(Update every Wed - Thu ) I always wondered how and when I got to this strange town. But for some reason I couldn't remember it. I felt like I was out of place, even in danger. I found some answers when a strange diary appeared. Reading it only made me more curious and eager for answers. And to find them I had to reach her. One name was all I had.
In the big house located in the woods, life went by quietly.
Michael and Maryanne spent almost every second of their lives among the trees.
She had always loved climbing and now she finally didn't have to do it alone anymore.
But maybe it was time she stopped doing it. It was dangerous, especially in her condition.
Stephanie and Cécile were at the door watching the two of them in the clearing few steps from their house. «You think she told him?»
«Your son seems petrified to me, so… I think she did. He didn't take it so well.»
«Maybe he's just scared… but he's happy for sure.» Stephanie said.
Michael was paralyzed. «We're expecting a child…?»
«Yes.», she smiled hoping his reaction would be happy after the initial shock.
Without saying anything else he hugged her. But he didn't hold her too tight, he held back his strength. Michael was afraid he might break her, how happy he was. They would have started a family, a family of their own.
And as their children were about to start a family of their own, their parents were thinking it was time to leave them alone in that house and give them their space. But Michael and Maryanne had other plans.
«No, you won't be leaving. You have all the rights to live in this house.»
«We have already found a home all to ourselves.» Maryanne added. «It's not very far from the shop.»
«What shop?» Tomas asked.
Michael had decided he wanted to go to town and get a real job. He had already lived quite hidden in a wood, without having the faintest idea of what the world was like beyond the trees. He loved living there in peace. The time he had spent with his family, and with Maryanne, had been truly magnificent but it was no longer enough for him.
«We'll live in town, I want to see more in my life. I can't go on living in the branches. I'll be careful.» Michael said, then he looked at Maryanne. «Now I know I can do it. On full moon nights I'll come here again, I won't hurt a living soul, I swear.»
The four parents looked at each other but in the end they decided not to object.
Stephanie took her son by the hand. «I know you can do it. We have chosen to live in hiding, but you two have to go your own way, you're old enough for that now.»
They let them go with their newborn baby.
Kurt was only a few weeks old and was sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms unaware of what would happen shortly thereafter.