
Chapter 1


I was 11 years old when my family and I were travelling to my hometown in Dallas Texas, USA when the worst tragedy in my life struck.

I had the worst experience of my life, I wish it was all a dream. 


Halfway into the journey, we felt something hit our car and it bounced forward, backward, and forward again like a baby rocker. My dad stopped the car to check what the problem was; we alighted and realized that the front tire has exploded.


Quickly my dad tried to change it but it ended up wasting our time, as he was fixing it my sister and I shifted a little bit to play, why my mum breastfed my baby brother.


As my sister and I were playing, I felt like someone was watching us, fear gripped me, my mum always says that I am precious because I always feel weird things especially when something is about to happen, she said I am gifted but in a way, I feel like it's something different, something I can't explain, I feel like I'm attached to somewhere, my destiny is not of this world.


I began looking around to see who was watching us but I saw nothing, suddenly the feeling stopped and then a few minutes later, my dad beckoned to us that he has fixed the tire.


We entered back into the car and zoomed off. About 30 minutes into the journey, around 8:00 pm, it was already dark but the moon was at it’s mercy, my dad suddenly hit the break, my mum asked him what the problem was, he pointed to the road.


I looked to know what it was, immediately I saw it, my breath seized, my jaw dropped, how is it possible, this is a high way, though no other car was passing by which is very surprising, it is also unbelievable that a wild animal was standing in front of us.


Looking ahead I saw a very big, gigantic wolf, it’s four legs were apart from each other, it’s furs very dark, in fact, black yet shinning under the merciful moon, it’s teeth gritting together ready to attack as if it has been waiting for us.


It was so huge that I began to wonder if it was a Lycan, according to some comic books I have read, werewolves and Lycans are half human and half wolves. They can turn into humans If they want to, Lycans are believed to be bigger and fiercer than werewolves, they are considered the gods of the werewolves.


Could this particular wolf be a Lycan, but on second thought, werewolves and Lycans are just myths and bedtime stories, they don't exist, which made me believe that the one in front of us is just an ordinary hungry wolf.


My mum told my dad to take the other lane which he did, but before we got to the other lane, the wolf was already there waiting in ambush, my dad hit the horn countless times but the beast was still standing there, my dad decided to move towards it.....