
Fight again

After death Lu han sa moved reincarnated to different world. World ruled by beast where humans and other races are on the verge of annihilation. Will he be able to live long enaugh or will he die in the trenches of war.

Kozow23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


[initializing system for reincarnators]

- huh what happened?

- Is it my third son?

- yeah husband it is our third son.

- See mother fuckers this king is best at making boys 3 in the row pay up.

- ughh

- Okay having boys is nice and all but nothing is cuter than my daughter brother,

- You will se my next one will be daughter if not ill try again and again!!!!

- soo are you planning changing mi into breeding tool for you?

- Uhh she looks pissed!!

- Ugh I'm sorry honey I just really want for us to have daughter as cute and wonderful as you so i can pamper both of you to best of my abilities.

- Humph

- Third son? Me?

- Look at his eyes moving around between us how cute.

- He has your eyes.

- and your chin

They both laughed.

- He should be hungry let me feed him.

- Alright everyone show is over! And if any of you old pervs will look at my wife i will break your leg and beat you with it.

- okay okay you don't have to be so protective.

- You fucker said something.

Man standing next to his lying wife looked man who said it with murderous intent.

- okay man chill please.

- Yeah husband please don't show you intent in front of the child.

- Huh? he look a few years older then me but his intent is no joke. Okay it its not time t dwell on what happened...

At this moment woman took out her breast and put her nipple inside newborns mouth.

- Gross, take this ugly thing out of my face old hag.

-He sure is lively.

- he is gona be a grate warrior for sure if his already this energetic few hours after he was born.

- yeah yeah mister strongest warrior in the town now get out and let me do my job.

Not having any choice Lu han sa started sucking out her milk.

- Good boy. What should I name you? Your first brother is was named by your father Thunder and second one Dragos how childish no matter the world man are like that. Hmm maybe something like Lucas?

I moved hearing her saying about different world.

- Ahh you like Lucas? alright you are now Lucas Ashcroft.

- Well I didn't really move to the name but her saying about other world, she should be reincarnator like me, even so this name isn't so bad as as it kinda sounds like my old name. Well i think that i focused on wrong thing now, nut I'm sleepy so I'm going to sleep now and think more about it when I wake up with new.

- Oh you finally awake?

- Hmm what is it?

looking around drowsy with squinted eyes Lucas looked around.

- Huh- he tried to say something but his underdeveloped voice strings couldn't make same sound he wanted them to do so he make some high pitched unknown sound.

- He is sooo cuteeee.

He looked at the unfamiliar celling and unfamiliar woman that was looking at him.

- So it wasn't a dream? Did I really die? I don't recall it but fuck it it's not like I was attached to the world let me get new knowledge that wasn't present in my old world.

- Did he wake up?

- Yeah he is looking around curiously?

- Hmm and not crying weird?

- Fuck I forgot that kids my age are crying for everything as they cant communicate otherwise, I have to keep that in mind to not let her know that I'm not hers true son well at least not in the soul as biologically I am. Having reincarnated mom if fine but your own child? It is kind of scary.

- Hmm he is looking at you maybe he wants you to pick him up?

- hmm not please not, it to embarrassing to be 16 year old man to be carried around by a woman few years older than me.

- come to mommy.

- Okay reluctantly but i obey as i cant really fight you with this young body.

- Look at his contended smile when you are carrying him!!!

- Contented? Its not like I like you or something just having a mom is nicer than i thought. Yes I just cant help it as I never had a mother just want to...

- Huh he fallen asleep?

- You must have some kind of charm as his mother to make him sleep this fast.

- Haha maybe. let me put him to the crib and lets prepare some food for the boys.

When Lucas woke up he saw that it was already late at night.

- Hmm should I wake them up?

- Nah not yet let them sleep a bit longer as I will figure out what I know. Good thing is that the sound of the language isn't really much different than in my old world so I wont have to waste more time to learn it.

He closed his eyes and started to feel atmosphere around him.

- Good I can feel mana in this world. Such a relief as even having a mother is couldn't completely outshine if I couldn't practice martial arts, well maybe having a mother is better but having both is the best.

- Alright let me check if I can absorb it inside.

- Huh it a bit hard but I can. Next is checking what element I'm attuned with.

He slowly started moving wisps of mana outside of his hand.

- it flame? with something mixed inside?

- thunder and wood element? Lovely I'm triple elemental even if my main is fire.

- Good I know lots of flame arts as I had the same element in past life. Let me think what should I do? Most of my cultivation techniques are Tier 3 or Tier 2. Well I have one Tier 4 but I couldn't practice it as it had harsh limitations, but now?

- Let me check I cant have any cultivation- check

- I have to be under 5 years old check something more? Nah if I don't remember that means it wasn't that important. Lets start training.

Lucas focused on the mana inside and outside of his body and started circulate his mana like in the training manual he remembered gradually he started feeling hot and he moved his mana inside his dantian to create the seed of his element. He was circulating mana inside his body for 20 minutes to enlarge and strengthen his meridians and burn all impurities inside his body. When he finished one cycle he lost consciousness for few minutes.

- Huh it is much harder than I thought, hmm I wasn't able to condense flame seed but I already changed properties of my mana so it will be done sooner or later.

Suddenly he felt stabbing pain in his abdomen

- Fuck did I mess up something?

- ughhh Fuuuuck it sooo painfull

- uuuuuaaaaaauuauauauauauauaua

Lucas started crying loudly as his body could really handle the stress.

Those cries woke up his mother that like a wind run to his side checking what happened. When she saw that wriggling baby inside the crib couldn't stop her worry if something happened to him as she never saw other children to react like that to something. Without any option she picked him up and started cradle him in her embrace patting him lightly on his back.


Hearing this sound she couldn't stop smile forming on her face as that meant that this wasn't something serious.

- Fuck did I just farted and pooped my pants? Fuck really such an embarrassment. How is it possible to child my size to let out so vile sound from this little ass. No what is this smell did i eat something that someone already eaten or what this is disgusting.

- Oh my what a strong smell we have to change you.

- Please don't just don't smell it.

Lucas want nothing less than the ground to open up and let him die like this thing that died in his bowels. He cried his shame out and fell asleep.

- Good that this was only this much not something life threatening.

Routine for next ten days was mana training eating sleeping and pooping.

- Good that I wasn't able to repeat sound and smell form first night. More importantly he learned that his mother is named Elaine, father Zane, mother's sister Eleanor who was living with us and was almost 10 years old this year as she will be having birthday in few days. Also in those past days a was able to condense elemental seeds inside my dantian. Wood and thunder seed were attached to flame seed circulating around it and giving my flame new properties.

- This technique ma be only Tier 4 well for me even Tier 4 is something from high shelf but world is big and there were even Tier 10 books but my family was to weak to own something like that we had only this Tier 4 technique. But it potential is unlimited paired with those two techniques one is allowing me to absorb flames born between heaven and earth any other natural treasure but those treasures were rare and demand enormous in my last world. And second one is something I only got my hands 3 years before my death. This one allow me to passively train that means I'm training even if I sleep but of course efficiency is decreased to 20% of conscious training but it better than nothing. I can also circulate any technique with this to create something called rings. It have 3 levels that are starting form 2 rings and doubling the amount every level and every level increase passive cultivation speed up to 60% but I found out that you can increase those rings in every level to further increase cultivation speed and who knows what more if I will go high enough. And it also increase basic speed of mana absorption for every ring and refines your body as it is essentially body refining technique. Trained to limits you can acquire special physique. And with those 3 manuals I will be able to become terrifying as seed needs time and mana but I cant really sit and absorb mana as that would be increase my realm faster but weakening my battle power in long term.

- Enough thinking lets start to cultivate.