
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Time Master

Lucian rubbed his chin as he began to stand up slightly off balance.

"Time is like a one way mirror on its surface! What if someone could stand on the other side looking through? What if they could even go beyond the surface and step through that mirror as they pleased!" Lucian shouted in the direction Althea had ran off.

Lucian clasped his hands together as a massive amount of energy began to emit from him while his face became distorted and immediately began leaking sweat.

A purplish blue energy began to cover the entire area as Lucian began shouting again, "time is the filter that distorts reality even if you won you didn't!" He shouted as Althea began running backwards as if she was being reminded.

As soon as she entered the arena Lucian quickly moved to in front of her and stopped reversing time attempting to punch Althea before collapsing on the ground after expending all of his energy.

When Althea finally regained control of herself she was drenched in cold sweat looking at the monster collapsed on the ground in front of her.

'It felt like he was turning space inside out… no matter what I did I couldn't fight the area around me…' Althea thought to herself as she stared blankly at Lucian's unconscious body.

After a few minutes she decided it would be best to carry him into the home so he didn't wake up in the arena trying to fight her again.

She picked him up throwing him over her shoulder and carried him into the home on the left of the arena the interior of the homes was as inverted as the exterior.

The home she had chosen what white on the outside with golden accents while the one she carried Lucian to was black with silver and red accents.

The interior was like a gothic manner with a massive black couch sat atop a grey carpet with red swirls in front of. Fireplace. Beyond the couch and fireplace was a winding stairwell identical to the home she had chosen aside from the differing colors.

She laid Lucian on the couch before scurrying from the house before a person seemed to materialize from nothing.

"Young master are you sure you don't want to take him into the other home and you yourself stay here?" A woman clad in a butlers dress asked.

Althea was slightly startled before remembering the elders saying something about house spirits. "Uhm, why? I think the other one looks better for a girl…" Althea said with a pondering look.

"The homes are made of materials that can help nurture your affinities as well as help you both develop innate bodies… and the young master already posses a light innate body while the other young master has no affinity with darkness." The house spirit spoke to Althea causing her to realize the feelings she felt briefly while entering the other house.

"Ahhh let me take him…" Althea began as she was about to take Lucian into the other home before the house spirit interrupted.

"No need." The house spirit said waving her hand as Lucian's body floated up and shot out of the open door into the the other house more than 100m away.

"Allow me to show you around, by the way that was an amazing duel young master. Time masters are extremely rare to come by and even harder to beat at the same level. But the other young master seems different from any other time master I have ever seen normally reversing time for anything usually defies to many laws…" the house spirit began speaking as her and Althea walked across the foyer area of the home.

"This is the kitchen here you can come request a meal or simply eat the meals I've prepared." A luxurious kitchen appeared before Althea with white marble counters starkly contrasting the the deep dark wood of the cabinets that emotes a high level energy of darkness the Althea could clearly feel.

The walked through the kitchen and arrived ad a heavy door made of the same material as the cabinets, the house spirit waved her hand and the door began to slowly open as the darkness within the corridor began to leak out oddly resembling light coming from an open door.

The darkness was so deep it felt as if it were ready to consume Althea whole and send her within the abyss as the house spirit voice broke her from her stupor.

"Here is the meditation room which I recommend you use after every meal as it will greatly heal your innate body become one of light and darkness… you should also use the room in the other house so your two affinities remain balanced." The house spirit said to which Althea only blankly nodded.

"I think I need to rest before I see anymore… after fighting that monster and seeing all of this it feels like my head might explode." Althea said as the rubbed her head.

"Then allow me to show you to your bedroom." The house spirit said as she lead Althea up the winding stairwell passing a second floor before reaching the peak of the house on the third floor.

Even the stairs emitted an energy of darkness oddly making Althea feel warm and relaxed.

As they entered the third floor the room was shaped like a triangle with a large bed directly in front of the stairwell. The top of the room was completly made of a dark glass turning the light from outside purple as the energy was turned into a dark light.

There was a large wardrobe on the right side of the room while there was a desk with a comfortable chair and a lamp to the left of the bed.

Althea quickly jumped into the bed not bothering with getting underneath the covers as her own blanket appeared in her hands slightly surprising the house spirit with a perfect balance of light and dark energy.