
Final Thoughts

I hope this reach number 2 or 1 thank you

JaMarion_Turney · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Last Thoughts

The camera panned over the empty room, capturing the stillness and emptiness that seemed to hang in the air. The walls were adorned with photographs, each one telling its own story. But one in particular caught the camera's eye - a young couple smiling in each other's arms, looking radiantly happy. The camera zoomed in on the photo, and the narrator's voice began to tell the story behind it.

'Final Thoughts was the name of a young man who sadly passed away at the age of 34 due to cancer. He was a simple man, living in the small town of Witley Hill. He worked as a carpenter, and spent most of his days in his workshop, creating beautiful pieces of furniture. But his life changed when he met the love of his life, Lily.'

The camera then shifted to an old man sitting in a hospital bed, his body frail and weak from the disease that was consuming him. It was Final Thoughts, and the look in his eyes told of the happy memories that were playing in his mind.

'He had met Lily in his workshop one day. She had come in looking for a custom-made bookshelf, and Final was more than happy to create it for her. As they worked together on the design, they found themselves laughing and joking, as if they had known each other for years. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.'

The camera then moved to a series of flashbacks, showing Final and Lily spending time together, exploring the town and going on adventures. His final thoughts were filled with these memories, of the days when he was healthy and could do anything he wanted. But as the disease progressed, his body had become weaker and he could no longer do the things he loved.

'Lily was the light in Final's life. She was his rock, his support system, and his best friend. As they spent more time together, their friendship turned into something more. They fell deeply in love, and it was evident in the way they looked at each other.'

The camera then showed a series of moments captured by Final's friend, who had been documenting their love story. They exchanged heartfelt letters, went on romantic dates, and Final even proposed to Lily under a starry sky. It was clear that they were meant to be together.

'During his final days, Lily never left Final's side. She took care of him, comforted him, and never once showed fear or sadness. Final's only regret was that they didn't have more time together. But Lily was his final thought, and he was grateful for every moment he spent with her.'

The camera then shifted back to the room, showing Final's final moments. He had been in a coma for days, and the doctors said it was only a matter of time before his body would give in. But Lily never left his side, holding his hand and whispering words of love and encouragement.

As Final's breaths became shallower, he opened his eyes and looked at Lily. In a weak voice, he said his final words, 'I love you, Lily.'

Tears streamed down her face as she whispered back, 'I love you too, Final.'

And with that, he took his final breath and closed his eyes, a peaceful smile on his face.

The camera slowly panned out of the room, showing Lily grieving over the loss of her beloved. But she knew that Final would always be with her, in her heart and in the memories they shared. She looked at the photograph of them together, holding each other, and smiled through her tears.

As the narrator's voice spoke the closing words, the camera lingered on the photo, capturing the love and happiness that Final and Lily shared.

'Final Thoughts may have left this world, but his love for Lily will always remain. He may have been taken away too soon, but the beautiful memories he left behind will live on forever.'

And with that, the screen went black, ending Final's story, but not his legacy of love.