
Final Priesthood

In the world of Starlight Mecha, Lu Yuan stood at the crossroads of ancient martial arts and cutting-edge technology. His attribute board allowed him to switch between occupations seamlessly, providing him with a unique advantage. With the combination of the [Martial Arts Grandmaster] occupation and the powerful [Abyss Nine-Headed Dragon Heart] material, Lu Yuan had the potential to advance further to the formidable [Fallen Dark Dragon Sect]. As he gazed at his hands covered in black scales and felt the power surging within him, Lu Yuan embraced the fusion of human and dragon attributes. His black hair danced in the absence of wind, and his crimson eyes focused on the humanoid mechanical body soaring through the night sky like a meteor. A sinister smile played on his lips as he contemplated his newfound abilities. The collision of ancient martial arts, divine power, and advanced technology had bestowed upon him unparalleled strength. With confidence in his heart, Lu Yuan whispered softly, "Now... I should be able to tear mechas apart by hand." The agile and powerful Starlight Mecha moved with the grace of a dragon under Lu Yuan's control. As murmurs and roars of gods and demons echoed in the abyss, he embarked on a journey where the boundaries between man and machine blurred, and the clash of old and new created a symphony of power. The era of Lu Yuan had begun, marked by the fusion of martial prowess and mechanical might in the grand tapestry of Starlight Mecha.

ieatjutsu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 10: Attribute Enhancement

Chapter 10: Attribute Enhancement

"Is the place you mentioned that feels great the massage room on the second floor of the martial arts hall?"

Yuan Wuguan on the second floor looked at Cheng Peng with a puzzled expression.

Cheng Peng asked, "What else do you think it is?"

Yuan Wuguan shook his head with a strange expression, "Nothing."

Cheng Peng glanced at him with disdain, then walked to the front desk and presented his student ID.

After some procedures, Yuan Wuguan was arranged to a separate small room.

"Wait here, someone will come to give you a massage later. The massage is very effective; after one session, your muscles won't ache tomorrow, and you'll be full of energy."

Cheng Peng patted his chest and assured Yuan Wuguan, "I'll go down to practice for a while, come find me after your massage."

Yuan Wuguan nodded.

After Cheng Peng left, he surveyed the small room in front of him.

The room had air conditioning, and the temperature was comfortable.

In the middle was a narrow bed with neatly folded bathrobe on it, and next to the bed was a small bedside table.

Yuan Wuguan put his backpack in the bedside table, then quickly took a shower in the bathroom and changed into clean clothes.

He sat on the bed and waited, taking the opportunity to briefly inform his parents via phone that he would be a bit late at the martial arts hall.

Soon, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Yuan Wuguan put down his phone and saw a middle-aged man walking in with a box.

Seeing the well-built arms of the man in loose practice clothes, Yuan Wuguan inexplicably felt a bit uncomfortable, as if something was off.

Fortunately, the friendly smile on the man's face quickly dispelled that feeling.

"Lie down on the bed."


Yuan Wuguan obediently lay down on the small bed.

The man opened the box, took out a small stove, lit it with a lighter, and placed it neatly on the small table by the bed.

A faint sandalwood fragrance spread from the stove, and Yuan Wuguan's heart gradually calmed down.

"Been practicing hard, huh?"

The man gently pressed on Yuan Wuguan's legs and body, speaking to him.

"Muscles in several places have tears and strains."

"Is it serious?"

Yuan Wuguan couldn't help but ask.

"Not too serious."

The man shook his head, saying, "It's a martial arts hall, and disciples often have injuries. I've seen much worse than yours."

Yuan Wuguan finally relaxed.

Then the man asked Yuan Wuguan to undress and lie face down on the bed. He took out a white ointment and applied it gently to Yuan Wuguan's thighs, calves, arms, and lower back.

The ointment gave a cool sensation when applied, and before Yuan Wuguan could speak, the man explained, "This is a secret remedy from the martial arts hall. With this ointment and my massage technique, you'll fully recover in a day or two."

"Secret remedy?"

"Yes, only martial arts hall students are qualified to use it. You can't buy it outside even if you have money. I'm going to start now."

The man said calmly and suddenly exerted force.

The intense pain in the calves almost made Yuan Wuguan cry out, but soon the pain turned into waves of tingling and numbness.

The man's technique was gentle yet powerful, accurately targeting the sore and swollen areas on Yuan Wuguan's body.

With Yuan Wuguan's experience as the "Foot Soaking Prince" in his previous life, the man could be considered a skilled master.

Yuan Wuguan didn't know when he fell asleep.

When he woke up, he found soft music playing in his ears, and a thin air-conditioned blanket covering him.

As for the man who massaged him, he had already disappeared.

"It's almost eight o'clock?!"

Yuan Wuguan took out his phone from his backpack to check the time and realized nearly two hours had passed. His face changed instantly.

Without bothering to shower, he quickly put on his clothes and rushed downstairs.

"I thought you were going to sleep until tomorrow morning."

As soon as he descended the stairs, Cheng Peng was waiting in the lobby, questioning him, "How do you feel?"

"Let's talk later; let's go home!"

"Okay, I'm starving."

The massage on the second floor of the martial arts hall had an incredible effect, far beyond Yuan Wuguan's expectations.

Just on the second day, the soreness in his body had almost disappeared.

Not only did he recover, but he felt even better than before.

After all, muscles become stronger through repeated tearing.


After practicing a set of basic martial arts movements, Yuan Wuguan sweated a bit on his forehead, but he looked more energetic.

"Not bad!"

Lin Zhiqin, with a satisfied expression, looked at him and nodded, "Most of the movements are well-practiced, but there are a few areas that need improvement."

After speaking, Lin Zhiqin corrected Yuan Wuguan's mistakes in martial arts movements step by step, then continued to shout to the students, "Next!"

Today's class focused on consolidating the knowledge taught in the previous class.

Yuan Wuguan received Lin Zhiqin's praise as soon as he came up, attracting the attention of many people.

"Little handsome guy is amazing!"

The girl with the ponytail in class, who now had a ponytail instead of a bob, and had done her makeup more delicately, deliberately greeted Yuan Wuguan loudly. When he didn't respond, she laughed and said, "This little handsome guy is pretty cool."

"You're really good; among those who went up, you practiced the best."

After Yuan Wuguan came down, round-faced girl Liu Yue quickly approached and said to him with a hint of admiration.

"I plan to use this as my special skill in the college entrance exam next year, so I worked a bit harder."

Yuan Wuguan smiled at Liu Yue and casually replied.

"I also signed up for martial arts training because of the physical education special skill in the college entrance exam. I heard that the requirements for combat in the exam are much lower than those for badminton and other sports. But I feel like I don't have talent in this area, no matter how hard I try."

Liu Yue sighed.

"You've just started, and girls don't have an advantage in this area anyway."

Yuan Wuguan comforted casually, but his attention was on the attribute panel he called up in front of him.

[Name: Yuan Wuguan]

[Age: 17]

[Occupation 1: Student level 3 (345/400)

Occupation 2: Fighter level 1 (98/100)]

[Strength: 7]

[Agility: 8]

[Constitution: 7]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Occupation 2 Basic Skills: Basic Body Forging level 2 (121/200)

Basic Martial Arts level 2 (23/200)]

Compared to a week ago, the experience points for the [Fighter] occupation had increased significantly.

Just two points away from reaching level 2.

Both basic skills had also reached level 2.

Especially the Basic Body Forging, it was about 40% away from reaching level 3. It showed how hard Yuan Wuguan had been working on strength training this week.

However, for some reason, his four-dimensional attributes hadn't changed at all.

"But I can feel that my strength has increased, and my body has become stronger. Even my appetite has increased a lot."

Yuan Wuguan couldn't figure it out.

"Alright, let's go over the content of the last class again. Do two sets of strength training, then start the new lesson."

Now that Lin Zhiqin had an understanding of everyone's mastery of basic martial arts, he began announcing the content of today's class.

Following Lin Zhiqin's demonstration of a set of basic martial arts movements, the experience points for Basic Martial Arts level 2 increased again.

This effect was much better than Yuan Wuguan practicing alone at home, probably because of the hands-on guidance.

Then came two sets of strength training as a warm-up before class.

Just after completing one set, Yuan Wuguan suddenly received a notification on the attribute panel.

[Congratulations, your Strength attribute has been upgraded!]

[Congratulations, your Constitution attribute has been upgraded!]

Yuan Wuguan was startled for a moment, then checked the attribute panel again, and indeed, his current four-dimensional attributes were—

[Strength: 8]

[Agility: 8]

[Constitution: 8]

[Intelligence: 10]

Both Strength and Constitution had increased by one point.

"Why did it suddenly increase? I didn't feel any special changes."

Yuan Wuguan was a bit puzzled.

But he quickly understood the key.

"It should be that after a week of training, the attributes of Strength and Constitution were close to the critical point for an increase. Both Strength and Constitution have been enhanced, but it didn't show on the panel. Now, it just broke through that critical point, so it shows the increase."

(End of this chapter)