

Fenrir wanted to complain. After seeing how useless he was against the bear, he wasn't feeling confident about fighting a wind wolf.

"Wind?" Fenrir asked outloud. "That would make it much easier."

"It still won't be a walk in the park, and unfortunately, you have to hunt it down before they come back. Which is about fourteen hours."

Fenrir didn't have time to grow stronger, but he was lucky that the beasts element was weak to his.

"Oh, one more thing." Reginald said. "Don't burn it to a crisp. I can't do anything with a pile of ash. So keep the corpse intact as possible."

Fenrir sighed an Reginald sent him out on the hunt. He knew the general area were the beast could be, but what he was most concerned about was his lack of training. Sure, he would get fighting experience, but that's it.

He needed to find a way to train while he attends classes at the academy. Hours spent in the classroom everyday would set him back. He dreaded seeing all those hours wasted.

Then, an idea was formed. Those with insane magic powers couldn't train near cities, and yet they live in them. After sitting down and closing his eyes to meditate, he soon realized that there are two other ways to train magical power.

The first is to meditate. Something which Fenrir had just found out while doing so. One's body naturally absorbs magical energy from their surroundings. Once your reserves are full, your body no longer absorbs anymore magic. However, by meditating, one can force their magic reserves to expand.

Fenrir realized there might be a problem with thst method. Although he assumes most strong mages use this, there is a downside. Thst method wouldn't allow you to increase the amount of magic you can output.

Reginald had described it like a tube. As long as magic flows through that tube, it would continue to slowly expand. Allowing the user to output more magic power at once.

Magic reserves are like a puddle of water. It starts out small, but everytime you empty it an refill it, the force pushes some dirt away allowing it to grow. Imagine doing this thousands of times allowing the puddle to grow into a lake, and eventually the size of an ocean.

The second method Fenrir thought of was his best option, so he got to work right away. He modified the inscriptions on his body slightly to add another effect. He wanted to allow himself to control the amount of magic used when the inscriptions are active.

If this worked, then he could use a small amount of magic all the time. It would be less than what his body could refill. It would be a slow process, but this would allow him to never stop training.

After he finished the inscriptions, he didn't waste anytime testing it. It worked on the first try. Because he was simply adding small modifications to his body inscription, it wasn't hard to do.

He could feel heat radiating off his body and he constantly used magic. At the same time, his body absorbed more magic than he was outputting.

Then, he realized another benefit this had. He would have time not only to learn new spells, but to train his body. He wasn't sure how much humans could increase their natural physical prowess, but since he isn't human, he was sure he was at an advantage. This is thanks to his body's natural quick healing.

Humans could rely on healing magic to quickly increase their physical strength, but it would require large amounts of magic.

He would have to test this our later. For now, he had a mission to complete. He wasted too much time as it is. So he headed further into the forest to find the wind wolf.

After an hour of searching, he found what he was looking for, the wind wolf. Usually, wolves would hunt in pack because they are social creatures. But this was is alone, a lone wolf who was probably kicked out of its pack.

Just like the earth bear, wind wolves can use long ranged attacks. Unfortunately for the wolf though, it was a bad match up.

Unlike the rabbit, wolves have a good sense of smell. Fenrir was unable to sneak up on it. The wolf was already preparing it's attack as soon as Fenrir was in range of its attack.

Fenrir stared at the wolf's white fur, noticing the green stripes evenly spaced around its body. It is common for certain magical beasts to have a color on it body associated with its element. Not all of them did though. Like the jackalope for example, it didn't have blue markings.


Meanwhile, Rex and Diana were still making their way home. Rex couldn't help but to notice something while he was near Fenrir.

"Did you notice that kid's scent?" Rex asked.

"Scent? Are you a dog?"

"Ever since I was a kid, I had a abnormally good sense of smell. I am telling you that kid smells like a beast rather than a human."

Diana didn't know if Rex was telling the truth or not, but if he was, then she wondered if Reginald is hiding something from them. If he is, then she could investigate it when the school year started.

"The strange thing is..." Rex continued. "I've encountered a similar scent before."

"You said he smelled like a beast, right? Is there a spell that could turn someone into part animal?"

"Could be. Though it's possible that he has a transformation spell. Maybe he can turn into a humanoid wolf like the one you saw. It's not unheard of. There's a family of mages that have shape-shifting spells."

"That's a strange spell to have." Diana said as she tried to think about what Rex was talking about.

"Not much is known about them. So I can understand if he wanted to hide his true powers from us. His family probably doesn't want to show others what they can do. It doesn't matter, I still have to investigate."