
31. Chapter 31



What a fucking headache!

My head was throbbing incessantly with a strong migraine, my stomach felt like it was turning in my abdomen, and it had been a while since I last had such an incapacitating hangover. I tried to bring the palm of my hand up to my forehead to partially cover my eyes and prevent the brightness of the room from making my condition even worse, but my arm was stuck so I was forced to open my eyes - grunting at all the discomfort I felt and from the pain in my retinas being invaded by the strong light - to realize the real situation of my body.

Carina was hugging me, her head partially tucked into the curve of my neck as her body lay practically on top of mine, her arm wrapped around my shoulder and holding one of my arms close to her body while the other remained tingling from being tucked under Carina's neck giving her some support.

I absolutely had to get up to pee, drink water, and brush my teeth - my mouth tasted gross - and escaping from Carina's unconscious body without waking her up was much more difficult than I imagined, but in the end, I succeeded.

After my bathroom duties, it was time for kitchen duties and maybe some juice would be better than water, at least I would be putting some calories into my body - since the thought of eating something was completely revolting to my nauseated stomach - and for these few moments of my day I completely forgot about the existence of...

- Buongiorno, Capitana! - Good morning, Captain! - Gabriella Aurora spoke cheerfully, much more cheerfully than any human being should sound before mid-morning, with a wry little smile on her lips as she brought a cup of coffee to them.

- Buongiorno, Gabriella. - I spoke back dryly and had to hold back a grunt when I saw her eyes lower down to my legs, making me realize that I was only wearing one of Carina's baggy shirts.

Wait. Where are my panties?

I felt my cheeks heat up at my own questioning and hurriedly walked over to the refrigerator - trying to avoid movements that would raise my shirt-bar because I definitely didn't want Gabriella to see something that only Carina's eyes should have access to - and poured myself a glass of juice.

-So, how's your ass? Rosso or ancora bianco? - Red or still white? - Gabriella asked and I rolled my eyes in her direction, choking on the juice I had tried to swallow a second earlier.

-Excuse you? - I said as soon as I could breathe again and Gabriella laughed.

-Well, you were the one who told me that Carina loved to see you turning red, and not only your face, but your ass too. - The Italian shrugged and my urge to vomit increased even more. I couldn't believe that this sneaky Italian was laughing at my expense.

As I processed her words I began to remember the night before. I remembered Gabriella talking about all the sex she had with Carina while they were both in college, I remembered struggling to control every muscle in my body not to make a big deal out of it when I knew that Carina would also be upset when I told her that Jack and I had had something in the past, I remembered having to fake smiles and pretend to still be in a good mood around Gabriella when she was dancing with her hands all over my girlfriend, and most of all, I now remembered all the shots of whiskey I had taken trying to forget everything that was going on around me last night.

There, facing the giggle on her lip and the amused look she gave me, I had more empathy for myself because it was really hard to deal with Gabriella Aurora while sober.

-I didn't lie. - I answered seriously, the least I could do was try to come out of it on top. - But that's none of your business.

-You're not a morning person, as far as I can see. - She took another sip of her coffee and the sarcasm in her voice made me clench my teeth.

-Actually, I am, but I'm not having a very pleasant morning. - I spoke back, staring at her and hoping that she would understand that much of the unpleasantness of my morning was due to her.

-Let's just hope that your mood improves throughout the day. - I rolled my eyes and drank the rest of my juice in big gulps before walking out of the kitchen and back to the bedroom.

Gabriella was simply annoying and I didn't know how I would deal with that Italian for the next few days, but I knew that she was important to Carina and Carina was important to me, so I had to hold my horses, put a smile on my face and have a good attitude for the rest of the day - or rather night, since they would be spending the day together at the conference.

Carina was still lying in bed, her hair now partially covering her face, and I couldn't contain the smile that spread across my lips as I climbed into bed determined to awaken my girlfriend. I ran my hand over her face, brushing away the brown hair, before I began planting kisses all over her forehead, cheeks, and the tip of her nose.

-Good morning, baby. - I whispered as I rubbed my nose against hers and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

-Hm... - She grunted and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulled me closer, and laid her head against my chest.

-You need to wake up, you need to get ready for your conference. - I let myself be hugged for a little longer before kissing Carina on the head, hoping that the gesture would be enough to wake her up.

-I don't want to wake up. - She grumbled, her face still pressed against my skin.

I took one of my hands to her waist and pulled up her blouse, ran my fingertips up and down her warm skin, and turned us on the bed until I was on top of her body.

-If you wake up now, I can make your morning start in a very pleasurable way. - As if to prove my point, I ran my fingers down the waistband of your panties and pulled the elastic down slightly.

-I'm awake! - She practically screamed and we both laughed, I kissed her mouth softly and pulled away so that I could look at her.

-Okay, you've got... - I looked at the clock on her bedside table. - Ten minutes. What do you want?

-That pretty mouth. - She brought a finger up to my lips and I parted them for a second before capturing it with my teeth and nibbling briefly. - Down there.

-Yes, ma'am. - I nodded once and moved my face down to kiss her again, my tongue immediately invading her mouth and deepening the kiss, but we were out of time so I was soon moving my kisses down her neck, moving her blouse up with eager hands so that I could kiss her flat abdomen to the waistband of her panties.

Carina was quick to lift her hips so that the panties could be removed from her body and unceremoniously spread her legs to receive me between them. Her center was already glowing with the collection of her arousal and a moan escaped my throat as I slowly ran my tongue down her length.

-Yes! - She gasped, squirming a little on the bed.

I ran my tongue up and down her slit as I slipped my arms under her legs to hold her thighs together, Carina moaned and felt her center getting even wetter. I sucked her labia, then nibbled on them, more moans were heard, louder and louder and when I closed my lips around her clit and sucked on it Carina literally screamed, arching her back, taking one of her hands to the back of my head and slipping her fingers through the strands before clenching her fist; the pressure of her fingers pulling my hair only urged me to continue and Carina was more than happy about it.

My tongue made circles over her swollen and sensitive bud, Carina rolled her hips to follow the movements as her juices wet my face while I delighted in her flavor. My fingers pressed hard against Carina's thighs, pulling her to me, wanting more of her, and when I brought the tip of my tongue down to her entrance and penetrated her slowly and deeply Carina howled with pleasure.

-Yes! Yes! Fuck me with your tongue! Oh, dio mio! I'm going to cum! - She moaned the words and I obeyed her, moving in and out with my tongue through her tight entrance and feeling her walls against it was making me hotter and hotter.

After a few more strokes of my tongue, I moved my mouth up to her clit, sucked her hard and Carina came apart, trembling, moaning and gasping beneath me, surrendering to her pleasure in a glorious way that made me jealous. I ran my tongue over her folds, taking in everything she gave me, and the Italian squirmed with every movement.

-Too sensitive! - She grunted and I let out a chuckle, moving away from her center, kissing her inner thighs before moving up her body.

-You're delicious. - I bit her bottom lip and pulled her in for a raging kiss. - But now you need to get ready, I don't want you to be late.

-But now I want to return the favor, you teased me so much last night. - Carina purred the words, digging her fingers into my ass and pulling me to her.

-About that... I don't remember much about last night. - I felt my cheeks heat up. - Where are my panties? And why was Gabriella talking about how you like to see my ass turning red?

-Oh, you were very chatty yesterday, Captain Bishop! - Carina giggled and kissed me. - You had too much to drink and you were quite affectionate and chatty, you literally told Gabriella that I liked to see you turning red. And about your panties, you were too drunk to give me any consent, but you made sure to touch yourself before going to sleep. Honestly, I don't know how you managed to stay conscious long enough for that to happen, but it was hot and I wanted to touch you so badly...

-Why didn't you? - I asked, licking my lips at the possibility of being touched by Carina.

-As I said, too drunk for any consent. - She shrugged, and I smiled at having such an understanding and righteous girlfriend who took our relationship, my feelings, and especially my consent so seriously.

-I hope we have half-drunk sex in the future because drunk sex is really good. - I sat up in bed next to her.

-You said that last night too. - Carina sat up and stretched. - Shower?

-An innocent one! - I pointed a finger in her direction before jumping out of bed.

-I can't give you any guarantees. - Carina spoke up behind me, following me into the bathroom.

-So, how was your evening? How is Gabriella? I just love Gabriella! - Travis spoke with a smile as we sat in Andy's kitchen waiting for the pancakes we had been promised.

-Ugh, I hate Gabriella! - I groaned, cradling my face between my hands before grunting audibly.

-What? - Andy asked, turning around with a spatula in her hand.

-Gabriella and Carina slept together when they were in college. More than once. For a long time apparently. - The words came out muffled against my hands, but I refused to speak them while staring at my friends.

-Oh, so that's what all the intense Italian conversation was about? - Travis asked beside me and I nodded with my face still hidden. - Well now I hate Gabriella in solidarity.

-No, you can love her for all I care, you can lick the ground she walks on, at least then she'll pay attention to something other than Carina. - I sighed deeply, feeling completely defeated.

-Well, she can pay all the attention she wants to Carina, but I'll tell you, that Italian goddess only has eyes for you, Maya. - Travis squeezed my shoulder.

-Do you really think so? - I asked my friend hopefully.

-Of course, I do Maya! - Andy quickly replied, flipping the pancakes over and then turning around to face both of us again. - You are beautiful, caring, thoughtful, probably the best girlfriend in the whole world, for goodness sake, I want to date someone exactly like you because you make it seem like your whole heart is Carina's and she acts the same way. Your love story is epic, and nothing is going to change that.

-Also, you're a confident, hot woman who's not going to let some random Italian girl make you insecure, okay? You're going to take your girlfriend, and show the world how hot, and sexy, and... And... - Travis started stammering for words and I laughed softly at all his excitement. - And fucking amazing you are! And you are going to have extremely loud sex with Carina just so Gabriella knows how good in bed you are too!

-Oh, I've done that already! - I pointed at my friend with a smile. - This morning! Did I get a lot of comments from Gabriella about it? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes, it was. You're right, I won't let her make me uncomfortable or take away my confidence, I'm better than that.

-You are! - Andy agreed, pancakes now properly on plates.

-Amen to that! - Travis slammed his hand against the counter in an attempt to put more emphasis on his words, but only ended up grunting in pain and regretting it.

-Where is Vic anyway? - I asked as Andy slid the plate with two pancakes toward me.

-Oh, secret boyfriend, firefighter from another station. - Travis spoke up and immediately stuffed a piece of pancake into his mouth.

-We absolutely need to find out who this person is! - Andy pointed the fork in Travis's direction. - And you're going to be our informant.

-I know absolutely nothing about this! - Travis said after he swallowed the piece of pancake he had in his mouth. Andy didn't know how to cook many things, but her pancakes were wonderful, I had to give her that. - But maybe we can get some answers out of her later, at Dean's.

-Oh, yes, about that! - Andy turned toward me. - Can you tell me why Carina asked me to invite Amelia Shepherd to this party?

-I was too drunk last night to remember anything Carina told me, but I can ask. - I shrugged and went back to focusing on eating my pancake.

After two quick knocks on the front door of Carina's house I heard Gabriella's voice telling me that the door was unlocked and I rolled my eyes one last time before turning the knob and deciding that I would have a good evening regardless of Carina's friend and her incisive and embarrassing comments.

-You are looking good, Captain. - Gabriella spoke up as she put an earring in one of her ears. She was wearing a black and white dress that went down to her knees, a pair of heels on her feet and much more eye-catching makeup than Carina usually wore. But she was pretty, I had to give her that.

-You too. - I tried to give her a polite smile.

-Carina is in her room, but if it's not too much to ask, try not to start something, I don't want to be late. - Gabriella went to the kitchen.

-I can't make you any promises. - I said back, starting to walk to Carina's room.

-Oh, yes, I remember how hard it is to resist Carina. - She answered and laughed, and I was more than happy to have my back to the woman, so she couldn't see my expression change and my face heat up with anger.

I didn't give her an answer, I just marched purposefully to Carina's room and opened the door in a burst that made the woman inside jump in surprise.

-Maya? - She called out to me, I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself before facing my girlfriend, but it was hard not to care about her friend's words and as much as I had spent the whole day repeating in my head that I wouldn't let her get under my skin, her affected little smile was simply getting on my nerves. - Is everything okay?

-Yes. - I answered softly and took one last deep breath before turning to Carina. - How was the first day of the conference?

-I would say average, the best lectures are tomorrow, they will talk about the uterine transplant technique they are trying to develop. - She answered and I nodded to her words as I walked towards her.

Carina was wearing tight pants, a delicate blouse and a jacket, she looked absolutely beautiful, but not at all practical for the hot evening I wanted us to have. I put a hand on her waist and kissed her lips gently.

-Do you think you'll get cold if you wear a dress? - I asked, moving to her back, hugging her waist and placing my chin on her shoulder with some difficulty due to our height difference.

-Didn't you like my outfit? - Her face in the mirror in front of us showed all her disappointment.

-Of course I liked it, I love the way you dress, but tonight I was thinking that we could be a little more adventurous. - And with that, I pressed the front of my pants against her ass and, for the second time during our relationship, I let her notice that I was packing. The bulge in my pants rubbed against Carina and the woman's eyes widened and her lips parted in surprise, but she quickly turned in my arms and glued her forehead to mine before she began to pull the jacket off her body.

-Short or long? - She asked, her mouth inches from mine as she unzipped her own pants.

-Whatever length makes you comfortable. - I answered, and our breaths mingled in the short space between our faces, her mouth a temptation and a constant invitation.

-You're a tease, Maya Bishop. - Carina kissed my mouth intensely, her lips moving against mine hungrily, her tongue snaking between my lips, but I didn't grant her passage. I knew that if we started something now, I would soon be buried deep inside Carina.

-Go get changed. - I said as I broke the kiss, gasping and trying to get my thoughts in order.

-Any other requests? - She asked, rummaging through her closet.

-Keep your hair loose. - I asked, imagining how nice it would be to wrap my fingers between the soft strands and pull them while doing wonderful things to the Italian with my mouth and hips.

-You know, I think it's about time I do something like this, risky, that will surprise you. - Carina was standing in front of me wearing lingerie, I stared at the curves of her body memorizing every angle, my hands tingled with the desire to touch her soft and warm skin, my mouth watered with the desire to taste her flesh, and it was a painful torture to see the woman covering herself up again, this time in a white dress with a print of orange flowers and green leaves adorning them that fell loosely down her legs to just above her knees and with a slit that left her thigh partially uncovered. It would be easy to wrap that fabric around her waist or make good use of that slit during the night.

-I can assure you that you have already surprised me enough during the time we have been together. - I replied, walking over to her to close the zipper that had been presented to me. I kissed the uncovered space on her back when the dress was properly closed and moved my lips to her ear before speaking. - But I confess it would be a nice surprise to one day feel a cock inside your pants, you fuck me so deliciously with one of these and it's nice to feel sore the next day; I spend the whole day remembering how deep you go and how good it feels when I'm completely full while being taken by you.

-Maya! - She moaned my name, closing her eyes and letting her head hang back slightly.

-You're ready, I don't want us to be late. - I placed one last kiss on the spot behind her ear and pulled away, bringing one hand down between my legs to make sure the bulge wasn't noticeable.

-You're mean when you want to be. - Carina accused me, a pout on her lips, and a smile appeared on mine.

-I'll certainly make this up to you later. - I held out my hand to my girlfriend and soon her fingers were intertwined with mine.

We walked out of the room, Gabriella was sitting on the couch waiting for us and soon we called a car through an app to take us to Dean's house.

-So, Dean is another firefighter, right? - Gabriella asked from the other side of Carina.

-Sì. - Carina answered and then let out a giggle. - Some other firefighters will be there, some Grey Sloan doctors too, like Amelia, for example.

I wanted to ask the reason for the invitation there, but I knew that would probably just make Gabriella talk even more and that wasn't really my goal for the evening.

As soon as we arrived at Dean's house we heard the loud music coming from inside and this was exactly what I needed, to drink, dance and make out with my girlfriend to forget about the jealousy I felt from my friend who, at this very moment, was holding Carina's hand, fingers intertwined as if she was her girlfriend and not me. I bit my tongue hard as I kept Carina's other hand firmly inside mine and just hoped that Gabriella would find someone else to have a good time with during the night and leave us alone.

-Maya, you're here! - Travis, surely already having had a few shots, shouted as soon as we stepped through the doorway. - You look hot! Don't you think so, Carina? Don't you think Maya is the hottest woman in the world?

-Oh, certainly! - Carina laughed at my friend's drunken way, but her hand clasped mine gently. I felt my face burn with the sudden rush of blood that came to my cheeks.

-You've had too much to drink and the party has just started! Where is Emmett? - I asked.

-Oh, you know, he's trying to get me to drink water so I'm running away from him. - Travis rolled his eyes as if his boyfriend was doing something absurd or ridiculous. - Gabriella, how are you? Any luck finding someone to kiss during the conference? I hear that people have a lot of sex during these...

-I really hope not. - I murmured, raising an eyebrow at Carina, and my girlfriend laughed and shook her head.

-People do have a lot of sex during conferences, especially when they are held in hotels, but taking place inside a hospital, the chances of having sex with someone in between lectures is greatly reduced. - Gabriella answered, but her eyes were not focused on my friend's face, they actually roamed the dimly lit living room as if looking for someone.

-Well, I hope you have better luck tonight. - Travis shrugged briefly.

-Travis! - I heard Emmett shout and take quick steps toward us with a bottle of water in one hand.

-I have to go! - My friend said before practically running away from me.

-Very mature! - Emmett sneered and followed after his boyfriend.

-I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything? - I turned to Carina to get her attention.

-Yes, please. - Carina smiled and nodded a few times.

-Careful with the drinking tonight, Captain. - Gabriella leaned forward so that she could see my face and give me a little wink, and I rolled my eyes before turning and walking over to the counter, but I heard Carina calling out to her friend.

There was no wine - Carina's clear choice - but there was a drink that was a mixture of several others and would definitely cause a headache the next day, but at least it was sweeter. I took a glass for myself, one for Carina and - even begrudgingly - a glass for Gabriella before going back to where the two Italian girls were standing, now close to Vic and Andy as they danced to the rhythm of the music.

-Here. - I held out the glass to Gabriella as I tried to keep the other two glasses balanced against my body.

-Thank you, Maya! - Gabriella spoke up and gave me a kiss on the cheek that made me blush before taking the glass I offered her. - And sorry for the teasing.

-It's okay. - I said back and held out one of the glasses I was holding to Carina.

-What is this? - My girlfriend asked looking into the glass.

-I have no idea, and I suspect it's better if we don't know what's in it. - I held out my glass to toast with Carina's and soon began to dance along with the other women.

Dean appeared shortly afterwards, introduced himself to Gabriella, but as soon as he stared at my face I made sure to demonstrate that this one was pure trouble, he seemed to understand my look and started dancing on the other side of the group. Jack, on the other hand, seemed more daring that night and started dancing with Gabriella seconds after introducing himself and these two did match. My friend glanced in my direction from time to time, but his view was blocked by my girlfriend. Carina was swaying her hips from side to side, her head following the intense rhythm of the music, her hair flying everywhere as she jumped a few times, making me laugh as I tried to repeat the same movements.

-Do you want another one? - I asked, pointing with my chin to Carina's already empty glass and wondered if maybe I was the one in charge of taking care of my girlfriend tonight.

-Sì! - She handed me the glass and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before going back to dancing.

The sweat was starting to drip down my back and my body was definitely getting warmer, other firefighters from other stations filled the house, there were people in every corner and I had to sneak between bodies to get to the kitchen again. There I filled Carina's glass only halfway and did the same with my glass - I didn't want us to get too drunk so that, again, our consent couldn't be taken seriously - and when I was ready to return, Gabriella appeared at my side.

-Can you help me? - She held out her glass in my direction.

-Yes. - I answered briefly, took her glass and began to fill it.

-You know you don't need to feel threatened by me, yes? - Gabriella asked as I focused on not overflowing her glass.

-I don't feel threatened by you. - I said back, handing her the glass.

-It's not what it looks like. - Gabriella insisted, and I gritted my teeth. - Look, Carina is a wonderful woman, and I know that, but I've never had a chance with her.

-That's not what it seemed to me, what it seemed to me was that you had every chance you could get with her in the past, and you blew it, and I really hope that you have no intention of trying to get more chances with her now. - This conversation was not about marking territory, it was about respect and honesty, and my words came out much more calmly than I had anticipated.

-When I met Carina, she was already in love with you. She didn't even know your name and she was already in love with you, and I waited, and I tried to win her over, I won't lie. But I never had what you guys have, Maya. I never had Carina's unconditional love, never saw her looking at me hopelessly in love. I've never had her care for me with such love and devotion as she did for you yesterday, out of fear of seeing you get hurt while you were drunk. - Gabriella smiled sadly at me, and that was the problem with her words, the sadness behind them.

-But you wanted this to happen. - It wasn't a question, but still Gabriella nodded a few times. - Did you get over her?

-Yes. - She answered quickly. - And even if it hadn't happened, I would never try anything knowing that she is taken, I would never risk losing Carina's friendship. She is my best friend, and my feelings for her are nothing more than the love of a friend, I don't want her in any other way and I really hope we can be friends because I know that's what she wants.

Gabriella talked too much, she butted in too much, but she was not a liar and the honesty I saw in her eyes attested to that. I just nodded a few times and extended my hand to her in a solemn gesture, and she smiled and took my hand, squeezing and shaking it once before pulling me into a hug.

-I'm a hugger. - She spoke and I laughed softly before I put a hand against her back and tried not to move away from her embrace before she released me. - But you should worry about something else.

-What? - I asked as I pulled away, creasing my forehead, not understanding what she was talking about.

-Actually, about someone else. - Gabriella turned her head in Carina's direction, I stood on my tiptoes and saw that she was trying to sneak between our friends to the other side of the dance floor and Jack held her by the arm trying to stop her from walking away.

-What the... - I couldn't finish my thought, my legs were soon leading me to Carina as my hands closed into fists and the pain in my jaw denounced the force I was exerting to keep my teeth clenched. Carina pulled her arm away from Jack's hands and the guy raised both hands in surrender, a wry smile on his lips, and I don't think he even saw me for his peripheral vision, he just stumbled away from us when I pushed him away. - What the hell do you think you're doing?

-Maya... - He spoke with a crease in his forehead. - I didn't do anything.

-If you ever touch my girlfriend again, drunk or sober, I will end you. - I pointed a finger in his face, and Dean was soon beside me, not understanding what was going on, and a few people were also staring at us.

-I've had too much to drink. - He said, rubbing his eyes. - I'm... I'm sorry.

-Don't apologize to me, apologize to her. - I didn't even look away from Jack's face as I pointed to Carina who was now standing behind me, one hand on my waist trying to keep me from lunging toward Jack. - You're my friend, and I'm going to choose to believe that you're really just a drunk idiot doing drunk idiotic things, but Jack, I swear to God, I will ruin your fucking life if you try anything, any goddamn thing, with my girlfriend.

-I'm sorry, Carina. - He looked at my girlfriend.

-It's Dr. DeLuca to you. - I hissed through my teeth, my hands still shaking with anger as I stared at the firefighter who opened and closed his mouth without a word coming out of it. - Go drink some water to sober up again and keep your hands to yourself.

-Yes, I'd better do that. - Jack turned his back on me and walked through the crowd.

-What the hell happened? - Dean asked and I just turned to Carina and held her arms, rubbing my palms up and down her sides.

-Are you okay, Car? -I asked and the woman nodded a few times, her lip quivered just once and I wrapped her in a loving embrace, feeling her head resting against my shoulder.

-Did something happen? - I heard Andrew's voice behind me and turned my head partially to face him, he was accompanied by two other residents and Amelia also looked worried.

-Nothing much, Jack being a drunken idiot. - I answered, still holding my girlfriend tightly against my body.

-But Carina is in very good company now, Maya is passing the girlfriend test. - Gabriella stroked Andrew's shoulder and they both smiled at me.

-Oh, yeah, she's a total badass! - My brother-in-law held out his hand toward me, and I took one of my hands from behind Carina's back and slapped it against his.

-Do you want to get some fresh air? - I asked softly into Carina's ear and she nodded, still inside my embrace.

Some of my friends gave me curious looks, but I tried to reassure them and tell them that everything was fine before leading Carina to the pier outside the house.

-What did he tell you? Did he hurt you? - I asked as soon as the noise of the music died down, there were only three other people talking outside, and I led her to the far corner so that we could have some privacy.

-He... He was just too pushy, he wanted to dance, but I wasn't comfortable dancing around him. - She spoke in a low voice, without looking into my eyes. - I know he's your friend, but...

-Hey, Carina, look at me. - I asked, holding both sides of her face affectionately, and tilted her face up so that her eyes were on mine. - It doesn't matter if he's my friend, if he works with me, none of that matters, what matters is that you're fine, that you feel safe and comfortable, that's what matters to me, vita mia . Did he hurt you?

-No, he was a little rough, but he didn't hurt me. I think I was startled by his grip, that's all. - She answered, both her hands on my waist while I still held her face.

-Are you sure? - I asked and stroked her cheeks with my thumbs, and the mere possibility that Jack might have hurt my girlfriend made me angry again.

-I'm sure. - Carina gave me the smallest of smiles and then came closer to me, pressed our foreheads together, and I moved my hands down the sides of her neck. - Thanks for sticking up for me, I always feel safer when I'm with you.

-I'll always try to keep you safe, Car. - I confessed and smiled when she brushed our noses together, it was always lovely when she did that.

I inclined my face at the same time as Carina and our mouths joined in a tender kiss, but which soon became more intense, with our lips sliding over each other and not long after I felt the tip of her hot, wet and ever so sweet tongue against my lips, begging for entrance which was soon granted.

I glued my body to Carina's, running one of my hands through her hair as I tilted our faces to improve the fit of our faces while our tongues slid over each other in an intense and erotic massage that made the middle of my legs warm. I clamped her tongue between my lips and sucked it lusciously, moving my face back and forth as Carina moaned and pressed her fingers against my skin more tightly.

I opened my eyes briefly, trying to locate myself in the dark as Carina's teeth nibbled on my bottom lip and pulled it towards her to restart the kiss; I walked leading Carina to the outside wall of the house, pressing her body against the wood and pushing my body against hers. Our kiss became more and more intense and I didn't care about the people around us, all I wanted was to devour my girlfriend and delight myself with her kisses.

-You really... - Carina gasped when I moved my lips to her neck, pressing the front of my pants against her. - Would you really have fought with Jack over me?

I smiled against her skin as she asked me the question, opening my mouth and brushing my teeth along her long, delicate neck, I nibbled on it a few times before sucking the skin into my mouth hard, not caring about the mark I was leaving, just focusing on the taste of it against my tongue. Carina moaned audibly, thrusting her hips forward and making the dildo inside my pants press harder against my crotch, and when I released her skin I ran my tongue across the area to ease some of the pain I had surely caused her.

-Is this what turns you on? - I asked softly, still against her skin, taking one of my hands to her breast, giving it a provocative but brief squeeze since we were still in public before resting my fingers against her shoulder. I moved my lips up to her ear. - Does it turn you on to think that I would kick Jack's ass if he touched what's mine? Because that's what I'll do if he dares to touch you again.

-Yes? -She gasped and moaned as I nibbled on her earlobe and moved my hands up until I had my fingers closed against her neck, applying the most delicious pressure to it, and the woman moaned louder.

-Definitely yes, you are mine, Carina, and anyone who looks at you, or touches you, or tries anything with you is going to find out the hard way that I spend hours inside a gym. - I whispered the words knowing that my possessiveness was doing things to her. - Tell me, tell me you're mine.

-I am yours. - She whispered the words between heavy breaths.

-And since you're mine I can do whatever I want with you, can't I? - I asked the question while squeezing her neck a little harder and keeping my lips pressed against her ear; I stuck out my tongue and licked her earlobe before sucking briefly on it.

-Whatever you want. - She answered and I loosened my grip on her neck, bringing my hand to her face, cupping her cheek, running my thumb against her lips and I let out a hoarse chuckle against her ear when Carina caught my thumb between her teeth.

-You're wonderful, Carina. - The praise slipped out of my mouth without any second thought being given.

I moved my free hand down to the slit in her dress and pulled my body away from hers. I looked to the side and the same people continued to talk, apparently not paying much attention to what was happening between the two of us, but I would rather not risk it.

-Come on. - I squeezed her thigh hard before bringing my hand to hers and intertwining our fingers.

Inside the party was still going on as usual, I saw Jack in a corner with a beer in his hand and a vacant gaze, as if he was lost in his own thoughts. I didn't pay much attention to him because soon I was pulling my girlfriend through the bodies towards the bathroom that was located in the main hallway of Dean's house.

-Thank God. - I gasped in relief when I turned the knob and realized that the door was unlocked; I pulled Carina inside and quickly closed the door, locking it immediately afterwards.

Soon her mouth was attacking mine again, her hands tangling through my hair while mine were occupied with the volume of her ass as I grabbed her and pulled her closer to me. The friction of the dildo inside my pants against her front caused a different and delicious pressure between my legs and the anticipation was driving me crazy. Carina's tongue was insistently delicious over mine, her teeth punishing my lips as she commanded the kiss and it was amazing to feel her moan against my mouth as one of my hands invaded the slit of her dress to caress her skin directly.

-You're so soft. - I mumbled the words against her skin as I again moved my kisses down her neck, distributing licks and nibbles against the skin of her cleavage, hearing Carina sigh audibly as she pressed my face against her body. - We need to be quick.

-Yes. - She agreed, her head hanging back as she gave herself over to my caresses and my ego swelled inside me as I noticed the dominance I had over Carina's body.

I abandoned her skin and took both hands to the waistband of my pants, unbuttoning the button and pulling down the zipper before slipping one hand inside the panties that held the dildo and turning on the bullet vibrator that lay at the bottom of the fabric providing a delicious sensation to my already hot and wet center.

-Give me a second. - I pulled away from her body and Carina leaned against the counter as she tried to catch her breath, her eyes focused on the movement of my hands as I pulled the dildo out with one hand and reached into one of my pants pockets with the other.

I pulled out of my pocket a condom and Carina let out a giggle.

-Safety first. - She ironized.

-Practicality I would say. - I said and opened the small package. - I just know you're going to be completely wet and make a mess on my cock, aren't you?

Carina swallowed hard, nodded, and clenched her lower lip between her teeth as I unrolled the condom over the toy; when she saw that I was definitely ready - much more than ready if you take into account the incessant throbbing of my clit - Carina turned on her back and looked at me through the mirror in front of her. I brought both my hands to the hem of her dress before lifting her up and lowering myself in front of her to distribute kisses over the delicious volume of her ass.

I squeezed both of her cheeks hard as I distributed the kisses, pulled her panties aside with one hand and pushed her ass up to gain access to her wet center. The music outside reminded me of the risk we were taking and only made my arousal even more powerful.

- Dio mio, bambina! - Carina gasped, leaning over the counter, spreading her legs wider and pushing her ass up while my tongue ran up and down her center, collecting her wetness and letting me taste her exquisite flavor. When I stood behind her again, Carina whimpered at the lack of contact and I wrapped one hand around her neck before pulling her body against mine.

-I already fucked you with my mouth today, don't complain. - I whispered the words against her ear, my eyes fixed on the sight I had of my hand wrapped around Carina's neck, making her submissive to mine. The vibration against my clit, my girlfriend's surrendered expression, and the risk of being interrupted at any moment further increased the wetness between my legs.

-Yes, Captain. - She whispered back the words and, with my free hand, I guided the dildo between her legs, tilting my hips forward before brushing the toy up and down between her folds, without averting my eyes from the expression of pleasure that took over Carina's face.

When I finally slipped just the tip inside her, my girlfriend moaned audibly, throwing her body against mine as if she was melting - and maybe she really was - and it was the motivation I needed to slide the full length of the dildo into her wet pussy.

-Do you feel good, my love? - I squeezed her throat a little tighter, Carina moaned and I felt the vibration against my hand and it was extremely hot. I moved my hips forward until I was completely buried inside her and loosened my grip so that she could breathe more easily. - Does it feel good to have my cock stretching your walls like this? I bet you're so tight!

-I feel so full. - She gasped, her head resting on my shoulder as I began a slow back and forth in and out of her.

-Tell me what you want, Carina. - I kissed her neck without stopping the movement of my hips, her ass was now bouncing against my hip, and the noise, though muffled by the loud music, was doing wonders for my pleasure.

My center throbbed with every movement, with each rough thrust the pressure against my clit intensified and the vibrations made me more sensitive and ready to build my orgasm.

-I want you to fuck me hard, I want to feel you deep inside me. - Carina turned her face so that her eyes could focus on mine and I took her mouth in a hungry kiss, licking her lips, biting them, and sucking on her tongue as it finally came in search of mine, but as quickly as it had started, the kiss ended when I grabbed her by the back of her neck and pushed her forward.

Carina put both hands on the counter, I brought both of mine up to her ass, pushing her dress up so that it bunched around her waist, and, with my eyes focused on the dildo that was being engulfed by Carina's hot, wet slit, I obeyed my girlfriend's desire and began to thrust firmly and deeply inside her. The impact caused a delicious friction of the dildo against my clit and I moaned as much as Carina, rolling over, seeking my release between the rhythmic thrusts that were drawing gasping breaths from the Italian.

-Fuck! - Her half-lidded eyes in the mirror were focused on mine for a few seconds as I squeezed both cheeks of her ass, opening them as much as possible and burying myself as deep as I could inside her before rolling my hips and her body trembled intensely, one of her hands flying back until her fingers were closing around my wrist tightly. - Take it. Take everything I give you! You like having that cock deep inside you, don't you?

Carina moaned, rolling her eyes, her hand gripping my wrist tightly and my clit throbbing intensely. With the hand that wasn't trapped under her firm grip I slapped her ass and the Italian moaned, arching her back, moving her ass toward me as I remained motionless inside her.

-Answer me! - I muttered between my teeth.

-Yes, I like having you deep inside me! - Carina gasped and I began to move again, an even more frantic back and forth giving me the pressure and friction I needed to start feeling my lower abdomen burn; my muscles began to contract in involuntary spasms and I moved one of my hands around Carina's waist to her front and pushed her panties to the side before I began to make quick, intense circles against her sensitive bud. - Maya!

Now bent against Carina's body, giving her pleasure with my fingertips as I thrust deep inside her my own pleasure was approaching. I closed my eyes tightly trying not to interrupt the rhythm of my hips, Carina was moaning louder and louder and I wanted to bring her to her climax before I could give myself to mine.

-Come for me, Carina! - I demanded, pinching her clit and pulling it a few times knowing that Carina liked rough touches when she was being fucked hard. - Let me feel you cum all over my cock.

- Sì, sì! Fuck, I'm gonna cum! - She moaned, her head hanging forward, being supported by her free hand before she shook violently and moaned so loudly and deliciously that she pushed me into my own orgasm. A few more thrusts of my hips and I surrendered to the pleasure building inside me; my own body was shaking involuntarily as my pleasure made me lose track of time, space, and anything other than the rhythmic throbbing in response to the intense orgasm I had experienced.

-My God! - I gasped, still moving my hips slowly, but the movement made my body respond with an intense contraction and I ceased the movement, gasping and trying to catch my breath.

Carina moaned and also seemed desperate for air, her hair falling across her face and I threaded my fingers through the soft curls so that I could see her flushed cheeks.

-I'm going to pull myself out of you now, okay? - I spoke softly, leaning forward one last time to kiss the back of her shoulder gently.

Delicately I retracted my hips, the dildo slowly slid out of Carina and the woman moaned softly; I pulled the condom out of the toy and threw it in the trash beside the sink before I pulled my pants back up and made sure nothing was showing. Carina was still limp against the bathroom counter, her eyes closed, a lazy smile on her lips that made me smile in return and to let her enjoy this moment a little more I went back to stand at her back and fix her panties and lower her dress, lining it up before helping my girlfriend stand upright again.

-Are you okay? -I asked as I hugged her waist.

-My knees are wobbly. - She confessed and let out a giggle. - But I'm fine, better than fine. You really have talent, Maya.

-I'm glad you think so, but now we need to leave because I'm sure people are already wondering where we went. - I kissed her shoulder and got a little smile back.

Outside the party was still in full swing, people were getting drunker and drunker, and I think that it was only because of the absurd amount of alcohol in our friends' bodies that we didn't hear any teasing when we reappeared on the dance floor.

-Maya? - Carina put her arms around my shoulders as we danced.

-Yes? -I asked, smiling, my hands intertwined at the base of her back keeping her close to me.

-You still have two things to be drawn inside your box, don't you? - She asked, and I nodded quickly. - Do you want me to draw one of them for tonight?

-Can I choose for you? I know it's against the rules, but I think we should be fair and you already got something last night. - I bit my lower lip.

-Yes, you may choose, but what do you think I got last night? - Carina's confused look made me smile.

-I touched myself in front of you last night, didn't I? - I asked, and she nodded a few times. - Then I'll pick the piece of paper that would make you obey me while touching yourself for me, so we'll even the playing field.

-What's written on the other one? - She asked back, but I just laughed.

-That, Dr. DeLuca, you will only find out another time. - I captured her mouth in an intense kiss, feeling her sigh against my lips and I could hardly believe the night we were having and all that was yet to come.

I was a very lucky woman.