

I sighed as I stared at my chemistry test paper. Come on, Avery you know this one. I literally studied about this yesterday with Peter at Ronnie's. I stared at the clock in disbelief as my brain was failing me right now.

"What do you think you're doing?" I raised my eyebrow at Peter who was making paper planes out of the Chemistry book chapters.

"What!" he said. "Am I the only one who thinks this is so dumb." He frowned. "And boring." "Come on, Peter we have to pass this test or we won't graduate." I told him.

"Ugh, fine" he sighed heavily. "Now undo those pages. I'm gonna go get some of that blue soda stuff." He said. I raised my eyebrow, "Dude, you know that's not a real drink and even if it is you're not gonna get it here. There's just smoothies and pepsi for some reason."

"Okay, I'll take that carbonated drink please." He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

I chuckled at the memory of last night. We really did study, wait a minute carbonated drink of course. "Carbon!" and the teacher eyed me "Sorry." I mouthed.

Ooh, thank you goofy Peter haha, I mean thank you God for reminding me of goofy Peter.

"So Bethel, how was your Spanish test?" I asked, Bethel as her, Peter and I made our way to bible study. "Fue grandioso Avery." She smiled at me and Peter laughed.

"What was that?" "She said it was great." I told him. "Since when are you Mexican?" he raised an eyebrow at me. Bethel laughed as I shook my head and stopped walking. "Peter, Spanish is not only spoken by Mexicans. It's pretty common in South and Central America and Spain." I said.

"I knew that." He said awkwardly. "You shoulda taken that online lesson." I told him. "I told you I've been..." I cut him off. "We know, we know. Going out with your girlfriend." "She's real." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "Beth believes me. Right Bethel?" he asked. "Uh, hey we're here. Bible study yeaah, let's go!" she hurried inside.

I stared at Peter and he shrugged then we went inside. When we got in they had already started the discussion. "Oh, great. You guys are here. Maybe Avery can tell us more about thanksgiving." Paige our bible study group leader smiled at me.

"Psalms 50:14." She added, "Um, okay" I sat down. "Well, what I learned about thanksgiving is that it doesn't happen when you're good and ready or when it's all bunnies and rainbows."

"I look back ten years ago and I smile. Not because they're these nostalgic memories. It's because of how I've grown so much. I couldn't talk for some time after the accident." I said.

"But then God just brought these wonderful people in my life Jason Maxwell, Pamela Addison and Monica Reed. And even though things got worse from there. I lost them all but if I didn't I wouldn't have met these amazing goobers here." I stared at Peter and Bethel.

"So I'd call upon each one of you in this group to be thankful for anything and everything we go through because if we look closely the pain comes with a bright side.

God is merciful and he doesn't let you go through problems with no solution. Yes I was grieving but I wasn't alone was I?" I stared at everyone in the group in turns.

"Yes, my father might be a problem and might've caused my mom to go crazy but I'm still not alone. I don't have to deal with all this alone. An awesome family that draws me closer to God and help me grow." "I thank God for these people and everything because I couldn't have all this if it didn't happen." I lost my family ten years ago but I got another one and its all thanks to you, God. I love them."

I closed my eyes as I listened to the rain pouring outside and a faint sound of thunder in the sky and flashes of lightning.

I was suppose to meet the guys at Surf's Pizza. It's a pizza place at the beach "Awesome" I know right. Two of my most favourite things on earth, pizza and the beach. What luxury.

I smiled at the thought of it. The rain was definitely goanna make me late because it's pouring out there. I moved from my window and went to open my closet to look for my rain coat.

I was gonna make a decision to go out since the rain wasn't goin' to stop. My face lit up as I found it, all yellow and bright. "Ooh" I took my phone which was ringing.

"Hey" I silently sighed, "Where are you?" Bethel asked. "Well, you can see the rain right." I said. "Yeah and we made it here so hurry up." She said.

"Okay." I replied then I hung up. I sighed and put on my rain coat and walked out of my room. "Hey, I'm going out for a while." I told Stan who was as usual on the TV.

He didn't respond. He just kept changing the channel on the TV. I walked out in the roaring rain and I was getting wet since the rain coat can only do so much.

The road felt like forever but eventually I could see the lights of the shack at the beach. "Thank God!" I sighed and ran into the dry comforts Surf's Pizza offered.

I took off my rain coat and scanned the place for Beth and Peter. I started heading towards their direction after I had spotted them. " 'Bout time." Bethel said glancing at me.

"Hmm" I smiled, "Would you quit you two. At least she came." Peter said annoyed. "Sorry!" Beth apologized, "Well, I have something to tell you all." She started.

Mick arrived after and smiled at us all and sat next to Beth. "Hey, babe." He whispered and she smiled, "Hi" "Hey, buddy!" I waved my hand to the waiter. Peter chuckled.

The waiter rushed to the table "Yes, miss" "Uh, could you get me anything blueberry." I said and the waiter looked confused. "Um, do you mean smoothies?" he asked and I nodded. "We only have milk shakes miss." He told me, "Well, I did say anything blueberry." I said.

"Right away miss." He walked away and Bethel was just done with me at the moment. "I had to get a drink. I don't know why you're so mad at me right now." "I'm not." She said.

"So Mick, no shift?" I asked, "Uh yeah, I swapped shifts with my friend so I could come here." He replied. "Aww! So sweet!" I almost teared up. "It's nothing." He said nervously scratchin' the back of his neck.

"I called you all here to tell you that I'm leaving after summer." She said. I paused. I leaned back on my chair. "Wait, I thought we were all going to Westby." Peter said.

"Peter, I know what we all agreed on but it has been my dream to go to West Coast and Avery knows that. Sorry guys, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity." She told us.

Peter sighed. "Avery aren't you gonna say something?" she said and Peter stared at me. "You knew,didn't you?" he asked and I froze then he looked at Beth then Mick who shrugged.

"So, you all knew except me." "I'm sorry, Peter but it wasn't my news to tell." I apologized. "I thought we were friends though, all of you." He said and shook his head.

"Peter I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you back then and that was my mistake. I also chose to go there because Mick's moving too." She said.

"It's true. I'm moving to West Coast City and enrolling in business school. I want to open my own restaurant." "Sorry, we had to keep this from you man." He said.

M y drink arrived at the wrong moment but I still took a sip from it, I was thirsty. "I have to tell you guys something too." I said. "Oh sure." Peter sighed.

"I'm goin' to Heaton" "What!" she said, "I thought you said you didn't get letters." "I lied." I said. "I'm sorry! I didn't know where to go, and when you told me about West Coast I just couldn't."

"You guys!" Peter snapped, "I can't believe this." He sighed. I sipped my drink again. "Avery, I'm your best friend you could've told me and we could've figured it out." She said. "I know." I said.

"You know next we plan something, you know as friends" he stood up, "Keep me outta it." "Peter come on." I said. "Don't! Avery. I expected more from you." He left.

"But Peter it's still raining." I said but not loud enough for him to hear. "Does Avery like Peter?" I heard Mick whisper to Bethel. "No! She doesn't. She just really feels guilty and besides he has a girlfriend." I said.

Mick chuckled nervously, "Uh you heard that." I just sipped my drink and rolled my eyes.

It's been days since I last talked to Peter and I haven't even seen him in forever. We share most of our classes, I'm worried about him. I really shouldn't have lied to him.

I mean I had barely figured things out and then Bethel just dropped that bomb on me so I just overreacted. I never wanted things to end this way between us.

Oh, God what do I do. "Kid, we're burning daylight here." Stan peered from my door. He has gotten less violent over the month and I can't even celebrate with the people who helped me with the prayers.

I put on my blue graduation gown and rushed downstairs. Oh didn't I mention it was our graduation day. Finally, thank God! I let out sighs of relief and made my way to the drive way and we left.

Moments later, we arrived at school and the place was packed. Blue gowns everywhere, it's as if we were in smurf village. I chuckled at that one. I got out of the car and scanned the area slowly looking for my friends.

I saw Beth and I waved at her and she jumped and waved back then she shrugged and ran away to catch up with her family. She didn't know where Peter was either.

I felt a warm hand hold mine. "You'll see him again, sweetie." Mom said and I smiled and nodded. "Hey, party's this way!" Stan yelled as he disappeared into the crowd.

"We are gathered here today on this wonderful day for our kids. As they graduate and get ready to open a new chapter in their lives. Learn life away from home and discover who they truly want to be in the future." Our school principal Mr. Larry said and everyone applauded.

"Now without further a due let's welcome our valedictorian Lauren Andrews." Mr. Larry said. She went up the stage with applauses welcoming her. She shook the principal's hand. "Lauren Andrews, everyone." The principal finally said and stepped off the stage. Lauren took her place in front of the podium.

"Good Afternoon everyone. Parents, students and teachers." "Um, we're all gathered here today to witness a breakthrough for each and every one of us. High School is one of the most toughest places to be in but so rewarding when you finally get to the finish line. And here we are. I know some of us led lives that weren't our own, some of us didn't know what their own was but we're going to college and that's the place where you can become whoever you want to be and more." She smiled.

"A place where creativity and imagination are brought to life. A place to re-discover your purpose, your calling. Who am I? Who are you? I don't know but I can't wait to find out. Now who's with me?" she smiled raising her fist and every one cheered.

Lauren stepped off the stage and the principal took over and started the awarding of certificates. After, we all tossed our hats in the air yelling out "Oswald High School!"

I sat down the front porch's stairs staring at my hat. It was almost night fall and I hadn't seen my friends. A tear rolled down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

I took out a picture of us at Ronnie's. We took it after bible study, I chuckled and sniffled. "I miss you so much" I cried then sniffled again. "I'm sorry." I buried my face in my hands.

"I'm sorry too." A voice said and I slowly looked up, "Peter" I stood and hugged him. "I'm so sorry for not telling you about Heaton. You're my best friend in the whole world. It wasn't fair to you." I told him.

"Avery." He broke off the hug, "It's okay." I was upset because I hadn't received any letter from the college I wanted. I had only gotten one from Westby." He said and I pulled him into a hug again.

"So where are you going?" I asked him while we sat on the porch. "Uh, Icon University." He replied, "Oh!" I said. "It's an hour away from Heaton so we can still see each other. I got a basketball scholarship." He said.

"Wow! That's amazing Peter. I'm so proud of you." I said. "Thanks! Um, when we met at the beach the other day I hadn't gotten the letter so I was just frustrated.

But days later it came for me and I felt so bad for my reaction. I couldn't talk to you, any of you but when I saw you at graduation I just had to apologize." He turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry!" he held my hand. "It's okay Peter. I shouldn't have been a jerk about it." I said and he smiled. "Did you talk to Beth?" I asked him.

"Not yet. I haven't seen her in a while now." He said and I nodded. "Hey, what's with the gloomy face. It's alright now." Peter said holding my chin up.

"Okay?" he stared at me. "Okay!" I said staring back and smiled at him. He started to slowly lean in, closer, closer then I closed my eyes and sharply turned my head then stood up.

"Um..." I said running a hand through my ginger hair, "So see you tomorrow at Ronnie's, yeah?" Peter sighed and stood up "Yeah. Sure." He smiled. I walked to the door and stopped to look at Peter. "Good Night!" I said with my hand on the knob.

"Good Night! Avery." He said and began walking away. I watched him disappear then I sighed and shut my eyes for a second and smiled before I went inside.

    Hey guys!

Thank you for staying on this journey with me.

What do you think will happen between Peter and Avery?

And the three musketeers....

doublyn_carlsoncreators' thoughts