
38. Chapter 38



It was hard to think of anything other than the painfully pleasurable sensation that was having Maya's fingers sinking intensely against my flesh and muscles as she gave me a delicious massage after our relaxing shower. We didn't exchange many words, the truth was that I was immersed in a place of vulnerability and surrender that I had never experienced before because every other time some pain was added to my pleasure during sex, that was all it ever was. Sex.

Thinking about Maya provided me answers to questions I didn't even know needed to be asked inside me and the way she transformed me with each new moment we shared was surprising and often all this surprise would catch me off guard - I guess that's what was happening now.

Our exchange had been intense, from our glances to the firm strokes of the paddle and belt against my body, there was intensity in my body's responses as well and the pleasure I experienced seemed to be something new, something I had never experienced before, a completely different nuance of something I thought I already knew in its entirety. The soreness in my throat attested to the primitive cries and moans I had let out minutes ago, the throbbing and warmth of my ass and thighs were a constant reminder of Maya's domination, and the pain in my muscles was a consequence of all the spasms and contractions they had had during our moment together, and I couldn't be happier to feel everything I felt at that moment.

That night had been different, special. I hadn't thought about the gigantic need that used to suffocate me to touch Maya before she touched me so that I could reach my orgasm, I hadn't thought about what she might have been thinking at that moment because her husky whispered words praised me at every moment and that night all the noise in my mind had been silenced by a powerful feeling inside me. A love that was in Maya's eyes, a love that I could feel on my skin with each of her touches, a love that I could hear in each of her whispered words in my ear. A love that I had never known before.

-I'm going to touch your thigh now. - Maya whispered behind me, I felt the mattress sink a little deeper between my legs that were now spread open so that Maya could kneel inside them and massage my body. I could smell the strawberry oil as it was being poured against my right thigh. - May I?

-Sì. - I answered softly, tucking both hands under the pillow and lifting my head for a second to move the strands of my hair before lying back down, keeping my eyes closed and biting my lower lip when I felt Maya's fingers against my sensitive skin.

-Is it hurting a lot? - She asked, making circular movements with her thumbs.

-No, just a little. - It was true. The pressure of her touch was painful in just the right measure, and it caused a wave of relaxation that was absolutely necessary.

Maya moved her hands delicately and warned once again when she moved her massage to the other thigh and I kept my eyes closed, letting the grunts and moans come free through my mouth as she squeezed the perfect spot. Her touch traveled the entire length of my legs and the gliding of her thumbs up and down my calves was just divine. If the goal was to have me relaxed, Maya should be proud of herself.

After giving me a few gentle kisses on my back that made me smile, Maya went into the bathroom, and I heard the water from the sink as she washed her hands and soon after I noticed her moving around the room as she gathered up all the objects that had been used that night.

-Carina? - Her voice remained low, and I was grateful for the little stimulation she was providing at that moment. - Can you sit up, my love? Put this on...

-I don't want to move. - I whispered but turned sideways.

-But it's my season 19 hoodie. - I heard her low laugh, and it was impossible not to smile.

-The old one? - I asked back, turning on my stomach now.

-Of course, it's the old one, what kind of girlfriend do you think I am? -Maya was already dressed in a tank top and nightgown and held out to me a pair of pants and her gray Station 19 hoodie that she had owned since before I came back to Seattle, which meant that her smell was impregnated in it even after washing it. - And I wore it two days ago.

-Give it to me! - I held out my hand as I sat up in bed and quickly put on the hoody, feeling myself being embraced by the soft fabric and Maya's definitely comforting scent.

-Now the pants. I don't want you sticking your cold legs under mine at night. - She laughed as she helped me into my pants while I was still sitting up in bed, which was a lot more work than it would have been if I had just stood up, but Maya did it with a smile on her face.

My girlfriend walked around the room blowing out the candles, then turned on the AC, jumped on the bed next, and we both slid under the covers - Maya out of habit, me because I would definitely get cold soon.

-Can I lie on you? - I asked, turning sideways to face Maya.

-You mean lay your body completely on top of mine and hold me like a big koala? - She asked with a big smile on her face, but with a questioning eyebrow raised in my direction. I nodded a few times and Maya laughed. - Sure, I would like nothing better.

With her permission, I moved one leg to the other side of her body and lay down on Maya letting all my weight relax on her; I felt her hands on my back, they were gently going up and down, sometimes making comforting circles and this moment of intimacy made me want to cry and soon I couldn't hold back the sniffles.

-Carina? Are you alright? - Maya hugged my body, her voice was filled with concern, and I sank my face deeper into the curve of her neck as I moved one of my hands to her shoulder. - Was this night too much for you? You should have used your safe word, Carina.

-No, that's not it. - I said back, sniffling again and trying to stop the tears from welling up in my eyes.

-Then what is it? Do you want to share it with me? - She asked back.

-It's late. - That's what I answered.

-It doesn't matter, if you want to talk, we'll talk vita mia. - Maya leaned her head away from the pillow and kissed my shoulder a few times before turning her face and kissing my neck over the layer of hair that covered it.

-Do you remember that day we lay on top of the truck at the station?

-Yes, of course.

-That day when we talked and you told me about your experience with sex and with not taking off your clothes completely, I understood how you felt. You sounded as if you knew you were living with something that was uncomfortable, something that wasn't meant to be the way it was, but you still couldn't let go of it. - I turned my face sideways as I whispered the words close to her ear; her hands on my back were now still and I could almost feel her body tensing beneath mine. - I understood how you felt because I also lived with something that I knew was wrong, but that I couldn't let go of.

Maya wasn't someone who was very open to conversation and although this was changing, it was precisely because she didn't force me to talk that I always felt comfortable sharing what I was feeling with her. My girlfriend remained silent as I organized my thoughts, her hands going back up and down my back in a gesture that screamed "I'm here for you".

-Satisfying someone before I had my pleasure was something I did to prove my worth. - I don't think I have ever said words as difficult as those. Those were words that required explanation, and the explanation I had to give came from a very painful place in my past. - My father has bipolar disorder, and he was the reason I disappeared overnight almost eleven years ago; he went into an episode of depression and tried to kill himself. My uncle found him before the worst happened and it was a complete mess in the middle of the night, and I had to get on the first plane back to Italy. When I got there, I had to take care of him, giving him his medication, forcing him to go to therapy, and in time he became well again, but him being well always meant that I was going to be unwell soon.

-You told me that he was very abusive to you. - She commented when I paused.

-Yes, he always belittled me and judged my every choice, and along with all the abuse he always said the same thing: you need to prove yourself, you need to show that you deserve to have something. - Remembering his words gave me a chill and Maya hugged me tighter in response. - And I think I carried this into my life even unconsciously. Over time I started to realize how I was always really constantly trying to prove that I deserved something, trying to prove to people that I was a person worth being around, and it was always completely exhausting. I was tired all the time because I was always so hard on myself, I never allowed myself to fail and in bed this was also true. Making a person cum before I did was always my way of showing that person that I was worth that person's time and it was also my way of telling myself that I deserved to have an orgasm too now that I had proven myself.

A sepulchral silence filled the room. I could only hear Maya's breathing and the rustling of the fabric as my girlfriend went back to drawing circles on my back with the palm of her hand. She didn't force me to continue. She waited.

-You've been changing that. - Maya kissed my shoulder once more, and I took a deep breath, relaxing again. - And tonight, with all the intensity of everything we've been through, I haven't thought about it for a second. Even when you were spanking me, even when I might have thought I was being punished, all I felt was... Love, passion, sensuality, intimacy. At no point was I insecure, nervous, afraid and realizing this put me in a place of vulnerability, as if I was confronting each of my feelings in a different way. I don't know if this makes sense to you.

-It does. - Maya whispered back. - And I'm glad that I'm having as much impact on your life as you are on mine and I think that's what makes the two of us, what we have together, so special. It's never about just giving, or just receiving, it's always about an exchange and I'm sorry that you had to live with that for so long, my love. You are the most amazing person I know and just thinking of your suffering breaks my heart into a million little pieces. And I am here for you, always.

-Thank you, bambina. - I turned my face sideways and kissed her cheek. - I love you.

-I love you more than chocolate. - She answered in a whisper with a smile.

-Oh, that much, huh? - My girlfriend turned her face sideways, her nose brushing against mine, and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.

-That much. - She whispered.



Where is Maya?

That was the first thing I thought when I rolled over in bed in search of the warmth of her body and didn't find her beside me; I opened my eyes even though I didn't want to, looked around in the room and then stretched and grunted when I heard the sound of the shower coming from the suite and even though I'm not a morning person, when I realized that this was the first morning waking up in our new room, in our new house, a smile opened on my face and I quickly jumped out of bed.

Autumn was already providing cooler mornings and my body shivered completely as I stripped off the clothes I was wearing; the little run I made to the bathroom was not only because I was looking forward to finding my girlfriend completely wet under the shower, but it was also a way to warm up my body a little.

-Buongiorno, bambina. - I spoke as I slid the glass of the walk-in shower to the side. Maya turned toward me with a smile on her face, placing the bottle of shampoo back on the shelf before running her fingers through her golden strands.

-Good morning. - Maya replied cheerfully as my eyes traveled down her sculptured body and it was a good morning indeed.

-Did you go for a run? - I asked, taking a few steps closer to her as she rubbed her scalp before pulling her out from under the hot water to stand underneath it shortly thereafter.

-Yes, I thought you had woken up for a second when I kissed you, you mumbled something. - She laughed, but the laughter died in her throat and her fingers remained still as I ran my hands down my throat to my breasts while I pretended to be cleaning myself when in fact I was intentionally seeking Maya's lustful gaze over my body. And there it was, stamped on her face.

-Oh, you know I can be a pretty heavy sleeper. - I spoke and then held her by the shoulders and put her back under the water so she could rinse off the shampoo. I put some shower gel on my hands and rubbed them together before I began to glide my fingers over my skin trying not to focus on the look Maya was giving me as she absentmindedly rinsed the foam out of her hair. - Was it a good run?

Maya didn't answer, she seemed mesmerized by the back and forth of my hands across my abdomen and I bit my lower lip to hold back the laughter that wanted to escape.

-Maya? - I caught her attention and the blonde widened her eyes before turning off the water and moving toward me, one hand coming directly around my waist as she narrowed the distance between us. - Was it a good run?

-Why are we talking about my run when you're standing in front of me naked and all soapy? - She asked, her face inches from mine, her hand that was not on my waist going straight to one of my breasts, squeezing it intensely and I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my lips as I rolled my eyes. - I thought I needed a run to start my morning, but I realize now that my morning won't start until I give you an orgasm.

Maya took me in a searing kiss and her mouth was demanding on mine. Her lips were warm and moist from the shower, sliding over mine in a delicious, teasing massage and I soon got a taste of her tongue when she deepened the kiss.

-Then your morning will have to wait to start. - I whispered as Maya moved her kisses down my neck, squeezing my breast in sync with her nibbles on my skin. I pushed her shoulders away from me for only a second before turning us so that I could press her against the wall, grabbing her wrists and bringing them up over her head. - I didn't feel you last night and my fingers...

I brought two of them up to Maya's lips, gently pushing them in until she opened her mouth and accepted them inside her.

-They're missing you. - I completed the sentence by pushing my fingers deeper into her mouth, reveling in the delicious sensation of her tongue washing over my fingers in intense teasing. Her eyes were darker and her fleshy mouth enveloped my fingers forming a perfect sight that turned me on intensely.

I kept her wrists bound with one hand and pulled my fingers out of Maya's mouth before taking them directly between her legs to find her hot, wet pussy already pulsing for me.

-Spread your legs. - I asked with my lips inches from hers, my fingers moving back and forth across her tight folds, and Maya quickly obeyed, making my movements easier. - Do you want to cum?

-Yes. - She gasped, her eyes closing and her mouth opening to let out a heavy breath as I drew quick, firm circles against her clit, without any teasing.

-Do you want me to make you cum fast? - I asked again, capturing her lower lip between my teeth before sucking it into my mouth and releasing it with a 'pop'.  I invaded Maya's ajar mouth with my tongue and clasped our bodies together; the soap that was still all over my body allowed our breasts to glide together as our bodies slid, and Maya responded to the kiss right away. - Answer me.

I moved our bodies a few inches apart again and resumed the quick circles I was making against her swollen and sensitive bud; I slid my fingers down to her entrance, collected a little more of her wetness and brought my fingertips back up to her clit to stimulate her again.

-Yes, Carina... I want you to make me cum. - Maya moaned as I pinched her clit between my two fingers and pulled. - Fast.

Her hips bounced toward my hand as her rapid breathing hit my face and what a magnificent sight it was to have Maya building her orgasm. The way her back arched against the tiles, bringing her nipples closer to my body in a small, discreet contact as she turned her face sideways resting it against one of her arms while keeping her eyes firmly closed and her mouth open for her moans to take over the bathroom. Magnificent.

-I want to be inside you. - I licked her lips, sliding my fingers down to her entrance. - I want to feel you clenching my fingers when you're coming for me, Maya.

-Fuck. - She cried out as I slowly penetrated her.

-So tight. - I groaned the words, moving my fingers with some difficulty to her entrance again so that I could thrust inside her deeper and now definitely harder.

The impact made her full breasts sway and, Dio mio, I could live to see her like this and so I repeated the movement once, twice, three times. Each time receiving louder and louder moans in response and soon I began a rhythmic, fast, deep back and forth inside Maya feeling her soft, wet walls hugging my fingers tighter with each thrust.

-My God! - She moaned as I kept my fingers deep inside her and bent them forward in search of the spongy spot that would guarantee my girlfriend a ravishing orgasm. - Fuck! Fuck, Carina! Make me cum!


I added my thumb to her clit as I massaged her from the inside and Maya moaned loudly, stirring against the wall, now imposing some pressure against the hand that kept her wrists bound above her head and forcing me to put a little more force to keep her pinned to the wall.

I thrust inside her again with my fingers curving in a faster back and forth that was alternated with quick and precise circles over her clit.

-I'm cumming, I'm cumming! - Maya whimpered and her walls clenched tightly against my fingers as her body contracted.

-Cum for me, bambina. - I asked and took her mouth in a passionate kiss, pressing my body against hers as Maya came in my fingers and shivered against my body. I kissed her cheek to bring my ear even closer to her lips to revel a little more in her moans, which made me shiver, and when she finally hung her face forward, having only a few remaining spasms, I carefully released her wrists and slipped my arm across her back to support her body.

-Good fucking morning. - She gasped, her forehead against my shoulder and her low, broken laugh punctuated by her labored breathing.

-It really is. - I smiled and kissed her shoulder a few times.

-Uh, did you forget something? - Maya asked with a light laugh after squeezing my fingers voluntarily, reminding me that I was still inside her.

-You know it's my favorite place to be. - I teased and curled my fingers one last time inside her, earning a gasp of surprise in response, and slid out of her. I brought my fingers to my lips as I pulled away from Maya and the blue of her eyes were soon upon my movements; I ran my tongue down the middle of my fingers before I mouthed them and rolled my eyes at the taste of Maya flooding my mouth. - Delicious.

-I'm certainly not as delicious as you are, but just so I'm even more sure, let me taste you. - Maya grabbed my waist and pulled me close again.

-Nuh-uh. - I grabbed both her shoulders and pushed my body away from her. - I need to rinse so I can make coffee and you need to put conditioner in your hair.

-What? - Maya arched both eyebrows as I untangled myself from her arms. I turned on the shower and began to rinse off the remaining soap that was still sticking to my skin. - Are we postponing sex because of breakfast and conditioner?

Maya was completely outraged - creased eyebrows, crossed arms and all - and rolled her eyes dramatically when I just laughed at her statement.

-It's a big house. - I said as I came out from under the water and gave her a little kiss on the lips before pushing her back under the hot water. - And we're going to christen every single room, don't worry.



-I can't believe you... - I started to speak, but my words were interrupted by Maya's mouth as she sucked harder on the flesh of my neck. - Maya!

-What? - She mumbled, still against my neck, then started kissing it again.

-Don't you think you already marked me enough last night? - I asked as I ran both my hands through her hair, closing my eyes and tilting my head back because I just loved it when Maya was kissing my neck.

-Not in places that everyone can see. - She spoke, moving her mouth to the other side of my neck and again sucking hard on my skin. I closed my fingers against the strands of her hair and pulled, trying to get her to move away from my neck, but this only made her close her fingers tighter against my ass, keeping me firmly attached to her body while I remained straddled on her lap.

-I go back to work tomorrow, Maya... I can't have my patients thinking I'm a teenager. Or rather, thinking I'm dating a teenager. - I rolled my eyes but felt the middle of my legs burning in response to her more intense touches.

After breakfast - finally managing to wipe the grumpiness off Maya's face with some French toast - we decided to unpack some things in the living room, but our mission lasted a total of 75 minutes before Maya sat down on the couch, bit her bottom lip, and patted her thigh twice in a silent - and quite explicit - request that she wanted me on her lap. It was a bit embarrassing for me to give in so easily to Maya's wishes without her speaking even a single word, but the next thing I knew I was with my knees on either side of her thighs and was receiving her mouth on mine in a searing kiss. That was approximately 20 minutes ago and here I still was, completely surrendered to the firefighter.

-Let them think what they want, if I want to mark my woman. - She gently bit my neck as if to prove her point. - I will mark my woman.

And just like that, her words made me shiver and a tingling sensation took over every single one of my cells as my chest filled with pride. The fingers that were still tangled in her hair pulled the strands tighter, Maya grunted and hissed between her teeth, a fierce look on her face, but which soon disappeared from my line of vision when I closed my eyes as I attacked her mouth in a hot kiss.

As much as making out with Maya was extremely hot and arousing, I needed more, I needed more of her touch, more of her mouth sucking on my tongue, more of her fingers squeezing my ass, simply more. When I pulled away, I was quick to take both hands to the hem of the long-sleeved blouse I was wearing, and Maya did the same thing with her own shirt and thank God we both cherished comfort in our house because it was just wonderful to attack her mouth again and feel my nipples - now so fucking hard - sliding over Maya's warm, soft breasts.

I moved my head from side to side, fitting our mouths perfectly with each of our movements, moaning audibly along with Maya with each teasing slide of our tongues against one another and I already felt so wet it bordered on uncomfortable. I felt Maya's fingers come to the waistband of my sweatpants, pulling at the drawstring that held them tight around my waist before giving a downward tug, signaling that she wanted the garment off.

-Take it off. - Maya grunted, tugging again at my pants as she moved her kisses down my neck once more, this time reaching for some air since our kiss had sucked it out of her lungs. My breathing was also labored and, as much as I loved her kisses, I was definitely too hot and needed to get rid of those pants as soon as possible.

I jumped off her lap and started to pull the pants down when my eyes focused again on the purple toy next to Maya on the couch and remembered what I had been talking about when I was interrupted by her hickeys.

-I can't believe you brought this down here. - I said, pointing with my chin at the strapless strap-on beside her.

-Hey, it's useful. - Maya spoke up and leaned her back against the back of the couch before she lifted her hips and began pushing her own pants and panties down her legs with the same haste I had. - Especially when I want you to ride me, like I do now.

I hated that Maya could have me in the palm of her hand with just a few words and that cocky little smile she now showed me as she kicked off her pants that were caught on one of her feet; I licked my lips imagining doing just that, riding her, her hands on my ass, her lustful gaze over my body as she led me to an orgasm then I approached her again.

-Thong off too. - Maya raised a hand toward me to stop me from coming any closer and I laughed softly before turning around, because I absolutely needed to tease Maya, and running both thumbs along the thin line of the thong I was wearing before pulling it down slowly, thrusting my ass toward Maya as I leaned forward. - My God, you are such a tease Carina. You just love driving me crazy, don't you? You love making my pussy wet just for you.

My God, how I loved this woman.

-Yes. - I said, stepping out of the panties that had been left on the floor and turning to Maya now completely naked, feeling sexy under her desiring gaze, also feeling the middle of my legs throbbing in excitement when Maya spread her legs a little wider and I saw her wet center shining.

My girlfriend reached out for the purple toy next to her and I took the necessary steps to get between her legs, I held out my hand and she looked at me with a questioning look.

-Let me put it on. - I smiled sideways at Maya and she licked her lips before handing me the object.

Staring at Maya, seeing her hair falling across her shoulders and partially hiding her rosy nipples I lowered myself between her legs and got down on my knees.

-I need to make sure you're ready for it. - I said, placing the toy next to her thigh before pushing one of her knees further apart with my free hand.

-You really do. - Maya spoke eagerly and slid her hips forward, her ass now resting on the edge of the couch and that was precisely how I wanted her. Legs spread wide and offering herself to me.

-Can you hold my hair for me, amore? - I asked as innocently as I could, but I wanted Maya's firm hands in my hair as I sucked her off, I wanted to feel her firm grip as I drove her crazy and into her pleasure.

Maya's eyes were menacing, there was a raw, animalistic pleasure behind them, and it was wonderful to see her like that, it made me even more confident, it made me even hornier. The blonde brought both hands to either side of my face and pulled me up as she came toward me and gave me an intense kiss, her tongue immediately inside my mouth, and we shared a few more moans before she interrupted the kiss and slid both hands back, gathering my hair into a makeshift ponytail.

-I know what you're doing, Carina. - She gasped out the words.

-I don't know what you're talking about. - I knew what I was doing too.

Before she could say anything, I leaned down and ran the tip of my tongue along the length of her center, collecting her wetness and reveling in her flavor - now straight from the source. Maya moaned and spread her knees even wider before pushing her hips further against my mouth, and it was my turn to moan when I sucked her soft labia into my mouth.

-Shit. - Maya moaned and pulled my hair harder; I let the swollen flesh slide out of my mouth slowly and did the same thing with the opposite side, loving the way Maya involuntarily contracted her ass every time I gave a firm suck on her very sensitive labia. - Fuck, let me see you.

My girlfriend pulled my hair a little harder and I rolled my eyes at the delicious burning sensation on my scalp.

-You look so beautiful smeared with all my juices. - I reopened my eyes, trying to keep an innocent look on my face, and Maya practically roared before taking my mouth again in an intense kiss. - You like having me wet for you, don't you?

-Yes, Captain. - I whispered with her face still so close to mine.

-Then suck me off, put your pretty mouth on my clit, and suck me until I tell you to stop. And you will stop, because I want to cum when I'm fucking you, is that clear? - Her voice was firm, and her authoritative manner made my center throb and become even wetter.

-Yes, Captain. - I squeezed my thighs tighter trying to give myself some relief.

Maya's strong hands kept my hair pinned back as I plunged into her wetness, moving my lips down her center as if giving repeated open-mouthed kisses over her sensitive skin and when her low moans started to invade the room, I put my tongue out and started giving wide licks over her clit.

-Carina! - Maya gasped, arching her back, contracting her ass, pulling my hair tighter as she forced my face closer to her sex.

I moved both my hands to her thighs, squeezing them as I closed my lips around her clit and sucked it into my mouth coordinating the act with the rapid movements of the tip of my tongue over the bud. Maya's moans became louder, she undulated her hips meeting the movements of my head and I knew she was close.

-Stop. -She knew it too.

I obeyed her command letting her clit slide out of my mouth slowly. Maya gasped as she kept her head hanging back, resting against the back of the couch, but before she could recover, I took the toy beside her and positioned the shorter end against her definitely wet entrance, sliding it in with ease.

-Shit. - Maya whispered and the contraction of her walls almost pushed the toy completely out, but I held it in place, pressing it firmly against her clit and earning an involuntary spasm from my girlfriend.

-Look at me! - I asked when Maya remained with her eyes closed. One of the best parts of sex for me was seeing Maya's desire stamped across her face, it warmed me up inside to know that I was driving the firefighter crazy, and my exhibitionist side rejoiced in the dark blue shade of her eyes. As soon as her eyes opened, Maya focused them on my face and soon her bottom lip was caught between her teeth as I ran the tip of my tongue from the base to the tip of the toy.

-That's so sexy. - Maya whispered, still holding my hair in a makeshift ponytail. - Take it all, baby.

I obeyed her command once again and slid the length of the cock-shaped object into my mouth while maintaining eye contact with Maya. I bobbed my head up and down feeling the silicone taste on my tongue as I coated the strapless with my saliva.

-I need to fuck you! - Maya pulled my hair and I let the toy slide out of my mouth, a trickle of saliva still connected my lips to it, but Maya was quick to run her thumb across my lips a second before kissing me intensely again.

Without breaking the kiss, I stood up and straddled Maya's lap feeling the silicone rub against my intimacy with every movement of my hips; my hair fell loosely around our faces now as Maya's hands moved up and down my back and I moved one of my hands to the middle of my legs before aligning the tip of the toy with my entrance and lowering my hips onto it.

-Fuck! - I moaned, arching my back as I felt my walls stretching to accommodate the new thickness inside me. Maya's mouth was on my neck, kisses were distributed over my skin as my body burned with arousal.

-Ride me, baby. - Maya ordered, her chin pressed against my chest as she looked directly into my eyes.

Her words sent a shiver through my body and soon I was moving my hips up and down as Maya leaned back on the couch; both my hands went to her chest as I sought some support and her hands on my ass put more force into the descent of my hips, causing her cock to go deep inside me and my moans to run free through my mouth at the end of each thrust.

-Carina! - Maya moaned my name and I closed my eyes tightly as I threw my head back, my hair whipping against my back, and I felt when Maya closed her lips against one of my nipples as I still rode at the same speed.

The muscles in my thighs burned with each rise and fall of my hips as I took the full length of the strapless inside me and I needed a second to actually breathe and just enjoy all the pleasure radiating from my breast and center at that moment.

-Roll your hips for me, Car. - Maya ordered as she moved her lips to the other breast and once again, I obeyed her words.

-Cazzo, sì! – Fuck, yes! - I moaned as one of my girlfriend's hands came up to my front, her thumb being pressed against my clit as I rolled my hips on her lap and felt the vibration of her moans against my breast as she continued to suck my nipple into her mouth.

Our moans mingled seconds later, my walls were tight against the toy, and I mustered all my strength to move my hips again and ride Maya. The blonde leaned back on the couch - one hand on my breast, squeezing and pulling my nipple and the other in between my legs as she teased my clit - and the crease in the middle of her eyebrows along with her red, swollen lips ajar so that her moans wouldn't be contained was the sight I needed to build my orgasm.

-Maya! - I moaned loudly as circles began to be drawn over my clit and it was incredibly difficult to keep my eyes open as my body began to contract.

-Goddammit, I need more! - Maya grunted and wrapped one of her arms around my waist and in a very quick movement that made me let out a yelp she reversed our positions and now I was sitting on the couch with Maya leaning between my legs. Both her hands went to the back of the couch on either side of my head and her hips came to life before I could even process all that was happening.

-Maya! Maya, holy shit! Oh my God! - I screamed as the blonde began to thrust fast and deep inside me, holding herself propped up on her hands and tiptoes; I brought my knees up, now completely open, and ready to receive whatever she was going to give me. - Yes, yes! Yes, bambina! Dio mio, you're so deep!

-You're gonna make me cum! - She moaned the words between the heavy breaths she let out, her forehead pressed against mine and a sloppy kiss was placed on my mouth as I moaned with a particularly hard thrust.

-Cum for me, please, please Maya! - I begged, rolling my eyes in pleasure at how good it felt to be fucked by Maya.

-Fuck! - Maya whimpered and thrust deep one last time before shuddering over my body, her hips producing violent spasms in response to her orgasm and moans and gasps being released from her throat.

Watching Maya cum brought me even closer to my orgasm and I moved one hand directly to my clit and began to draw quick, hard circles over it, arching my back as shots of pleasure burst from my center.

-Faster! - Maya said, and only then did I realize that she was staring at the movement of my hand. - Now side to side just the way you like it, but don't cum. I want you to come in my mouth, got it?

-YES! - I shouted as Maya moved her hips again and the toy slid inside me in a delicious, hard back and forth.

-Don't stop! - Maya commanded and I continued to move my fingers from side to side over my clit.

-I'm close! - I gasped and my walls pulsed, my leg muscles trembled from the position, and the heat in the pit of my stomach made me focus only on my orgasm. - I'm cumming, I'm cumming!

Maya abruptly pulled out of me, getting on her knees between my legs, pushing my knees up even further and thrusting her warm, soft tongue inside my entrance without any teasing. The back-and-forth motion and the incredibly delicious penetration along with the movements of my fingers was the perfect combination for my orgasm.

-Oddio! - Oh, my God! - I screamed as my climax overtook me, my body shaking, tears welling up in my eyes and, my God, I felt absolutely nothing but pleasure at that moment.

I felt Maya's mouth on my thighs as she moved my legs back down, my feet finally touching the floor again, her kisses were careful, and I sighed in response to her gentle touch; I heard her grunt next and opened my eyes just in time to see her pulling the toy out of herself and then standing up and straddling my lap.

-Ciao! - I smiled at my girlfriend.

-Ciao! - She said back, returning the smile. - Are you okay?

-Much better than okay. - I laughed softly and tilted my face to capture her lips. The kiss was calm and sweet, just a heartwarming brush of lips. - But now we need to unpack!

-No! - Maya whimpered, her head hanging back as she clung to my shoulders.

-Yes! - I said between giggles.

-Oh, man! - Again, she whined, and it was the most adorable thing in the world.



-I'm clean! I just took a shower! - Maya spoke up as I turned toward her with a wooden spoon in hand as I was about to start stirring my pot of tomato sauce. I was ready to fight her for sitting on the kitchen center island, but she was in fact clean and my main argument to stop her from doing that was now no longer valid. - Oh, you just hate it when I sit on your kitchen island, don't you?

-No! -I replied, rolling my eyes at my girlfriend because I would never admit that she was right, even though it was more than clear that she was.

-You do! - Maya pointed a finger in my direction.

-Won't you catch a cold? - I asked, changing the subject completely, and turning back to the pot with the sauce that was now starting to boil.

-I thought I was only allowed to wear sports bras in the house. - Maya spoke up behind me, laughing.

-Well, yes, but I don't want you to get sick and it's a cold night. - I shrugged and stirred the pot.

-It's not that cold. - Maya spoke up behind me and I heard her take a bite out of a sliced apple that had been dipped in water with a few drops of lemon. - And my shirt is on the couch if I get cold.

-Maya, I'm going to use that apple. - I murmured, still not turning towards the firefighter.

-Do you have eyes on your back?

-You chew quite loudly. - I commented back and let out a giggle and my girlfriend grunted.

The silence was comfortable - even with Maya's loud chewing - but I was dying to ask Maya something and I hated feeling nervous about it.

-Uh, Maya... - I started.

-Carina... - Maya spoke in the same tone and I laughed softly.

-So, last night you... Uh... Did something different. - I kept my eyes focused on the sauce bubbling in front of me and turned down the heat without stopping to stir the spoon in the pot.

-Well, yes. - Maya stopped chewing the apple and I could hear the tension in her voice.

-Do you think you'd be willing to give it a try? I mean, at the receiving end? - I asked and finally turned off the fire and turned towards Maya who was definitely redder than usual, which was almost adorable.

-I mean... Yes, but I don't think I could handle that much spanking, and I don't want to imply that I'm a wuss, you know I'm not, but you've set the bar too high and I've never had previous experience with this so I think we'd have to start at a slower pace. - The words flew out of Maya's mouth at an absurd speed, and I arched my eyebrows as I tried to understand what she was saying.

-I didn't mean that, actually. - I spoke when she finished.

-You didn't? - Maya creased her forehead, confusion plastered across her face as she seemed to search her mind for everything new that we had done last night, and then widened her eyes when she finally realized what I was talking about. - Oh! Oh!

-Yeah. - I let out a low chuckle. - I've always enjoyed anal play, it's something that turns me on. Both receiving anal stimulation and doing it to the person I'm with...

-Yeah, you told me that a while back. - If any more blood got to Maya's face, I was sure her head would explode, but I tried not to be intimidated by her embarrassment.

-Actually, it's my last piece of paper to be drawn, and if you're willing, I'd like to try. - I concluded, and Maya brought one hand to the back of her head and scratched her scalp.

-I've never... - She began to speak, but her voice faltered. Maya cleared her throat a few times and then continued. - I've never tried this before, but yes, we can try. I know there's some preparation to be done and stuff, and you know me, I need to know what I'm doing so can I have a few days to think about it?

-Of course, Maya, we have time, I just... - I was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell and creased my forehead not being able to think of who might be at our door at eight o'clock at night.

-I'll get the door. - Maya jumped off the counter before I could say anything else.

I knew Maya was looking for some time to regain control of the situation, she simply hated it when I took her by surprise with some subject - and I secretly loved it when she turned completely red when I surprised her. The door was opened, I heard Maya greet the person on the other side of our door, and it seemed like an unknown person; I took the wooden spoon again and stirred the sauce, making sure it was at the right consistency.

-Oh, you didn't have to... - I heard Maya speak, and if I were a dog, my ears would be perking up right now. - But this is actually quite nice, thank you.

-It's nothing! - The woman spoke in a heavy French accent in response, and as soon as I heard the woman's voice something stirred inside me, I abandoned the spoon and turned quickly toward the door, taking quick steps into the living room to see who Maya was talking to.

I gritted my teeth when I saw that my girlfriend was still shirtless, sporting only a sports bra and her beautiful muscles in front of the woman who was partially hidden by her body. I picked up the shirt that was lying on the back of the couch and walked over to Maya.

-I hope you like them, I'm Adrienne. - The woman held out her hand and Maya took it with her free hand, since the other was busy holding a platter that seemed to have croissants inside.

-Hi. - I spoke loudly, announcing my presence. Maya squeezed the woman's hand but turned toward me when she heard my voice and the squeeze ended.

-This is Carina. - Maya pointed with her thumb at me, and I pushed the shirt that was in my hand harder than necessary against the middle of her stomach. - Ow!

-Doctor Carina DeLuca! - I held out my hand to the woman in front of me. She was white and tall, maybe an inch taller than me, her hair was reddish, there were freckles on her nose and cheeks, and her eyes were green. She was pretty.

-Welcome to the neighborhood. - She gave me a small smile and I could have sworn she was disappointed. - I was just telling...

-Uh, Maya! I'm sorry! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Captain Maya Bishop of Station 19. - My girlfriend smiled politely at Adrienne, and I gritted my teeth once again trying to control my Italian temper that was already threatening to surface.

-It's a pleasure to officially meet you. - Adrienne giggled and I squinted my eyes at the woman. - I was just telling Capitaine Bishop here that I saw her when you guys moved in yesterday, and I brought you some welcome croissants. I'm visiting my sister this month; she lives three houses down the street.

-How thoughtful of you. - My words were dry and there was no longer a smile on my face. - Thank you.

-It was nothing! I hope you like them! - Her eyes darted to my girlfriend again. - I have to go now, have a good night!

-You too, thanks again! - Maya waved to the woman, holding up the shirt she hadn't been able to put on since one of her hands remained busy holding the damn croissants.

-Good night. - That's all I said.

Adrienne turned and walked down the steps of our porch but made no point of hiding the last look - which I could have sworn was directed at my girlfriend - she gave before walking away from our entrance.

-How nice! - Maya spoke up next to me and I quickly turned to her before slamming the door hard.

-How nice?!