
A Sweet Reunion

Entry 109:

Linus Ozias POV:

I always wondered what it would be like in Hell as I have had a decent amount of time to think of possibilities.

Is it a land of fire and brimstone?

Endless lines to nowhere?

Having to listen to terrible music for eternity?

Or is Hell just in our minds? 

The answer varies as the underworld is a collection of various hells from Hades to Jigoku.

Having just entered Hades to confront Tartarus, I find myself blocked by its resident deity, and he does not look pleased.

"I did not invite you here, angel of Yahweh. Leave at once!" A booming voice states as I continue to make my way toward Tartarus.

As I ignore the god, I continue towards the large gate that separates Tartarus from the rest of the underworld, like a basement that leads to another further basement.

Soon enough, I arrive at the gate, but before I can step inside, I am blocked by a rather large dog with Hades riding atop the hound Cerberus.

"I warned you, angel, now state your purpose before you die alone in the dark," Hades says while looking like an Ainz knockoff.

I look up towards the skeleton and say, " Hades, I am here for one purpose and one purpose alone, and that is to destroy the consciousness of Tartarus, for he threatens to plunge this world into the abyss, so I pose to you an ultimatum: get out of my way, or my light shall burn you to cinders."

Hades looks at me with his dead eyes as he says, " Now, why would I do that? You entered my realm and sought to lecture me on the threat Tartarus holds! Leave now. This is your final warning."

I simply take out the Telesto spear as I prepare for the battle.

We stare at each other as Hades leaves his mount and whisks him away. I raise my brow at this as he states, " This is a battle between gods, and I require Cerberus to guard Hades. Now show me what you have, angel." 

It's funny. Thanks to my essence of empowering charges giving me a personal lie detector, I know he's lying. It seems Hades is a dog lover. It's adorable in its own way.

Not wanting to wait any longer, Hades summons armies of skeletal warriors and combines them into hideous monstrosities that charge at me while he simultaneously fires black flames at me.

I simply wave my spear, and the monsters disintegrate, and the flames are analyzed and deleted using my control over the information dimension.

But then multiple chains appear on me that attempt to pin me down as I turn into light, and they pass right through me.

Hades growls in frustration as I wave my spear in his direction, blasting him with a high-intensity holy might.

Even though the god of the underworld can dodge, his very skeleton is left singed by being in the mere presence of the light.

As Hades recovers, while doing so, he surrounds the area in a dark fog that reeks of death and decay, seemingly acting as a means to lessen my light.

But I will not be denied, nor will I be suppressed as I slam the Telesto Spear into the ground, and a giant beacon of light shines across the land of Hades itself.

In the place where I struck my spear into the ground, life begins to bloom as the fines begin to wrap around Hades. 

But as soon as they touch the god of death, they whither and die as I use this opportunity while he's distracted to strike him sent center mass.

With my speed dwarfing his own, the skeleton is barely able to react as he has sent flying and lands against the gate, which now has a significant crack in it but begins to repair itself.

As I float before him, I simply ask, " Surrender Hades. This fight goes nowhere and only seeks to weaken your realm. Let me pass."  The god then yells and unleashes a mighty blast of decay.

" I will not be embarrassed in my own realm! Your Biblical factions have already taken my wife. What more do you want?!" This comment gives me pause as I ask.

" What happened to your wife, Hades? Neither the fallen angels nor the Angels know of what happened to your wife." He then chuckles while blasting me with more dark flames.

Hades yells out, " That cursed bat Lucifer took her from me and used her with the help of his whore of a wife to create the Devil Race!"

" Her body was desecrated so utterly and completely her Divinity could not bring her back, and even if it did, she would have been broken." Hades grows angrier as the dead shake from fear as I listen on while blocking his attacks.

" None of that would have happened if your god did not banish that blasted bat! I despise all of you! All of you can fall into the abyss just as I have!" With that, Hades transforms into more darkness than a physical being.

"THE WORLD WILL BE BURIED IN DARKNESS JUST AS MY BELOVED PERSEPHONE WAS!" The world grows darker as the underworld quakes in Hade's newfound power.

I frown at this development as it seems like the god of the underworld has lost himself in the dark.

In all honesty, love can make us the greatest of men but can also leave us the lowest of beings.

" I am sorry, Hades, for what has become of you and what happened to your wife, and I will not ask for you to forgive nor to forget, but if you let yourself drown in your own despair, does that make you any better?" The god says nothing as he roars in my direction.

" Is this what your wife would have wanted for you to become a beast?" Hades tries to drown me in the abyss as he bellows, " Do not speak of her. No one knows what she would have wanted because she's gone!"

I increase the strength of my light as it burns away the abyss, and Hades begins to roar in pain at my mere presence. " You are in pain, you are suffering, and I am sorry for what I am about to do."

I then locked the space in a barrier as I increased the power of my light to such a degree that it burned away the abyss covering the god of the underworld.

The light can be seen all across the land of Hades as those being punished stop and feel the warmth of being alive once again.

The souls in the fields of Asphodel remember their lives and begin to weep and cry out at lost time.

The punished in Erebeus are given hope in their endless torment as a man rolling a boulder up a hill is allowed to take a rest, and another man waist high in water but parched with fruit trees above while hungry forgets his thirst and hunger.

The moment is fleeting as the light then dims as Hades lies defeated but still very much alive. "Well, you have won, angel. Now finish it."

I shake my head as I snap my fingers, and reality subtly warps as I state, "Return to your palace, Hades, as there will be no more suffering on this day."

Hades can barely muster a retort as he states, "Damn upstarts, where did the time go to where all fights were just throwing divinity around."

The god then shifts into the shadows, and I open the gates to Tartarus.

I enter as the gates shut behind me, and I feel a presence beginning to watch me as it bellows, "So the champion of Gaea enters my realm. You are a bold one!"

I simply chuckle at this pompous and grandiose display. "I am not bold, simply prepared Tartarus, so why do you not show yourself and let us end this like gods."

Tartarus laughs at this as he states, " I am not a fool, Child Of Light, and you goding will earn you nothing but a cold death alone in my abyss."

I  march further in as monsters from all walks of myth surround me as I reload a particular shotgun, and a new form of armor forms around me.

I then let my presence flood the realm as I glow with a bright, burning yellow light, and a crucible blade forms in my hand.

(Yes, he got that tech tree)

"Rip and Tear Until It Is Done."

The monsters charge at me, and I meet them, ripping them to shreds and pulling body parts to use as blunt objects.

Endless hordes arrive to face me as I tear through them, growing stronger through battling insurmountable numbers.

Thousands are thrown at me as I approach Tartarus's dark heart that looks eerily similar to the one from Destiny 1. But the hordes continue to pour out from the heart as I approach as I wonder how Hades is doing with my little surprise.

Hades POV:

"Damn angel, these burns will take years to go away," I say as I limp to my throne with my grim reapers attending me.

One of them then bows to me as he says in a shaky tone, "My lord, someone has appeared in your quarters, sire."

I grimace at this as I go to meet this intruder, and as I regain my bearing, I slam the door open to see an impossible sight.

My beloved Persephone standing there looking rather confused as she asks in the old tongue. "My love, where am I? As the palace seems different?"

I simply embrace her tightly as she does so as well, asking, "Is my lord of the dead alright." I merely look at her as I say, " You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."

So, she simply remains silent as we embrace one another. I thank that upstart, as this is not the end of my grudge, but it is a start.

It must be raining as I feel a profound wetness upon my face.

Yes, it must be raining.

I am not crying.