
26. Chapter 26




Sometimes it was hard to convince myself that I deserved to be happy and that everything that was happening in my life was not just temporary, a quiet phase that preceded a future of chaos and despair. While growing up this was how I looked at these moments of peace, it was the moment when my father was finally convinced that his medications were important for his well-being, there was no screaming, no arguments, no humiliations, he almost seemed like a normal guy, but then... Then it all went down the drain.

But that's not what was happening here, right? I was fine, happy, in a relationship - or a almost-relationship - with a woman who, by God, looked at me like I was the eighth wonder of the world and sent me flowers, pulled the chair out for me to sit on when we went out to a restaurant, and opened the car door for me for the sole purpose of making me feel appreciated and cared for.

It was not just a good phase before the chaos, right?

-Carina! - Maya sang my name after pressing the doorbell of my house at least three times in sequence denoting her impatience and excitement. - Baby, come on, come on!

It was impossible to contain my laughter as I hurried to the door and finished putting on a vest over my sweater.

-Who is it? - I asked to tease her, leaning against the door, taking a beanie off the hanger behind it, and promptly slipping it over my head.

-The woman who loves you! - I bit my lower lip at her answer, it was still strange to hear these words coming out of Maya's mouth, it was even more strange the feeling of excitement and butterflies in my stomach that her words caused me, and I honestly hoped that this reaction from my body would never cease to exist.

-Oh, many women love me. - I spoke back, insisting on the teasing and I could hear Maya snorting on the other side of the door.

-Actually, that could absolutely be true, I mean, people have eyes, and you look the way you look, so it's a fact that many women and many men must adore you, beg to lick the ground you walk on, oh great Italian goddess. - Maya spoke between giggles. - But I'm not sure that they all make you shiver by calling you a good girl.

And so, I swung the door open to interrupt her words for fear that her friends were with her on my porch - luckily, they weren't there - and was greeted by strong arms being circled around my waist as Maya carried me into the house amidst my startled squeals.

-Someone's excited! - I commented as she set me down, and the response I got was her mouth on mine. Her nose and lips were cold, Maya was smiling openly which made the kiss itself difficult, and I don't think I had ever seen her so excited.

-We're going camping! And after my 30-day check-up yesterday I am completely cleared for more strenuous physical activity. - The blonde looked like she wanted to jump up and down in excitement and the big smile on her lips melted my heart.

-It's a shame that I won't be able to take advantage of your clearance for strenuous physical activity during our trip. - I said, grabbing both sides of her jacket lapel, pulling her close to me again before tilting my face and nibbling on her lower lip, pulling it gently before sucking it into my mouth.

Oh, how I loved kissing Maya. It was always delicious to hear the murmurs that ran unconsciously from her throat as I ran my tongue across her lips, to feel the sigh she let out when I sucked her tongue against my face, or to relax against the warm touch of her hands at the base of my back as she pulled me even closer; all the reactions of the woman I held pinned against me at that moment only urged me to take off her clothes and take her right there.

-Camping. - She murmured against my lips but moved her hands down to my ass and gave it a firm squeeze; I was sure we'd be late for a good reason, but Maya had other ideas and so practically jumped out of my grasp. - We must go, or they will start honking outside.

-They? - I asked, creasing my forehead, and licking my lips, trying to savor some more of Maya's kiss.

-Oh, I thought I had told you. We always go together, one car following the other, to the reserve where we're going camping. We park and follow the hiking trail to a spot near the river and camp there. - The blonde scratched the back of her head with an embarrassed smile on her lips because much of this information had not been passed on to me. I really thought that we would be meeting her friends there and the words "hiking trail" had definitely not been mentioned by Maya before.

-I hate hiking. - That's all I said back, crossing my arms against my chest.

-It's not a long hike, and it's safe, we'll only be walking for a short time. It's hardly a hiking trail. - She insisted, still with that embarrassed little smile on her lips, and seeing her blush made it impossible for me to be upset with Maya.

-Okay! - I rolled my eyes and pointed to the large backpack she had lent me for the camping trip and the handbag I would be carrying with me.

-Did you remember to pack extra socks? - She asked as she reached into her backpack and slung it over one shoulder.

-Yes, and just about every coat I own. - The truth is that I hate camping, especially when we are going into the middle of a forest where bears are sure to live during a weekend that promises cold temperatures and rain. But I love Maya, and Maya loves camping so I guess I'm bound to get over it.

-It won't be that cold! We'll have a fire and we'll sleep together and you said I always keep you warm. - She spoke while I put on my boots. - You'll love it!

-I'm sure of it. - I tried to fake some excitement and I guess Maya was so desperate for a positive response from me that she didn't notice my pretense.

I locked the door behind me and walked along with Maya - who looked more like she wanted to bounce with excitement - to her car waving to Andy, Jack, Travis and Vic who were inside the car behind us and looked just as excited as their Captain for this adventure.

-I think you were purposely vague in giving me information about this camping trip. - Maya let out a guilty chuckle and started the car.

-You wouldn't come if I gave you all the details. - She waggled her eyebrows in my direction quite suggestively, and her words only made me confront my thoughts from earlier.

-You're wrong, I would come anyway. - I shrugged and a loud horn sounded behind us, her friends signaling that it was time to leave.


-I'd probably be a little grumpier, but I'd still be here. For you. - I tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, although I barely managed to glance at Maya to see her reaction, but I was glad I had the courage to do so because the combination of her red cheeks and the big smile on her face was worth putting my words out there. - Now you better get this car moving, or your firefighters will wake up the whole neighborhood.

On the way we talked about all sorts of things, Maya told me about her previous experiences camping with her friends and told me how she always loved being outside, in contact with nature. I loved nature too, I told her about the beaches in Italy, about the isolated ruins far from the cities, and made a mental note of trying to bring up the subject at another time to convince Maya that a few days in Italy would do us a lot of good.

-Okay, who wants to lead the way? - Maya asked as she helped me put the large, heavy backpack containing my things onto my shoulders. - Are you comfortable?

-Sì. - I nodded back a few times, not wanting to complain at the thought of walking a few miles with that weight on my back.

-Surely not you. - Andy spoke as she slung her own backpack over her shoulders. - Last time you wanted us to walk the distance in twenty minutes and we arrived at the campsite almost dead.

-That's the first lesson, Probie! - Vic pointed at me.

-Oh, am I “Probie” now? - I asked, pointing my index finger at my own chest, and smiling discreetly. I knew that was how they referred to the newly arrived firefighters from the academy, and the nickname gave me some sense of belonging to the group.

-Yes. Lesson one, the person leading the way determines the pace at which we are going to do the hike, and your little girlfriend here thinks we all won a gold medal running in an Olympics. - Vic pointed accusingly at Maya.

-I don't do that! But you want to do a twenty-minute walk in an hour! - Maya accused back, now she was the one adjusting the straps of her own backpack and grabbing my handbag that she had insisted on carrying.

-It's not a twenty-minute walk! - Travis shouted back, quickly getting around the car. - At least forty minutes! At least!

-You're all a bunch of softies. - She rolled her eyes and I let out a chuckle.

-Well, then, since you think we're all so lazy, let's hike up the trail in twenty minutes today, I'm sure it will be an excellent experience for Carina, camping with us for the first time and carrying this heavy backpack on her back. - Jack shrugged his shoulders, appearing to be ready for the trail.

Maya looked at me, her gaze flickering between my face, the backpack I had on my back, and her friends - who seemed more like they were waiting for their Captain's reaction, ready to heckle her - so I decided that to spare her the giggles at her expense I should intervene in the situation.

-What about someone other than Maya leads the way, so I'll have her as my private guide? - I smiled at the girls. - I'll probably also need her to hold my hand as I climb, I can be pretty clumsy.

-Oh, I can help you with that, Carina. You know, me being a man and all. - Jack flashed me a sideways smile that in his head must have been charming, but to me just looked like he was having a stroke.

-Very funny, Gibson! - Maya snorted, rolling her eyes at the guy, who laughed softly while keeping his eyes on me, but I wasn't sure if he was really just joking or if there was some ulterior motive behind his words. I chose to believe that he wouldn't have the courage to hit on me right in front of his Captain.

-Then it's decided! - Andy clapped her hands. - Vic will go in the front so that Travis doesn't get her lost with all the talking that we know is inherent to him, Maya will hold her girlfriend's hand so that no accidents happen, after all, you are the only doctor here probie, and Jack and I will go in the back to comment and laugh about how Maya is completely smitten with Carina.

There was that word again - girlfriend - and realizing that once again Maya did not correct her friend made me hope that we no longer needed all the relationship-related talk that here in the States they insisted on having. Relationships were fluid, they evolved naturally, no amount of talking could delineate in the there-and-now what one person meant to another, the feeling was worth much more than the term - at least that's what I believed, but then again, I wasn't in my country so I could only hope.

There was laughter - including from me - and Maya blushed violently but didn't dare confront Andy's words. We arranged ourselves in a line and, as Andy put it, Vic led us into the woods.

-What do you think? - Maya asked just a few minutes after we had found the trail that would take us to our campsite.

-If it wasn't so cold, I think I would be enjoying the view more, in the summer it must be a nice place, with animal sounds and not having to worry about slipping with every step we take. - The laugh I gave at the end of the sentence was my attempt not to make my criticism sound so serious.

-It really is nicer in the summer. - Maya agreed, and her few words made me fear that I was sounding like a party pooper.

-But it's our first trip together, so I'm really enjoying it. - I added, trying to lighten the mood.

-This can hardly be considered a trip. - Maya spoke back, laughing softly.

-Well, I consider it a trip. - I shrugged and slid my hand into hers, intertwining our fingers, and on my next step slid a little closer to Maya.

-We are still walking on the flat ground. - She looked briefly at our joined hands before gluing her eyes to mine.

-Can't I just want to hold your hand? - I asked back, one eyebrow raised in silent defiance. - I may need to make excuses to your friends, but the truth is that I just want to hold my Captain's hand.

-Your Captain, huh? - Andy spoke up behind us and it was my turn to feel my cheeks heat up and I felt like a child who is caught in the act doing something they shouldn't be doing. Maya seemed amused to see me blushing but squeezed my hand lightly in a comforting gesture. - This is the best thing ever!

-Sure is. - Jack agreed with a low laugh.

As the terrain began to steepen, holding Maya's hand wasn't just a matter of seeking physical touch - which I always did when I was with the blonde - but of sheer necessity. My feet stubbornly skidded during some climbs, rocks seemed even more slippery underneath them, and Maya often had to use her strength to keep us upright - thank God for having a strong firefighter by my side.

-We are here! - Vic sang the words as we entered a flat clearing after almost forty minutes of hiking.

-Are you okay? -This was the tenth time Maya had asked me that along the way.

-I'm exhausted. - I confessed, gasping, feeling my back aching as well as my shoulders and feet, sweat dripping down my back and under my breasts.

-At least you're not cold anymore. - Maya smiled sideways and a sharp reply came to my lips, but I held it back because, again, I was determined to enjoy the camping trip for Maya's sake.

-I really hope you know that it is you who will set up our tent. - That was the only thing I said, taking the bottle of water from the side of my backpack and taking two large gulps. I held the bottle out to the woman in front of me, she was red and sweating as much as I was.

As Maya drank the water, I ran my hand over her face, getting rid of the droplets of sweat that had accumulated on her forehead and opened a few buttons on her jacket before pulling her hair up into a makeshift ponytail while blowing on her neck.

-You should do that sometime. - I focused my gaze on her face to try to understand what she was referring to. - In the bedroom.

-Oh. - I finally understood and my fingers automatically closed a little tighter around her hair as the movement caused her head to be pulled back slightly. - While I get you on your knees and ask you to put that beautiful mouth of yours into action and make me cum against your tongue like you have done to me in the past?

-Precisely that. - She stepped forward, now standing dangerously close to me. In her eyes I could already see a shade of blue that was only seen when lust was the only thing Maya felt.

-Hey, horny teenage couple! - Vic's shout burst the bubble in which we were immersed, and we both looked quickly to the side. - Can you try not to dry hump each other right now and help with the tents and the fire?

-I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be talking to your Captain like this. - Maya spoke up and I let go of her hair, then pulled one of my backpack straps off my shoulder as we walked to where the rest of the people were starting to pitch their tents.

-Oh, please! You're barely my friend this weekend if you don't start moving your ass soon! - Vic spoke back.

-Oh, no! No, no! - Andy raised a flat hand in our direction and both Maya and I stopped moving. - You're not going to pitch your tent near us, you're going to stay on the other side, where we won't hear all the moans and sounds you make during sex.

-I second that! - Travis pointed in our direction. - If Emmett can't make it because of work, I don't want to spend the weekend all alone listening to you two have all the good sex you're supposed to have.

-You guys... - Maya started to speak, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the other side of the camp. - Carina!

-They have a point. - I whispered under my breath so that none of the others would hear my words, but just the fact that I pulled Maya to the other side of the camp provided enough amusement for them evidenced by the loud laughter at our backs.

-Just to spite them I'll be as loud as I can be! - Maya spoke up beside me, dropping her backpack on the ground.

-I would believe that if you weren't as red as a tomato at their mere suggestion that we will have loud sex. - I chuckled at the blonde and she turned quickly to me, both hands on her waist trying to give me an indignant look that she couldn't sustain due to her own desire to laugh.

Soon Maya was setting up our tent and I was only helping her by giving her some water when she needed to hydrate; sometime later I joined Travis in the task of gathering dry tree branches to feed our campfire and it was already mid-day when everything was ready.

Maya and her friends were so excited that I was starting to think that camping wouldn't be so bad, despite the teasing, the atmosphere was friendly and there was laughter all around me the whole time. Well, this thought lasted two hours until I had to go to the bathroom for the first time.



-What do you think? - Maya asked, stooping down beside the cooler to grab a few beers and putting them into a picnic basket along with some peanut butter and blueberry jelly sandwiches.

-I'm appreciating the bathrooms a bit more, but it's not all bad. I don't think I've ever seen you so excited before, it's good to see you like this, bambina. - I smiled at the woman, stroking the top of her head as she remained focused on making all the things fit into the basket. - Do you need help?

-No, I got it. - She insisted, rummaging through the things inside, rearranging them, and finally managing to close the basket.

-It's already very late, are you sure you don't want to do this tomorrow? - I asked, looking up at the surrounding trees that were barely visible in the glow of the fire that Jack and Travis were stoking.

-Are you afraid, Dr. DeLuca? - She asked in a teasing tone.

-Yes. - I shrugged my shoulders as I assumed my fear and Maya let out a loud laugh before standing up with the basket in one hand.

-You know I'll protect you, don't you? You don't have to be afraid. - Her free hand went to my waist as she pulled me close before sealing our lips in a soft, chaste kiss.

-I don't know what you can do to protect me from a bear in the middle of these woods. You're too small, I'm sure you won't be able to intimidate a bear and then we'll die like in one of those horror movies you love so much. - The words made me shiver, the possibility of crossing paths with some wild animal made me terrified, and the biting cold that caused my breath to condense in front of my face only added to my reluctance.

-First of all, I'm not small! - She raised one of her hands and I kissed her forehead just to prove my point. - And second, we won't encounter any bears here, Carina.

-If we do encounter a bear, I'm going to kill you. - I hugged her shoulders and Maya laughed, kissing me gently on the neck.

After making sure she had everything she needed with her - including a pocketknife that according to Maya was for our personal protection - we walked over to our group of friends around the campfire.

-We'll be back in a few hours, no need to wait up for us. - Maya spoke while making sure the flashlight was working and that she had extra batteries in her pockets.

-Wow, hot sex in the middle of the forest, good for you Maya! - Andy teased between giggles.

-Watch out for the bears. - Vic added with a laugh, and her comment made me look sharply at Maya.

-There are no bears! - The blonde rolled her eyes and turned on the flashlight, aiming the light directly at Vic's face to annoy her.

-Enjoy your picnic girls, very romantic idea, Maya. - Travis winked at the Captain and Maya blushed gently, Jack kept quiet, casting furtive and quick glances in our direction.

-Bye, guys. - I waved to them as Maya started walking towards the trees. - Maya, wait for me!

-I'm literally three feet away from you. - She spoke between giggles, and I lightly slapped her arm before grabbing the picnic basket she was holding so that she could wield the flashlight and have one hand free to hold mine.

-You're sure you know where we're going, right? There's no possibility of us getting lost, right? - The questions flew out of my mouth quickly and Maya continued to laugh at my expense.

-You're much more fearful than I thought!

-I've never denied being... - My sentence was interrupted by a loud snapping noise near us, like a bunch of twigs breaking. I stopped in mid-stride, pulled Maya's hand to stop her as well, and looked around quickly, my heart racing in my chest as fear overcame me. - Did you hear that?

-Probably a squirrel, Car! - Maya squeezed my hand trying to give me some confidence.

-It's a hell of a squirrel to make all that noise! - I spoke back with irritation evident in my tone. - We'd better get back!

-Of course not! - Maya replied, pulling my hand to get us moving again. - I have a surprise for you.

-Does this surprise involve my death after a heart attack in the process? - I scoffed but hurried back to Maya's side in an attempt to get to the goddamn lake that seemed to get farther with each step we took.

-Of course not! Just a few more yards. - Maya laughed softly, referring to how fast we were walking.

She wasn't lying, after a few minutes - which seemed like hours when you were inside a dark forest with animals making noise all the time - We spotted the lake, and I could finally breathe again.

-See? We survived! - Maya laughed, taking the basket from my hand, and picking up the towel inside.

-Barely. - I let out another sigh of relief and helped her spread out the towel on the gravel beds near the riverbank.

We sat down, facing each other, sandwiches and beer - now only partially cold - between us, and despite all the discomfort and fear along the way, I was more than happy to be with Maya at that moment. The night was beautiful, despite the cold I was grateful to have a cloudless sky that night, so we could see the many stars that couldn't be seen very often when we were in the city and now that the flashlight was off only the moonlight illuminated us and Maya was so perfect that words wouldn't do justice to her beauty.

-The night is beautiful. - Maya gazed up at the stars above us, the sharp angle of her jaw, her long neck stretched taut and the partially exposed skin of her breast forming a path that my mouth longed to travel. Her blonde hair falling at her back seemed to glow like gold in the moonlight. She looked unreal. Perfect and unreal.

-Beautiful. - The word resounded through my lips, but it wasn't the night I was referring to, and Maya realized this when she looked at my face again and saw that I wasn't staring at the sky.

-You make me blush too much for my own good. - There was embarrassment in her voice and it was the loveliest thing in the world.

-Thank you for making me come here. - I smiled sweetly at the woman in front of me, Maya just nodded, still quite flushed, and took the first bite of her sandwich and I mimicked the gesture.

It was an odd combination - peanut butter and jelly sandwich with beer - but strangely it was a flavor that reminded me of Maya and even though I didn't like the taste of beer that much it was a dining experience that had won part of my heart. It's so Maya.

-Did you bring your cell phone? - She asked when we finished eating, putting the basket aside and lying down on the towel, extending her arm in silent request for me to lie on her chest, which I did.

-Yes, why? - I asked back now with my nose nuzzled into the curve of her neck, one of my hands entwined with hers in the middle of her chest while receiving gentle kisses against my fingertips.

-Nothing. - She whispered, and we remained silent.

We enjoyed each other's warmth and once again Maya was keeping me warm on a cold night; hearing her rhythmic breathing, feeling her chest rising and falling and her lips kissing relentlessly against my fingertips made a wave of peace well up inside me like I had never felt before. Maya could cause me the most intense of reactions with so little, and I guess that's how I became more and more sure that if loving her had been a choice, it had been the best choice of my life.

-I want to take you somewhere. - Maya spoke softly after a while and I lifted my face to face her. - Not really a place.

Maya sat up, making me sit up too, and then pointed to something that had gone unnoticed by me until that moment. There was a rowboat a few meters behind us, ready to be pushed into the water, and a couple of oars were already in place.

-We can look at the stars from the river. - She smiled sideways.

-Whose boat is this? - I creased my forehead as I asked.

-It's here every time we go camping, we've borrowed it a few times in the summer, we've never found out whose boat it is. - She shrugged her shoulders as if it was no big deal to steal a boat in the middle of the night to look at the stars from the river. - Come on, where's your sense of adventure?

-Crossing the woods in the middle of the night has drained all my sense of adventure. - I muttered as Maya stood up and extended a hand in my direction. - Are you sure it’s okay for us to do that? Do you even know how to row?

-Of course, I do! - She answered quickly, slightly offended. - Let's go! And leave your phone in the basket, I don't want you to end up throwing it in the river and blaming me for it later.

-I really would blame you. - I laughed as I stuffed my phone into the basket. Maya was walking towards the boat, and I ran to her to catch up. - You have to stop leaving me behind!

-You don't need to be afraid here, we won't find any bears near the shore of this lake at a time like this! - The blonde spoke back in between giggles.

-Then you admit that there are bears! - I pointed accusingly at the woman as she pushed the boat closer to the shore.

-Can you help me here? - Maya raised an eyebrow in my direction and I rolled my eyes before standing beside her and starting to push the boat toward the river.

As soon as the hull of the boat was in the water, Maya climbed onto it and reached out her hand to help me up as well. The boat moved from side to side as we settled in, and my legs trembled with fear - I confess that a yelp of fright was let out as I tried to sit down and I stared at Maya as she giggled at my expense - but as Maya began to row us out into deeper water my heart calmed down and I experienced again the peace I had felt in the blonde's arms.

-Isn't it much nicer to look up at the sky and have the moon and stars reflected in the water? - Maya asked as she stopped rowing. We were not far from the shore, we could swim back if we had to.

-It's really quite beautiful, I didn't expect the sky to be so beautiful here. - I admitted, looking at the bright stars above me.

-I googled it. - Maya stood in front of me, also looking up at the sky.

-What did you google?

-How would the sky be tonight, I wanted to make sure we could see the stars. - She spoke still looking up at the sky, her words coming out of her mouth as if she were just letting her thoughts escape from her lips. - You always tell me so much about how you can see the stars more easily in Italy, and that you enjoyed staying at the beach at night with your mother on summer nights, when the water stays warm even after the sun goes down, so I thought it would be nice to give you this. Even though it is a cold spring night, and the water is freezing, and we have to leave the city, go through the woods, and camp in the forest for this. I know it's not the same thing, but it's something, right?

Now my throat was burning as well as my eyes as some tears were gathering there; this was the power Maya had over me, to speak so honestly about something that for her wasn't a big deal and simply make me cry. There I was thinking that this camping trip was about Maya when in fact she was making that moment about me, about something intimate I told her in the middle of one of the nights we slept together while she was recovering from her surgery, when I thought she was barely awake enough to understand my words.

-Maya... - That was all I could say in the midst of my emotion, and when Maya finally turned her eyes back to me, a shy smile broke out on her lips. She had no idea how wonderful she was.

-You deserve this, and so much more, Carina. - Maya bit her lower lip nervously. - You deserve so much more than I can offer you, so much more than beers and peanut butter and blueberry jelly sandwiches, so much more than a rowboat on a lake you were afraid to come on, but I still hope you'll choose to be with me for the honest and most sincere feelings I have for you. I'm not perfect, and I won't list my faults because some of them you already know and the others I want you to know too because it will mean that I will have you with me, but I want you to know that no other woman will love you as much as I love you, or will try as hard to make you happy each and every day that you choose to be with me.

My hands trembled and tears rolled freely down my face as I sniffled, trying to stop my nose from running. Those were the sweetest words ever spoken to me, and I never thought that I would one day feel like the protagonists of a romantic comedy during a love confession, but that's exactly how I felt. My chest was overflowing with a warm feeling that made me forget the cold of that night, my heart was racing in my chest like never before, my hands were shaking, butterflies were flying back and forth inside my stomach, and her words seemed to make me dizzy with such sweetness.

-You told me that you wanted me to be yours and in the past this only meant possession, mistreatment, abuse, domination, losing my essence to someone else, but today I want to be yours because you have transformed all these feelings, you’ve changed my perception about a whole lot of things! I want to be yours so that you can help me grow, so that you can take care of me, be my partner, be my safe haven, and that would be very selfish of me if I didn't want you to be mine just so I could reciprocate all of that care in the exact same way. I want you, Car. I want you to be mine and I want to be yours because I'm no longer afraid of someone having me if that someone is you, Carina. I'm not afraid to give you my heart because, in reality, it's already yours and I know you'll take good care of it. - Maya also had her eyes shining more than usual. She was emotional, her voice faltered slightly between words, her red cheeks denoted the cold, but the red of her nose denoted how powerful her emotions were at that moment. - Please, give me the honor to call you mine.

A few tears streamed down her face and I couldn't even name the emotions that took over me at that moment. Joy. Excitement. Exhilaration. Happiness. All these good feelings were stirring inside me, and I couldn't be more pleased about it. The blonde looked at me with such love and devotion and when she gave me a sideways smile, I realized that the night couldn't get any more perfect.

And then it did.

-Will you be my girlfriend? - Her question made me arch my eyebrows in surprise even though I was expecting it, which was a contradiction to say the least.

And now I would have to bite my tongue, because I could finally understand what all the fuss was about when it came to asking someone to be your girlfriend. And how wonderful it felt to be on the other side, being asked that question.