
Final Fantasy X Danmachi.

Just a small story I threw together one day when I was bored, pretty good if you ask me.

Ryan_Colman · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

60. Just chatting.

It was a bit awkward at first having Hephaestus flirt with me as I had still held a bit if a grudge against her. I mean even when people apologize everyone knows sometimes people still hold a small grudge.

Still we quickly found common ground discussing forging, I had the knowledge of a legendary blacksmith after all. Any question I asked she answered and back and forth. It was a pretty nice experience. Even Tsubaki who was accompanying her goddess got into the chat.

"So I take it I'm not banned from your familia?" I ask the red headed goddess.

"No, I never banned you in the first place. I was just frustrated and blurted some things I shouldn't have. Sorry." She admits.

"Eh, we all do it I suppose." I tell her. "I'll probably stop by your place to purchase some things for my personal forge which I still need to set up. That and check and see how the blacksmithing here is done."

"That's fine." Hephaestus says with a smile, she was having quite the pleasant time here. "You will have to show me when you get your forge set up."

"Sure." No reason not to.

"So do you mind if I ask about that dragoon armor and weapon of yours. I searched everywhere for information on them and couldn't find anything." Hephaestus admits.

"That's because there isn't anything written down about them. Nothing can be traced to my armors or weapons that exist in this world except me." I grin at the woman. "That and those I tell about it. There exists only 8 sets of equipment and i own all of them. Consider it like a legacy only passed down by word of mouth from person to person. The reason I didn't want to show you is because they are incredibly powerful and shouldn't be sold or put into normal human hands and I don't want them copied. That and the weapon has the ability to pretty much instant kill me. I dunno if they can be remade since you need a dragon of a certain rank to be able to get a set and I doubt the magic to create them exists anymore." I tell her seriously.

"Are they really that powerful?" Tsubaki asks sceptically.

I notice Lili and Hel both looking at me with curious gazes, they had seen the armor however they had never seen what they could do.

"Alright I'll give you an example. Follow me." I tell them as we head off in a certain direction.

There was nothing but open plains of dirt in this area, I had noticed Demeter also followed curiously.

"Guess we are going to need a target." I stomp on the ground and cast Quakeja. The earth suddenly shakes and in the distance a mountain shoots up from the ground with a rumble as the group stare in awe. It takes a second for the dirt and dust to settle showing the large mountain that had formed from the magic.

"Alright then let's see, it will be my first time using this armor." My body flashes as a large set of silver equipment forms over my body. A massive greatblade in my right hand and a strange looking protrusion from my left. The armor is huge and bulky and behind it are multiple sets of glowing wings. "Really need to remake this."

Hephaestus stares in awe at the equipment. It was like nothing she had ever seen before.

"Well let's get this show started." Turning to the side a large pauldron on my shoulder opens up to show various tubes. "Divine Dragon Ball!"

My magic drains rapidly and there is a gunfire noise as hundreds of small mortars fire from the open pauldron exploding against the mountain range. When the dust clears the mountain shows various massive pool sized pot holes smoking from damage. You could easily siege a city with this weapon.

"That was only 30% of my magic, it's a wide range rapid fire attack." I tell them as they look at the devastation.

I wait for a second while I restore my mana. Before pointing the large protrusion on my left arm towards the mountain. My mana drains at a crazy rate and dark cloud fill the sky.

"Divine Dragon Cannon!" A massive beam of fuck everything in that direction fires from the arm cannon. After the light fades there is nothing but a ditch in the ground as far as the eye can see. There exists no more mountain in that area.

"Whew, that takes a lot out of a guy." I sigh releasing the armor. "That is an attack that uses 100% of the persons magical energy." Everyone gulps at the insane weapon damage.

"I understand why you did not wish to show me." Hephaestus says with a serious look on her face. She too had been sceptical of its power. She wasn't anymore, it was like releasing a divine arcanum on earth. The damage was too crazy.

"I can imagine the chaos that these would bring should they be sold to some people." I stretch a bit and wait for my mana to regenerate. It really was a draining attack.

"It kind of reminds me of the crozzo magic swords but on a larger more destructive scale." Hephaestus says. Of course she had some of those sword, however they were 1 time use magic sword. Kind of like magical bombs that crumbled after a single use.

"Never seen one. But still I'm glad you understand why I don't want more made if you could. The original wielder of just the 7 elemental dragoons were enough to wipe a species more powerful than high elves to extinction and that was with creatures on their side who were on par with dragons. They literally had to make weapons specifically meant to kill them and still failed." I explain.

"I would like to hear that story." Demeter says from the side.

"Sure, I don't have much to do today." I tell them with a shrug before we head back to the work area. I start to tell them the Legend of The Dragoon.