
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Adventurer’s Guild Headquaters

"I can't answer those questions, rather than being responsible for saving our light family just think of it as a possibility, though we are at the limits of out strength we have just detected the existence of different universes and are working on ways of achieving mass transportation to them but as of right now most universes are facing different tribulations that threaten them equal to our own, as far as I know from my line travels and the family protectors words." Adela spoke reaching to her left and ruffling Lucian's hair.

Lucian relaxed slightly hearing about this, he had calmed his mind and began thinking, 'I don't think it is as simple as what she's saying, maybe I can help more than just the light family.'

As Lucian cleared his mind he followed Althea's lead and closed his eyes and crossed his legs as each moment the energy around the two youths became more tame.

Whether you were a cultivator or a superhuman, meditation was oftentimes a top tier way to grow in strength. It allowed the practitioner to fine tune the control of their energy and their ability.

The difference in a practitioner that meditated and one that didn't was more often than not leagues apart. It was akin to comparing a juvenile competitor to a professional that was how far meditation practices even without cultivation could take more average super humans.

Lucian and Althea looked like statues as their presences melded into their immediate surroundings surprising Adela and Aioleus greatly.

"The talent of these two is incomprehensible…" Aioleus spoke as he observer their ability to enter meditative trances seemingly at will.

Althea had almost completely disappeared aside from a dim light her body emitted and a shadow that seemed to begin to fluctuate around her body as though it was alive.

While Lucian seemed to become further away from this world, just observing him induces feelings that made it seem as the the world were fleeing from the observer right beneath their feet.

It was like he was becoming further and further away as if he was separating himself from this world.

Eventually they arrived at the massive floating castle and in person it was indeed far more grand than the hologram.

As they approached one could see the castle orbiting a massive star alongside large planets and other smaller stars.

It was so massive that from afar it looked like a deformed planet or a supermassive moon with large pieces missing.

As they came closer they could see the the castle was intricately detailed with many spires and towers each seemingly the size of a mountain.

There were four main walls large enough to enclose almost any of the planets or stars within their current solar system aside from the main star and a few abnormally large planets.

At the corner of each was was a spire taller than any mountain the two youths had ever seen, unfortunately they were both in deep meditation likely effected by the dark owl and other treasures they had ingested.

Atop each spire was a different beast on the western pire stood the statue of a goat, on the northern pire was a massive eagle, on the eastern one stood a serpent, and on the southern pire there was a raven.

The statues were large enough to be seen from the bottom of the tower even a distance away and their detail was extremely fine. They looked real, if one could see their eyes it was as though the eyes were following them.

The carraige pulled by the apocalyptic shire neighed heavily as the massive mountain sized gate slowly lowered in front of them.

The chatter within the courtyard began as soon as they saw the carraige, "Someone from the star family is here?" A female adventurer asked one of the people in her hunting party while many others began to stand at attention and salute.

"Carry on warriors! Continue in your task!" A loud booming voice shouted from high above causing many of those present to scurry off in their duties.

The insulation and sound suppression of the carraige was impecable allowing the two youths to remain in their meditation.

The carraige arrived in the courtyard where the ground seemed to made of some diamond type crystalline material.

The castle could be seen a few miles ahead of where they stood as there were many groups of people sparring talking or even seen taking care of their beast.

The carraige moved unimpeded as it caught the eye of almost everyone present as it casually strolled to the palace gates.