
17. Chapter 17



Inside me things were getting more and more confused.

There were so many feelings that were begging - screaming - to be expressed, and at the same time I had to restrain each one of them in order not to lose the woman I was hopelessly in love with.

There was no other way to say what was happening.

I was simply hopelessly in love with Maya Bishop.

-Ciao, Carina! - The blonde's warm hands wrapped around my waist tightly before pulling me close and gluing my back against her front. Her warmth was most welcome. It was the end of the winter and even though I was wearing at least three layers of clothing, the cold outside the Ferry was still bone-chilling. - I almost got late, I was making my protein shake and the lid got a little loose and, well, I made a mess in the kitchen.

-I wish I could have seen this scene. - I turned my face sideways to get the first glimpse of the eyes that made my heart soar and there they were, blue and bright, slightly tighter because of the big smile Maya had on her lips and, in perfect timing, my heartbeat quickened. - Buongiorno, bambina!

-Good morning! - She leaned her face forward and captured my lips in a quick kiss. - Coffee?

-Yes, please! - I nodded and followed her into the boat.

-The usual? - Asked the woman behind the cash register as Maya approached.

-And a double espresso for the pretty lady. - She pointed her thumb at me, and it was at moments like these that I became more certain that there was no stopping the feeling that was growing inside me. - I have an invitation for you.

-Oh, yes? - I asked, arching both eyebrows.

-In two days, there will be a welcoming ceremony for the new Fire Chief, it's nothing too big, really just a bunch of firefighters sitting in front of a stage while the new chief is introduced and then there is food and some music. - She spoke quickly, and her face took on a reddish tint that made me smile.

-If it's something with a bunch of firefighters, what would I be doing there? - I asked back, not quite understanding the point of her invitation.

-Well, we can take a... Date. - She nibbled her lower lip.

-Here, Captain. - The woman behind the counter held out two paper cups in her direction, Maya took them and held out mine.

-Thank you. - I said before sipping my coffee.

-Where was I? - She also sipped from her cappuccino.

-You were about to invite me to be your date for the welcoming ceremony of the new Chief. - I half smiled at her, but my smile quickly widened when I saw that she was nervous, shy, and red, very red.

-Well, yes. - She laughed nervously. - Do you want to be my date?

-I work in the morning, is it an evening thing?

-Yes, it starts at 7 pm. - She cracked a big smile, realizing that I wouldn't have anything to keep me from going.

-Then I would love to be your date, Maya. - My cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling, and to my salvation, Maya tilted her face toward mine and made my lips do something besides smile. - How should I dress?

-It's sort of formal. - She nodded. - But it's basically your usual way of dressing since you insist on dressing as if you were still in Europe.

-First of all, it's cold here! - I pointed an accusing finger in her direction. - Winter clothes are always more elegant, and secondly... I like the way I dress.

-Oh, on that we can agree. - She laughed. - So, did you bring it?

-Yes, but I still don't think it's the best place to do this kind of drawing! - I rolled my eyes.

Maya had thought it a good idea to bring our drawing boxes to the ferry that morning because according to her if we waited to do it when we were both off duty, we would never get around to it.

-Why not? This is literally our place. - She pointed to our table, and we walked over to it.

-I can think of a few reasons. - I drank some more of my coffee before continuing. - For example, you get too red every time we talk about something sex-related, and I don't want anyone to think you're about to have a heart attack.

-I do NOT! - She argued back, and I just raised an eyebrow. - Okay, but people won't think I'm having a heart attack, they'll only assume that I can't handle being this close to you on what looks like a date, which is true anyway.

-Also... - I just couldn't stop smiling when I was around Maya. - We have to go to work in an hour and spending the whole day thinking about what we could be doing if work didn't exist won't give me a peaceful working day.

-Anticipation can also be a good thing. - She winked at me.

-Oh, I know. - I stretched my leg until the top of my foot was brushing against the back of one of her calves. - And you'll be the first to know soon enough if you have any luck in this drawing.

-What? - She raised her eyebrows. - What do you mean?

-Well, we better see if you're lucky, shouldn't we? I won't spoil the surprise. - I opened my purse after putting the coffee on the table and took out the little box containing my papers. - I'll go first!

-You look like a child eager to open a gift on Christmas morning. - Maya laughed, holding out the box that still contained four folded papers. - Good luck!

-I'm sure I'll like whatever's written on it. - I blinked at the woman in front of me and unfolded the paper.


I arched my eyebrows at the one word written on that paper, it was a little surprising that such a suggestion was coming from Maya, but then I thought about everything we've ever talked about her past and then I understood.

-You've never done this before? - I asked, turning the paper over to her and giving her a mischievous grin.

-No. - And as predicted, the woman was redder than a tomato. - And I've always been curious, you know, because of the stereotype around sex between two women. Also, you have long legs, I thought it might be easier for a first try.

-And also, the idea of having me grinding against you can’t be bad at all, can it? - I arched an eyebrow in questioning and Maya nibbled her lower lip before nodding a few times. - I'd love to test this out with you later, but I should mention that it's not a position for everyone. Often only one can feel pleasure, sometimes neither of us can orgasm in this position, it's much more about...

-Enjoying the moment. - She completed the sentence and I nodded. - I listen to you.

-I can see that. - I held out the box of my papers to Maya and she rummaged through them before picking one out and quickly unfolding it. I think she had the same reaction as me, there was surprise in her expression. - Did you get lucky?


-Did I? - She asked back.

-Well, you are the one to judge that. - I shrugged. - But it wasn't particularly about this paper that I was referring to earlier. Are you disappointed?

-No, just surprised. - She looked again at the paper in her hands, and I drank the rest of my coffee giving her some time to be alone with her thoughts, sometimes I could tell Maya needed those moments. - Did you have anything specific in mind when you wrote this here?

-I am a big fan of sex toys, but aside from a few vibrators for personal use, I don't have many things with me here and have always found it best to buy toys with the partner that you intend to use them with. - I explained my point of view. - Having sex with you has given me many ideas of things I would like to try with you, and since you are opening yourself up to possibilities, I thought it would be something interesting to do together if you feel comfortable.

-I think it could be... I think it could be fun. - She smiled at me, and I nodded a few times.

-Maybe we could go tonight after work? - I suggested.

-A little too eager? - She teased.

-I told you it wasn't a good idea to do this before work, I'm an anxious person. - I snorted and rolled my eyes. - And now I'm going to think about it all day!

-We can go after work, assuming we can still find someplace open after 7. - She reached out and took my hand before interlacing our fingers. I shivered briefly at the contact, her hand was cold, but even that wouldn't keep my fingers from hers.

-I'm going to find a place. - I replied and she nodded. - And I'm sure it might be much more interesting to do what we drew from your box after this trip to the sex shop.

-You're the expert on female orgasms, I should trust your word. - She squeezed my hand lightly and gave me a big smile.



-What are you doing? - Andrea was quick to take the cell phone from my hand.

-Andrea! -I yelled as I reached out my hand to get the phone back, but my brother held it up, knocking it out of my reach as he took quick strides away from me while I ran after him. - Give it back to me! Now!

-Are you texting your favorite firefighter? - He asked laughing, still moving away from me as I jumped up and down reaching for the phone. - Oh, Maya, my love! I miss you so much!

-I don't talk like that! - I complained, shoving him in the chest and jumping once more toward the phone.

-Oh, yes, you have a much thicker accent! - He teased and then brought the cell phone into his line of sight, glancing quickly across the screen and then widened his eyes. - Ewww! Ewww! Ewww!

My brother shoved the phone into my hand like it was on fire and rubbed his eyes a few times as if that would erase what he had just read.

-What kind of list is that? - He asked.

-The kind of list that's not for your eyes! I told you to give me back my phone! - I spoke back, and now I secretly loved that I had caused Andrea so much discomfort. - Maybe then you'll learn not to stick your nose where it doesn't belong!

-This is just plain disgusting!

-I bet Maya won't agree with you!

-My God, Carina! Stop it! Now my mind is visualizing this, and I don't think even if I could use bleach inside my head, I could forget it! - He whined and I let out an amused laugh.

-When are you going to realize that sex is something completely normal and is supposed to be fun? - I asked back.

-I don't need to know how my sister's having fun! - He contradicted by widening his eyes at me and I just rolled mine.

-Did you need something, or did you just come here to disturb me? - I asked.

-I came to call you to the karaoke night at a bar that opened two weeks ago. It's in two nights, I know how much you love karaoke. - He smiled and my heart warmed, it was nice to have a brother who cared and looked out for you, it almost made me forget the difficult years of his adolescence when he spent half his time hating me and the other half calling me a pain in the ass.

-I really love karaoke, but I already have a thing on Saturday night. - I bit my lower lip. - We could go on Sunday.

-Does this thing involve a firefighter?

-Actually, several firefighters. - I replied, smiling.

-Oh, God! Carina! - He widened his eyes. - What kind of firefighters' orgy are you attending on Saturday? That's too much sexual freedom even for you!

-What? Orgy? - I creased my forehead. - Who said anything about an orgy? No, I'm going to a ceremony for the new Chief of the department!

-Oh. - He arched his eyebrows in surprise.

-It worries me a little that your mind went straight to the possibility of a firefighter-filled orgy. - I rolled my eyes. - Are you having enough sex, little brother?

-I'm not having that kind of conversation with you! - He pointed a finger at me. - And yes, we can go on Sunday, bring your girlfriend, it'll be fun.

-She's not my girlfriend. - Unfortunately, I wanted to add. - But I'll talk to Maya.

-Great! - He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before turning and starting walking in the opposite direction. - Have fun!

-I will! - I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.



-Should we talk about what's off limits before we get there? - I asked, still running my hand up and down Maya's thigh as she drove. We still had a few minutes before we reached the sex shop, and the list I had made during the afternoon was still fresh in my mind.

-Sure. - She gripped the steering wheel tighter. - What's off limits for you?

-I don't like spit or urine during sex. - I shrugged, and Maya looked at me wide-eyed for a second before returning her focus to the traffic.

-Wow, I mean, I thought that was off limits for everyone.

-Not everyone, some people get off on it, it’s just not for me.

-Okay, that's not for me either, then. - She replied and I nodded. - Anything else?

-Nothing I can think of right now, no. - I spoke back, crossing my legs on my seat.

-So, this "knowing what's off limits" is basically your way of knowing what's off limits just for me? - She joked and I laughed softly. - I know I'm not the most open to sex, but I'm open to experimenting, I told you that already.

-I know, I know, but I'd like to know what you're willing to experiment with. - I squeezed her thigh a little tighter and she slightly spread her legs to give me more space.

-You're welcome to ask.

-Anal? - It was my most anticipated question, I had been anxious to know that since I had her on all fours for me. Maya seemed surprised by the question, but I think deep down I knew she would be surprised by whatever my next questions were.

-Well...I guess we could try? Do you like that?

-Yes. - I answered confidently. - It's not something to be done every time we have sex, but I do enjoy anal play.

-As in... Tongue or penetration? - She asked back, still very red, and almost stumbling over her words.

-Both. - I tried not to make a big deal of her embarrassment now that she was daring to ask questions back. - How about being restrained in some way? Handcuffs, ropes?

-Sounds okay to me.  - She shrugged. - Have you ever worn a strap-on?

-Yes. -I bit down hard on the inside of my cheeks as her question seemed to awaken the middle of my legs, I felt some moisture starting to wet my folds and sighed trying to stop myself from imagining Maya wearing a strap-on on me. - What about you?

-A few times. Never on the receiving end. - She answered and then made a turn onto a side street.

-Would you like to be on the receiving end one day?

-With you? Yeah, -this time Maya answered without hesitation. - But I like the idea of having sex with you wearing a strap-on, if you’d like that.

-I'd like that a lot. - I replied and pressed my legs closer together to ease some of the throbbing that had started in my clit. - I also couldn't help but notice that we both had a good time getting a few spanks on the bed. Can we buy something for this purpose too?

-Such as a whip? - She asked, creasing her forehead.

-Or a spanking paddle. - I suggested. - I could also say leather belt, but we already have that covered.

-You have a real fixation with my belts, don't you? - She giggled beside me, and I ran my nails up and down her thigh, getting dangerously close to her center and then planting my hand back against the flesh in the middle of her thigh.

-Yes - There was no reason to hide the truth.

-I can't wait to do that. - She placed one of her hands on mine briefly and then slowed the car. - I think we're here.

-Let's do this!

We got out of the car and entered the store with an especially discreet entrance - much to Maya's reassurance, since that was the first thing she commented on when I sent her the address that afternoon - but as soon as we took a few steps inside we could see the shelves full of sex toys of the most varied types, colors, and sizes.

-Welcome! How can I help you tonight? - A friendly attendant was all smiles as she approached us. Maya slipped a hand around my waist and pulled me a little closer, clearly trying to establish her territory in front of the attractive woman who eyed my body from top to bottom.

-This is our first time coming to a store like this together, I think we'll explore the store on our own for a while, but I'll call you if we have any questions. - Smiling politely at the woman, I glanced at the tag on her blouse. - Thank you, Laura.

-Please, make yourselves at home. Here, you can put your chosen products in this basket. - She handed me the object and signaled inside the store, I nodded briefly before pulling Maya into one of the aisles.

-What should we get first? - Maya asked beside me, looking at the shelves and creasing her forehead when she found something exotic.

-These are really good. - I pointed to some massage gels. - And you're always so tense, I think you would benefit from them.

Maya nibbled her lower lip and blushed - it would be a long night for the blood vessels in Maya's face, and she would certainly spend more than half the time we spent inside the store with a red face - but she looked through the various massage gels available.

-These are edible. - She pointed to a row of products. - Do you have a taste preference?

-Yes. - I drew my body closer to hers, kissed her neck briefly before bringing my lips to her ear. - My personal preference is your taste, so sweet and yummy. But I guess this isn't an option, is it? Strawberry is fine.

-Carina. - She warned me, turning her face away and pressing her mouth against mine.

-Lube. - I whispered as we pulled away.

-What? - She asked back, creasing her forehead.

-We should get some lube next. - I pointed to the next shelf. - A large bottle.

Maya put the products into the basket that was hanging from my arm.

-Also, one of those over there. - I pointed to a bottle that was on top. - But let me get it for you, I'm not sure you can reach it.

-Hey, -She pushed her shoulder against mine and I laughed softly. - What's that?

-It's a water-based anesthetic lube. - I explained as I took the product and then showed it to Maya.  - It's good for anal sex.

-Oh. - That was all she said, once again turning extremely red. I kissed her cheek and moved on to the next aisle.

If Maya was red in the previous aisle, inside this one she would probably explode. There were so many dildos on the shelves that even I was overwhelmed by the amount of options.

-Do you have any preference...? - Maya whispered behind me, and when I turned around, I saw the slightly awestruck blonde, her eyes scanning the shelves quickly.

-Let's start with the strap. - I said, pointing to the left side.

-Actually, I felt more comfortable wearing that kind of harness that looks like underwear? - Maya said, stuffing both hands into the pockets of her jacket, which she always did when she was nervous.

-Oh, definitely more comfortable. I've never worn one of these, but we'll certainly find one here. - I walked down the aisle, looking through the shelves for the model Maya had described.

-Oh, this one might be something nice too. - Maya had a box in her hands and I turned to walk towards her. - It's a strapless strap-on. It also goes inside the person who is wearing it, and apparently it vibrates at both ends and this curve here is supposed to stimulate the clit of the one wearing it.

-Wow, we certainly need one of these. - I smiled. - Do you have a color preference? Pink or purple?

-Hm, purple? - I nodded at her suggestion and Maya placed the box into the basket.

When we got to the end of the hallway, I found the underwear model meant to be attached to a dildo and when I showed it to Maya she nodded and said it was exactly that model.

-It comes with a place to put a vibrator on the bottom, so that the person who is wearing it can also feel something. - She explained and I arched my eyebrows.

-I didn't expect that. - I commented. - Like a bullet?


-See? You're teaching me a lot more during this visit. - I joked, and Maya rolled her eyes. - And which dildo do you suggest?

-I have no idea.

-Maybe a little bigger than the strapless one? - I nibbled my lower lip, knowing I was sailing into uncharted waters.

-Is this you telling me that you think I have big-dick energy? - She giggled beside me, and it was my turn to feel my cheeks flush.


-Well, a little bigger is okay with me. - She pointed to one of the shelves. - Realistic or not?

-A little bit of both? - I suggested, pointing to a dildo that was hot pink, had no testicles, was made of silicone, and had on its tip something resembling the head of a penis.

-I like this one. - She nodded. - One purple and one pink. It's perfect.

-Yes. - I smiled openly and picked up the box from the shelf.

We walked through the aisles looking for something we could use for a spanking session, settling for a beginner's paddle, handcuffs, and a kit of wrist and ankle restraints.

-Can we get a vibrator for ourselves? Besides the bullet, I mean. - I spoke softly next to Maya as we entered the last corridor.

-Of course, Car. - The blonde seemed more at ease, showed me a few options she had found interesting, and we chose a powerful vibrator that would definitely be used that night.

When we were satisfied with our purchases, we went to the checkout counter to pay for the items and Laura smiled politely at us as she logged our purchase.

-Wouldn't you like to take a blindfold to go with the bondage kit? It could be quite interesting. - She suggested.

-Yes, please. - Maya answered, and I smiled sideways before grabbing her hands and making her hug me from behind.

-Oh, a pack of condoms too, please. - I pointed to the box behind the saleswoman. - It makes things more practical.

-It certainly does. - Laura said as she picked up a few packages. - Is ten enough?

-Yes, thank you. - I answered and felt one of Maya's hands disengage from my waist.

-Here. - She held out the credit card to Laura.

-And here. - I was quick to take my card as well. - We'll split it, and no, Maya, this isn't up for discussion.



On the way home my mind took me to all the possibilities we now had inside those bags full of sex toys and I could barely contain the smile that widened across my face. Maya was driving me to her house, she also seemed eager to get home and her hand running up and down my leg was already enough to make me a little more heated.

-Can't you drive any faster? - I leaned to the side as far as the seat belt would allow and pressed my lips against Maya's neck, distributing kisses and light bites across her skin and earning a low moan in response.

-I need to focus on not crashing the car. - She grumbled back.

-But it feels so good to be kissing you like this. - I murmured, my mouth still pressed against her neck. - I need to get you really wet so I can rub myself against you.

-You won't have too much trouble with that, I promise. - She sighed heavily, released one hand from the wheel, and ran her fingers through my hair while I sucked on her neck.

-Oops! -I whispered when I pulled away long enough to see that a red mark in the shape of my lips was beginning to appear on her neck.

-Carina! - She whined.

-I'm sorry. - I laughed and brushed my fingertips across the mark. - Actually, I'm not sorry at all. You look beautiful when you're marked by me.

-I would never take you for a possessive person. - She joked and drew a laugh from me.

I sat back down properly in my seat, crossed my legs, and ran a hand through her hair, running my fingertips through her scalp in a soothing massage, and lingered with the gesture for a few moments before closing my fingers against the strands, pulling them tight.

-I don't like to share what's mine, I can be quite possessive. - I warned her and Maya bit her lower lip trying to hold back a smile, but she didn't do a very good job of it. - Especially since I was lucky enough to find someone like you.

-Lucky, huh? - Maya spoke next to me and braked the car, we had finally reached our destination. The vehicle was turned off and the woman quickly unbuckled herself from the seat belt before turning sideways, putting a hand on the back of my neck and pulling me close. - Show me how lucky you are.

-With pleasure. - I whispered and pressed my lips to hers.

Her mouth fit into mine like the most perfect pieces of a puzzle that was ours alone, it was impossible not to sigh at the delicious contact or to keep my hands from running through her soft hair. I pulled her to me, I wanted more of Maya, I wanted to drown myself in that woman, I wanted to surrender myself completely, I wanted to hear her determine her hold over my body like she did a few nights ago, I wanted to hear her provocative whispers and experience once again a powerful orgasm that didn't require me to touch her first for it to happen.

-Let's go upstairs. - I asked between kisses. - Please!

-Yeah, - Maya practically jumped out of the car, and I did the same.

The blonde took the bags from my hand, and we ran like teenagers holding hands into the building, going straight to the elevator, and I laughed softly when Maya pressed the button more than five times, as if to make the elevator move faster with her gesture.

As soon as the doors opened in front of us, I pushed Maya by the shoulders and she had to hastily walk backwards; I pressed her back against the wall and pressed the button that would take us to her floor before I held both sides of her face and licked her lips with the tip of my tongue, my eyes never straying from hers.

-I want you so bad! - I whispered, my lips touching hers as the words left my mouth. Maya leaned forward wanting to take hold of my mouth, but I denied her that. - And when we get to your apartment, I want you to take off my clothes, carry me to your bed, and kiss me until I'm ready to rub myself against your pussy.

-I can do that. - She gasped, and the blue in her eyes was now much darker.

-Good. - I bit down on her bottom lip before sucking it into my mouth, closing my eyes to revel in the feel of the soft flesh between my lips. I released her lip with a 'pop' and the doors opened behind me.

We walked to the door of her apartment, she was quick to open the door and pull me inside.

Maya put the bags on the floor, pulled her jacket off her body, and then her shirt, letting my eyes run over her defined abdomen and the delicious volume of her breasts. The delicate red bra made my mouth water, it was quite a sight.

-Cute. - I licked my lips.

-I thought you might like it. - She gave me a sideways smile.

Maya was quick to kick her tennis shoes off her feet and jumped a few times as she got rid of her socks, it excited me to see the haste with which she tried to get rid of her clothes and as soon as her pants were off her body, I felt the middle of my legs give signs of life. The red ensemble adorning her body was provocative and hugged her curves perfectly, it was the perfect choice for the occasion.

-Now it's your turn. - She walked slyly over to me, and I just nodded, my eyes glazed over her breasts that begged so much for my attention.

Maya's fingers closed against my jacket, pulled it down and freed me from the first piece; her next movements were quick, the second and third pieces that covered my upper body flew across the room and when Maya undid the button of my pants and pulled them down, as the fabric wrapped around my heels, I felt Maya's warm mouth against my thigh, distributing open-mouthed kisses across my skin causing a shiver to run down my back.

I lifted my feet so that the garment was removed completely and had to cling to the wall beside me when Maya in one swift movement ran her tongue down the front of my panties, and the contact - even if indirect - made me feel my center expel a gush of hot fluid.

-Bambina! - I gasped, the hand that wasn't on the wall going to the back of her head, and the blonde ran her hand up my thighs until one of them went to my panties and pulled the fabric aside and again licked the area, now slipping her tongue between my labia. - Dio mio, amore!

Maya moaned audibly, the vibration of her lips making my clit throb and my eyes roll back in their sockets. Amidst the confusion of pleasure flooding my brain, I was glad I had called her "love" in Italian, I didn't want to scare her at that moment, I wanted her to give in even more.

-I'm going to take you to my bed now. - She moved away from my center and moved up, kissing my abdomen. - Just like I promised you!

I smiled openly and put both hands on her shoulder before jumping onto her body and being greeted by her hands at the junction of my ass and thighs.

-You're silly. - The blonde captured my lips and I surrendered to the kiss, letting her lead me into her apartment.

In the middle of her bed, I felt Maya's body on mine as it undulated in response to the light scratching of my short nails against her back, the middle of my legs pulsed, sweat beaded on my skin at the close contact, and my mind focused only on returning Maya's kisses with the intensity she demanded.

Still with my hands on her back, I unhooked the clasp of her bra and pulled the straps down her arms to free her breasts; I leaned my body against Maya's until she was on her knees in front of me and lowered my mouth to her neck and chest, lowering it some more until one of her nipples was inside my mouth. I licked, nibbled and sucked the hardened bud and gave equal attention to the other side.

-That feels so good. - She moaned, her head hanging back as she threaded her fingers through my hair.

I pulled her panties down as far as possible and slipped my fingers between her folds, rubbing her clit and entrance in a slow but intense back and forth motion.

-Carina... - She whispered my name, her hips moving against my fingers.

-Open my bra for me, bambina. - I asked, pulling away from her breast for a few seconds, but soon I was back to dispensing bites and sucks on the voluminous mounds that flooded my mouth.

She did as I asked, I stepped back long enough for the piece to run down my arms, Maya captured the garment and tossed it into some corner of the room.  Getting on my knees in front of the blonde, my lips sought hers as our breasts rubbed against one another with our movement.

-Should I lie on the bed, baby? - She asked softly, licking my lips gently as I stabbed my fingers into her breasts in an intense massage.

-Sì. - I answered, rubbing my nose against hers. - Take off your panties and wait for me.

I jumped out of bed and almost ran into the living room, opened the bag in search of the black vibrator we had chosen at the store and was happy to see on the box that the product was already sterilized. I returned to the bedroom and found Maya lying on the bed, her legs spread wide apart while both hands rested on the back of her head.

-You were quick. - She smiled at me.

-I'm in a hurry. - I replied, tossing the toy in her direction and Maya laughed as she caught it in mid-air.

-Are you? - She asked back, her eyes moving up and down my body, and I loved the feeling of being desired by Maya.

-Well, I'm in a hurry to get the real fun started. - I stuck both my thumbs into the waistband of my panties before pulling them down, leaning my body forward without taking my eyes off Maya. - Aren't you?

-Oh, yes! - She lay back down on the bed, the toy in one hand while bringing the other to the back of her head again.

I crawled on the mattress until I was over Maya's body, straddling her hips.

-We have all night. - I murmured, running my hands over her breasts, pinching the nipples between the index and middle fingers of both hands before rocking over Maya, causing the middle of my legs to find some friction on her abdomen and I had to bite my lower lip to hold back the moan that wanted to rise in my throat. - We can start with me on top, and then reverse positions if we can't find a suitable rhythm or fit.

-I doubt that will happen, the mere sight of you on top of me is driving me crazy. - She confessed. - Come kiss me.

I didn't answer, just lowered my body and captured her lips, first moving our lips together and then snaking my tongue between her lips in search of hers. Our dance was intimate and familiar, but it was always surprising and breathtaking the pleasurable sensation that made my whole body tingle. I arched my back and humped over Maya, my clit was on fire, burning with desire for more pressure, more contact.

-Are you wet for me, bambina? - I asked softly as I pulled away, our breaths mingling and arousing me even more.

-Why don't you find that out for yourself? - She asked back and I smiled before sneaking one of my hands down between her legs.

-So wet. - I gasped, my fingers sliding up and down her clit with almost no friction. I circled her clit a few times, added a little more pressure, and Maya arched her back against the mattress. - Are you ready for me?

-Yes. -She gasped and bit her lower lip hard.

I watched her red face, her hair messy against the pillow, her lower lip pressed against her white teeth, and my heart skipped a beat. I lowered my body and helped her adjust underneath me, pulling one of her legs up while setting her slightly aside so that our centers were now separated only by the height imposed by my still-suspended hips.

-Can I pull your leg up a little further? - I asked, and she nodded. - Is it uncomfortable?

-No, I'm used to stretching. - She answered.

-If you think you might have a cramp, let me know. - I asked, and she nodded quickly.

I lowered my hips as I pulled Maya's leg so that her ankle practically rested on one of my shoulders. I ran my fingers through her folds and the woman beneath me moaned audibly, moving her hips from side to side trying to impose some rhythm or pattern on my movements, but I soon pulled my digits apart and rubbed her wetness against mine, feeling my swollen, hot clit pulsing against my fingers.

-Oh, God! - Maya gasped as I lowered my hips and rubbed my center against hers.

I stirred a few times, kept my head down as I tried to visualize the best way to get our clitorises to touch and I brought one of my hands down to my labia and with two of my fingers I spread my folds to move over Maya again and this time I felt her hard bud against mine and squeezed her thigh hard with the hand that supported her leg in the air.

-It feels good! - Maya moaned, I felt one of her hands on my ass, following the movement I was making.

-Let me be the only one moving for now, okay? - I asked softly, my breathing becoming more labored as I moved back and forth, feeling the intermittent contact of our clits and wetting myself even more by hearing the wet sound our sexes made as they met.

I hugged her leg with both arms and sank even deeper between her legs, oscillating a few times between my movements, but they all drew loud moans from me and Maya, so I just sought more speed and friction. The contact itself was not what brought me closer to my orgasm, but the combination of the position, Maya's fingers squeezing my ass and urging me to move faster, the sight of the shaggy, gasping woman underneath me trying to keep herself from moving, and the loud moans escaping from her beautiful mouth were what drove me toward my pleasure.

-You can try to meet my thrusts now! - I arched my back when a precise contact was made between the middle of our legs, and I felt Maya trembling under me. - Damn! You feel so good, Maya!

-Faster, baby! Please... - She whimpered.

-Give me the vibrator. - I asked, holding out one hand, and soon the object was in my palm. - I'll start slow, let me know if it's too much.

I turned the toy on and left it on a less intense setting, just to start the path to our pleasure and then took it between our legs, moving it up and down a few times to coat it with our wetness.  Soon the black silicone was between our folds, over our clits and the movement of my hips got faster.

-Maya! - I moaned, rocking back and forth frantically.

-I need more! - She moaned, also thrusting under me.

I pressed the button with difficulty, trying not to move the object from the perfect position it was in, and the medium vibration caused Maya to let out a guttural moan and squeeze my ass hard.

-Yes, just like that! - She moaned.

-Cazzo, amore! Sono così vicino a sborrare! - Fuck, love! I'm so close to cumming! - I moaned loudly, rolling over against Maya.

-Are you close? I won't last much longer. - Maya gasped and moaned under me.

-Slap me, Captain! - I asked trying to reach my orgasm even faster.

-Fuck, baby! Do you miss my hand punishing your ass? - She asked and smacked my ass with a hard slap that made me moan.

-Yes, Captain! Yes! - My muscles ached, but nothing would stop me from continuing to grind.

The vibration against my bundle of nerves along with the sight I had of Maya so surrendered to her own pleasure brought me close to my orgasm. I pressed her leg harder; another slap was given against my ass and I felt the heat that had been concentrated in my lower abdomen spread throughout my body at the same time that a rush of pleasure exploded in my center.

-Yes, yes, yes! - Maya moaned, squeezed my ass hard and shuddered underneath me. - Fuck!

-Maya! - I screamed her name as I was overcome with climax, my entrance contracting so hard I had to hold my breath until the involuntary twitching of my muscles made me exhale hard. - Yes... Oh, fuck!

My body was still shaking, and I needed to release my center from the vibration that kept causing pulses of electricity in the middle of my legs; I threw myself sideways on the bed and seconds later heard the vibration disappear, letting our loud, gasping breaths be all that could be heard in the room.

-That was... Intense. - Maya gasped.

-Was it good? - I asked back.

-Much better than I imagined. - She laughed next, and I was familiar with that post-orgasm laugh.

I rolled over on the bed until I was on her side and the woman turned her face to me, looking into my eyes and keeping that sweet smile on her lips.

-Everything is so much better than I imagined with you. - She whispered and tilted her face to give me a gentle kiss.

Yep, I was simply hopelessly in love with Maya Bishop.