
Fierce Love (BL)

Kence Russel Crosmoner, a man that doesn't believe in love because he witnesses how love can be devastating for those who experience it. He originally thought that he will not love anyone yet the unexpected variable - Calter Sternix entered his life and made him fall in love After many struggles, the two Alphas entered a loving yet hidden relationship. Kence is a famous actor and to protect his fame, he cannot publicly announce his relationship. Calter's family on the other hand doesn't want him to be with Kence. Everything should have been alright but because of the Sternix Family and Calter's childhood sweetheart - Eriel things have change Kence endured for years before he decided that he cannot take it anymore. He confronted his boyfriend to end their relationship just to get into a car accident and he was sent to 2 years in the past. This time, Kence will end things with Calter again and regain his peaceful life That was Kence's plan but what the hell is happening in this world? The legends of the earth being a world of supernatural actually appeared to be true? Kence now has to keep himself away from his ex-boyfriend that just won't let him go while making sure that he is safe from the supernatural things happening in this world --------- This is a Bl novel packed with Action Fantasy

KenceRussel · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
166 Chs

Chapter 12: Next Day

The next day, Kence was awoken by the feeling of dampness in his forehead. Fortunately, although he drank some alcohol yesterday, he was not able to drink that much. If not, he might suffer from a severe hangover

When Kence opened his eyes, he was met with a set of silver-colored pupils that looks almost the same as the one he has

"Mom, what are you doing?" Kence asked affectionately as his mother was slowly caressing his silver hair while a small wet towel was placed on his forehead

"Your body temperature is too cold. I thought you might be sick but you don't seem uncomfortable when you were sleeping so I want to ask if you want to go to a hospital after you woke up" Ica answered while her hand didn't cease their movement

Kence felt warm in his heart and he moves into the bed to hug his mother. "Don't worry about me, mom. I'm not sick"

Aside from Kence's body having a colder temperature than usual, he really doesn't feel sick. There is no need for his mom to feel worried

"Well, I was worried and I take the day off today. Do you want us to chat the whole day?"

Chat ... Despite Ica not saying it explicitly, Kence understood what she meant by that. Kence is naturally aware of the impact the scene he made with Calter last night would have

A lot of news outline and social media were surely gossiping about his and Calter's break up. It can't be helped, whether it be Kence or Calter, both of them are known by many people. Naturally, a lot of people would be interested in what is happening in the lives of these two equally handsome men

Who asked Calter to make a scene like that? They could just break up quietly but Calter didn't give him that chance

"Mom, my body and my heart are fine. Don't pay attention to the news, I don't care what they want to say about me anymore" Kence reassured

"It's your private life but I'm still your mother. If there is something that you cannot talk about with other people, your mom is here"

"Of course! Mom is the best!"

Seeing her son acting this affectionately with her, Ica can't stop a smile from forming on her lips. She wants to say something but decided not to. Ica is worried about the relationship problems of her son but she also didn't want to become too meddlesome

"Silly child, you really know how to flatter me. Just remember that I am here. Haven't I told you already before that my schoolmates call me cupid in the past? If it's matters regarding love, your mom can definitely help you!"

Kence just snorted at that. What cupid? His mom is just always too engrossed when the topic is about love! She's the gossiper type of person!

"Ehem" The bonding time between the pair of mother and child was suddenly interrupted by the sound of fake coughing

When the two turned their heads at the cough's source, they saw an extremely tall man standing outside Kence's room

They were too busy with themselves that they didn't even sense that someone already opened the door

If it was other people, they would think that this is impolite but Calter is basically almost a family for them. Well, that is the case before Kence traveled back in time

"You came just as I thought" Ica muttered with a smile before kissing her son's head. "I'll give you two some time alone. Come down later to eat"

After finishing her words, Ica grinned at her son that blushed a bit at her action. It was one thing to act affectionately alone and another when there are other people present

Kence is the type of person that feels shy when he is acting this close with his mother as it was not aligned to the image that he has

Kence only blushed for a bit though before a frown appeared on his face. What is Calter doing in his house?

"What do you want?" Kence asked in an unfriendly tone and he saw how Calter's face fell at his words

Calter sincerely hopes that the thing that happened last night was just because of the influence of the alcohol. But looking at it now, it seems like Kence is serious and this causes his heart to ache

However, Calter collected his composure again and his face becomes passive in the next second. "Do you have a fever?" Calter asked in concern as Kence still has the towel sticking in his forehead

"Whether I have a fever or not is none of your concern" Kence snorted. His facial expression was that of a displeased one but his heart already wants to leap out from his chest

Seeing that reaction, Calter can't help but sigh before walking towards Kence causing the latter to be more displeased than before

"I just want to talk to you. Why do you need to be this fierce?" Calter said and finishes his sentence in his head. 'You resembled an angered kitten and it is kind of cute'

"What? Are you going to blame and tell me that your image was smeared? Don't forget that you are the one that started it not me!"

Despite Calter treating Kence well in most areas, if it comes to something that will affect his position as the Heir, he would be fierce about it. Thus, Kence thought that he was here to scold him

Contrary to what Kence thought, Calter was displeased at what happened but the latter didn't blame him. When Calter collected his thoughts after what happened, he knew that he was the one that is being reckless

It's just that he doesn't know why his possessiveness over Kence that is originally already quite high received a huge increase again. He starts to feel like the position he coveted the most doesn't matter anymore if it was Kence that he will lose. But Calter cannot simply give up as it was his life goal to become the Patriarch

"Can we talk calmly? Why are you always angry and raising your voice?" Calter asked with a sigh while sitting on the edge of Kence's bed that becomes irritated at him

Kence usually likes how composed Calter is. Since Kence has quite a temper, he needs an understanding partner like Calter that will act more maturely. But now, he only felt annoyance at how calm Calter is acting after he broke up with him

Kence is petty okay? He was the one that ended their relationship but he also wants to see Calter being affected by it and not keeping his calm as usual!

"I will be calm if you don't talk to me from now on" Kence retorted and Calter shakes his head in helplessness

That action makes Kence even more irritated. He knew how childish he was acting but Calter didn't need to slap him with the truth like this!

"That can't do. Drink this instead to calm yourself" Calter said and showed the cup of iced chocolate that Kence only noticed now

Kence was naturally tempted as that is his favorite drink but he is not a white lotus that would be tempted easily like that

"Drink that yourself, maybe it will cure facial paralysis" Kence said coldly

"Just take it. I know how you love this"

"I don't want to!"

Without a choice, Calter can only be a bit forceful. "If you don't take this, I will tell mom that you are wasting food"

Talk about shameless! They are already no longer a couple yet Calter is still calling his mom as mom!

Not to mention, Calter is even threatening him like this. Despite Kence's reluctance, he was still forced to accept his favorite drink

Kence has a deep understanding of Calter's personality. This man will really say that to his mother causing him to be scolded heavily. Saying that he is wasting food while millions of people are dying from hunger

"I take it, happy? Now, get out of my house!"

Calter naturally won't go home like this. He still needs to tame this fierce lover of his that he knew wouldn't be easy. Kence's stubbornness is hard to cure and making him retract their break up would be terribly hard

Knowing that he can't act calmly at all times, Calter plastered a small smirk on his face

"At least give your boyfriend a kiss before chasing him out"

Kence rolled his eyes at that. Don't be fooled by Calter's usually expressionless face, when it comes to things like this, this bastard will show you a completely different person. In Kence's eyes, he is a beast when it comes to bed matters!

"You're not my boyfriend anymore so don't ask me for a kiss!" Kence said fiercely and Calter's playful expression vanishes

Not his boyfriend anymore? Calter will never accept that! Not only will Kence continue being his boyfriend, but he would also be his one and only husband!

That deep sense of possessiveness with an unknown source was released again causing Calter to release his pheromones

The Pheromones of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas have two different usages. The first one is to suppress a person with weaker pheromones and the second one is to make people .... arouse

Currently, Calter is using the second one causing Kence to shudder in arousal. Since Calter can't talk to Kence nicely then he doesn't have a choice but to make Kence listen to him through this!