.

With 11 charges into magic control, I can feel how much smaller the energy I have to use for basic spells has become, as they almost feel nonexistent.

But this change is seemingly noticed by the Dragon God as she takes an interest in the new light's rapid control of his energy out of nowhere.

Her attention is then diverted as she is given more food, which she is beginning to love about as much as her silence.

"I really need to learn how I can create clones of myself, even if only just to create more food for this Dragon God." I think as I place more food on the table.

Luckily, things are going well on other fronts, as my analysis of the boosted gear is nearly complete. I will soon be able to replicate the process of creating sacred gears, but the final piece, God's system, is required.

The one magic I really want from the boosted gear is penetration, as I will need to understand that concept if I seek to deal with the alien gods. Even with my ability to replicate sting energy that can defy physics, these Gods can fight the ability to defy physics.

My main goal is to find the one that is always around, that sneaky little Lucifer, his pet dog Euclid Lucifuge, and as he is beginning to have talks with the Tepes Faction of Vampires, I will soon acquire the Sephiroth Grail. 

Before trying to connect with God's System, I would like to analyze each sacred gear, the prominent ones, as each gear represents a different aspect of Biblical God.

The Spear Of Longinus represents the idea of God's truth upon reality, The Sephiroth Grail represents his control over life and death and souls, the Incinerate anthem represents his ability to purify unholy creatures, and Alphecca Tyrant is the physical manifestation of purity and authority.

I already hold the spear, but the cup will be my next goal for now. It's time to move on to the abandoned church.

Our stray priest, Freed, has attacked the devil contractor and was not punished for it, so now I have caused him to move as not only is he attacking devil contractors, he's attacking innocent humans unaware of the supernatural.

As an angel of the Lord, I cannot allow innocence to be harmed by madmen and apathetic fallen angels that have fallen so low that they have lost their original selves.

I have my new Androids shadow me from a distance, and as I arrive in front of the church, I place a bounded field around the entire area while also remaining in control of the cameras and bugs so that I may disable them in case things that should not be heard are said.

I will most likely replace Freed with an android once I let him "escape," as I need him to bring Cadre to this town because his attack necessitated the peace conference. I know it is a cliche, but it is necessary. 

But after the peace conference, the rest of the story is going to go to hell, both literally and metaphorically.

I enjoy the feeling of control. Maybe that is why I manifested my aspect.

So, I guess it is time to introduce myself.