
Final Priesthood

In the world of Starlight Mecha, Lu Yuan stood at the crossroads of ancient martial arts and cutting-edge technology. His attribute board allowed him to switch between occupations seamlessly, providing him with a unique advantage. With the combination of the [Martial Arts Grandmaster] occupation and the powerful [Abyss Nine-Headed Dragon Heart] material, Lu Yuan had the potential to advance further to the formidable [Fallen Dark Dragon Sect]. As he gazed at his hands covered in black scales and felt the power surging within him, Lu Yuan embraced the fusion of human and dragon attributes. His black hair danced in the absence of wind, and his crimson eyes focused on the humanoid mechanical body soaring through the night sky like a meteor. A sinister smile played on his lips as he contemplated his newfound abilities. The collision of ancient martial arts, divine power, and advanced technology had bestowed upon him unparalleled strength. With confidence in his heart, Lu Yuan whispered softly, "Now... I should be able to tear mechas apart by hand." The agile and powerful Starlight Mecha moved with the grace of a dragon under Lu Yuan's control. As murmurs and roars of gods and demons echoed in the abyss, he embarked on a journey where the boundaries between man and machine blurred, and the clash of old and new created a symphony of power. The era of Lu Yuan had begun, marked by the fusion of martial prowess and mechanical might in the grand tapestry of Starlight Mecha.

ieatjutsu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 16: Double Tenth

Chapter 16: Double Tenth

"I really can't believe it. Lingyue went to find you, and you actually had the heart to refuse?"

Lu Yuan had just walked out of the teaching building when someone caught up with him.

"Are you even human?"

Cheng Peng looked at Lu Yuan with a face of incomprehension.

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes, "If you were human, I would have let you go. Oh, I almost forgot. Your grades are too poor. Your answers are worthless. Lingyue wouldn't ask you for answers anyway."

Lu Yuan deliberately put on a look of "deep regret," infuriating Cheng Peng, who shouted loudly.

If it were a week ago, Cheng Peng would definitely have boasted, saying something like, "If you have the guts, go practice at the martial arts gym."

But now, he couldn't utter any tough words.

He could only grit his teeth and say, "Damn, being handsome doesn't make you anything special."

"Yeah, being handsome is just that."

Lu Yuan casually replied and then stopped slightly.

Facing the large glass wall at the entrance of the school cafeteria, he reflected on his current appearance in the direct sunlight.

He had grown much taller.

From less than 1.75 meters before to now 1.78 meters, two centimeters taller than Cheng Peng.

With a handsome face, a slender figure, no longer looking frail, but rather well-proportioned and muscular.

The muscle lines on his arms were clear and smooth, his hair cut short, presenting the image of a standard handsome young man.

In the past half month, Lu Yuan's changes were significant, not just in appearance.

"Let's go."

Lu Yuan called Cheng Peng and walked towards the cafeteria.


"Why go to the cafeteria? Of course, to eat."

Five minutes later, Lu Yuan sat at a table in the cafeteria with a plate full of food.

Cheng Peng's plate had only half of what Lu Yuan had.

"Every time I eat with you, I think of a word."

"What word?"

Cheng Peng exclaimed, "Of course, it's 'food bucket.'"

Lu Yuan ignored him and ate heartily.

The cafeteria food tasted worse than homemade, but since the last two exams of the morning had just ended, and it was mealtime, Lu Yuan decided not to bother his mom to cook lunch. He could solve it at the cafeteria.

While eating, Lu Yuan opened his attribute panel.

[Name: Lu Yuan]

[Age: 17]

[Strength: 9]

[Agility: 8]

[Constitution: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Occupation: Fighter Lv3 (345/400)]

[Basic Occupational Skills: Primary Bodybuilding Lv4 (34/800) Basic Boxing Lv3 (383/400) Basic Leg Technique Lv3 (319/400) Basic Footwork Lv3 (392/400) Basic Grappling Lv2 (23/200)]

[Attribute Points: 2] [Skill Points: 2]

In a little over half a month, Lu Yuan's progress in the Fighter occupation was tremendous. Not only did he break through to Lv3, but he was also only a few dozen experience points away from reaching Lv4.

All three basic martial arts techniques taught by the Yuan Martial Arts Institute had reached Lv3, approaching the level of Lv4. He had also acquired a new skill in basic grappling, learned from Cheng Peng.

Unfortunately, it wasn't part of a system, and being only level 2, leveling up would be more challenging.

In terms of basic attributes, both strength and constitution increased by 1 point each. The former was a result of half a month of strength training, and the latter was unexpectedly gained after breaking through to Lv4 in Primary Bodybuilding.

Lu Yuan hadn't used the attribute points and skill points obtained from leveling up both Fighter and Student occupations, but even so, a week ago, he was already able to easily defeat Cheng Peng in practical training.

From being bullied to being the bully, it took less than two weeks.

No wonder Cheng Peng now often called him "freak" and "monster."

The only regret for Lu Yuan was that even after such a long time, he still couldn't unlock the core skill of the Fighter occupation that he had been anticipating.

Lu Yuan analyzed the issue and realized the problem might lie in his "learning from Cheng Peng" in basic grappling.

"The level of the prerequisite skill is still one level lower, so the unlocking conditions aren't met."

Lu Yuan took a bite of the braised chicken thigh on his plate and made a determined decision. "Forget it, I won't wait. I can't possibly enroll in a grappling class like Cheng Peng. Tonight, I'll use a few skill points to raise Basic Grappling to Lv3 and see if the core occupational skill appears."

Just as he was thinking, Cheng Peng, sitting next to him, asked casually, "Lu Yuan, how confident are you in this exam?"

Lu Yuan thought for a moment and replied, "If nothing unexpected happens, being in the top five of the grade should be no problem."

After reaching Lv4 as a Student, Lu Yuan's mastery of the eight fundamental subjects in his major was already very high. His answer was even somewhat modest. Under the effect of the Lv2 "Absolute Focus" state, he believed he had a chance to compete for the first place in the grade.

"Top five in the grade?"

This time, Cheng Peng didn't contradict him but rather sighed with a complicated expression. "I didn't expect you to be confident about being in the top five now. Thinking back a few months ago, the two of us were still at the bottom of the class together."

"That's you. I've never been at the bottom."

"Damn! By the way, Lu Yuan, do you have any study tips? Can you share them with me?"

"The tip is…"

Before Lu Yuan could start, Cheng Peng suddenly pulled his arm hard, signaling him to look in a certain direction.

Following Cheng Peng's direction, Lu Yuan saw several girls walking into the cafeteria, holding hands.

His gaze swept over them, and he understood why Cheng Peng wanted him to look. Among the girls was Lingyue, the girl who had asked him for answers outside the exam room.

Lingyue was recognized as the class flower in Class 2 of the second year, with good academic performance and a beautiful appearance, gaining some popularity in the whole school. Male students from other classes often sent love letters.

Cheng Peng was naturally one of Lingyue's admirers, but he had the heart of a thief and the courage of a mouse. He could only secretly drool over Lingyue's back, blushing even when borrowing a pen from her.


Lu Yuan noticed that the girls seemed to be looking in his direction, so he withdrew his gaze and casually commented, "If Lingyue confesses to you, will you accept?"

Cheng Peng glanced at him.

"I won't accept."

Lu Yuan answered without hesitation.

"Damn, pretending again."

Cheng Peng looked disdainful.

Lu Yuan couldn't be bothered to explain.

Dating? He was studying, practicing martial arts, and already felt there wasn't enough time. Dating? Only if it could unlock the "Sea King" occupation, allowing him to brush attribute points and skill points on multiple occupation panels simultaneously. Then, he might consider it.

After the monthly assessment, Fourth Middle School had a tradition of a three-day holiday.

Counting today, it was actually two and a half days.

After lunch, Lu Yuan asked Cheng Peng if he wanted to go to the martial arts gym.

Cheng Peng didn't want to go, saying he had plans to go to an internet cafe to play games in the afternoon.

Lu Yuan didn't force him.

Since defeating Cheng Peng in a real fight a week ago, Lu Yuan's experience gained from sparring with Cheng Peng had decreased significantly. Each time, he only gained one or two points, making him less interested in pulling Cheng Peng into fights.

"Is it because I've become stronger, and Cheng Peng is already considered a small monster that I can easily defeat?"

"When I add these two attribute points and skill points, will I not even get 1 point of experience when fighting him again?"

Walking on the shaded path leading to the school gate, Lu Yuan considered, "It's time to consider finding an experienced partner. Show my strength in front of Lin Zhiqin, and then apply for a class promotion? Or should I directly participate in the official disciple assessment?"

(End of Chapter)