
Female Omega in Omegaverse

Male omegas are always the protagonist of the genre Omegaverse, but how about the otherside of that coin. Find out how a common female Omega struggle to survive in a "Male Omega World".

Sakura07 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Final Words...

Hi guys, it's me.

I'm really sorry for I'm not able to continue this story. I have a full time job and there's not much time for me to do personal things even, so much so, to continue this story.

I really had many ideas for this one, but unfortunately I work 11 hours per day, 6 days a week. and the only day off I have, I use spending it with family, not writing.

So if their is someone who can continue this story in this genre I would really love that.

This story is a little typical and a little not, in a sense.

I wrote this story because in most ABO world, most villains are female omegas. So I would like to write in the perspective of a female omega in a male omega dominated world.

it's a typical story because it's skeletal structure is the same with the generic ABO world.

the not so typical part of this, is that in this story there is a special omega called, True Omega.

ok, their is no false omega. it's just a term to call this particular class of omega.

In abo world, what gender class is the most treasured?

Ofcourse, it's the Alpha class, specially upper alpha.

And it is said that this mythical class, true omega, can only give birth to upper alpha. If and only if, they are mated to their soul mate.

the catch is that only female can be a True omega. and they only appear 1 in a thousand omega.

That means in every 1 thousand female omegas only 1 is a true omega.

And they are mythical because most true omegas dies early. and very little to none records are made about them.

Only a renowned doctor gathered and showed the world proff about them.

and he came to study this because, he, himself is a product of an upper alpha and true omega mating.

in his research he documented 5 pairs. and only 2 pairs are current.

In his research he showed why true omegas are very unknown;

1. True omegas are very rare, 1/1000 female omega.

2. True omegas have soul mate, and usually they are upper alphas, and because upper alpha are rarely seen in public their is very little chance for the soul mates to meet.

3. And because of the 2nd reason most true omega mates to alphas who are not their soul mates. Because of the strong instinct of true omegas to only mate with their soul mate, they usually turn crazy and kill themselves.

4. Or before they kill themselves their mated pair does that. during mating true omega emits a very alluring scent, more that the usual scent of a inheat omega. this scent drives an alpha to madness. And literally kill them through sex. they become to insatiable to the point that they don't stop and kill the true omega in the process. And only a true soul mate can control themselves around that scent.

Because of this reasons only very few true omega survives. Specially in a society were omegas are expected to be married very early in life. This leaves them no time to meet their true soul mate, and thus die early.

This is the core of the story, and the Main Protagonist is a true omega.

Hope their is someone out there who continue this story.