
28. Chapter 28




The drive to Station 19 was becoming more and more familiar and it was a place where I felt good; it was good to finally start developing a friendship with Maya's friends and our camping trip was instrumental in that process.

-Good morning, Carina! - Jack smiled at me as I passed through the entrance door of the station. - How can I help you?

-Morning, Maya asked me to come and help with a patient who came to you guys earlier, she didn't give me her name, but said she would be in her office. - I explained, pointing with my thumb towards Maya's office which was facing the table where the fireman was sitting.

-Oh, yes, of course! - He got up from his chair and walked around the table before going to the office door and knocking a few times. I heard Maya's voice from inside allowing the firefighter to enter and he opened the door. - Captain, Carina is here to see you.

-Let her in. - Maya spoke from inside and I approached the door, as I did so Jack's hand slid down my back as I passed by him, his fingers against my lower back gently pushed me forward, and although his touch was subtle, it was inappropriate and unwelcome, so I soon walked hurriedly into the office. - Thanks Jack, you can go now.

Jack seemed to be a synonym for trouble, ever since our trip I could feel his glances lingering on me in a way that made me uncomfortable, but I knew that any comment from me would cause the firefighter a lot of trouble - I knew Maya could be a tough captain when she wanted to be.

-Hey Carina, this is Joana. - Maya got up from her chair and walked around the table in front of her pointing with her hand to a teenage girl who was sitting on a chair near the wall. Her body language showed fear and insecurity, her head was low, and her suspicious eyes were attentive to all the movements around her.

-Good morning, Joana! I am Carina DeLuca, I am a doctor, can you tell me what happened to you? - I put my bag on Maya's desk and exchanged a quick smile with my girlfriend before walking over to the teenager.

-I... -The girl started to speak, but her chin trembled, giving away her urge to cry. - I'm pregnant.

-Okay... - I pulled the chair that was still vacant in front of Maya's desk and moved it so that I was facing Joana. - Do you have a boyfriend?

-Yes. - She whispered.

-Is he the only person you have sex with? - I asked, crossing my legs and trying to reassure the still very frightened girl.

-Yes. - Her voice was low.

-I imagine it wasn't a planned pregnancy, was it? - Joana denied it with her head. - Do your parents know?

-My mother knows, we had a bad fight earlier and then I came here. - The teenager explained.

-Joana, safe sex is important, not only to avoid pregnancy, but to keep you healthy, you know that, don't you? - She nodded briefly, her head hanging down, her gaze leaving my face. - But now that you're pregnant you need to know that you have options, some of them still require the support of your parents, others do not, and whatever decision you make you need to be absolutely sure, and you'll have to think about it a lot. Do you understand that?

-Yes. - The girl wiped away one of her tears as I stood up and went to my purse, taking out a card and a notepad. - I know you are scared, I would also be if I were you, I know that when things happen unexpectedly, we tend to get desperate, but you need to be calm to make a decision. Your mother has also been frightened by the news, but I want you to go home and talk to her and go to Grey Sloan as soon as possible and give the receptionist this paper, I will see you there, okay? We will sit together, you, your mother and I will talk about your options and the steps that will be taken from there.

-Will I be all right? - She asked uncertainly.

-You're going to be just fine, dear. I know you're worried, but everything will be fine. - I smiled at Joana and gently stroked her arm after handing her my card and the paper with my authorization for the extra appointment to be delivered to the hospital.

-Thank you, Dr. DeLuca! - She smiled for the first time, a small, unobtrusive smile, but still a smile. - Thank you, Captain Bishop.

-You're welcome, Joana! - We spoke at the same time and smiled at the girl.

I walked with her to the door, and she seemed much calmer as she walked out of the Station, and as I turned to return to Maya's office, Jack flashed me one of his indiscreet smiles again as his eyes traveled down my legs, making it increasingly clear that he was looking for trouble.

-Thank you for that, I'm not the best person with teenagers, and honestly if I were in her shoes I'd be a lot more desperate so I didn't think I could give her any comfort. - Maya spoke up as soon as I returned to her office.

-You're welcome! - I approached the Captain and placed both hands on her shoulders before leaning forward and kissing her lips quickly. - It's nice to have an excuse to come see you.

-I like it when you have excuses to come see me. - The blonde spoke before pulling me around the waist and kissing my mouth more intensely.

The sigh that escaped my lips was inevitable, Maya's kiss was intoxicating and I would never get used to the reactions my body had every time she touched me. I always wanted more. I would never be satisfied.

-Bambina... - I whispered as her lips moved down my neck at the same time as her hands also moved southward toward the volume of my ass, squeezing it intensely and pulling me closer. - I have appointments in an hour.

-Do you have to go precisely right now? - Maya asked with her lips still pressed against my skin, and as much as the right thing to do was to answer "yes," I didn't want to let go of Maya until I absolutely had to.

-Not right now, exactly. - I bit my lower lip when I felt her teeth scrape against my skin.

-Good - I felt Maya's smile against my skin and knew I would have a good time for the next few minutes.



-Will you be joining us tonight at Joe's? - Andrea asked, stopping beside me in the emergency room while I looked at the chart of a patient who had been admitted with vaginal bleeding.

-Sì. - I spoke briefly without lifting my eyes from the screen in my hands.

-Oh, of course... I almost forgot that Maya will be there too, now you two are always together. - He murmured beside me, and I didn't need to look at his face to know that he was rolling his eyes at me.

-Is that jealousy I hear in your voice, baby brother? - I asked, still reading about the patient's case.

-Of course not! - He almost gave a little yelp beside me, and I finally looked at Andrea and saw that his face had reddened. - But don't you think everything is moving too fast?

-What do you mean? - I creased my brow and now the patient's chart wasn't so important anymore.

-I mean that you've only known each other for a short time and now you can't find a Carina without Maya or a Maya without Carina. - He shrugged but looked slightly embarrassed. - We don't do things together anymore, you know, just the two of us.

I wanted to accuse him of being childish and jealous, but the truth was that he was right, and lately I hadn't taken the time to do anything with just my brother, and now that this was being pointed out by him, I felt bad about it. Andrea was not the clingy type of brother, on the contrary, I often felt that I was always the one who had to chase after him for us to spend some quality time together, so hearing him demanding attention from me at that moment made my heart tighten a little inside my chest.

-We should have dinner some night this week. - I said, giving him a discreet smile.

-We don't have to.

-I want to. - I squeezed his arm gently, in a gesture of affection. - And I'm sorry that we haven't been spending much time together lately. Dinner on Friday, my treat.

-Deal. - He smiled back.



-My goddess! - Travis waved his hands above his head as I passed through the front door and I couldn't contain my laughter, I waved back as I approached the table with the firemen. - You look beautiful! As always...

-Thank you, Travis, you are too kind. - I hugged his shoulders briefly, distributing smiles and waves to the other friends. - Where's Maya?

-Oh, she's finishing up some reports, her boss came by the station earlier and asked for a new budget and she was definitely stressed about it. - Vic answered with another sip from what seemed to be her second beer glass. - So, we came early and we are celebrating.

-What are you guys celebrating? - I asked, creasing my forehead. Maya hadn't mentioned anything about celebrations, so I thought we were just getting together for a few drinks.

-The end of another day! - Andy raised her beer glass and we all laughed.

-It's always good to celebrate the end of another day. - Jack agreed. - Are you going to have a beer with us, Carina?

-No, I'll get something from the bar. - I put my purse on one of the chairs.

-I can go with you. - He stood up, his knee banging against the table, causing most of the glasses to wobble and threaten to tip over, and the other firefighters were quick to stabilize them, letting out a sigh of relief when they made sure that not a drop of alcohol was wasted.

-No need, it will only take a second. - I tried to be polite, but I didn't wait for his response and walked hurriedly to the bar. I knew I couldn't accuse him of anything, after all he might just be trying to be nice in a weird way, but something in my gut told me that I should keep some distance from the fireman.

Sticking to a glass of wine would be the prudent thing to do, and I wasn't planning on ending the evening nauseous and with a headache, too drunk to do what I had spent all week thinking about doing with Maya.

-It may take a little while, we're out of wine for a few minutes, but your order will be the first as soon as the bottles arrive. - Joe smiled at me and I nodded in response.

I leaned over the counter while waiting for my order because returning to the table at that moment would probably involve some awkward conversation with Jack or having to endure his prying eyes on my body - which would cause me to lose patience and ruin my evening - so I drummed my fingers against the wood of the counter and let my mind focus on my girlfriend, I couldn't wait to see her.

-Good evening! - The voice that sounded next to me was unfamiliar, I turned toward the blonde next to me. She was shorter than me, her green eyes were intense and seemed almost predatory. - Hi, my name is Esther, I'm a nurse at Grey Sloan.

-Oh, hi, Dr. Carina DeLuca, OBGYN. - I greeted her by shaking the hand outstretched towards me. - You don't look familiar, have we worked together before? I can be terrible with faces...

-Oh, no... I think we just passed each other in the hallways, you always seem so busy. - She smiled gently and leaned back against the counter, facing me.

-Too many babies to be brought into the world. - I laughed softly and she did the same.

-I was thinking of changing departments, actually. - She continued, sipping from a colorful drink she held in her hand, her straight shoulders and enviable posture showing an absurd confidence.

-To OB? Well, I'm biased, I'll always think it's the best department. - I shrugged and she gave me another smile.

-You certainly make the department much more interesting. - And it was at this moment that the first warning light went on in my mind and what I thought was a conversation about work now looked like something completely different. The smile that Esther kept on her face I now interpreted as flirtation and no longer as politeness and I suddenly found myself completely unable to continue the conversation.

-It can be quite exhausting, and the influx of patients is quite big, as I told you, so it is a choice that deserves careful thought. - I spoke now interlacing my fingers and leaning back a little towards the counter, hoping that my drink would soon be handed to me and that my body language would be enough to demonstrate my lack of interest in the woman.

-I agree, but it seems to me to have more upsides than downsides. - She commented beside me, taking a step toward me, and my eyes roved around the bar in an attempt not to let them fixate on her face and give her the wrong impression. - It certainly must be less stressful, I always see you smiling in the halls, and it is always a blessing to see it, you have a very nice smile.

-Thank you. - There wasn't much that could be said, and I simply couldn't be rude to a woman who was being polite to say the least.

-Well, it's not just your smile that's so beautiful, you're a beautiful woman. - She insisted, and I felt my cheeks flush at how incisive she was now being. One of her hands came up to my arm, her thumb rubbing against my skin as her fingers closed around my bicep. - Can I buy you a drink? We could talk more about this big decision of mine.

-I'm sorry, I have a girlfriend. - I gave her a polite smile and she immediately removed her hand from my arm, returning the smile, but now in a shy and almost embarrassed way.

-Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that. - Esther looked quite disconcerted and I could tell she hadn't hit on me despite knowing I was taken, the red in her cheeks denoted her ignorance of my relationship.

-It's... - I started to speak and then felt a hand slide around my waist, fingers closing around the flesh of the spot with a strength that didn't bruise but showed some possessiveness.

-Good evening. - Maya's firm, hard voice sounded beside me, and I turned partially sideways within her embrace to look at her face and saw that her eyes were fixed on the face of the woman in front of me. - Am I interrupting something?

-No, this is Esther, she is a nurse at Grey Sloan. - I explained.

-And you must be the girlfriend. - Esther held out her hand to Maya and the blonde shook it with her free hand, and I could see when the nurse frowned at the grip she received, I saw the tendons in Maya's fingers protruding denouncing her strength.

-Captain Maya Bishop of Station 19, but the title of girlfriend is certainly just as important. - She spoke dryly beside me, and her fingers relaxed against my waist for a second only to squeeze my flesh again with the same possessiveness and something inside me stirred.

Maya always made me feel everything so intensely, I never thought I would get turned on by words of ownership or gestures that referred to it but seeing her possessive and jealous at that moment was making the middle of my legs come alive and a cold shiver ran down my arms.

-I can see why. - Esther pulled her hand from Maya's firm grip and gave her a shy smile.

-Do you work with Carina? - Maya asked, still dryly, from beside me.

-No, but I'm thinking about changing departments. - Esther sipped at her drink, growing increasingly embarrassed. - We'll see how things turn out, thank you for your time, Dr. DeLuca. Have a good evening.

-Thank you, you too. - I smiled at the woman who politely nodded at Maya and me before turning away.

-I don't like her. - That was the first thing Maya said as soon as a few steps were placed between Esther and the two of us, her eyes fixed on the woman's back as she walked, and her disapproval was clear on her face.

-She... - I started to speak.

-She was hitting on you. - Maya completed the sentence before I could say anything else.

-Yes. - I agreed, and Maya arched her eyebrows in my direction, her hand leaving my waist as she positioned herself in front of me.

-So, you're not even going to deny it? - Maya kept her eyebrows arched, crossing her arms over her chest in a defensive posture, her neck taking on a reddish tint. - Did you just let her flirt with you and touch you like it was no big deal?

-I didn't say that. - I spoke back, and a cocky feeling grew inside me with each redder hue that came over Maya's face. - Yes, she was hitting on me, but she didn't know I had a girlfriend, and as soon as I told her, she became embarrassed, apologized, and was very polite.

-She was still eating you with her eyes. - Maya insisted but uncrossed her arms and stepped forward. - And I don't like people eating with their eyes what's mine.

-Oh, really? - I asked, playing coy.

-Haven't I made that clear yet? - She asked back, taking another step closer to me, her breasts now almost touching mine due to our proximity, her intense eyes locked on mine, and I could swear they had taken on a darker hue. - I don't know how to share what is mine.

-Don't you? - She seemed sure of what her words were doing to me, my teeth against my lower lip betrayed my state and I think even I was getting flushed. I knew that this possessiveness was not disrespectful or toxic, I knew that she was trying to play with my mind, with my body's reactions, with the way I responded to her words.

-I don't. - She spoke back, taking one hand to the back of my neck and pulling my face forward so that my ear was strategically placed against her lips. - And I'm going to show you how much tonight. I'm going to show you how much you're my good girl, mark you as much as possible so that everyone knows that you're mine and no, it's no use complaining, it won't change what will happen tonight.

My heart was racing in my chest, her provocative words were warming me from the inside out, and my clit felt already very swollen and sensitive, pulsing rhythmically as my chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. I knew Maya was absolutely serious, I knew she would do every single one of those things, but if there was one thing I loved doing was taking away her control, frustrating her until she was on the verge of madness, begging for mercy, and I would never have an opportunity as good as this one to do that.

-Tonight you are mine. - That's what I said in reply against her ear. - No questioning, no cheating, my decisions, you completely at my mercy.

-Carina... - Maya pushed her face away from mine, her eyes wide, her red face showing the beginnings of her frustration. - You can't be serious!

-No questioning, no cheating, my decisions, you completely at my mercy. - I repeated the words that sealed our agreement on the camping trip a week ago and raised an eyebrow in her direction; I saw her nostrils flare in anger, her chest heaving with an especially strong, forced breath, her fists clenched as she threshed with all the strong emotions that were surely gripping her now.

-I hate you. - That's what she told me, a hiss that came out through her teeth, and I cracked a little smile out of the corner of my mouth.

-No, you don't. - I turned toward the counter and grabbed one of the napkins before standing on my tiptoes and reaching for one of the pens that were lying around.

I wrote two words on the napkin making sure Maya couldn't see them - even though the woman was trying to stand on her tiptoes to figure out what was going on - and tore it in half, folding both halves before holding them out in my hands.

-You have two choices, these are the last two things that remain inside my draw box, and whichever one you choose I'm sure you will just hate me a little bit more, especially after all the frustration that is building up inside of you. - Maya oscillated her gaze between my face and the papers in my hands. - I want to drive you crazy tonight, Maya Bishop.

-Carina, I... - She swallowed hard, looking effectively afraid of her choice.

-Just choose, you know I'll take good care of you. - I licked my lips and stared at my prey as she made her choice, her hand swaying from side to side in a clear sign of indecision, but finally her fingers closed around the paper in my left hand and I was quick to toss the paper that remained in my right one into the nearest trashcan to keep her from wanting to switch papers when she saw what was written. - Aren't you going to open it?

-I'm not sure I want to know. - Maya nibbled nervously on her lower lip and I moved closer to her face, placing a small peck on her lips and a discreet kiss on her cheek.

-You knowing what's going to happen is part of what I want to do tonight, open the paper Maya, I'm curious too. - I said, pulling away again and, with a sigh of surrender, the blonde began to unfold the paper in her hands under the attention of my curious eyes.


-I... - Maya was red, her eyes still stuck to the word written on the paper.

-Don't worry, it will be the most pleasurable of tortures, I promise. - I said softly.

-Dr. DeLuca, your wine. Sorry for the delay, we were waiting for a new shipment to arrive. - Joe spoke up behind me, and I heard the glass slide down the counter.

-No problem, thank you, Joe. - I smiled at the bar owner. - And can you get Captain Bishop a shot of whiskey? I'm sure she'll need it to calm her nerves.

I wasn't wrong, Maya took the shot of whiskey that had been served to her in one gulp, asking for a second shot afterwards.

-No, no second shot, I need you to be sober for later. - I purred the words as I slid my fingers through Maya's hair, my nails scraping the back of her neck with an intensity between gentle and teasing. 

-Well? - Joe asked after clearing his throat. - Second shot or not?

Maya alternated her eyes between my face and the glass in Joe's hand, and again I just raised an eyebrow to indicate who was in charge that night and the blonde grunted audibly.

-No. No second shot. - Maya sighed heavily, I knew that if frustrating her was my goal, I was starting in the right place.

Minutes later when we were back at the table with our friends, Andrea arrived with a few more residents and it was amusing to see how nervous Maya was around my brother now that she was my girlfriend.

-How good is your Italian, Maya? - Andrea asked with a more serious face than usual, his arms crossed against his chest trying to convey an intimidating posture that only made me roll my eyes. I slipped my hand to hold one of Maya's under the table and hoped that the gesture would somehow comfort her.

-I still have a lot to learn, certainly, but I know the basics. - She answered, her free hand playing with the hem of the jacket she was wearing.

-You'd better start stepping up your Italian lessons if you're going to be part of the family, I'm sure Carina will want to raise babies speaking Italian. - Andrea laughed and I blushed at his words and at Maya's slightly startled look. - Oh, you haven't talked about marriage and babies yet? I thought lesbians did that on the second date.

-We're not lesbians, we're both bisexual women. - I tried to change the subject.

-But no, we haven't talked about it yet, but you can be sure that if babies are in our future I would also make sure to raise them speaking Italian. It's a big part of your sister, and it's one of the parts I love the most. - Maya spoke after clearing her throat a few times, and when her eyes returned to mine, they stared at me in a sweet and delicate way that made my heart melt in my chest.

I knew it was too soon to have this kind of conversation, our future was still quite uncertain and as much as we were in love with each other we had to develop our relationship without any rush to make things work, but I couldn't lie, it was nice - even if only for a second - to be able to imagine a mini Maya running around us, playing with toy fire engines and knowing all the fire department manuals by heart.

-That was the right answer, Maya! You passed the test. - Andrea laughed again.

-Test? - Maya asked back, raising both eyebrows.

-Always be ready for them, there are many more to come. - My brother shrugged, and this time it was me who laughed at the desperation on Maya's face. - I have to take care of my sister, and I know too much about your past to just blindly trust you, Maya.

-Your sister is changing a lot of things inside me, but you know that despite this I am a trustworthy person, I would never hurt Carina. Not on purpose. - My girlfriend replied to my brother, and now I was afraid that things were going to start getting serious.

-It doesn't hurt any less because it wasn't on purpose. - Andrea gritted his teeth and I knew he was referring to the moment Maya and I had taken a break.

-I know, and I'm sorry that it happened in the past, but I learn from my mistakes, and it won't happen again. - Maya squeezed my hand and for a second, I almost forgot that our fingers were still intertwined under the table in my lap. - Carina is important to me.

-She's important to me too, so I'm sure you understand my concern. - Andrea uncrossed his arms and reached out one hand to gently squeeze Maya's shoulder. - I want to trust you and love you like a sister, just don't break her heart and you'll be on the right track. I like you, Maya, and I have a feeling that you are the one for Carina, I hope I'm right.

-Me too. - My girlfriend smiled gently at Andrea, and I was finally able to breathe normally again.

-Now, if you're done with all this talking like I'm not here, can we dance? - I smiled at the two most important people to me and stood up from my chair.

-Of course. - Maya said in addition to Andrea's positive nod.

A few more of our friends - who had previously been too wrapped up in their own conversations - also joined us on the makeshift dance floor at Joe's and it was fantastic to be able to have fun, laugh and dance carefree. I moved my body with my eyes closed, my hands running along my curves as I gave in to the beat of the music, and even though I couldn't see, I could feel Maya's eyes on me, and this only motivated me to dance more sensually.

I felt my back slam against something hard - a person - and immediately my eyes opened, Maya was taking quick steps towards me while hands were fixed on my waist. I turned around quickly, taking a step to get away from the unwanted touch and finding a tall guy smiling smugly at me.

-Good evening, beautiful! - He spoke, but before I could say anything, Maya pushed him away, both hands on his chest, and the man stumbled backwards.

-Back off, man. She's not interested, okay? And don't go around touching people without them wanting to. - The firefighter was soon surrounded by Travis and Vic, who were both frowning at the young man and too drunk to make any kind of decision at that moment.

-We were just dancing. - The man spoke back, rubbing his palm against his chest where Maya had pushed him.

-She wasn't dancing with you. - Vic spoke back.

-She was dancing for me. - Maya added.

-We can all have fun. - The man insisted, and I rolled my eyes.

-We're not interested, and please don't touch me again without my permission. I don't think you'd want any trouble with my girlfriend, don't be fooled, she can carry a man your size out of a burning building, I don't think you'd want to take a punch from her, or from one of our friends at the Seattle Fire Department. - I threatened the guy, squinting my eyes at him as I slid my hand down Maya's arm wanting to make sure she wouldn't jump on the man again.

The man's dark eyes passed over my face, Maya’s, and our friends' before he raised both hands in a sign of surrender and took a few steps back. The people who were interested in the scene and paying attention slowly went back to focusing on their own conversations and entertainment, and Travis and Vic burst out laughing.

-Did you see how intimidating I was? - Travis asked between giggles.

-Is everything okay here? - Andrea asked behind me.

-Sì. - I spoke between giggles as I watched Travis flex his biceps and grunt like an animal.

-What? It was my look that made him tremble! - Vic spoke back, staring at his friend menacingly.

-You've passed one more test, Maya. Never let troglodytes touch my sister without her permission. - Andrea raised one hand and Maya, blushing, slapped her hand against his.

My brother turned to go back to his friends, and Travis and Vic were too focused on arguing over who was responsible for scaring the guy, Maya stood rigid beside me, her jaw clenched, and fists balled, and when I moved closer to her body, hugging her waist, I felt her relax a little - just a little.

-You're so sexy when you're jealous. - I purred the words. - When you're trying to protect what's yours.

Maya's eyes focused on mine, her expression began to soften, and I felt her hands on my shoulders as I pulled her even closer to me.

-I'm so wet I could take three of your fingers with no problem while you fuck me hard, bambina. - I whispered the words with our noses pressed together, our eyes still focused on each other, feeling the ghost of the touch of Maya's tongue against my lips as she moistened her own. - My pussy is throbbing, and I want to cum so bad that I want to take you into the bathroom and make you fuck me right here and right now.

-Yeah. - Maya whispered, her fingers digging even harder against my shoulders.

-No. -I spoke back with a small smile on my lips and captured her mouth in an intense kiss, soon invading it with my tongue and letting my muscle slide over hers in an intimate and provocative caress. - But now you will say goodbye to our friends so that I can take you home and do whatever I want with you.

-Can't we do this some other time? - She asked softly and nibbled on my lower lip before sucking it into her mouth for a few seconds and my eyes rolled with pleasure.

-No questioning, no cheating. - I reminded her when she released my lip and Maya grunted. - Is it really that bad to give yourself up completely to me? Or is there too much possessiveness inside you right now and you want an escape valve for that feeling?

-The second one. - Maya looked away from me as if she was embarrassed by her answer, so I moved my hands down to her ass, pulling her until her front was completely glued to mine, and the gesture made her look into my eyes again.

-You'll be able to do something about that later, when I'm done with you, amore. - I smiled at her, and Maya swallowed hard. - Now, go say goodbye to the guys.

It didn't take more than a few minutes for all the "good-byes" to be said, Maya seemed tense and nervous about what was going to happen next, and we got a lot of furtive looks and smiles indicating that our friends knew very well why we were ending our evening earlier than expected.

-Are you okay to drive? - I asked, reaching for my car key from inside my purse.

-Hmm, yes. - She nodded gently, and I handed her the key before we got into the car.

-There's no need to rush. - I spoke as I turned sideways, as far as my seat belt would allow, and Maya started the car. - Take your time, I'll certainly take mine.

-What are you talking about? - Maya asked as she sped out of the parking lot, but I didn't answer her question, I just dedicated myself to pulling the blouse she was wearing out of her pants and got busy unbuttoning her pants and unzipping them. - Carina!

-Stop the car. - I commanded, grabbing the hem of her pants and Maya creased her forehead, but she gave a right turn signal and stopped the car at the side of the street. I held her cheeks with my thumb on one cheek and the other four fingers on the other side before turning her face toward me to draw my face closer to hers and stare into her eyes. - Look at me and pay attention! I was a good enough girlfriend not to express my dominance over you tonight in front of our friends at the bar, but now you're mine, do you understand? No questioning, no saying no, you are only allowed to accept and say "yes, ma'am" to any of my wishes, is that clear?

Maya's face reddened and warmed under my touch, her ajar lips blew out a hurried, labored breath, and I could tell when she swallowed hard in response to my words.

-Yes, ma'am. - She whispered.

-How do you say it? Good girl! - I nibbled on her upper lip before pulling away a little. - Now drive back, in no hurry, to my house.

-Yes, ma'am. - She answered when I released her cheeks and took one deep breath before accelerating the car again.

My hands went back to working on Maya's pants as she drove, and after one turn I lowered my hands to cover her center over her panties.

-Oh, bambina... Apparently, it's not just me who gets turned on when I see you all hot and bothered by jealousy, isn't it? - I whispered the words close to her face before kissing her cheek and I could see her knuckles turning whiter and whiter as she squeezed the steering wheel. I rubbed my hand up and down her panties against her wet sex knowing that the friction would make her even hotter. - I bet you're ready for me to fuck you already, aren't you?

-Yes. - She answered after a groan as I pressed my hand more intensely against her sensitive spot. I brought my fingers to her clit and, still over her lacy underwear, began to run slow, wide circles over her bundle of nerves as I moved my lips down to her neck and kissed the area, earning another loud moan in response.

-Keep your eyes open, Maya! We don't want an accident. - I spoke against her skin and trapped her covered clit between two of my fingers before moving my hand up and down.

-Shit. - Maya grunted, stirring in her seat, gripping the steering wheel even tighter and practically trembling under my touch. Her arousal was making the middle of my legs awaken as well and my wetness was ruining my panties, but tonight was going to be about Maya and I wouldn't be satisfied until I had her cum again and again until she couldn't anymore. - I can't... Fuck... I can't focus, baby.

-You can. - I whispered, nibbling her skin next and pressing her clit between two of my fingers in an intense pinch. - We're almost there.

-Yes. - She moaned and rolled over on the seat, searching for a rhythm to the rubbing of my fingers against her sensitive spot so I pulled my hand away and she grunted, opening her mouth to complain, but then closed it and just let out another frustrated sound.

-You'll take what I want to give you, not the other way around, you don't set the pace of anything tonight, Maya. - I attacked her neck again, keeping my hand away from between her legs. With the tip of my tongue, I traced a back and forth path from her earlobe to her collarbone and Maya gasped and grunted with the movements, but tried to control herself and didn't ask for more or complain when I suddenly stopped my movements. - I can't wait to have you with your beautiful ass up in my bed, spanking you, turning it red while I fuck you.

-Oh my God! - She gasped heavily. - We're here, we're here!

-Someone seems eager for what's to come. - I laughed softly and sat back on my seat, facing forward.

-I'm just glad I didn't crash the car on the way. - Maya actually looked relieved to be parking the car in my driveway and almost jumped out of the car as soon as she pulled on the parking brake.

I took my time getting out of the car and she was waiting impatiently in front of the door. Every step I took seemed to frustrate her even more, she would look at my face and then move her eyes down my body as I approached, and I took advantage of her focus on me to remove my jacket. As I neared the door, I grabbed the key from inside my purse and felt Maya's hands on my waist as she positioned herself behind me.

-I didn't ask for that. - I spoke without turning the key in the lock as Maya was quick to withdraw her hands from my body and as much as I loved feeling her touching me, I liked abusing the power I had that night more than anything.

We entered my house and with the lights still off I threw my coat over the couch along with my purse before turning and walking over to Maya who was patiently waiting for my next commands like the good girl she was. I held both sides of her face and brought my lips close to hers.

-You can touch me now, bambina. - I whispered before kissing her mouth intensely, sucking her lips open so that I could explore the dark cavern that was her mouth. Her tongue was sweet against mine and when I sucked a little harder, I felt Maya's hands against my ass, pulling me to herself as she gave herself over to the kiss.

I could lose myself in Maya as I kissed her, her lips were so soft and her tongue massaged mine masterfully; with each movement of our faces, our mouths fit together in an even better way and we deepened the kiss even more, rubbing our bodies against each other in a clear sign of arousal on both sides. It would be easy to forget my plan to drive Maya crazy if we continued like this, it felt too good to have her hands against my ass, my center was clamoring for attention and I knew the blonde would be more than happy to make me cum if I demanded it, but I needed to take advantage of that night to do everything I had always dreamed of with Maya.

-Let's go to the bedroom. - I said as we pulled away, our breaths mingling in the small space between our faces.

Our steps were fast, Maya was following me, breathing heavily, and when we entered my room, I turned on one of the lamps so that the yellowish half-light allowed me to see every curve of the firefighter's body that I loved so much.

-Take off your clothes, I want you in your underwear. - I said and turned my back to Maya, going to my closet to retrieve the bag with the items we had bought at the sex shop so many weeks ago.

I picked up the wrist and ankle restraints and turned to Maya who was now wearing only a set of black lingerie in perfect contrast against her fair skin. I licked my lips at the sight and walked over to her as her eyes briefly widened at the sight of what I held in my hands.

-How am I supposed to focus on fucking you when you look at me in this innocent, almost angelic way while you wait patiently for me? - I asked, pulling my face closer to Maya's again. I ran my nose down her cheek, down her neck as I tried to inhale her scent as much as possible while unbuttoning my pants and bending down to get rid of them. - You are a temptation, Maya Bishop, my most perfect temptation.

Maya shivered at the touch of my nose running over her skin; I moved up her abdomen again, now planting kisses as I stood upright in front of her once more, stepping away briefly just to get rid of the blouse I was still wearing and standing in front of her in just panties and a bra.

-I want to see you. - Maya whispered as I kissed her chin, moving my mouth along the sharp line of her jaw. - Please.

-Of course, my love. - I spoke and took two steps back, letting her eyes fix on the navy-blue lace that wrapped around my breasts and covered my center. I moved my hands through my hair, moving the locks freely at my back, then let my digits go to my neck, my touches were soft and subtle, my eyes focused on the reactions on Maya's face.

I moved my hands down my chest, stroking the spot gently before squeezing both my breasts and watching Maya nibble her bottom lip and squeeze her thumbs with her fingers, closing her hand into a fist that most likely acted as a way to stop her from attacking me at that moment. I pulled the left cup of my bra down and with my free hand rubbed the palm against my nipple before pulling the swollen bud hard - I had to press my lips together to keep the moan from being externalized - and Maya whimpered in front of me.

-It's yours. - I said, covering my breast again, running my hands down my belly, bringing my fingers to my covered center and rubbing my digits over the sensitive, wet spot that demanded attention. - Every inch of my skin, every breath I take, every moan that escapes, is yours.

-Yes. - Maya looked at me predatorily, her dilated pupils hiding the blue of her eyes and denouncing how much she wanted me.

-No one touches me like you do. - I spoke, my fingers still moving back and forth in a painfully lazy rhythm. - My pleasure is completely yours. When you take me, hard, mixing pain with my pleasure, I must control every breath, every thought, every moan lest I cum in a matter of seconds. You, Maya, dominate me even when you're not around me.

-Fuck, baby. - Maya took a step forward and I simultaneously took a step back, keeping the same distance between the two of us. - I'm sorry, but it's impossible to control myself when you're teasing me like this.

-I want to suck your breasts, give them to me. - I said, stopping the movements between my legs even against my will, I needed to stay sane and if I continued to touch myself, I knew I would yield to Maya.

-Yes, ma'am. - Maya smiled sideways and maybe the answer had started as a joke, but it was an absolute truth that her words turned me on and urged me to dominate her even more. The blonde brought her hands up to her back, unhooking the clasp of her bra and letting her full breasts finally be free.

I walked over to the bed and picked up the leather wrist restraints and pointed with my head to the bed causing Maya to swallow hard but climb onto the mattress right in the middle of it. I was more than grateful to have a headboard and realized that maybe using both ends of just one of the wrist restraints was the best strategy there, so on my knees I went over to Maya.

-Hands above your head, near the headboard. - I passed the chain connecting the two ends of the wrist restraint through the space that existed in the middle of my headboard and secured Maya's wrists with the leather. - Too tight?

-No. -She whispered back, her eyes glued to my movements as I made sure the chains were loose enough that her arms weren't overstretched, but tight enough to immobilize her.

I ran my hands down her outstretched arms, Maya stirred, closing her eyes when my touch gave her a shiver, and I continued to run my fingertips down her strong arms, her shoulders, her front, and I couldn't help myself; I slipped one of my legs over her body and straddled her abdomen before I threw my body forward and captured her mouth in an intense, possessive kiss.

-So beautiful. - I whispered as I pulled away, biting her lower lip and pulling it to me before releasing it with a loud 'pop'. - So strong, so wonderful, so amazing, so brave. I could spend all night naming each of your adjectives, vita mia.

-This is my favorite so far. - Maya gasped the words as I kissed her chin and neck, my lips descending to her cleavage as I slid my body down causing a sigh to escape my lips as my center glided against her abdomen and I was sure that a wet trail had come to exist over Maya's skin.

-Vita mia? – My life? – I whispered the question, distributing kisses from one collarbone to the other. Maya stirred beneath me, the sound of the chains as she moved her arms unconsciously and the frustrated sounds when she realized she was trapped was doing wonders for me.

-Yes. - She moaned languidly in response and arched her back when I closed my lips around one of her nipples before sucking it into my mouth. I scraped my teeth against the sensitive skin feeling her bud hardening against my tongue and sucked a little harder to receive even louder moans.

-You know, I always thought I was more of an ass person. - I murmured, moving my lips to her other breast, Maya arched her back and moaned, her lower lip being mauled by her teeth as she moved her head from side to side and pulled her arms in an attempt to free herself despite the restraints. I circled her nipple with my hard tongue, flicking it over the pink peak a few times and earning a moan in response. - Until I met you and realize that I can no longer live a life without these breasts and your ass. Your body is perfect, everything I've ever looked for in a woman, giving me even what I didn't seek and didn't know I loved in a woman.

I moved my lips down her belly, her legs instantly opening so that I could settle between them. When I put my tongue between my lips, I licked my way from Maya's sternum to the very beginning of her panties and I was able to feel my taste discreetly against her skin which made me crack a smile.

-Carina! - Maya whimpered when I pulled away from her body, getting on my knees between her legs, but she looked intensely at me again when I took both my hands to the waistband of her underwear, pulled it off her body and threw it over my shoulder somewhere in the room.

It was a heavenly sight to see Maya with her wrists bound above her head entirely naked in front of me. Her lap was red - some places redder than others, indicating that I had left permanent marks on her skin - her breasts were rising and falling with her rapid breaths, there were lines running down her abdomen where my teeth had brushed through, and her center glowed with arousal in the dim light.

I took the restraints for her ankles, first wrapping the right one with leather and tensing the chains until I could secure the other end to the base of the bed.

-You don't need that, I'll behave. - Maya spoke up, raising her torso to see what I was doing.

-You won't. - I spoke back, letting out a chuckle and going to her other ankle to do the same thing, now leaving her completely open, her thighs were spread far enough apart that I could get between them, and I had only given her a short length of chain to move her legs because I knew she would soon try to close them in response to my touches. - Now you need to concentrate again, vita mia. Look at me.

Maya fixed her eyes on me, her hands closing against the chains while the leather embraced her wrists.

-Sei bellissima! – You’re beautiful – I smiled at the woman and earned a smile back, shakily, with her tongue moistening her lips, all at the same time as my hands moved up her thighs and I settled on my knees between her legs. - I'm going to touch you, and it's going to feel good, then it's going to feel like it's too much, and you can cum as many times as you want knowing that with each cum you'll become more sensitive and I will not stop.

I leaned my body down and kissed her hip bone, first on one side and then on the other, before resting my chin on her pubic bone and looking up at her.

-Pick a safe word. - I asked, looking at the woman in front of me.

-Ferry. - She smiled broadly at me, and I smiled back.

-That's a good choice. - I kissed her mound of Venus, sliding further down the bed, now leaving my face in front of her center and inhaling deeply the scent that was so particularly hers. I brought my thumbs up to her labia and rubbed them in a slow massage, up and down repeatedly and Maya was quick to gasp and relax her whole body back onto the bed, her arms stretched above her head tensing the chain as they fell lazily in favor of gravity. - Relax, Maya. I'll take care of you.

I opened her labia with my thumbs exposing her red, swollen, throbbing center. Her delicate little clitoris begged for attention, and it didn't take long for me to give her what she wanted most; I ran the tip of my tongue along her length and moaned when her flavor invaded my mouth. I went up and down, from her entrance to her clit, at the sound of Maya's moans that became louder and louder; the chains restricted the movement of her hips a little, but her body's responses to my licks were intense.

-Fuck, Carina! Oh my God... - She moaned loudly as I finally closed my lips around her clit and lazily sucked it into my mouth while slowly circling it with my tongue in a mixture of sensations that I knew would drive her crazy. - I'm going to cum, baby! I'm so close.

I hadn't even started, and Maya was already completely surrendered, I knew she wouldn't take long to cum for the first time because there were so many strong feelings inside her tonight begging for release so I intensified the strength of the suction and the movement of my tongue against her clit in my mouth and Maya shivered on the bed. The sound of chains being pulled invaded the room, the firefighter's back jumped off the bed as much as possible and a loud, languid moan echoed next.

-Fuck, fuck, fuck! - She spoke as she tensed, and I didn't move away from her center.

I let her sensitive bud slide out of my mouth, running my tongue down to her entrance and around it, licking her juices, her cum, until I was satiated with her essence. I hardened my tongue, entered her as deeply as I could, and Maya screamed - howled - and I repeated the action several times, going back and forth, in, out, around her entrance for a few moments to go deep into her the next, and after a few minutes of doing this, I took my fingers to her clit, starting a fast, intense masturbation, with the strong pressure of my fingers against her bundle of nerves.

-Oh, my... Fuck! - Maya screamed, her legs trembling beside me, and I went deep inside her, turning my head slightly sideways so that my fingers could move quickly on her pleasure point. - Yes, yes! Oh, God! I'm gonna cum again! Fuck! Carina, don't stop, don't stop!

I had no intention of stopping.

The back-and-forth movement of my tongue intensified, I tried to keep my eyes glued on her face, but I felt too much pleasure to keep my eyes open. I succumbed to the delight it was pleasuring Maya; I squeezed her clit between two of my fingers and rubbed it up and down and then side to side as I went deep inside the firefighter and felt her walls squeezing my tongue hard. I heard when Maya sucked in a breath and didn't let it out, her muscles contracted around me.

-Carina! - She screamed releasing the air from her lungs and again trembling beneath my touch. - Oh, shit!

This time I pulled away from her body, I needed to give her some time to recover, or I would hear her safe word far too quickly. I jumped out of bed as Maya lay completely limp, powerless and sweaty in the middle of it, her arms hanging only held by the leather at her wrists and there was no traction at all from her ankles as the captain recovered from her orgasms.

I went to the closet and from the same bag pulled out the strapless strap-on that had given me a glorious orgasm during our camping trip. I pulled down my panties and without any difficulty slid it inside me but took some lube from the bag and smeared it on the tip that would go inside Maya because I knew I needed to be careful when the night would be one of overstimulation.

The blonde remained with her eyes closed, her head hanging to the side as a weak, tired smile was exposed by her lips. When I brushed the tip of the toy against her slit, Maya gave a little jump - as much as it was possible - on the bed, her eyes widening as I slipped into her before they rolled back in their sockets and disappeared behind her eyelids when I began a back-and-forth motion of my hips kneeling between her legs. My hands clamped down on her thighs for support and soon I was moving in an explosive rhythm.

-Carina, I can't! Oh... - Maya arched her back, her breasts swaying with the thrusts of my hips and the delicious pressure the toy was putting on me and my clit along with the sight of my girlfriend was driving me crazy.

-You can do it; you'll take whatever I want to give you. - I gasped at the words, digging my nails into the skin of her thighs, red lines appearing on her flesh, watching Maya hide her face against one of my arms before moaning audibly. I brought one of my hands up to one of her nipples, pinching it hard before tugging, and Maya howled in response. - Fuck, take me Maya! I want your pretty pussy to take my cock, all of it, can you do that for me?

-Yes, yes! Give it to me! Give it all to me! - I thrust deep inside her, pinching once again hard on her nipple and Maya moaned. - Hard, Carina! Fuck me hard!

-Oh, but I thought you told me you couldn't do it anymore! - I laughed in my arousal, squeezing her nipple and rolling it between my fingers still buried deep inside Maya. I rolled my hips, grinding them against her front until the toy was sliding up and down against my own clit. - Fuck! I'm cumming.

-Yes. - Maya moaned in response, trying to open her eyes, but with each attempt I tugged on her nipple so that she felt a different wave of pleasure, and then she would close them again, rolling her eyes and moaning.

-Take it all in, Maya! - I spoke and held her hips before I started a deep and fast back and forth inside Maya, hammering the dildo deep inside her. The impact gave the pressure I needed on my clit and after a few strokes my muscles began to contract.

Maya moaned audibly, I knew that if I lingered a little longer she would come with me, but now I wanted to frustrate her, I wanted to focus only on my pleasure and when I felt my walls involuntarily contracting around the toy I stopped my movements, hurriedly pulling out of Maya before I yanked the toy out of me amidst Maya's frustrated grunts and began drawing quick circles with my fingers over my clit to make sure I didn't pull away from my orgasm as I climbed up the bed, over Maya's body, up close to her face.

-Fuck, I want to cum in your mouth, Maya, suck me, bambina! This is your pussy, you wanted it all night long, didn't you? You wanted to show everyone that this pussy is yours, right? Now suck it! Make me cum! - I gasped and moaned between words, still circling my clit while Maya pulled the chain and lifted her face. I felt her tongue against my fingers, begging for passage and as soon as I moved them out of the way, Maya's lips closed against my clit and she sucked me hard, making a back-and-forth motion with her head that made me cry out as she did earlier. - That's it! Suck me! Fuck, yeah!

My body tensed, my abdomen caught fire, my thighs trembled around Maya and like an explosion my orgasm overtook me. Pleasure flooded my veins and coursed through every cell in my body as I threw my head back, held both sides of Maya's head and moaned loudly. The sucking and licking that was still being unleashed against my center helped me extend my orgasm and my body was shaking involuntarily with the waves brought on by the pleasure.

-That's... - I swallowed hard, my throat was completely dry. - That's enough.

I moved to the side, collapsing onto the bed next to Maya, gasping and still feeling some spasms in my muscles, and listened as the woman moaned contentedly beside me. My body was relaxed, it would be easy to surrender to fatigue, but that wasn't the purpose of the evening so still lying with my head close to Maya's calves, I slipped an arm under her thigh and took my fingers to her center, circling her clit repeatedly starting a masturbation.

-My God! - Maya's moan came out more like a breath, her body arched against the mattress, her fingers closed again against the chains, and her legs moved trying to close, but not succeeding. I took two of my fingers to her entrance, slowly penetrating her before curving my fingers inside her and massaging her walls while adding my thumb to her bundle of nerves.

-Let go, don't hold back. - I murmured, turning sideways, kissing her thigh before laying my head on it and alternating my eyes between the movements I was making between her legs and Maya's face outlining an intense mixture of pleasure.

Deeply sinking into her, feeling her walls squeezing my digits, I stopped my fingers inside her and started moving only my thumb from side to side, quickly, against her clit and screams were let out by the blonde. Maya gasped, moaned and screamed, her abdomen involuntarily contracted, her arms tensed the chains, and she gave in to pleasure once again.

-Too sensitive, too sensitive! - She whimpered as I continued to move my thumb over her red, swollen bud.

-This is much better than I had imagined. - I confessed, getting up from the bed, going to her feet and starting to free her ankles. As soon as one of her legs was free, Maya clamped her thighs firmly together almost as if trying to protect her center from my touch. - When I imagined fucking you again and again, as hard as I wanted to, I thought you would give me your safe word on your second release and take all my fun away.

Maya mumbled, gasping, probably too consumed by the remaining waves of her orgasm to fully understand everything I was saying. I leaned over and kissed one of her thighs after releasing her ankles.

-But you're behaving very well, you're giving me everything I want, no questions asked, no begging me to stop. - I kissed her abdomen a few times, sucked her in a few places intentionally marking her skin before moving to her chest and distributing kisses all over her breasts. I licked and sucked her nipples, Maya squirmed in response, grunted, whimpered, I knew I was reaching her limit. - You are perfect, vita mia. You're everything I've ever wanted and I'll never leave your side, I'll love you forever.

-I love you. - She whispered, and looking up I could see that she was finally trying to focus on me, on what I was doing. Her dark eyes were attentive to my movements and her red, swollen mouth, damaged by her own teeth, was inviting.

-Have I shown you enough how much I love you? - I asked rhetorically, taking hold of her lips before she could say anything. Our kiss was sweet, much more delicate than the previous ones. My tongue slid across her lips, entered Maya's and brushed against her erotically.

When I pulled away, I released her wrists - now quite red - and Maya's arms fell freely at the sides of her body.

-Turn on your stomach. - I asked kneeling beside her body.

-Car, I can't take it anymore... - She whispered, her eyes focused on my face, her chest still rising and falling with labored breaths.

-Do you want to give me your safe word? - I asked back, one eyebrow raised as I waited for an answer.

-No. - She whispered back, and I just nodded before helping her onto her stomach in the middle of the bed. I grabbed her hips and lifted them up, she knew what I wanted.

Maya gathered the pillows from the bed, hugging them tightly under her body and resting her head on them as she gasped. I moved my fingertips down the length of her back, feeling her skin and hair under my digits as she shivered and spread her legs a little wider.

-I thought about wearing the strapless. - I said, rubbing the palm of my hands against her still so white and untouched ass, massaging all the volume before squeezing it with intensity. - But I want to feel you tight around my fingers. Now count for me, bambina.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I lifted one of my hands and slapped it hard against her ass, making Maya gasp and moan, her body moving defensively against my touch for a few seconds before she drew her hips closer to me again.

-One. - She moaned softly.

-In Italian. - I spoke back, delighting in the burning in my hand and the sight of her ass already turning red in front of me.

-Uno. - She whispered and another slap was smacked against her ass, now on the other side. - Due.

Having Maya in this place of submission was bringing me close to an orgasm that I hadn't even realized was building inside me, but now it was all I could think about. The middle of my legs burned as much as my hand after each slap I gave, I could swear I was as red and sensitive as Maya at that moment, and I knew it wouldn't take much to cum.

-Dieci. - She gasped, moaning, after the tenth slap and I didn't even wait for her to recover before I invaded her center with two of my fingers, going as deep as I could, feeling her walls clasping my digits intensely as Maya roared in response to the invasion. - Fuck! I can't, I can't...

Maya's whimpers were not enough to make me stop, until she said her safe word I would continue, and my fingers went back and forth inside her, curving within her to massage the spot that would drive her crazy. With my other hand I held one of her buttocks, pulling it to the side so that I could see without any hindrance my fingers being swallowed by Maya's greedy pussy.

-Do you feel good, bambina? - I asked between strong and rapid movements of my fingers. Maya seemed to be collapsing, her legs trembled as she received the strength I imposed, and the sounds that escaped her mouth couldn't even be classified as moans. They were growls, grunts, animalistic sounds that denoted her lack of control and the rawness of what she was feeling. Pleasure in its most original form. No flourishes, no delicacy. - You're so tight! Do you want to cum? Is that what you want, Maya?

-Fuck, yes! Please! Please! - She whimpered, this time really sounding like a cry was about to burst from her chest. I sped up my movements, I wouldn't give her the touch on her clit that would easily undo her, I wanted to give her more of that animal pleasure, with the pure friction of my fingers against her center. I scratched her back with my free hand repeatedly, the red lines meeting the red of her ass, and then I wrapped my fist in her hair, pulling it tight until her head was hanging back.

Her closed eyes, her open mouth letting all sounds come out freely, her face the same shade of color as so many other parts of her body, and the glisten of tears streaming down her eyes as she was fucked intensely by me was the perfect painting for my pleasure, and I faltered in my timing as I climaxed without even stimulating my clit, overwhelming me, making me roar as loudly as Maya as I buried myself deep inside her and felt waves of climax take over my body in such intensity.

I let go of her hair, squeezed her ass hard, forced my fingers even deeper into Maya - if that was even possible - and curved them inside her before withdrawing them by just a few inches before thrusting them hard again deep inside my girlfriend. Maya screamed, collapsing on the bed, shaking, crying, squirming over my touch as her walls crushed my fingers while a large amount of liquid was squirted out of her and dripped down my palm, dripping onto the sheets, giving me new information.

Maya could squirt.

If I had not cum seconds before, I would surely be cumming now with this new revelation. I thrust inside Maya once more, but her delicious expression of pleasure didn't happen again - much to my disappointment - but I still insisted on the movements until I heard her whisper.

-Ferry. - She whispered and I immediately stopped what I was doing, loosened my grip against her buttock and allowed myself to stop for a second.

It was only then that I realized how gasping and trembling and hot I was. Sweat dripped down the valley of my breasts still covered by my bra - something I only noticed at that moment - and down my back, clinging my hair against the humidity and I was finally starting to get uncomfortable with my body temperature.

Maya was crying copiously as she lay on the bed, still with my fingers inside her and for a second my body tensed up, I was afraid I had hurt her, but I knew that at that moment any stimulus - even a question - could be too much for her so I just gently spread her legs and withdrew as carefully as possible. I heard her sniffle and I snuck behind her body on the bed lying facing her back before pulling her hair up and blowing on the back of her neck realizing how hot and sweaty she was as well.

-Just breathe, vita mia. - I whispered, not wanting to stimulate her further. - Do you want me to hold you?

Maya didn't respond with words but nodded a few times and I wrapped my arms around her, pressing her back against my front despite the heat.

-It'll take a second for you to calm down, but after that we'll take a relaxing bath and go to sleep, okay? - I asked softly, kissing her shoulder a few times between words before rubbing my nose along the curve of her neck. She was still sobbing and sniffling softly, and I let her calm down naturally while I also brought my emotions back under control, lessening the intensity of them inside me.

The silence of the room was not uncomfortable, the half-light gave us a cozy atmosphere, the warm touch of our bodies was a constant reminder of all the moments we had lived that night, and the smell of sex was intoxicating.

-Did I hurt you? - I asked softly when the sobs finally stopped.

-No. - Maya replied in the same tone, her hand covering mine as it rested in the middle of her abdomen before pulling it up to kiss my fingertips.

The blonde then turned on the bed, rolling toward me so that she was belly up inside my embrace and I had to prop my elbow on the bed to prop up my head to look at her still very red and wet face - from tears and sweat.

-I don't know why I cried. - She confessed with an embarrassed chuckle.

-I do. - I shrugged and stroked her face with the hand that wasn't supporting my head. - It was too much. The good kind of too much, but still too much. It's not something I can do with you every night, but I was looking forward to doing it for the first time, and you didn't let me down one bit. You were perfect.

-I’ve never cum so many times in my life. - Maya laughed and I joined her in laughter. - That last time was like... Like I was drowning and breathing after holding my breath for so long, all at the same time.

-But was it good?

-It was... Wonderful. - She was still smiling.

-You squirted, it was so sexy and arousing. Did you know you could do that? - I asked, licking my lips as I remembered the scene.

-I did? - Maya arched both eyebrows in surprise and I just nodded a few times. - I'm... I'm sorry... I didn't know... I just... What? This has never happened to me before.

-Didn't you hear what I said? - I asked back, creasing my forehead. - It was sexy and arousing, don't apologize for that. I imagined it was the first time and you can't imagine how incredibly proud I am of myself right now.

-You're silly! - Maya laughed, giving me a playful slap on the shoulder.

-I can do it too, maybe one day you'll be rewarded with one of these. - I winked at her and Maya's eyes widened, bouncing on the bed and turning her body on top of mine until she was hovering over me with a rather suggestive smile on her lips. - I said maybe one day, not today, today you need to rest, and I need to see the extent of the damage I've done to your body.

-What do you mean? - Maya asked, turning her head sideways, a confused look on her face.

-Let's just say there are more red parts of you than white at the moment. - I joked with a giggle and held both sides of her face before sealing our lips in a tender kiss. - But let me take care of you, I promise you'll be brand new tomorrow.

-I wish I could be mad at you for marking me so much, but I just can't. Not after tonight. - Maya gave me a quick kiss then.

-Good. - I still smiled at my girlfriend. - Now let's go take a bath.

Maya squirmed out of bed, grunting as she stood up for the first time after so much stimulation, and stretched on tiptoe, making the red lines down her back even more visible, causing me to smile smugly.

-Can I take you in the bathroom? - She asked, smiling sideways and looking over her shoulder.

-Since you behaved so well tonight, yes. - I smiled back at her and soon her hand was wrapped around mine as Maya pulled me toward the bathroom, her excited giggle making me forget that just a few minutes ago she was crying in my bed. - I love you, vita mia.

Maya stopped pulling me, turned toward me as we stepped through the bathroom doorway, and gave me a sweet, gentle, passionate look, one of those looks that made my heartbeat faster inside my chest and made me sure that I was completely and utterly surrendered to Maya.

-I love you. - She spoke back, taking another step toward me and capturing my lips in a tender kiss.

We had just had a wonderful evening, but I doubted that it was nearing its end.