
Fierce Survival

She had not intended to end her year by confronting death. It is not an option to give up. She must fight to escape her kidnapper. She has to stay ALIVE.

tarsh_1250 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter Five

Jimmy parked his car in the station's parking lot. Even though it was nearly 9 p.m., there were still officers on duty at the station.

When they walked in, they saw three police officers. They were all buried in paperwork. She approached the nearest officer while Jimmy says he'll wait for her on a bench. He reasoned that she should do it alone.

"Good evening, sir. I'm here to file a missing persons report," she said. He raised his head and motioned for her to take a seat. "What's your name, ma'am?" he inquired. "Olivia Adams" she responded.

"Ok, what is the name of the missing person, and how do you know this person?" He asked while writing on his notepad. "Well, she's my friend," he inquired. Harriet Wiebe is her name." Olivia replied

"And how long has she been missing?" He asked.

"I think it's 5 days now, I'm not sure," she said. "And you didn't report this?" the cop inquired, surprised. "Well, this isn't her first disappearance. She usually enjoys going to her father's cabin in Chivante." Olivia stated this. "But this time was different; I got a call from her about an hour ago," Olivia began to cry.

The officer handed her tissues to wipe away her tears. "Go on," he said, continuing to jot this down. "She said she was fine, I shouldn't be bothered, but she said something that made me realize she had been kidnapped," Olivia said, half-crying. "Would you like to take a break?" the officer asked, handing her another tissue. "I'm fine," she said, "Harriet told me to tell her mom to help me get the cat from the vet."

The cop was perplexed. "So I still don't get it," he admitted. "The problem is, Harriet doesn't have a pet, and her mother is a nursing home. "She was diagnosed with dementia," she said. "Now I get it," the cop said. "You must relax, ma'am; we will find your friend," he assured her. "Thank you, sir," she replied.

"Do you know anyone who would have tried to hurt her?" he inquired, taking careful note of all her responses. "Not at all. Except for me, she didn't have any friends. "She and her boyfriend broke up last week," she explained. "All right, and who ended the relationship?" Olivia blew her nose with a tissue and adjusted her position.

"Harriet ended the relationship because her boyfriend was abusive," she explained. "And where is this boyfriend at the moment?"

"He should be here. I hadn't seen him in a while, but when I called him yesterday to inquire about her, he sounded unconcerned."

"All right, let me clarify. Your friend ended her relationship with her abusive boyfriend, went missing, and the boyfriend is unconcerned. "How long have they been dating?" he inquired. "It's been four years," Olivia stated. The officer nodded and took a note on his note pad. "Does she have any family other than her mother?" he inquired. "No, she doesn't; I'm the closest thing she has to family," Olivia responded.

"OK, do you know where her ex-boyfriend lives? "We should start there." "We'd need her house address, a photo of her, and the address to her father's cabin," the officer explained as he handed Olivia a blank sheet of paper. He gave her a pen and told her to write down everything that would help them in their investigation.

She thanked the cops and walked over to meet Jimmy after writing everything down on the sheet of paper. "Are you okay?" He inquired. "Sure, I've given them everything I can about Harriet, I just hope they find her. "I won't forgive myself if they don't," she sobbed. Jimmy walked her out of the station, his hands on her shoulders.

He opened the passenger door and assisted her in entering. "Would you like something?" He inquired while attempting to pit on his seat belt. "I'm fine," she replied. He started the car and left the police station.

The drive back to Olivia's house was peaceful. Olivia cried the entire time, blaming herself for not being more attentive. Jimmy packed his car inside Olivia garage. "Are you going to be okay on your own?" He inquired, "I don't know," she sobbed. He took her by the hand and led her inside the house. As Olivia sat in the living room, he went into the kitchen. "Would you like coffee or cocoa?" He inquired. "Cocoa," she said, "I'm going up to shower," and walked quietly up the stairs.

Jimmy checked his watch while attempting to make hot cocoa; it was past 11 p.m. He wished he could stay with her to assist her, but he wasn't sure if she would agree. The hot cocoa was ready in a matter of minutes. He carried the two cups into the living room. He was about halfway through his when he heard the bedroom door open. Olivia walked down the stairs, carrying a blanket and a pillow. She was dressed in a silky nightgown. Her hair was damp and curly. "Can you sleep over tonight?, I'll really need company," she asked. "Are you sure?" he inquired. "I'm sure, I don't need to be alone right now," she replied. "You can use the restroom upstairs," she suggested. "Thank you," he said. Jimmy stood up and went to the restroom. He needed that shower more than anything else. He was back in the living room in a matter of minutes. "What have you been up to?" Olivia inquired, attempting to make small talk. "The usual," Jimmy replied, and the room fell silent.

She moved closer to Jimmy and took his hand in hers. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. She moved in closer and kissed him on the cheeks. Jimmy was at a loss for what to do. She wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed him passionately. He squeezed her waist and kissed her back. He had a fire of pleasure burning inside of him. His body was yearning for hers, but now wasn't the time. He drew away from her. She was enraged at him. She stood up and stormed into her room, not wanting to hear him explain himself.

"This isn't the right time," he reasoned as he lay on the sofa, attempting to sleep.