
24. Chapter 24




DAY 02

After a few more tests in the lab and scan confirmed that there was no sign of infection at the site of Maya's surgery my heart seemed to calm down a little more, and the good news along with the amount of light kisses and careful hugs I was getting from Maya now that we had made up almost made me forget all the physical and emotional exhaustion of the past weeks.

-Are you comfortable? - I asked looking over my shoulder as I cut up the pieces of chicken that were on Maya's plate.

-I can feed myself. - She replied grumpily with a pout that only made her grumpy face more adorable.

-I know you can, but where is the fun in that? - I asked back, shrugging my shoulders, and picking up the plate with one hand as I spooned some of the mashed potatoes onto the chicken.

-The fun is that I don't have to be treated like a child. - She crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes.

-You're certainly behaving like one. Just let me take care of you, bambina! - I brought the spoon close to her lips and she sighed heavily, with a deadly look on her face, before opening her mouth and a big smile spread across my face as she took the spoon. - See, it's not a big deal.

The thought that I almost lost Maya to this accident made me want to care for her even more than before, and I think for the first time I could truly get a sense of how dangerous her profession was. The worry was already stirring anxiously inside my chest even though I knew it would be at least a few weeks before Maya was allowed to return to work to deal with the paperwork and bureaucracy and I just simply knew it wasn't something I could put aside from now on.

-Are you nauseous? - I asked when I realized that Maya had already devoured half her plate.

-No. - She spoke as she chewed, her voice coming out low as she spoke with her mouth full. Again, adorable. - But I'm full.

-It's okay, you ate way more than expected. - I said with a smile on my face that soon turned into a giggle when Maya blushed. - That's a good thing, your body needs energy to recover.

I put the plate back on the tray and took a basin, a glass of water and the toothbrush to Maya so she could brush her teeth - warning her to do so carefully and without moving her abdomen too much.

-Aren't you going to eat? - She asked.

-I'm still full from breakfast, I can't eat properly when I'm worried. - I confessed and then got rid of the dirty utensils.

-You don't have to worry. - Maya said and held out one of her hands, and I interlocked our fingers and approached her bed. It was good to feel the warmth of her body against mine, even if only for a hand-holding. - I am fine, and I will recover soon, and it will be as if nothing happened.

-You will go back to work and now that will always be a possibility, losing you will always be a possibility. - The words came choked out of my throat and we had been through so many emotionally draining moments recently that my eyes were simply used to tears, yet I tried to hold them back.

-I know. - Maya stroked my face tenderly, her thumb moving back and forth delicately across my cheek and making me even more sure of all the feelings I had for this woman. - But I'm always careful, you're all the more reason for me to be even more careful.

-You need to come back to me. - I closed my eyes as I gave in even more to the delicacy of her touch. - Dovrai sempre tornare da me, bambina! - You will always have to come back to me, bambina!

-Cercherò sempre di tornare da voi. - I will always try to come back to you. - She whispered back, and my heart fluttered in my chest because I was still not used to hearing her speak in Italian; her accent only made her words even more special because it made me distinguish all the effort and dedication she put into speaking in my native language.

-Bacciami. - Kiss me. - I asked, my eyes still closed.

-You need to come to me, moving forward makes my incision hurt. - She spoke back, letting out a chuckle, and I opened my eyes to see her smile. My chest heated with every smile Maya gave me, it was one of the things I had missed most in the last two weeks. - Come here.

I leaned my face forward and captured Maya's lips, and like all the others since we'd made up, it was a delicate and careful kiss, I didn't want to lose control, I didn't want her to make any sudden moves that would hurt her incision or the cuts on her face and so - however begrudgingly - I pulled away from the firefighter when I felt the tip of her tongue against my lower lip.

-What do you say you take a shower and finally get rid of the smell of smoke in your hair? - The blonde had a confused look on her face, her hand on my cheek still trying to pull me gently closer to restarting the kiss, but I turned my head and kissed the palm of her hand before holding her wrist gently and pulling her hand away from my face. - So, shower?

-Sure. - She spoke back, still with a wrinkle between her eyebrows.

-It will only take a second, I'll be right back. - I said and kissed her forehead briefly before leaving the room.

I went to the nursing station in the center of the floor still trying to convince myself that I was doing the right thing in trying to control the level of affection that was exchanged with Maya, and even the strongest of arguments somehow managed to get pushed aside when I thought about how nice it would be to share more intense kisses with Maya.

-Hey, Maya needs a proper shower, she's still smelling of smoke. - I said to one of the nurses. - Can you help her with that?

-Of course, Dr. DeLuca, I'll be in her room in five minutes. - Nurse Kelly replied with a pleasant smile.

-We'll be waiting for you. - I returned her smile before heading back to the room.

As soon as I entered the room, I noticed the look of pain quite evident on Maya's face and walked quickly to her side, my heart racing inside my chest with all the possibilities that crossed my mind.

-What happened? - I asked, pulling down her sheet, trying to see if the bandage over her incision had any blood or anything to indicate the reason for her discomfort.

-I tried to turn a little to the side, I wasn't feeling any pain, I thought it wouldn't hurt. - She spoke with labored breathing from the pain, her face red and her forehead furrowed. The monitor beside her bed blared with an annoying sound indicating her tachycardia, and I pressed the button to silence the noise.

-Maya... - I reprimanded her but bit my lower lip to stop myself from continuing with the scolding I was ready to give; Maya was an active person, she was used to being independent and not asking for people's help, I could only imagine how difficult it was for her to be in this situation. - Save your energy for getting up and going to your shower wheelchair.

-I'm sorry. - She spoke softly, I knew she was apologizing for moving even though she knew she shouldn't have, but I didn't want to make her even more frustrated by arguing about it so I just nodded briefly and ran my hand through her hair.

-Are you ready for your shower, Captain Bishop? - Nurse Kelly pushed the shower chair into the room after knocking twice on the door.

-Uh... - Maya's gaze flicked between the nurse and my face before creasing her forehead again. - I thought you were going to help me with the shower, Carina.

-She has a lot more experience with this, so at least on the first day I think it would be better if she helped you. - I answered, omitting the part where I wasn't quite ready to see her naked again, mainly because I knew I wouldn't be able to hide my body's reactions, that Maya would probably tempt me into doing something she definitely wasn't cleared to do yet, and that certainly my self-control couldn't be trusted at this point, and I would probably give in to Maya's sweet talk.

-But... - She started to speak again but interrupted herself and looked at the nurse who was waiting for her decision. - Fine.

Very carefully, Nurse Kelly and I helped Maya up from the bed and she grunted in pain as she stood partially upright for the first time after her surgery and even though I knew it was normal and expected after abdominal surgery, my heart ached in my chest.

-She needs a really long shower. - I joked, pushing her chair into the bathroom while Kelly sorted through the bottles of toiletries.

-Are you trying to tell me I stink? - Maya asked back and I laughed softly.

-Yep. - I said, overpronouncing the "p" before letting out another giggle. - You still smell like smoke, and as soon as you get rid of that smell, I can go back to smelling the spot behind your ear that smells so good.

-What? - Maya asked, lifting her head to look at me, rosy cheeks and a slightly embarrassed smile on her lips. - Is there a spot behind my ear that smells good?

-Yes. - I nodded, returning her smile. - It's your smell and my spot. Now behave yourself during the shower.

I waited patiently inside the room, arranging the unfolded clothes on top of the chair and putting them back into the suitcase when the bedroom door was again knocked on.

-Come in. - I said and the door opened.

-Oh, I thought Captain Bishop was here, did she leave for some kind of scan? - Meredith asked, Andrea was behind her with a tablet in hand.

-She's taking a shower. - I replied closing my suitcase.

-And you're not helping her with that? - Andrea asked and I arched my eyebrows.

-Andrea! -I scolded him and Meredith laughed softly.

-How is she, Carina? - The surgeon asked.

-She's still in pain when she moves, she tried to turn over in bed when I went to call the nurse to bathe her and when I came back she was breathing hard because of the pain; she also complained of some discomfort when she got up to sit in the shower chair, but other than that, she's stable. She had no fever during the night and there are no signs of infection in her incision. - I was honest about Maya's complaints and Andrea typed the information into what I imagined was the firefighter's chart.

-She will be sore for a few more days, it's normal. If she remains stable tonight, I'll be ready to release her tomorrow as long as she has someone to stay with her for the first few days. - Meredith raised a suggestive eyebrow at me and I felt my cheeks heat up, which was not very me, but now that I realized that my feelings for Maya were more than clear to outsiders I felt strangely disconcerted. The little smirk that Andrea gave me didn't help either.

-I... - I sighed to clear my throat and try to dispel the embarrassment, Andrea let out a chuckle realizing my discomfort and I rolled my eyes at my brother. - I will take care of her for the next few days and I will make sure that someone stays with her when I need to go back to work.

-I take comfort in knowing that you will be taking care of her, you know the signs of deterioration we should watch for. - Meredith said and I nodded at her words. - Call me if you need anything.

-Okay, thank you. - I smiled at the surgeon.

-Did you have lunch? - My brother asked me after the blonde left the room.

-I'm not hungry yet, but you can bring me a strawberry smoothie when you have time. - I knew that there was no point in arguing with Andrea, he was right, I needed to eat even if I wasn't hungry, and giving in to his care would certainly reassure him.

-I'll bring it to you later. - He smiled at me.

-Thank you, little brother. - I said and smiled back before he left the room.

The bathroom door opened and a grumpy Maya was seen sitting on the chair with her still-wet hair falling over her shoulders as she kept her crossed arms pressed tightly against her chest.

-It wasn't that bad, was it? - The nurse asked.

-It was definitely very bad. It was the exact definition of very bad. - The grumpy firefighter replied and I let out a loud laugh.

-What was the reason for such a traumatic experience? - I asked, helping her up as the chair was positioned beside the bed. - Slow down, there's no need to rush.

-I'm feeling like a baby, and I'm not a baby. - She grunted and groaned in pain as she stood up and moved toward the bed.

-Thank you, Nurse Kelly. - I smiled at the woman.

-No problem, I know it's not an ideal experience, but I bet you're feeling much better after a shower. - The woman laughed softly, still looking at Maya's mopey expression, and I was glad to see that the nurse hadn't taken Maya's grumpiness personally.

-Yeah, sort of. - Maya shrugged as I pushed the buttons on the stretcher control to return the stretcher to its original position, higher and slightly tilted so that Maya wasn't lying flat on it. - Thank you.

-You're welcome, Captain. - And just then the woman was out of the room.

-Was it really that bad? - I asked the blonde as I tied my hair into a loose knot on top of my head.

-As I said, it made me feel like a baby, and I'm not a baby. - The frustrated grunt she let out made me try to reassure her, so I pressed my lips against her cheek and kissed it a few times.

-You are the most adorable baby. - I teased, between kisses on her cheek and temple. - And now you smell so good that I could spend all day smelling you.

-You should do that. - She joked back, letting out a giggle that made me smile against her skin.

It was good to hear Maya laughing again.

DAY 03

-Can I go home? - That was the first thing Maya asked when Meredith entered her room that morning. - I haven't had a fever and I'm definitely feeling better, less pain when I move and Carina said that my incision has no signs of infection. Can I please go home?

-Since you will remain under medical care at home. - Meredith cast her gaze on me momentarily before turning back to Maya, who now had an inquisitive look on her face. - Yes, you can go home. I've already given your discharge papers to the nursing staff and they'll give you a copy in a moment.

-Thank you! - The blonde had a big smile on her face.

-Do you have any questions? - Meredith asked.

-Actually... A few. - The blonde answered. - When can I go back to work? Or go running again? I really like running.

-Work, just for paperwork, no going to scenes and standing all day, in two weeks. Let's wait at least a month for you to go back to work normally and running, well, let's see how you will look in your 30-day review.

-Thirty days? - She asked wide-eyed, and it was obvious that this was not the answer she was expecting.

-At least. - Meredith added and Maya sighed heavily.

-What about...? - Maya then looked at me and her cheeks reddened, the firefighter nibbled her lower lip and seemed to search for the right words before continuing. - Other physical activities?

-You mean sex? - I asked Maya, creasing my forehead, and the answer to my question came as her face became even hotter and redder, and I couldn't contain the laughter that escaped my lips at her reaction.

-Well, if you're talking about something light and not requiring much effort on Maya's part, I'd say two weeks, but Carina also knows about postop recovery and will know how to best guide you through this by watching your progress closely. - Meredith laughed softly. - If there are no complications, the stitches can be removed in eight to ten days.

-Can Carina do this at home? - Maya asked, looking nervously at me and then at Meredith. - I'm not a big fan of hospitals.

-She certainly can. - The surgeon nodded. - And if you are feeling well, and, again, have no complications, no signs of infection, no signs of gravity, I don't need to see you for another month since Carina will be monitoring your recovery. Thirty days without hospitals, sounds good to you?

-Sounds excellent. - Maya smiled slightly.

-If you have no more questions, I'll let you get ready to leave. - Maya told her there were no more questions, and then she left the room.

-Do sweatpants and a shirt sound good?

-Sure. - She gave me a weak smile.

-Is everything okay? -I asked as I noticed that she was slightly uncomfortable, something in her expression told me so, so I put the clothes aside and approached her bed again.

-It's just that Meredith... Uh... Meredith made it sound like you were going to be around during my recovery. - She spoke the words without looking me in the eye, her hands restlessly moving the hem of the sheet that covered her legs.

-Don't you want this? - I asked back. - I took a few days off just to take care of you and make sure that you will be doing well in the first few days.

-You did? - Finally, the blue of her eyes were over mine and the vulnerability in her gaze made me want to hold her and kiss her because I knew Maya wasn't used to having people looking after her, but that didn't mean she didn't like it. In fact, inside me there was an inexplicable urge to show Maya how nice it was to let people take care of her when she needed it, I wanted her to make peace with all the nuances surrounding the vulnerability that was never allowed as she was growing up.

-Of course I did, bambina. - I held both sides of her face and lovingly clasped our mouths in a quick but tender kiss. - I want to take care of you if you'll let me.

-I'm not used to having people take care of me, and I'm a pain in the ass when I'm sick. - She warned me, and the confirmation of my own thoughts and fears only made me more inclined to strive to give Maya a safe place to settle down. I rubbed my thumbs against her cheeks before brushing my nose against hers and that kind of closeness made my chest bubble with feelings that surrounded the word "love".

-You won't scare me away, Maya. You don't need to warn me about all the things you think are flaws, I'm not going to walk away from you because of them. - I kept rubbing my nose against hers as I whispered those words, and that's what I missed, this intimacy, this contact, these moments that I knew no one else had shared with Maya before. - I know the last few weeks have been difficult and we've been overly sensitive about everything that has happened to you, I know we probably still have to talk more about everything that happened, but I was one hundred percent honest when I told you that I want you, Maya. I want you with all your faults and qualities, I want to be able to take care of you and make sure that you're okay, alright?

-Are you sure? - She asked, and then tilted her face and gently kissed my lips, the kiss lasting no longer than a second, but I knew she craved the contact as much as I did.

-Absolutely. And insecurity doesn't suit you, Maya. - I kissed the tip of her nose and opened my eyes to admire her face; seeing the stitched cut on her eyebrow still reminded me of the despair I felt when I found her covered in blood, but the healing aspect of the cut gave me hope that things were moving towards improvement, towards her recovery, towards having my Maya back in full physical health. - I can't wait to have my Captain back.

-Don't you already have me back? - She asked, frowning, and I raised a rather suggestive eyebrow at her, making it clear in what way I wanted my Captain back. - Oh!

-Yep. -I bit my lower lip to hold back my laughter. - Can I help you get dressed now or do you want to stay a few more hours here in the hospital?

-Clothes please! - She was quick to respond.

I helped her into a pair of panties with the hospital gown still on and locked the door while she undid the tie that held the gown closed behind her back, pulling it down past her shoulders.

-Bra or no bra? - I asked, trying to focus my eyes on the backpack of Maya's clothes that Andy had brought with her the night before.

-No bra, I want to be comfortable. - She spoke back, and I nodded.

Still avoiding looking at Maya's tempting breasts - which was an arduous task because every inch of her skin just screamed for my lips, and I just wanted to give in to the temptation of tasting her skin against my tongue again - I helped her put on her shirt and when her chest was finally covered, I felt I could go back to breathing normally again.

-Are you okay? - She asked.

-Of course I am, bambina. - I stroked her hand gently before taking her pants and beginning to put them on. - Do you need anything else? Would you like to put on your jacket soon?

-Yes, please. - She replied and once she was properly warmed up with the jacket and socks on her feet, I unlocked the door and let the nursing staff know that she was ready to go home.

My clothes were properly stowed inside my suitcase, my car key was in my hand, and I slung Maya's backpack over my shoulder as the wheelchair was brought into her room. With some difficulty the blonde walked to the wheelchair, but she kept a discreet smile on her face, certainly relieved to finally be free of the hospital environment.

I confess that I was also relieved to leave that environment, which was a little strange because I never minded the busy corridors, the noise of the machines attached to the patients or the very characteristic hospital smell; even after my mother's death I didn't feel weird inside that atmosphere because I felt I belonged there, it was a big part of who I was, but then again, my mother had passed away peacefully, with no pain, no trauma, but now everything I attached to Grey Sloan was just the opposite: chaos, pain, and an indescribable amount of traumatic experiences. I just hoped that this feeling would pass.

Maya waved to the nurses who looked after her, a smile lingered firmly on her lips, the discharge papers were handed to me, and soon we were on our way out of the hospital.

-Do you want to tell Andy that you're going home now? - I asked after helping her into her seatbelt.

-She and the others will probably want to visit me later. - Her tone of voice didn't show the excitement I imagined she would feel about having her friends over.

-And you don't want that? - I asked back.

-I don't know yet, we'll see about that later. - Her answer was followed by a sigh, and I wished I could read her thoughts to understand where this frustration was coming from, but she needed space, I knew that, so I didn't insist on the subject.

On the way to her house we sat in a comfortable silence, Maya was feeling better that morning and told me that she was well enough to climb the stairs on her own - which I wouldn't let her do even if it had been more than three days since her surgery - and her progress excited me. I held her hand and arm as I supported part of her body during the steps she took, when she reached the steps leading to the entrance of her building she took a few deep breaths and then we climbed them together, slowly, calmly and patiently, and although she grunted in pain, she told me that she was fine, that it wasn't that bad and I forced myself to believe her words because if we were going to try again what we needed most was to trust each other.

-Home sweet home. - I spoke after opening the door to her apartment with the key that had also been handed to me by Andy the night before. - Couch or bed?

-Bed. - She spoke softly. - And maybe...

-What? - I asked as I put my suitcase and her backpack in the corner by the door and held out my hand to help Maya take the necessary steps into her apartment.

-Maybe some cuddling? - She gently smiled sideways.

-Oh, you can be sure you'll get lots of in-bed cuddles while I'm around, but give me a second to organize a few things? - We walked towards her room with short steps, Maya leaned her free hand on the wall beside her.

-What are you going to do? - She asked back as we entered the room.

I led her to the side of the bed, pulled up the comforter so that she could first sit down and then - with my help - raise her legs to lie down. I put a significant amount of pillows behind her back so that she wouldn't lie completely flat and kissed her forehead before finally answering her question.

-I need to put some clothes in the washer, if you don't mind, and I'll get your medicine, make you some soup, and then unlimited cuddles for you. - I smiled at the woman, but didn't get a smile back.

-This is going to take hours. - She complained.

-I'll be as quick as I can, I promise. - I kissed her forehead once more. - Here, your phone. Let your friends know you're home and find something interesting to do while I organize things, I'll be right back. Call me if you need anything.

The truth was that I also needed some time to be alone with my thoughts because I certainly hadn't processed everything that had happened in the last 72 hours. The events of the previous weeks, the pain and anguish that had accompanied me during the long and torturous days when I was away from Maya still existed inside me and I felt uneasy about not being completely sure that the conversation we had, although completely honest and full of feelings had been enough to put everything that had happened in our past.

Once some of the clothes were in the washing machine, and others properly stored in Maya's closet, I busied myself making Maya some tomato soup, doing my best to make it the best soup she had ever tasted; by the time the alarm on my phone rang to indicate the time for Maya's antibiotics and painkillers, I was already pouring the soup into a bowl and grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator before walking to the bedroom.

Maya had her eyes closed, her lips slightly parted as she snored softly and the relaxed expression on her face only certified me that she must be relieved to be able to sleep in her own bed.

-Maya. - I whispered her name to wake her up without a startle. I put the bowl of soup and the bottle of water on the nightstand before taking the two pills she was supposed to take now. - Bambina, you need to wake up.

-Mm-hm... - She grumbled, turning her face sideways. - Sleepy.

-I know, you'll be able to go back to sleep as soon as you take your pills and eat something. - I said and sat down beside her on the bed, running my free hand over her face and Maya rubbed her cheek against my palm before slowly opening her eyes. - Hi. Did you have a good nap?

-So good. - She smiled shyly.

-Here, take these pills. - I handed her the pills along with the bottle of water.

-Soup smells good. - She looked at the bowl on the bedside table.

-Do you want to eat it by yourself? - I asked, taking the bowl and the spoon that was inside it to stir the liquid a few times and homogenize it while allowing the liquid to cool.

-You can feed me if you want. - She smiled shyly, and I couldn't help but wonder if Maya was secretly enjoying being pampered this way.

-Sure, bambina. - I smiled cheerfully and didn't mind letting her make it sound like she was doing it for me, maybe she wasn't ready to admit yet that it was nice to be pampered. - Here comes the train! Choo-choo!

-Maybe without the train thing? - She rolled her eyes and we laughed together.

I could get used to this domesticity.

DAY 05

Waking up next to Maya was on my list of five things that made my heart beat faster inside my chest. She always looked so much younger when she was sleeping, mainly because the constant wrinkle between her eyebrows that she made a point of sporting to give her a badass look finally disappeared while she was dreaming.

I begrudgingly got out of bed, leaving behind the warmth of the covers and the heat emanating from Maya's body so close to mine, and went to the kitchen to make pancakes and coffee - apparently that was all Maya wanted to have for breakfast since we arrived at her apartment two days ago, confessing to me that she was sick of the protein shakes that had kept her alive during the two weeks we had spent apart - and while mixing the chocolate chips with the pancake batter I checked the time to make sure I was on schedule.

-Buongiorno, bambina! - I chanted as I entered the room with tray in hand. Maya stirred in bed and it was noticeable how the drugs to manage her pain were making her sleepy, she had never been the type of person who liked to stay in bed late or slept more than me, but now that was the reality. - Time for medicine, Maya.

-I'm so sleepy. - She grumbled, rubbing her eyes.

-I know, I know, but maybe today you'll feel a little more willing to walk around the apartment and spend some time on the couch? We could pick out a movie and spend some time outside the bedroom, what do you think? - I suggested as I placed the tray on the empty space next to her on the bed, sitting down and facing Maya. - Do you need help sitting up?

-I think I can do this on my own. - She propped her elbows on the bed at first, partially turning sideways to gain some momentum and not needing to use her abdominal muscles as much, and yet my hand was firmly attached to her right bicep, helping her to find her balance as she sat up. - The pain is better today.

-That's excellent news, bambina. - A smile appeared on my face. - I brought your pancakes, coffee, and also some orange juice for you to take your medicine with.

-Thank you. - She smiled shyly. - For everything.

-No need to thank me. - I shrugged. - I'm happy to help.

Maya swallowed her pills and devoured her breakfast while I sipped from my coffee feeling extremely happy to see her with an appetite and letting out appreciative sounds at the taste of my food in her mouth. As the moans of pleasure filled the room I stirred uncomfortably in bed hating myself for letting the mere sounds escaping Maya's throat bring me close to an arousal I was trying to keep dormant inside me - which was practically impossible now that I had to help Maya shower, change, and rub moisturizing lotion on her body - and I tried to focus all my attention on the coffee in the cup I held for dear life.

-I'm going to take a shower, okay. - I said, almost jumping out of bed when Maya let out a particularly loud and long moan as she sipped from her own coffee for the first time that morning. - Are you going to be okay by yourself?

-Yes. - She cut off another piece of her pancake and popped it into her mouth.

After leaving my cup on the nightstand, I went into the bathroom and took a few deep breaths to calm my thoughts and the annoying throbbing in the middle of my legs. A cold shower was what I needed, even if I would suffer the consequences of this choice later and spend the whole morning complaining about the cold.

As soon as I was satisfied with the cleanliness of my body and the calming of my spirits, I wrapped myself in a towel and went back to the bedroom in search of a clean set of clothes - or rather, one of Maya's clean clothes because these days wearing Maya's loose-fitting shirts not only made me comfortable, but also gave me inexplicable reassurance.

-It was delicious. - Maya said, taking what seemed like the last sip of her coffee. - You're spoiling me too much and I'm going to be miserable when you have to go back to work.

-About that. - I said, grabbing a pair of panties and beginning to put them on with my back to Maya. In an attempt to put on the panties and keep the towel wrapped around my torso, gravity got the better of me and the towel fell to the floor, but I didn't care and continued to put on the panties. - I can still cook for you when I have to go back to work, I know your friends will take turns being with you during the day, but if you don't mind, I could come back to your apartment after my shift and sleep with you. What do you think?

I turned to face Maya with one of her shirts in hand, not caring about the nakedness of my breasts - after all, Maya had probably memorized all the curves of my body by now - but when I saw her eyes focused on my boobs, her lips parted as she surely let her thoughts drift away, I bit my lower lip to keep myself from giggling and letting libidinous thoughts get the better of me.

-What do you think? - I asked again, knowing that Maya was not paying attention to my words. - Maya?

-Mm? - She murmured, blinking a few times and staring back at my face for a few seconds before returning to stare at my breasts one last time and then focusing permanently on my eyes.

-What do you think about what I said?

-I'm sorry, I... What did you ask? - She frowned, and I could see when she swallowed hard.

-I asked if you would mind if I came back to your apartment after my shifts when I had to go back to work, so that your friends would only have to stay with you while I was at work. - I repeated, still trying to keep myself from laughing, and put on the shirt that was in my hands.

-Oh, yes, definitely! Yep! Absolutely! - She was emphatic and quick with her words, clearly nervous and disconcerted at the same time based on the blush rising up her neck.

-Great! - I went to my suitcase and grabbed a pair of sweatpants from among my clothes and was soon warm and comfortable. - Do you need anything else?

-Maybe a kiss? - She smiled seductively at me, and I let out a chuckle as I picked up the tray from the bed and placed it on the chair in the corner of her room before climbing into bed.

-Since you're behaving so well, I think you deserve a few kisses. - I feigned a thoughtful look and she opened her arms eagerly, making a grabby motion with her hands.

I ran my fingers through Maya's slightly messy hair before grasping both sides of her face and, still kneeling beside her on the bed, leaning my face forward to capture her lips. We both let out a sigh at the first contact, I opened my lips to kiss her again and again, the fit of our mouths was perfect, the pleasurable sensation in my stomach warmed me completely and it was impossible not to want more, not to crave more. I felt the tip of Maya's tongue eagerly snaking across my lower lip and, even though I knew it was risky, I gave in and granted her entrance to my mouth, meeting her tongue with my own and moaning at the intimate contact.

We had kissed a few times since we had made up - after all, we had both been in abstinence from each other's touch - but nothing this intense had ever happened. Maya's tongue was insistent in just the right measure, inciting the most carnal and raw reactions in my body that only wanted to surrender to the pleasure already coursing through every vein in my body.

I felt one of Maya's hands on my waist, pulling me closer, and it was just when I almost lost my balance that I pulled my face away from Maya for fear that if I got off balance I would fall on top of the blonde and end up hurting her incision site. We both gasped, Maya was red and from the heat I felt on my face I suspected that my cheeks were sharing the same color.

-No, come back here. - She demanded, her fingers closing against the fabric of my shirt as she pulled me closer.

-Careful. - I asked, holding her wrist, and preventing her from making any very sudden movements. - I almost fell on you, Maya, you're still recovering, we have all the time in the world to do this in a couple of weeks.

-Nine days. - She corrected. - Meredith said fourteen days until we can have sex, we're on day five.

-If you're well enough, recovered enough, with no signs of infection and probably for something fairly light. - I added, pointing a finger at her.

-I'm feeling better, come kiss me. - She asked, pulling my shirt again, ever so slightly. - Please, I've missed you so much, please kiss me.

I hated it when Maya showed herself all vulnerable to me, asking for something almost as if she were an innocent child, because it only became incredibly difficult to say no to her.

-Sitting down, no sudden movements from you, no pulling me. - I pointed my finger at her again and the blonde nodded quickly at my words in agreement and showing that she really didn't care about the conditions, all she wanted was to kiss me again and that's all I wanted to do as well.

Once I made sure that Maya was properly propped up on the pillows and comfortably seated, I sat down next to her on the bed, but facing her.

-You are welcome to sit on my legs. - She said, putting a hand on my waist, her fingers rhythmically squeezing my flesh, and this alone awakened a heat inside me.

-You said you would behave! - I said back, rolling my eyes.

-I am behaving, I just said you could sit on my legs because you'd be more comfortable, I wouldn't feel pain, it would be good for everyone. - She shrugged.

-Oh, because you have such altruistic reasons, don't you, Maya? - I asked back wryly, and she laughed and nibbled her lower lip. - Maybe on a day when you'll have better luck.

That was the last thing I said before I kissed the woman in front of me again. This time we were quick to give ourselves away, there was no need for false modesty when we both wanted each other's touch. Our tongues mingled and danced together in a perfect synchrony that elicited a current of pleasure that coursed through my body, my thoughts were lost, and I couldn't focus on anything but Maya's scent enveloping me and Maya's taste intoxicating me.

The hand on my waist squeezed my body firmly, but other than that Maya obeyed my previous commands and let me be responsible for the movement that our kiss demanded. One of my hands was on the back of her neck, my nails scraping against the sensitive skin of her neck as I moved my head from side to side seeking ever more perfect fits for our mouths. The middle of my legs burned and throbbed and begged for attention, but I chose to focus on the wonderful experience of being able to kiss Maya again with all the desire I felt for her. Moans escaped both her throat and mine, and when I felt her fingers reach for the hem of my shirt and make contact with my skin directly, I had to muster all my strength to slow the kiss, nibble her bottom lip, and pull away - earning a loud grunt in response.

-Come here, baby. - She asked, her hand on my waist pulling me forward.

-I can't. - I spoke back, gasping, and desperate for some air.

-Why not? - She asked back, her eyes still closed, running her tongue over her lips in a definitely tempting sight.

-Because I won't be able to stop. - I confessed, making the same gesture. - I want you, I miss you as much as you do, but you still need to be careful and you would get hurt and if I hurt you, even indirectly, even unintentionally, I would hate myself. And I know that because it has already happened in the past.

My words finally went deep enough to make her open her eyes and the seriousness within those blue eyes made me feel my chest tighten.

-I hurt you too. - She spoke back, and it was this kind of thing that made me fall even more in love with Maya.

-I know, thank you for not wanting me to take responsibility for everything that happened alone, I know it was both of our faults, but I don't want you to get hurt again. - I caressed her face gently, kissed her nose for a second, and pulled away again. - If the roles were reversed, what would you do?

-I would... - She thought about her next words and sighed heavily, her eyes dropping to her own lap, and as I still kept one hand on her cheek, I forced her to look up again. - I would take care of you and I wouldn't want you to get hurt.

-See? You just need to be a little more patient. - I smiled sideways. - Just nine more days.

-Just nine more days. - She nodded.

Nine torturous days.