
18. Chapter 18




This is weird, isn't it?

As I tucked my shirt into my pants and shifted a few times slightly uncomfortable from the strange bulge in my underwear the thoughts that this was a bad idea kept circling my mind.

There was a long list of reasons why this was a bad idea, first on my list was trying to do something so daring on an important day full of people who knew me at the welcoming ceremony of the very person I was supposed to do everything I could to impress and thus get another promotion.

I was not a person who liked to take risks, in fact, staying within my comfort zone these days was what kept me healthy enough not to exceed physical and psychological limits that were once neglected by my father; I didn't mess around when it came to my career and as I pulled up the zipper of my pants I bit my lower lip with the decision I was making at that moment.

I was choosing to be light and fun, to take my chances in order to satisfy the drawn piece of paper of a joke established by Carina and me.


At first, when I drew the paper from inside Carina's box I wanted to refuse, to establish a line that we couldn't cross, but the woman's expectant and excited look made me swallow my own words and now I was packing to go to a formal SFD event.

The buttons on my shirt were closed and I lifted my head so that my collar could be raised, slipped my tie through it and skillfully knotted it. I made sure that not a hair was out of place, put on my jacket and buttoned it, then put on my gloves and made sure for the twentieth time that the bulge inside my pants was not noticeable.

What motivated me to smile was knowing that I would be very well rewarded at the end of that night and that I had actually been very lucky in this last draw. Apparently, it was also something that excited Carina because she was quite eager to fulfill the challenge, even telling me that she "already knew exactly what she would wear".


The thought of having Carina slowly strip for me to the sound of some provocative music gave me the courage I needed to march toward the door after grabbing my formal cap and face that night in a good spirit.

The rapid knocks I gave on her door denoted all my anxiety to find out what Carina would be wearing tonight, and when I heard her voice from inside shouting a "just a second" my heart beat a little faster in my chest. I ran my hands down the front of my jacket making sure that no creases were present and waited.

-Ciao, Ma- ... - Carina didn't finish, the sound of the door opening in front of me had made me look up quickly and I was glad I hadn't said anything at all, because otherwise the same would have happened to me.

She was simply perfect.

There were no flaws in the woman in front of me.

Carina was wearing a tight black dress that clung to all her curves, went to just above her ankles and although it had sleeves that went to her elbows, the low collar allowed her cleavage to be quite visible and definitely appetizing. There was a pair of pantyhose adorning her legs and I couldn't help but lick my lips imagining how nice it would be to run my hands down her legs to remove those stockings. She was wearing make-up and her hair was much straighter than usual, adding a more sophisticated touch to her look.

Her eyes ran down my body as if I were the one wearing a provocative dress, and she reached out one hand and placed it on my shoulder before running her fingers down the lapel of my jacket to the point where it was closed by the buttons. Her lips were parted, and I could see her tongue as she moistened them.

-You look beautiful, Car. - I whispered. - Like the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life, and you were already the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life before, but tonight you raised the bar for yourself, if that even makes any sense. I think I'm fumbling with my words, but... You look perfect.

-You should have warned me. - That's what she said in response, her fingers now running up my tie before taking hold of the back of my neck. Carina stepped forward, her front now a little closer to mine, and I lifted my eyes to meet hers.

-Warned you about what? - I asked back.

-About you wearing this tonight. - She brushed her nose against mine, and I closed my eyes and waited for a kiss that was never delivered. Yet the closeness was good and exciting.

-I thought it was clear that I would be in my formal uniform.

-I didn't even know that was a thing. - She replied, laughing softly and still brushing her nose against mine. - And now you're going to have to wait a few minutes until I calm down and go to the bathroom to freshen up because you look so sexy you've got me wet and I can't walk you to a hall full of firefighters like that, can I?

-No. - The answer came out in a whisper because her words had dried up my throat.

-Five minutes. - She whispered back and pressed her lips against mine for a split second, I barely processed the contact, and she was already away from me, walking back into the house. - You can wait for me inside if you want.

-It's not safe, I could follow you into the bathroom and then we'd really be late. - I joked back and she laughed, my eyes remaining glued to her ass as she walked away from me. Carina then stopped halfway and looked over her shoulder.

-Would that be such a bad idea? - With a little wink she disappeared into the room, leaving me free to imagine how nice it would be to choose to follow Carina through the door.

When Carina reappeared in my line of vision - after more than five minutes - she seemed calmer and more restrained, smiled sweetly at me and picked up a handbag from a piece of furniture before locking the door.

-My lady? - I joked, holding out my arm to her and Carina laughed before wrapping her arm around mine.

-I'm sorry it took longer than planned. - She spoke as we walked to my car. - It took me a while to calm my thoughts. You're a temptation, Maya.

-If I had known that wearing my formal uniform would cause you this, I would have worn it before. - I joked and opened the car door so she could get in.

During the drive Carina behaved more than expected, I was ready to feel her hands going up and down my thigh as I drove, but that didn't happen. She kept looking forward, engaging in the light conversation that flowed between the two of us, but made no mention of approaching me.

-Is everything okay? -I couldn't contain my question, we were close to our destination, and I didn't want to enter the salon without knowing if everything was alright between us.

-Sì, why? - She asked back and for the first time looked in my direction.

-For someone who was so impressed to see me dressed like this, I was expecting you to tease me the whole way and you didn't touch my leg once. - I explained, and now that the words were out of my mouth, I felt like a stupid teenager for demanding physical contact from her crush.

-I'm really trying to control the wetness between my legs, Maya, and your clothes alone aren't helping, and touching you isn't going to help me either. - She blushed. Carina DeLuca blushed, and I couldn't help the smug smile that appeared on my lips.

-I really don't think you're going to do a very good job with this, Car. - I confessed, thinking about the bulge between my legs. - And honestly, I want you to fail miserably in your attempt.

-Maya, no! Please don't tease me while we're around your co-workers! - She widened her eyes, imagining that I would give her a hard time during the ceremony.

-I don't know what you're talking about. - I laughed and parked the car in one of the spaces reserved for station captains. - Let me open the door for you.

After I did, Carina wrapped her arm around mine again and we walked together to the entrance of the hall. As soon as we entered, I saw a few glances at the woman next to me and couldn't help but feel my ego inflate as I flaunted her in front of my colleagues like a beautiful trophy - even though I knew that Carina's physical beauty wasn't all that attracted me to her and didn't represent even half of her real beauty.

-Maya, hey! Gibson is already flirting with half of the lieutenants from the other stations! - Andy quickly approached me. - Oh, wow! Carina! You look... Wow!

-Thank you, Andy. - Carina smiled gently at the woman. - You guys look really sharp in those formal uniforms, they're my favorite right now.

-I bet they are. - Andy winked at her and I rolled my eyes. - And you, Maya, need to control your lieutenant.

-I have a lot more to do Andy, let the boy have some fun. - I mumbled and ran my eyes around the room trying to find him among the people and of course Jack was in a circle full of women. - Unless you're jealous?

-Oh, please! - Andy rolled his eyes. - We'd better take our seats and pray that we don't fall asleep during the ceremony. Beckett is the one leading it.

-What? - I asked back. - I thought Captain O'Malley would be leading.

-He's sick. - Andy grunted and I did the same.

-Who is this Beckett? - Carina asked beside me.

-Just the most sexist and idiotic captain in all of SFD. - I replied with a sigh.

-And he calls us "pretty" every chance he gets. - Andy added.

-He better not do that today. - I completed and felt Carina's fingers closing a little tighter against my arm.

-Let's sit down. - She spoke softly, relaxing her fingers again before running them up and down my arm in a discreet caress.

-Maya doesn't want to sit down so she can keep showing off her arm candy. - Jack's voice next to me startled me a little.

-I thought you were busy trying to get one of the lieutenants into your bed. - I spoke back, ignoring his comment.

-The night is long. - He shrugged and walked with Andy to the table reserved for station 19.

-What's an arm candy? - Carina asked softly as we followed them, and I blushed.

-Well... It's a good-looking person being taken somewhere and being shown off on another person's arm. - I tried to simplify my expression and Carina smiled openly.

-So, I'm your arm candy? - She asked back.

-You are. - I smiled and got a gentle kiss on the cheek.

We really had to work hard not to fall asleep and die of hatred at Beckett's inappropriate comments that drew uncomfortable laughter from most of the firefighters in the room. Looks of indignation were exchanged by the women occupying the various tables in the hall, and not even the drinks that were served made us swallow Beckett's words any easier.

-Thank you all for the welcome, I hope we do an exemplary job for our city! Let's have some fun! - Chief Ross smiled broadly from the stage and a round of applause was given, a few firefighters and their companions were quick to get up and disperse among the tables.

-Do you want something to drink? - Carina whispered against my ear.

-I can... - I started to speak and felt her hand against my thigh.

-I'll get it for you. Will you stick to sparkling water? - She insisted and I just nodded.

-Thank you.

Carina got up and walked toward the bar at the side of the hall, some people were moving tables to create a sort of dance floor that definitely wouldn't be crowded - if previous events were any guide - and a band was getting ready to start playing.

-I hate these events. - Andy commented beside me.

-Carina looks great. - Jack murmured, looking in the same direction as me, following the woman's steps.

-Are you serious? - I asked, turning to my lieutenant, and slapping him on the arm.

-Hey, I was just saying, I know she's yours. - He rubbed his arm.

-You're damn right she is! - I spoke harshly, and it felt good to be able to say it out loud. - You'd better keep your eyes to yourself, or to any other woman who is truly available, Gibson.

-Okay, okay! - He raised both hands in a sign of surrender and got up and walked away from our table.

-He's not lying, you know that, right? - Andy laughed. - She looks wonderful.

-I know. - I smiled broadly. - And I'm going to have sex with her tonight! How lucky am I?

-Very. - She laughed. - Have you guys talked?

-What about? - I asked back.


-Why complicate things when we're doing so well?

-Because not talking about them doesn't mean that they don't exist and that you two won't eventually get hurt by not establishing a monogamous relationship soon. You saw how upset she was that day at the bar. - Andy gave me a stern look and I sighed heavily.

-What if she doesn't have big feelings like I do? - I confessed my insecurity. - What if I don't know how to handle big feelings at all?

-You will only know if you talk to her and start trying to deal with those big feelings. - Andy squeezed my shoulder. - But right now, I have to go! Carina is on her way back here with a look like she' s going to devour you at any moment and I don't want to be there to hear all the immoralities that are going to be exchanged between the two of you.

-We can be pretty immoral. - I agreed and Andy laughed out loud before getting up.

Carina was indeed coming back with a predatory look in her eyes, holding a glass of wine in one hand and my sparkling water in the other.

-Do you want to dance? - She asked as soon as she handed me the glass.

-Uh... People don't really dance during these events. - I said back, taking a big sip of my drink.

-Please? - She pouted and widened her eyes in her best version of puppy eyes, and I sighed heavily before surrendering to her antics and setting off with her to the dance floor.

-The things you make me do, Carina DeLuca. - I muttered under my breath, but I think the words came out loud enough for her to hear, because the Italian woman let out a chuckle in response.

Being aware of the many stares upon us, I put a hand on Carina's waist and pulled her close, her hands were on my shoulders as I held her by the hips and we moved to the lively rhythm of the music, which still allowed us to dance together.

-People are watching. - I murmured softly and then pulled away, took her hands in mine and twirled her around once before pulling her back to me.

-Let them look. - Carina smiled openly, giggled whenever I spun her around and put her hands on my shoulders, pulling me closer whenever possible.

I tried to convince myself that it would only be one song, but when other couples joined us on the dance floor, one song turned into at least three, and it was good to be enjoying myself for the first time at one of these formal events.

-Captain Bishop, I see you and your friend are having a good time. - Beckett's insufferable voice made me waver between dance moves, and I turned to the man as I pulled Carina to my side, keeping one hand around her waist.

-I'm having a good time and she's not my friend. - I replied dryly.

-Don't monopolize her so much, let her meet other firefighters. - He winked at Carina and the woman next to me made a face that bordered on disgust.

-No, thank you. - She spoke back.

-Are you sure? I can show you around, I'm sure Bishop didn't, she's not known for being the most sociable person, if you know what I mean. - He laughed, and my blood boiled in my veins.

-Maybe not with you. - Carina replied, looking him up and down. - And I can see why.

-Wild that one, isn't it Bishop. - Even with all the harshness in Carina's voice, he still had that stupid grin on his lips. - She certainly needs to be tamed.

-She doesn't. - I said back. - We're just trying to enjoy our evening and you're getting in the way.

-Actually, I'm just trying to have a good time with you two beauties.

-And I'm interested in having a good time with Maya. Only with Maya. - Carina was firm again and he rolled his eyes.

-You should get going. - I took a step forward and he raised an eyebrow in my direction, then I glared at Chief Ross, who was not far behind us, and when he realized this, he huffed and took a few steps back, still staring at us both before turning and moving out of our vision zone. - Can you see now why we hate him so much?

-Put me on the list of Beckett haters. - Carina sighed beside me.

-But there is one thing he was right about, I really didn't show you the place. There's a nice garden in the back, do you want to see it? - I asked, smiling at the woman beside me and rubbing my fingers up and down her hips.

-Yes, please. - I could live to see that smile.

We walked hand in hand to the south wing exit, passing through a few corridors until we actually reached the door that led to the open-air area.

-It's really beautiful. - Carina spoke and shivered beside me.

The cold had taken a break tonight, but I still knew that Carina shivered from the cold, so I just pulled my jacket off my body and put it over her shoulders, earning a grateful smile in return and my heart beat a little faster in my chest.

-I know it's kind of boring, but I enjoyed your company tonight. - I said as we walked through the garden.

Carina put on my jacket properly and then hugged my arm, while she remained close to me.

-It wasn't boring at all, and I always have a good time when I'm with you, Maya. - She spoke softly, and a smile grew on my face.

-I always have a good time when I'm with you too, Carina. - I spoke in the same tone and when I realized that we were away from the windows, I turned on my heels and stopped, Carina stood facing me and when I slipped my hands inside my jacket to wrap my fingers around the small of her back, the Italian immediately understood what I wanted and stepped forward. - You look so beautiful.

-You've already told me this. - Her words reminded me of our first date.

-I could tell you a million times and it still wouldn't be enough. - I pulled my face closer to hers and captured her lips in a sweet kiss that soon became more heated.

I felt her hands on either side of my neck and when Carina turned her face slightly sideways to improve the fit of our mouths I sighed. I let her skillful tongue find mine and surrendered to the sweetness and ardor of that kiss, a mixture that was felt in my chest and between my legs at the same time.

I stepped forward wanting to truly glue our bodies together and slid one of my hands from the base of her back towards her ass where I gave a firm squeeze and felt the vibration of her moan against my lips. I moved my mouth down her jaw and then down to her neck, brushing my teeth and tongue along the length of her skin, up and down in a back and forth that drew louder and louder sighs from the woman in front of me that started to set my pants on fire.

-Come with me. - I asked as I pulled away, I knew that from this moment on there was no turning back, we would go all the way with this adventure.

Carina giggled as I pulled her by the hand to a secondary entrance to the building, inside we could hear the music playing loudly as we passed through the back of the reception hall. My hands ran over every doorknob we passed, the vast majority of the rooms were locked, but when a door finally opened, I was quick to go in and pull the Italian with me.

There was no light inside, but when I opened the door, I could see that the place looked like an office, there was a large desk and a chair pushed under it, a computer was on the side of the desk and was turned off, there were some papers organized in some piles and a couple of chairs for visitors to sit on.

-This will do. - I said more to myself than to Carina and closed the door behind us before I pressed Carina against it and attacked her lips, taking advantage of her gasp to slide my tongue into her mouth.

I sucked her tongue gently, eliciting gasps from the woman, and nibbled on her lower lip before sucking on it and releasing it with a 'pop'. Carina's hands went up and down my back and she arched her body against the door signaling that she no longer had that much control over her own body; her fingers went up the back of my neck, but I was quick to grab her wrists and stop her from messing up my hair - I was still very aware that we were going back to the salon soon and I couldn't do this completely unkempt - and I pressed her wrists on either side of her face.

-Don't mess up my hair. - I asked and bit her lip once more before moving my kisses down her neck.

-Maya. - She moaned, struggling a little to free herself from my grip, but I was stronger, and it wasn't hard to keep her immobilized when she couldn't concentrate long enough to gather her strength and truly pull her wrists free.

-Slow down, baby... We don't want all of SFD to hear how you like my touches, do we? - I murmured against her skin and my words only made her moan once more, I laughed against her neck.

-Touch me, Maya. - She gasped, pressing her front against mine.

-I'll do better than that. - As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I pressed the front of my pants against one of her thighs and Carina's eyes widened and she stopped her movements.

The woman stared into my eyes with her mouth still ajar and let out a loud breath. She didn't ask me anything at all, she just pulled on one of her wrists and I released her hand, letting it go to the front of my pants and squeeze the dildo that was restricted there.

-Dio mio! - She closed her eyes and moaned the words softly. - You're trying to drive me crazy, Maya. How did I miss that?

-I'm good at keeping secrets. - I ran my tongue between her lips. – Come here.

I pulled her into an intense kiss as we walked across the room to the table, I pulled her dress up until it was mid-thigh length and helped her sit on it. I moved my mouth down to her neck and nibbled a few times before moving my mouth down to her cleavage, lavishing her skin with my tongue, eliciting sighs and moans from Carina. The woman ran her hands up my shoulders, keeping her fingers on my shoulders while I unbuckled my belt and pants, let the fabric fall to my knees, and ran my hand down to the middle of Carina's legs to find her panties soaking wet.

-Shit, baby! You're so wet! - I moaned softly.

-What did you expect? You look so hot in these clothes and just imagining how good you're going to fuck me makes me feel my orgasm getting closer. - She gasped back and I let out a low chuckle against the skin of her chest.

-Spread your legs, Car. - I said, forcing her knees apart at the side of my waist, and she was quick to obey. - Let me know if it hurts.

-It won't. - She spoke back. - Take me, Maya.

I pulled away and interrupted the kisses I was distributing over her skin and faced her. Even in the dark I could see that she had nibbled on her lower lip.

-Please. - She added softly. - Please take me, Captain.

-That's better. - I whispered.

I pulled her panties aside and with my other hand guided the dildo that hung freely in front of my body to her entrance. I rubbed the tip against her folds and Carina nuzzled her head into the curve of my neck, I felt her lips against my skin and could notice the vibration coming from them as she held back her own moans. I moved my hips forward letting the toy finally begin to enter her and let each inch slowly fill her.

-Are you okay? - I whispered, rubbing my hands down her thighs.

-Yes. - She whispered against my neck.

-Let me see your face. - I asked, and Carina let her body hang back a little, keeping her hands firmly on my shoulder. - Good girl!

As soon as the words were out of my mouth I thrust my hips forward, filling Carina with every inch of the silicone cock between my legs earning a loud moan in response. The woman moaned at the end of each thrust, and once her breaths and moans were in sync with my movements, letting me know she was comfortable and having a good time, I picked up the pace.

-You feel so good, Maya! - She moaned against my ear trying to keep her voice down and her hot breath made me let out a low moan as well.

-I love fucking you, baby! - I murmured, distributing kisses and licks against her neck.

My hips dictated a fast rhythm, the dildo moving in and out in a provocative back and forth that elicited louder and louder moans from the woman; I brought one of the hands that was on her thigh up to the middle of her legs, spread her panties a little further apart and with my thumb I stroked her clit.

-Maya! - She moaned, now a little louder, and I captured her mouth with mine to somehow decrease the volume of her moans. - Don't stop! Please, please, please!

Even with her mouth glued to mine Carina was mumbling disconnected words in Italian; I felt her heels curling around my calves and pulling me close, I kissed her mouth - kisses that couldn't extend for long moments, as her body swayed with the thrust of my hips and moans flew loose from her throat - and continued to touch her most sensitive spot. I fucked her hard, her nails digging into my shoulders - the pain was intense, but completely bearable and arousing - keeping me close as I continued the movements on her clit, her mouth open, eyes rolling back in their sockets and closing tightly, and then I rolled my hips without withdrawing a bit from her.

-Fuck! - The curse was shouted and moaned at the same time, my eyes focused on her mouth, her face, her expression of complete pleasure as she arched her back and trembled under my touch, gripping my shoulders tighter and meeting each of my thrusts. The spasms were intense, disjointed sounds escaped her mouth and moans filled the room as she reached the peak of pleasure and I just hoped that the music was still loud outside because I didn't have the heart to interrupt the delicious melody that was the sounds Carina made as she came.

I slowed down the movements little by little, letting her enjoy every wave and spasm of pleasure, but when I finally stopped my movements - keeping myself inside Carina - I felt her forehead pressed against mine as her hot breath mingled with mine.

-Are you okay? - I asked softly.

-Okay? - She asked back and let out a small giggle. - I don't want to think about what you're going to do to me when we're in bed. You have a gift, Maya Bishop.

-Yes? - I asked, and smiled openly at her words.

-Yes, but now you need to pull yourself out of me. - She said, still laughing.

-Oh, yes! Of course. - I delicately moved my hips back and Carina let out a low moan as I pulled out. - We need to get back.

-Give me a second to catch my breath. - She spoke back, taking off my jacket that she was still wearing and I took the opportunity to grope in the inside pocket.

-Here. - I handed her a handkerchief. - Do you need help?

-You'd only do more damage. - She joked and it was my turn to laugh.

Once we were both presentable again, Carina gave me a gentle kiss and we walked to the door; I opened it and looked both ways before jumping out of the room, pulling Carina with me.

-Okay, you can take sex in a public place off your list. - I teased her as we walked back to the lounge.

-And I can tell you it was much better than I had imagined. - She winked back.

-And you can show me all your appreciation later while you're stripping for me. - I opened the door to the salon for Carina and she kept her provocative little smile on her lips.

-Maya! - I heard my name shouted and turned quickly in the direction of the voice. Andy came running towards me.  - Where were you?

-Uh... I was showing Carina around, she's never been here before. - I explained, not necessarily a complete lie.

-What did you think, Carina? - Andy asked, smiling at the woman next to me.

-Everything is so... Beautiful. - She answered without mincing her words.

-It really is. - Andy stretched. - I think I'll call it a night.

-Already? - I asked back.

-It's late, and we have to work tomorrow. - But then she swung her gaze between me and Carina. - But I think you're in for a long night.

-I hope so. - I laughed, and Carina playfully pushed her shoulder against mine.