

Hey, let me tell you briefly what happened. Suddenly, a panel appeared in front of all the people, and they told us that they would teleport to another universe and ask us to do "something". Sounds pretty crazy, right? So what happened after all this? I started this race with the worst possible class. Yes, I started with the FFF class, which is the lowest class, and a profession that gave me no attack abilities; Strategist. So what am I doing now? Well, you may not believe me, but a dragon is sleeping in my lap and I'm going through a minor economic crisis, plus I have armies to lead and a people to protect. Also, I got into a bit of trouble after the gods declared me the "Absolute King" and announced it to all people, so I'm working on my new strategies, well, after all, I'm a strategist, right? I participated in the WSA 2024 competition with this novel. If you like it, don't forget to add it to your library and use power stone. My Patreon: patreon.com/Safako967

Safako · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Losing control.

The first match had begun.

In the middle of the arena, under the clouds, two teams faced each other. One side consisted of a cleric, a mage, and a warrior. On the other side, there was a readable wizard and a warrior.

The cleric moved forward with calm steps, while the warrior stood behind, resembling a reassuring shadow. The opposing wizard seemed to sense the energy in the air as he waved his staff slowly.

As the battle started, the cleric swiftly ran towards the enemy warrior. With a powerful gesture, he initiated a light energy attack. However, the wise wizard responded preparedly, swinging his staff to create an energy shield, causing the light energy to scatter and disperse.

"Well done, cleric. But this is just the beginning," said the wizard with a smile.

The cleric winked at the warrior and focused on his next move. Meanwhile, the warriors clashed swords in the center of the arena. Amidst the sparks, both warriors showcased their skills, demonstrating a silent agreement that this battle was not just a physical clash but also a dance.

The wizard raised his staff to prepare a powerful spell. The cleric, noticing the danger, quickly approached. However, the opposing warrior blocked his path, using his sword to hinder him.

"You can't go any further, you scoundrel."

The cleric glanced at the warrior and stepped back. However, the warrior persisted, swinging his sword to continue blocking the cleric's path. The cleric tried to evade the attacks with swift and agile movements, while the warrior relentlessly pursued him.

Meanwhile, the warrior continued talking to the wizard.

"How much more time do you need? This guy moves too fast!"

"It's almost done, hold on!"

Both the cleric and the warrior noticed the completion of the wizard's powerful spell. A massive fireball appeared in the sky, resembling a sun, hanging over the arena.

Warrior: "Is it time?"

Cleric: "Wait until they attack!"

Warrior: "Damn it, if I die here, I'll find you on the other side and kill you again."

The enormous fireball created by the wizard descended from the sky onto the cleric and warrior. Due to the resulting dust cloud and smoke, it was unclear what happened, but the cleric and warrior appeared to be dead. However, when the dust settled, it became evident that they had survived.

Cleric: "Ignis, the mediator of fire! Regurgitate all the fire I offered to you onto them!"

This was the power of the cleric—to negotiate with spirits and use them for warfare.

Wizard: "What the hell is this!? How did you survive that attack?"

Cleric: "It would be wise for you not to wear red robes that clearly indicate you're a fire mage, you imbecile. However, you won't have the chance to do it again because you'll die here. Ignis, ATTACK!"

The fire spirit summoned by the cleric regurgitated all the absorbed fire onto the opposing team.

[Winning Team: Blue Team!]

[Bet Successful!]

[Bet: 2,000,000]

[Reward: 4,000,000]

"Did you really predict their victory? Can you see the future or something?"

Lisa: "Hahaha, didn't I tell you? I'm unbeatable, hahaha."

How did she do that? Could she foresee the future? How did she understand that they would win? Regardless, I should learn about her ability.

"I can manipulate aura; it enhances my strength, speed, defense, and various other aspects. Also, I can use some abilities for offense, even if they are not originally designed for that purpose, depending on how I use them and the environment we're in."

Lisa: "Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm telling you because I've decided to trust you."

Lisa: "Oh well, I'll trust you too. My ability is [Odds]."


Lisa: "Yes, I can perceive the probabilities of events, but I can only use it 3-4 times a day because it puts a significant strain on my brain. In short, my brain provides me with probabilities through rapid calculations."

"Did you use this ability in the previous match?"

Lisa: "Yes, the probability of the blue team winning was 81%, and the red team winning was 19%."

"So, you don't have a definite answer?"

Lisa: "Correct, but generally, high probability events have happened so far."

"Still, no probability is certain; it means that odds can change at any moment."

Lisa: "Yes, you're right. However, probabilities generally remain stable, and even if they change, it's in small increments. If you want to make a significant difference in probabilities, you need a power that can truly alter destiny."

Despite being an ability with no certainty, it was still powerful. Lisa couldn't only use this ability for betting, right? We don't know the full capacity of our brains, but if she uses this ability during a battle, she can almost predict what the opponent will do. It might be as powerful as my precognition ability, or even stronger if used correctly. It could attempt to foresee hours, days, or even years into the future.

"I'm glad to have someone strong on my team. What about Malik and Aiden? I hope they're doing well. No, they must be doing well because they are strong."

[Next Match: You will participate in the next one, transferred to the arena within 1 minute.]

Lisa: "What do we do? Are we going to bet all the money on ourselves?"

"Are you asking me? Weren't you responsible for the money matters?"

Lisa: "I can't see the odds because I haven't seen our opponents yet, so I'll leave the decision to you this time."

"Then there's only one thing to do, ALL IN!"

[Transferred to the Arena...]

[Red Team: Strategist and Luck Seeker]

[Blue Team: Assassin and Gunslinger]

"Assassin and Gunslinger? They also have different classes like us, and their abilities can be inferred from the names."

When I turned to look at Lisa, her eyes were wide open, trembling with fear.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Lisa: "Z-Zero."


Lisa: "Our winning probability is zero."

[The Battle Begins.]

"Our winning chance is zero? Come on, snap out of it. Didn't you say that odds can always change?"

Lisa: "Yes, but to change them, we need to be powerful enough to control destiny!"

"Lucky for you, I don't believe in destiny."

Gunslinger: "Hey hey, are you arguing among yourselves? Is this a good place to flirt?"

Assassin: "They seem to underestimate us."

Lisa: "We're not flirting, damn it! We'll just fuck them up, just wait!"

"That mouth of yours is quite something."

Lisa: "Hey, let's give up, okay? I left 1 gold aside just in case."

"1 Gold? What are we going to do with that? Is it a challenge to become a millionaire in 24 hours? We'll die anyway, so stop whining like a little girl and do as I say, okay?"

Lisa: "Damn it, whatever you say. We're going to die anyway, right? Then I'll land a few blows on those bastards at least."


 the spirit."

Assassin: "I'm attacking, keep them busy with ranged attacks."

Gunslinger: "Don't worry, I've got a nice weapon for them. [Weapon: AK-47]!"

Lisa: "Is that an automatic weapon? Damn, isn't that cheating?"

"Get behind me!"

Lisa ran to my back.

[Aura Usage First Technique: Aura Emission]

I started emitting my aura as if creating a shield in front of us.

[Aura Usage Second Technique: Aura Compression]

I compressed the aura to strengthen it, forming a powerful shield to protect us from incoming attacks.

Gunslinger: "Die, you son of a bitch, DIE!"

The shield could block bullet attacks, but we had a significant problem.

Lisa: "Hey, that assassin guy became invisible!"

"I know, I'll deal with him. Can you keep the gunslinger occupied?"

Lisa: "How am I supposed to do that? If I leave his side, he'll shoot me full of holes!"

"I'll keep protecting you with the aura, but it won't be as strong as before since you're far away. Just stay away from the gunslinger and run around to distract him. Don't get close, or you'll end up like a shish kebab!"

Lisa: "Thanks for the morale boost. Ah, damn it! What about you? What are you going to do? Can you create a shield for both of us simultaneously?"



Lisa took a deep breath and moved away from me, as I expected. The assassin's target was me. I could see his approach on my mini-map. Continuing to protect Lisa with aura was challenging, and simultaneously using it to defend myself was nearly impossible. So, I had no choice but to rely on my reflexes and precognition ability to dodge bullets and attacks.

The assassin had come right up to me, attacking recklessly. Knowing his rapid attacks, I selected a weapon from my ring that could keep up with him and countered his attack, using a dagger in my hand. Our daggers clashed in the air, and sparks flew as a result.

Assassin: "Could you see me even though I'm invisible? I guess I don't need to use this ability anymore."

"Wouldn't it be better if you continued to stay invisible? Your disgusting face makes me nauseous."

Assassin: "I like jokes too. Have you heard this one? Tak tak?"

"Who's there?"

Assassin suddenly multiplied, surrounding me with numerous clones, creating a circle around me.

"Even more ugly faces?"

All the clones began to attack me rapidly, dagger strikes coming from all directions. Thanks to my foresight ability and high-speed stats, I could barely fend off their attacks.

Assassin: "I can see you're getting tired, my friend! Give up!"

"Do you think so? Ring, Scythe!"

Using my ring, I summoned a scythe to my hand and started destroying the clones surrounding me with wide-area attacks.

"Death has come, you bastards!"

I successfully eliminated all the clones one by one.

Assassin: "You destroyed all my clones, and now you think you've won or something?"

"Let your actions speak, not your words."

I launched a fast attack towards the assassin, but as I attacked, he turned into smoke and disappeared.

Assassin: "[Clones, 100 Shadow Army]!"

The clones that were initially 10 in number had now multiplied to 100. Looking to the side, I saw Lisa still fighting, attempting to attack the Gunslinger with magic attacks, but she couldn't evade the fast bullets enhanced with magic. The aura I used to protect her was rapidly diminishing; if she continued to take more hits, she would die.

Assassin: "What do you think you're looking at? Or did you get sad for your lover? Don't worry; after I kill you, we'll take good care of her."

A hundred clones started attacking me.

"Ring: Dual Daggers!"

I summoned two daggers to my hands; if I had plunged into the midst of a hundred people with a scythe, I would probably have died within seconds.

"[Sky Steps]!"

I tried to fight against all the clones by running in the sky, but my entire body was covered in cuts. Blood was flowing from everywhere, and my vision was becoming blurred.

Assassin: "Do you have any abilities left, my friend? It would be better if you die quickly; we'll have another entertaining content for our viewers."

I continued to fight against the clones, unable to attack but somehow managing to resist their attacks. In the midst of the battle, all the clones suddenly disappeared.

"What? What's happening?"

I noticed the Gunslinger aiming at me.

Gunslinger: "[Gun: AWM]"

"Oh, fuck!"

I wasn't fast enough to dodge an AWM bullet, and because I was busy fighting the clones, I had unknowingly exposed myself, falling directly into their trap.

*Sound of the gun firing*

As the bullet was fired, my eyes suddenly closed, but I didn't feel any pain in my body. When I opened my eyes, I saw Lisa lying on the ground in front of me, covered in blood.

"L-Lisa? Open your eyes, LISA! I'll give up; when we go back, you'll heal. I surrender, I surrender!"

[The surrender request has been rejected by your partner.]

"What? What are you doing, Lisa? Accept my surrender request!"

Lisa: "Even if we surrender, you said we would die, right? I told you I wouldn't die without landing a few blows on these bastards. The rest is up to you, my friend."

"Fuck, open your eyes! LISA!"

Gunslinger: "Seems like quite a touching moment."

Assassin: "Why did you kill her, my friend? I wanted to have some fun with her."

The sky suddenly began to darken.

Gunslinger: "What's this? Is it going to rain?"

No one realized yet, but what was darkening the sky was not the sky itself; it was Daichi's Aura. His red aura was turning into the darkest black, enveloping the entire arena. People watching the arena from their televisions couldn't see what was happening in the arena due to the aura's effect.

Violent winds began to blow, cracking the walls and the ground of the arena. Daichi gently placed Lisa on the ground, stood up, and as the spreading aura caused the wind to blow, his hair and clothes fluttered. His eyes turned into a pure white color, and the remaining parts of his body turned into the darkest black.

Assassin: "What the hell is happening! Do something!"

Gunslinger: "Fuck it! [Gun: AWM]"

The Gunslinger aimed at Daichi's heart and fired, but Daichi didn't even try to evade. He welcomed the bullet with his chest and continued to stand there.

Gunslinger: "Hey, I shot him! I shot him!"

Assassin: "Then why is he still standing!? Keep shooting!"

The Gunslinger continued to fire rapidly, and Daichi kept receiving all the bullets with his body, yet he remained standing. Lisa, barely breathing, regained consciousness for a moment and had a chance to see what was happening.

Lisa: "Is the ratio unmeasurable?"