
44. Chapter 44



-Maya, I swear to God! - I complained for what seemed like the fifth time in less than ten minutes.

-I'm so sorry! - Maya spoke between giggles, taking quick steps backwards as I tried to hit her arm with a tea towel to get her to move away from the pot of tomato sauce she kept tasting. - I never thought tomato sauce could be so tasty!

-You can enjoy it as soon as the food is ready, not until then! Don't you have paperwork waiting for you in your office or something? - I rolled my eyes at the firefighter as I continued to put together my lasagna.

-I thought you wanted to spend some time with your girlfriend! - I lifted my eyes to Maya, while keeping my head down and hoping that all my irritation was perceptible in them. - Okay, I'll behave, I promise!

-You said that ten minutes ago. - I let out a low chuckle, knowing that she definitely wouldn't behave.

-But now I'm serious! - Maya crossed her arms, trying to give me a little more seriousness.

-What are you being serious about? And what smells so good in here? - Vic asked, entering the station's kitchen, rubbing her hands together and licking her lips, running to the stove and standing on tiptoe to look inside the pot. - Is that tomato sauce?

-Yes, it tastes so good! - Maya grunted and rolled her eyes as she said it and made me laugh again, I loved that Maya was in love with my food.

-Why do we have tomato sauce? - Vic asked back. - I thought we would go with the traditional cranberry sauce.

-You'll have your cranberry sauce; the tomato sauce is for my lasagna. - I shrugged, and Vic arched her eyebrows before laughing. - What?

-Lasagna is not a Thanksgiving meal. - Vic said, the tone of her words telling me that she thought this was obvious.

-It is from now on. - I replied as I poured some more tomato sauce over the lasagna pasta. - I'm Italian, so we'll have some Italian food for Thanksgiving dinner.

-That makes sense, baby. - Maya immediately agreed, giving me a smile.

-It doesn't, but I think we all have to become a little more Italian now that we have you as part of the family, Carina, and if we're going to do that through food, more specifically, through your wonderful lasagna, then call me Italian! - Vic turned away from the stove, moving to Maya's side.

-Good! Now, help me! - I pointed with my chin to the sweet potatoes in a bowl. - Maya, go mash the potatoes and Vic, baste the turkey for me please. And where is Travis? He said he'd help me with all the food.

-He asked me to tell you that he had an emergency. - Vic said, opening the oven carefully. - But what I'm really going to tell you is that he's making out with Emmett in the locker room.

-Did you see that? - I asked, curiosity more than evident in my voice.

-Oh, gross! - Maya grumbled, picking up the bowl of sweet potatoes.

-They were exchanging those intense glances and I could almost feel the sexual tension between them. - Vic shrugged as she spoke, and I let out a laugh that only got louder when I saw Maya's disgusted face.

-We're still at work! - Maya said as she sat down at the table and began her work of mashing potatoes.

-Oh, like you don't make out with Carina in your office every time she comes here! - Vic spoke back and Maya's cheeks became redder while I just smiled proudly because she wasn't lying. - I'm done with the turkey, what else can I do to help?

-Green beans, please, I'm almost done here so I can focus on the stuffing. - Vic nodded and was soon working on the assigned task.

It was my first Thanksgiving and even though we don't have this holiday in Italy, I could easily get used to this tradition because that year had been precisely about being thankful for the gifts that life gives us, and my biggest gift was blonde, had insanely beautiful blue eyes, was kind of short and currently mashed sweet potatoes as if her life depended on it, with a wrinkle between her eyebrows, squinted eyes and her lower lip caught between her teeth showing all her commitment to give her best at mashing potatoes.

-My beautiful and beloved Italian goddess! - Travis spoke between nervous laughs, coming to my side and peeking into the pots. - Why do we have tomato sauce?

-We're a little Italian now. - Vic replied before I could say anything. - Just accept that we are having lasagna and turkey today.

-You know, it's a perfect combination and only a true goddess would think of it! - The man pushed his shoulder lightly against mine, a friendly banter that gave me the sense of belonging I've always wanted to feel at the station.

-Tuck your shirt into your pants properly before Maya notices. - I whispered to the guy, lowering my eyes to the hem of his shirt barely tucked into his pants, and Travis's eyes widened as soon as he looked down.

-Thank you. - He whispered back, stepping behind me so that my body partially hid what he was doing. - How can I help?

-I'm done with the lasagna; you can help me with the stuffing. - I said, drying my just-washed hands on the apron that protected my dress from possible accidents, and Travis nodded as he followed me.

Andy arrived not long after and joined Maya in making the sweet potato casserole claiming that hers was the best there was. The comfortable silence that settled in the kitchen was only interrupted by low questions about what to do next, it was as if everyone was taking advantage of that quiet moment to reflect on the holiday.

-Where is Emmett? - I asked Travis as we finished the stuffing.

-Believe it or not, watching soccer with Ben and Jack. He wanted to help, but I thought we already had too many hands in the kitchen. - Travis shrugged and I nodded, giving him a smile.

-Montgomery? - Maya's voice sounded loud and I arched my eyebrows in surprise at the tone my girlfriend used; the firefighter turned quickly toward his captain and waited for orders. - Since you were delayed early due to the recreational activity, come help Andy finish the casserole.

-Yes, Captain. - Travis nodded quickly, but there was a shadow of a smile at the corner of his lips.

Maya walked toward the kitchen exit giving me only a glance over her shoulder before she indicated with her eyes for me to follow her and I was quick to comply with her silent request.

-I think it's time for our captain to have some recreational activities. - I could hear Travis trying to speak softly to Andy and I couldn't help but chuckle because I wanted more than anything for him to be right.

I quickly walked down the stairs following my girlfriend trying to pay attention to the steps, but all my eyes seemed to want to look at was how beautiful Maya's ass looked in those tight pants and how the curve of her back seemed to be even more pronounced in that tight shirt. I looked down at her feet, but it wasn't a good idea, seeing her boots only added to the vision I already had of Maya looking perfectly hot in her uniform.

I never had a thing about uniforms, but that had definitely changed after meeting Maya, it was like a completely different way to be sexy and she just wore it in the most correct way with the crease-free blouse perfectly tucked into her pants, the two bars on her collar lined up, her shoes shining and again my mind took me to the vision I wish I had every morning, Maya using her steady hands to button her shirt, to fasten her belt, to tie her shoelaces....

-Carina? - I widened my eyes when my name was called, turned quickly toward Maya because somehow, I thought, actually wished, that we were going to her office and my feet took me there without me realizing it. - This way...

-Oh, I thought... - The words lost their volume as I said them and I shook my head a few times as if the act would chase away the thoughts that were already warming my body, and well, the middle of my legs. - Where are we going?

-I thought we could sit outside for a while? Away from all the noise for a few minutes? - My girlfriend gave me an almost embarrassed smile as she held the door to the garage open and she couldn't have been more adorable.

-You're very sweet, Maya Bishop. - I spoke, giving her a little kiss on the cheek before walking into the garage.

The trucks were parked inside, they would be moved later when it was time for dinner and looking at them reminded me of the first time Maya had taken me to lie in the hoses, when we had talked and she had let me in, telling me about her past, being vulnerable with me and thinking back to that moment made me realize that I did indeed have a lot to be thankful for today; we had come a long way since that day, with ups and downs, fights and reconciliations, but something had always been there, love had always been there for the last eleven years.

-What are you thinking about? - I felt Maya's hands sliding across my abdomen as she hugged me from behind, her small figure completely pressed against my back making me smile.

-I was thinking about how much I love you. - I spoke back, turning my face so that I could catch a glimpse of her eyes, keeping the smile on my lips.

-Were you thinking about how much you love me by looking at the trucks? - Maya pulled her face away from my back, looking up at me with a creased forehead.

-Well... Yes. - I laughed softly, realizing that my words didn't make much sense. - Can you show me the inside?

-Of course! - The joy in her voice was contagious.

Maya soon loosened her hug and made a quick run to the passenger door to open it for me.

-Always so charming! - I joked, but accepted her hand as she helped me up, not because I needed it, but because I would never deny myself a little more physical contact with my girlfriend.

Maya walked around the front of the vehicle, climbing into the driver's seat next; my eyes scanned the buttons on the dashboard, but settled on the turnout gear jacket up there.

-Is it yours? - I asked, pointing to the jacket.

-Oh, yes... I prefer to leave mine in here when it's not dirty, it's easier when we have to run to a scene. - Maya shrugged, but my heart seemed to beat a little faster at the thought of how hot Maya must look in that jacket.

What's wrong with me? Get your head out of your gutter, Carina!

-And what are these for? - I asked again, now pointing to the headsets with microphones that were hanging in front of us.

-Oh, it's for internal communication during the ride. - Maya took the two headsets and handed me one before leaning her body out the window and shouting. - Testing the sirens, nineteen!

I put on the headset and Maya did the same before pressing a button on the dashboard. The red lights glowed, and the sound of the sirens was muffled, you could only hear it if you were completely silent.

-Protect our ears from all the noise. - Maya spoke into the microphone and I smiled openly, turning to look at her.

-It sounds like you're whispering right in my ear. - I spoke back and Maya mirrored my big smile, the blue almost completely disappearing as her eyes squinted.

-It doesn't feel like people are whispering in my ear when we're going into a scene, but here, with you, I can see what you mean. - Maya reached out and took my hand.

-I love you, Maya Bishop. - I whispered into the microphone and Maya kept smiling; it was amazing the power that smile had over me even after so many months, the butterflies in my stomach agreed with me.

-I love you, Carina DeLuca. - She whispered back.

-Turn off the sirens so I can take this off and kiss you. - I asked, pointing in the direction of the button she had pressed earlier, my face still turned toward Maya.

-Yes, ma'am. - She said, pressing the button, and we took off our headsets at the same time, immediately leaning toward each other.

Kissing Maya was always a marvelous experience, her lips were always so soft and her strong hands against both sides of my face always gave me the feeling that I could completely surrender to that moment because she was there, taking care of me, protecting me, but the feeling changed completely when I felt one of them moving down my neck, rubbing lightly against one of my breasts before squeezing my waist; the fire that I had been trying to control for the last few minutes was fueled by Maya's touch - which was quite ironic - and I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my throat when she nibbled on my bottom lip and sucked it into her mouth before releasing it with a wet 'pop'.

Maya knew what she was doing, her dominance over my body was unquestionable, her hand on my waist tightened and pulled me to her firmly as her mouth devoured mine in yet another breathtaking kiss. I knew it was probably just my fertile period talking, but the growing arousal inside me no longer allowed me to think straight and I felt my sex getting hotter and wetter with each stroke of her tongue, with each moan that escaped Maya, with each teasing of her teeth against my tongue, with each suck on my lip.

-Can you fuck me? - I asked softly as we pulled away for air, my face inches from hers as I held the wrist of the hand that still framed my face and brought it to my breast. - Please?

-Carina. - There were no wide eyes, no surprise, just the low, husky tone of her voice making my center even wetter. The firm squeeze she gave my breast made me close my eyes for a second, moaning the next instant and my body needed more of her touch.

-Please, Maya... - I begged because the rhythmic throbbing between my legs wouldn't let me think of something as stupid as pride at that moment, all I wanted was for her fingers to be deep inside me as she fucked me hard. - I'm being a good girl and asking nicely.

-You know how to push my buttons. - Maya almost growled the words, her eyes now looking so much darker, and they stared into mine with a familiar hunger. I took her mouth in one more kiss, giving in to my body's desires, invading her mouth with my tongue as I squeezed my legs together a little tighter, seeking any relief. - Let's go to my office.

-No. - I gasped back, leaning my body over and carefully slipping my legs over the center console finally drawing a surprised gasp from Maya when she realized what I was doing. Facing her, slightly bent so as not to bang my head against the roof, I placed each of my knees against the seat on either side of her thighs before sitting on her lap. Maya's eyes remained fixed on my movements, her face was red, and her lips were parted. - Here. Now. Please.

-Carina... - Maya started to speak, but I interrupted her by putting my mouth over hers and letting my hands go to her shoulders as my hips moved back and forth in search of any friction I could get. I moved my face to the side as I licked her lips, my girlfriend immediately allowing my tongue passage, closing her lips around it and sucking it provocatively.

The movement of my hips became more rhythmic as the kiss became more intense, the bites against my lower lip ignited the moans in my throat, but it was when Maya's hands reached under the hem of my dress and her short nails traced the length of my thighs toward the side of my thong that I let a loud moan escape my throat.

-Behave yourself! - Maya ordered in a hard, sharp, intimidating tone, and a shiver ran down my back in response.

-Yes, Captain. - I whispered back between gasps.

-I'll need to be quick. - Maya said, glancing to the side briefly, checking the side mirror. - We don't want to get caught.

-We don't? - A mischievous smile broke out on my lips but disappeared when I felt Maya's fingertips running up and down my still-covered center.

-We don't. - She replied in the same low, husky tone that was doing wonders for my body. Maya continued rubbing her fingers against my center, making me clench against nothing and moan softly each time she touched my already swollen and sensitive clit. - And if you don't behave like the good girl I know you can be, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to stop.

As if to prove her point, Maya stopped her movements and moved her hand away from my center; my hips bucked forward seeking more of the contact and I grunted in frustration when Maya moved her hand back to my thigh.

-I'll behave, please. - I begged, pressing my forehead against hers, closing my eyes tightly because my arousal was so overwhelming that tears were starting to pool in my eyes.

-Good girl. - She whispered, her lips inches away from mine, brushing lightly against them as she said those two words that made me want to do anything to please her just to hear them again.

I bit my lower lip hard when Maya started touching me again and she wasn't kidding when she said we had to be quick, I soon felt her moving my thong to the side with her thumb before rubbing two of her fingers directly against my folds, moving up and down, circling my entrance lazily a few times before moving her fingertips back up to my clit and then circling it directly once, twice, three times.

-Maya... - I whispered a groan before I pulled our foreheads apart and moved my lips to her ear. - I asked you to fuck me, I want you stretching my tight pussy, going deep inside me, pulling a quick hard orgasm out of me and I know you like things your way when you touch me, Captain, but your good girl needs to cum with you inside her, can you do that for me, please?

-My God, Carina! - Maya moaned close to my ear as well, and was quick to comply with my request, taking her fingers back to my entrance and pushing them inside me going as deep as she could. I pressed my lips against her ear as I slipped my arms around her shoulders, hugging the back of her neck as I met the movement of her hand with my hip and moaned longingly feeling myself being filled by Maya.

-Yes! - I gasped still in a whisper and let low moans and whimpers escape freely as the back-and-forth motion of her fingers became faster, the palm of her hand slapping against my clit with each of her thrusts causing shocks of pleasure to run through my body. - Fuck, Maya, harder!

-Harder, huh? - I heard her low voice before her fingers went deep inside me on a hard thrust that was soon followed by another, and another, and another. I kept clenching against her fingers, my body was hot and sweaty, and my arms tightened against the back of her neck as I moved my hips up and down in sync with Maya's movements. - Ride my fingers, Carina! Let me fuck you hard while you ride me!

-My God, yes! - I moaned, moving slightly away from her body, arching my back as I moved my hips up and down, Maya's fingers fucking me the way I needed them to. - I'm so close...

-Then cum! I can feel how tight you already are! - Maya murmured, her mouth pressing against my neck, her teeth sliding across my skin as she kept her fingers buried deep inside me and rubbed her palm repeatedly over my clit.

-Fuck, fuck, fuck! - I moaned, my body tensing with the pressure against my sensitive bud and the delicious sensation of her fingers curving inside me as Maya realized I was close.

-Come for me, baby! - She ordered with her mouth still clamped against the skin of my neck and rubbed her palm against my clit faster; the wet sound, the shocks of pleasure, her skillful fingers against my walls and the warm touch of her lips complemented each other in the most perfect mix to trigger my orgasm and I had to hide my face against the curve of her neck to muffle the sound of my moan as the wave of pleasure overtook me.

I heard my heartbeat in my ears, felt the sweat making my hair stick to the back of my neck, and Maya's fingers gently slid out of me causing my body to involuntarily tremble with the act. I pulled my face away from her neck and pressed our foreheads together before kissing her mouth, but what started as a sweet post-orgasm kiss intensified as soon as I felt Maya's hands squeeze my thigh and pull me forward again.

-Baby? - She whispered, moving her kisses to my chin and then to my jaw line.

-Hmm? - I murmured, closing my eyes to enjoy her touch.

-Can you...? - Maya didn't finish her sentence, but when I pulled away to look at her face she looked down at her own pants.

-I thought we were in a hurry, Captain! - I teased her.

-That was before having you turning me on in the most insane way possible. I promise this will be embarrassingly quick. - Her cheeks were red, and Maya clamped her lower lip between her teeth when I brought both hands down to her belt.

-There's nothing embarrassing about cumming fast. - I said, unzipping her pants and slipping my hand inside her panties with no teasing; Maya's fingers tightened against my thigh, her eyes closed as she threw her head back in response to her pleasure while I tried to control the moan that rose in my throat when I felt how wet my girlfriend was. - It just means that I did a good job turning you on.

-Yes. - She gasped as I began to draw quick circles over her clit.

-You're really wet for me, bambina! - I whispered, my eyes trying to follow every movement and expression of her face as I moved my fingers with more pressure, trying to create a little more friction against her bud despite how wet she was.

Maya's breathing got shallower and shallower, broken, her moans were low, and her nails sank into my skin as she tried to get her own reactions under control. I clamped her clit between my fingers, pulling on it a few times, watching her eyes close and her mouth open with no sound coming out of it, only her face reflecting her purest pleasure. I returned with the circles and Maya's nails seemed to want to draw blood from my skin, with each more intense squeeze against my thighs I knew she was closer to her orgasm; I moved my fingers from side to side, then up and down quickly a few times before pressing my fingers hard against her clit, leaning my body forward kissing her still ajar mouth to muffle her moans as I sped up the movements.

Maya murmured something incomprehensible against my lips, my fingertips working relentlessly over clit until Maya's body trembled and another moan was muffled by my lips as I felt her pulsing against my fingers as Maya came.

-Now... - I began to speak, removing my hand from inside Maya's pants and bringing my fingertips to my mouth, licking them clean and closing my eyes for a brief second as my tongue delighted in Maya's flavor. My girlfriend licked her own lips, her eyes not straying from my lips until my fingers were out of them. - We really need to get back, or someone will come looking for us.

After making sure we were presentable enough to get back to our friends - Maya asking at least three times if she had any marks on her neck while I rolled my eyes - we walked into the station again.

-Carina! - The voice startled me, and I turned quickly only to find my brother with two paper bags in his arms as he pushed open the station's entrance door with his back. - Help, please?

-I'll help. - Maya volunteered before I could take a step toward Andrea.

-You're late. - I placed both my hands on my hips while frowning at him.

-Have you tried going to the grocery store hours before Thanksgiving dinner? People forget a lot of things and are quite annoyed about it. - He rolled his eyes and handed one of the bags to Maya. - I would have gone yesterday, but...

-But? - I arched an eyebrow in his direction.

-But I had a guest in my apartment. - My brother's cheeks flushed and I rolled my eyes when I realized that it wasn't just his face that was red.

-Guest, right... Nice hickey. - I pointed with my chin in his direction and, only confirming my theory, Andrea brought his now free hand to the exact spot I was referring to.

-Oh, shut up! - He spoke back. - You're always covered with hickeys, and I don't say anything.

-Well, I have a girlfriend, she has the right to mark me, she's not just another girl you're sleeping with. Are you at least using protection? I'm too young to be an aunt, Andrea. - I sighed heavily as I pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger and closed my eyes in frustration.

-God, can we not talk about this? - Andrea asked after grunting.

-I agree! - Maya spoke up next and I stared at her. - What? It's Thanksgiving, you can talk about how Andrew needs to use protection another time.

-Exac... Wait, what? No! You are not supposed to talk about using protection with me ever! We already had this conversation 10 years ago and I still haven't gotten rid of all the trauma that came along with it. - My brother squinted his eyes at me, and I rolled my eyes once again.

-You are so dramatic! - I complained and pointed at the stairs behind me with my thumb. - Go put the drinks in the freezer.

-How can you stand living with her? She's so bossy! - Andrew asked Maya as the two of them walked toward the stairs.

-It's not always a bad thing. - Maya smiled and gave me a wink and worrying about my little brother kind of took a back seat.



-Do you think they will be much longer? - Andrea asked as he set the sweet potato casserole on the table we had set up in the garage.

-Maya texted me that they would be returning in twenty minutes. - I answered without stopping distributing cutlery around the table.

-How are you guys doing? - My brother asked, and I needed no further explanation to know what he was referring to.

-We're fine, I think we both learned a lot from everything that happened. - I kept my attention on the position in which I put the forks and knives on the table. - Therapy also helps. It always has and it still does.

-And what is it like living with Maya? - I creased my forehead and finally brought my eyes to my brother. Andrea was many things in this life, curious was not one of them, and getting this many questions was making me a little suspicious.

-It's good, what do you want me to answer? I discover something new every day and I argue with her every night because the room is too cold, but there's nothing better than coming home from work and finding her in bed waiting for me so we can sleep. - A smile appeared on my lips as I spoke. - But why are you asking all this?

-I don't know... I guess I just wanted to know… How did you know? - Andrea shrugged and pulled up a chair, sitting down facing me and I arched my eyebrows, realizing that this was one of the moments he was silently asking me to talk.

-How did I know Maya was the one? - I asked back, also pulling out a chair and sitting down across from my brother.

-Yes. - He nodded, his fingers drumming against his thigh in a nervousness that was also uncharacteristic of my brother.

-When I first met Maya, you know, eleven years ago, I remember finding her cute behind all her closed-off posture. She would give me small, measured smiles, as if she was not used to smiling, but as we talked, day after day, she opened up more, talked more, looked at me with such admiration and respect that I fell in love with her without even knowing her name. The last day we saw each other her smile was wide, unrestricted, the most genuine of smiles and I was sure I should hear the feeling I had inside me. - Remembering how young and naive we were, how I used to sleep and wake up thinking about that mysterious woman, how I felt every time I saw her standing in line at the Ferry coffee stand, reminded me of how it all began, of the nameless feeling from eleven years ago, a feeling that today I could identify as love. A love that only grew over the years. - Meeting her again was like finally finding the last piece of a puzzle I had been trying to put together for years, Andrea. She just fits perfectly in the place of friend, lover, girlfriend, love of my life, because in truth that place has always been hers and this only became clearer when I realized that during all these years I always looked for her in the smiles and embraces of other people.

-Then you just simply knew it was her. - Andrea smiled sideways and I nodded. - That isn't very helpful.

-I'm sorry. - I laughed softly. - It was like that for me, I always knew it was Maya because the connection we had was.... Indescribable. But it's not like that for everyone, Andrea. There is no one right recipe for love, sometimes feelings change, sometimes someone who has always been a great friend turns out to be the perfect person for you in a different way, sometimes someone you never thought you would want, changes and becomes that person.

-I guess... - His eyes went down to his hands, his fingers still drumming against his thigh, and maybe Maya was right, maybe there was something going on between Andrea and Andy. - So, you're really going to propose?

-Eventually, yes. - There was so much calm inside me as I said those words and I think the fact that the nervousness was gone just made sure that I was right about that decision.

-Eventually as in "soon"?

-Soon. - I nodded once more. - Are you okay with this?

-Since Maya looks at you like the sun is shining out of your ass, I don't think you'll find a better person to be your wife. - I laughed out loud and soon Andrea joined me. - Let's finish this, they'll be here soon.

Andrea wasn't wrong and after a few minutes we heard the trucks approaching.

-To the locker room, all of you! - I said when I saw the horde of sweaty, sooty firefighters.

-You're really learning from the Captain, First Lady. - Ben laughed softly as he walked past me.

-First Lady? - I creased my forehead looking at the man.

-Well, yes, since you are the better half of our captain. - He shrugged before disappearing into the station.

-The much better half. - Vic agreed, making Travis and Dean laugh.

-Hi, Carina. Hi, Andrew. - Andy gave me a sweet smile, but it became almost shy when it was directed toward Andrea. - I can't wait to eat all of this.

-Jack, can you bring the turkey after you shower? - I asked the boy as he walked past me; I hated to think about how he and Maya had been together before or how he had been a real jerk at Dean's house party months ago, but trying to maintain some level of politeness and friendliness between us was extremely important so Maya wouldn't treat him differently from the others, I didn't want to be responsible for his extra bathroom duty just because I was dating his captain.

-Of course, Carina. - He smiled at me and then walked in.

-I'm going to... Hm... Bring the lasagna. - My brother spoke next to me, pointing his thumb toward the station, and I nodded.

When I turned around, I saw Maya slightly disheveled, sweaty, sooty, staring intently at the tablet in her hands as she pressed her finger against the screen and the smile that appeared on my lips was involuntary.

-To the shower, Captain. - I spoke and Maya raised her eyes from the screen, giving me a wide smile afterwards.

-You didn't have to arrange everything yourself. - She said, looking at the table beside me.

-Andrea helped, and there wasn't much to do while you were gone. - I said and tried not to frown when the smell of smoke surrounded me as Maya came closer. - You really need a shower.

-Want to join me? - Maya gave me a little wink that made me laugh and roll my eyes.

-I hate to say no, but I'm hungry and we'll be too long if I join you. - I took her by the shoulders and turned her toward the door that led into the station.

-There would be some eating involved. - Maya looked over her shoulder at me as I pushed her toward the door.

-Maya! - I scolded, widening my eyes, and she laughed. - Go, be quick, I want kisses.

-I'll be quick. - She spoke and a second later was running into the station, leaving me smiling and with dirty hands.

As the firefighters returned, they sat down at the table, all the guys were already there - except for Andrea - and I decided to go after Maya now that I was sure she was done with her shower.

-Is everyone outside yet? - Vic asked when she ran into me inside the station.

-No, have you seen Andy and Andrea? - I asked.

-Andy is just finishing getting dressed, I haven't seen your brother. - She shrugged and walked past me.

I walked into Maya's office without knocking, it was perfectly organized as usual, and the sound of the blow dryer guided me to my girlfriend.

-Are you ready? - I asked from the doorway watching her dry her hair.

-Yes. - She said, running the brush through her long blonde hair, looking into the small mirror in front of her.

-Maya? - I called her name after watching her brush her hair a few more times, I walked to her side and held her free hand to get her attention.

-Yes? -She asked with a chuckle, turning toward me. - Kisses, I know.

Before I could say anything, I felt her lips on mine and smiled into the kiss because my girlfriend was getting more adorable by the second.

-What? - She asked pulling away when I couldn't stop smiling into the kiss. I opened my eyes, and she had this frustrated expression on her face, with the smallest pout on her lips. Adorable.

-I love you. - That was all I said, and I smiled wider when I saw her cheeks turn a little rosier. - And I'm thankful for you. For everything you've taught me, for everything we've lived through together, for all the love I feel when you look at me, for every single one of your touches, for the certainty that I've found the right person to live out the rest of my days together. You changed my life, Maya, and I will never be grateful enough for that. I just didn't think you would want to hear me say all of this when we were outside in front of your firefighters, but when they ask me over dinner what I am thankful for and I say: "for love", I want you to know that this is what I mean.

-I'm thankful to have you back. - Maya spoke looking into my eyes, and the hand that was still in mine moved until our fingers were intertwined. - I'm thankful for being able to love you, for you being patient enough to teach me what real love should look like, for you not giving up on me when I tried to push you away, for having you fight for our love as hard as I fight for it. And you are right, some things just need to be heard by you and me, and when they ask what I am grateful for, and I answer "for Carina" I hope you know that you are for sure the woman I have loved most in my life and that for your love I am grateful.

I loved hearing Maya talk about her feelings and my chest filled with so many overwhelming feelings that it was impossible to name each of them; I held her face with my free hand and brought her close, kissed her lips and took a deep breath of her smell.

-I love you. - Maya whispered.

-I'll never get tired of hearing that. - I confessed back. - Now let's go have dinner, I'm sure everyone is impatiently waiting for us.

-One last kiss. - Maya smiled and captured my lips again. - Alright, now we can go.

Holding Maya's hand, we walked out of her office and didn't take more than two steps before we heard hurried footsteps beside us.

-Oh... We were talking and lost track of time. - Andy spoke, shoving her hands into the pockets of her pants, Andrea behind her was scratching the back of his head, keeping an embarrassed smile on his lips.

-You know how much Andy likes to talk. - He added, rolling his eyes.

-What were you two talking about? - Maya asked raising an eyebrow and I nudged her with my elbow knowing that she just wanted to give them a hard time.

-Well, we... - Andy stammered.

-It's not important, come on, I'm starving. - I said, pulling Maya toward the garage. - You're mean, Maya Bishop.

-I just want to know how far they're willing to go with the excuses. - She whispered back. - Okay, nineteen, who's ready to eat?

-Nineteen! - All firefighters shouted back.

I smiled and kissed the side of Maya's head. It was nice to feel that I belonged there. It was nice to be surrounded by family.