
Finding a new Equilibrium

Marinette is exhausted and overworked left alone by her so called partner only for a new and grater threat to appear leading to changes never before seen in the world as hawkmoth starts to change much more than ever thought possible. This fic will contain many Toxic relationships and a lot of bashing on pretty much everyone in the original cast along with many other darker scenes like attempted rape and sexual assault.

manga_king_kuger · TV
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3 Chs

The Spread

Marinette knows better than anyone that life is unexpected and to always have a flexible plan but what happened today was truly unexpected because today was actually a very good day for the most part.

Marinette woke up after getting only an hour of sleep due to magic training with tiki and the other kwami only to be followed up by a late night akuma attack just before she was going to go to sleep.

The akuma was a tricky one due to the akuma being able to make herself as well as anything around her become invisible this akuma although had a low attack power had a severe advantage hiding around only boosted by the fact that it was nighttime it took hours and careful planning to catch her.

Marinette had to thoroughly lose the akuma to make sure that she wasn't followed by herself because chat noir had stopped coming to akuma fights saying that he was too busy in civilian matters to get away only to arrive a few hours later.

Marinette after loosing the akuma called her lucky charm and got a bucket in witch Marinette went to the river filled up the bucket and poured it all over a bright alley way before filling it again and after subtly catching the attention of the akuma luering her halfway into the alley pretending to have not noticed the girl and using the sound of the water splashing in the alley way caught the akuma and drenched her in water using the water to see the near translucent form of the akuma and after taking of the necklace the akuma was wearing (the only thing she could clearly make out) broke it and purified the akuma that was how her night ended getting back at 7 AM to wake up at 8.


The school day was extremely good because Lila had lied about being on a trip meaning that she was out of school a major nucance was out of her hair she just had to get through the day and get some sleep and so far it was looking pretty damn good.

It was the 7th period when the day went to shit the period before dismissal shadowmoth decided to send a akuma and an amuck, Marinette at this moment had decided when she found shadowmoth she would plan his homicide as this time the became a fire akuma, the boy was Akumatized for being bullied by other students after being found to be afraid of fire during a school lab.

After luring The akuma into the bridge and into the water again by herself and taking care of the akuma by herself for the 12th time this month with there being only 15 akuma attacks so far this month Marinette decided that this was getting out of hand.

Marinette texted chat noir to meet her on top of the roof of a construction site around her current area in 2 days to talk before jumping off home only to have to do her homework to prevent her grades from slipping even further.

After grabbing a highly caffeinated coffee begun her homework only being slowed down by her drowsiness and the kwami telling her to sleep finally did so at around 8 that night.

——————————————pov change —————————————

Again another akuma ,or well akumas to be more precise we're made tonight it was Alya's twin sisters Ella and Ella followed by their respective amuck Etta and Ella got into an argument on what we're better vampires or werewolf's after the argument got heated they were akumatized with the object being a bowl previously filled with popcorn.

Ella the sister with teal stripes on her shirt became a werewolf while Etta the one with redish stripes became a vampire the two quarreling sisters made a statement that to prove witch one was better that they would get a bunch of minions and fight to see witch one was better.

Hawkmoth being himself (a manipulative a-hole)said that they should try to get ladybug on their side because of how strong she was in and that witch ever side she was on would be descend to win exchange for her miraculous and chat noirs.

The two fighting sisters stayed hidden as they had seen in the movie they were watching infected random people and having those people infect others until the sun rose stoping everything to avoid suspicion having the werewolf's go on with their days. The werewolf's could go in the sun but we're convinced by the other werewolf's to stay silent so that they could keep their powers (enhanced speed, strength, regeneration ,senses ,as well as the ability to turn into a half-wolf state(those directly turned by Ella as well as herself can turn into full wolves granting even further enhanced speed strength ECT. In both states as well as in their base state) )

The werewolf pact came to the conclusion that if ladybug or chat noir found out that she would call her miraculous ladybug making their powers go away so to avoid that the pack needed to make it seem like everything is fine so all the werewolf's gave each other their numbers and left to go on with their day so they can go enjoy themselves later that night as a group.


With the vampires they can't go into the sun because it burns their skin the only vampire that can go in the sun are Etta and the people she directly turned with 2nd gen vampires having a slight resistance , the other vampires would burn in contact with the sun. The vampires had a massive brawl inside a new apartment building and hailed Etta as their queen being the first and strongest of the vampires they hailed her as the queen although she was young nobody knew that because when her and her sister became akumatized hawkmoth being curious about where this would go gave etta topical vampire feature.

After hailing Etta as the queen the vampires trained to see what they could do from what they learned they could fly (but not very well), transform into any spices of bat it took a while for them to realize but they could see perfectly in the dark as if it was day, they have enhanced eyesight those who needed glasses before (witch was only 1) no longer needed them anymore and They learned of their regeneration after their brawl.

The vampires lead by Etta lured a few people inside and drank them dry of their blood after they filled themselves up they all called their jobs and quit because they from what they knew would live forever and no longer needed to buy food or drinks after everything settled down they decided to create a hierarchy because they knew Ella was the queen but what after that so they decided that that as the superior spices should be more organized than the mutts that are werewolf's.

The vampires hierarchy went Queen , Greater vampires (first gen/directly turned ), Nobles vampires (2 gen), followed by all the other vampires

The vampires spent the daytime planning what they should do to gain the upper hand against the werewolf's


The werewolf's who had made a private group chat we're deciding who should lead the pack the decided that Ella should lead the pack because she was the first werewolf, Ella currently was holding the akumatized object the bowl and what she learned was her sentimonster her sentimonster is a wolf with the bat wings the sentimonsters goal is to prevent anyone from getting in the way of the battle.


Dork blobs shroud the two girls and after the two girls jumped away a blueish black shroud appeared out of nowhere taking the form of a wolf with bat wings said dog looked around and saw a girl with orange in her hair walk into the room as the dog and the girl locked eyes the girl seemed to forget what she was doing after walking around the house did the same with the three living there and left though the window.

————————————flashback end———————————-

The dog would go to those related in any way to those involved in the battle and erase their memories involving the person in question.