
Ms. Kim shocked

(Mr. Lee kisses her agin but closer to the cheek)

Mr. Lee why did you do that

Well you said we were partners in this project so we should at least give a peck on the cheek

Oh ok then it's fine

Mommy I'm done

Honey you look beautiful go with your nana and I'll be there soon


Come in and follow me


Here we are this is the room I usually for when I'm planning a project

Ok great should we get started on where I want yo change some things


Ok so instead of making a office in the department of creativity we should just put desks

Well in my opinion I with we should because mind you some people like to work in quite spaces so I thing instead of offices we can make quite rooms where you think in the quiet.

Great that sounds good

Also I wanted to fix the part where we have one table like a desk for some people I think that's we should have desks and have them in the middle so that the conference room can be next to the quiet room also we have to have the desks and all of that in a middle section so yay we can go around it or in it so that if people who don't belong to the creativity area.

Ok I like that plan also we should have more space for each person who is like the director for a certain thing

I understand so we should have more space and room we should also create offices for the directors, also that we should have an area where people drink coffee or tea or whatever they prefer.

I really like that idea

Well if that it we are done here

Wait I forgot something

Yes what is it

Well I think we should hire someone specific so that they can recheck everything like paper work or other things because sometimes people get lazy and forget

Ok I like that we will I also have another thing


Well instead of having 2 people at one desk like back to back I think we should all have our own space to work you know

Yeah I get it I like that plan too, also I think we should write it down because if we forget it won't be much to change and when they're Building the building.

Ok great we have now agreed on what we're going now let's quickly write it and then you can leave I'll be busy the rest of the day so please don't call unless if it's about work and it's urgent.


(5 minutes later)

Ok great I'm done I'll be leaving now excuse me

I'll take you to the door


Mr. Lee!!

Ah!! Excuse me, yes who are you and how can I help

Well hi I'm Hae and I'm Katie's nana also you father called and said that he'll be here soon to negotiate some thing with Ms. Kim and you since you're already here

How did he k or I was here

He said that he knew you were here because he went to your house and they told him hat you were going to eat here that's why

Oh ok I get it

Why does people always have to come without telling me like I hate theses habits.

Oh I'm sorry Ms. Kim I didn't know I'll tell my father not to come and before he does to call

No it's fine

No really I'll call and tell him

I said it's fine!! Do you people never listen.

I'm sorry

It's fine I have to go take a shower excuse me

(Mr. Lee calling his father)


Hello father

Hey son

Dad come in like 1-2 hours Ms. Kim is going to take a shower and get ready but first we have to finish the project we're working on

Ok son well then I'll be there around 12:30 then

Ok bye


Hey Miss Hae if I'm right. Can you tell Ms. Kim I'll be leaving and we'll come around 12:30 - 1:00 so that she can take a shower without rushing and calm down since she got mad

Yeah she's mad because she hates repeating herself and also she hates when people come to her house without telling her even if it's a surprise.

Oh ok next time I'll call

Ok good. Well let me lead you outside

No thanks, excuse me then.

(Hae running upstairs to tell Ms. Kim that she can relax and that she can take a long shower.)

Me. Kim


Mr.lee called his father and told him not to come right now

Ok great but at what time?

He said around 12:30- 1:00

Ok good well I have enough time

Ok well excuse me then

Oh by the way I'm sorry I lashed out like that

It's fine just try to control yourself when talking but just say I won't repeat myself so listen carefully

Yeha I have done yay before and I will now more often then

Ok good well I really do have to go Katie Is calling me

Ok thank you Hae

Your welcome Kim

(1 hour later Ms. Kim out the bathroom)

Finally I took a nice long shower.

I'm so happy that today I have a day off if not this wouldn't have happened but though I still have to meet with people about work I would love if people listened to what I have to say, like if I say don't contact me about work I'll be off they still contact me. Unless it's an emergency but why all I ask for is some people w once in a while since it's hard.

Ms. Kim are you talking to yourself.

Yes I am, how can I help you?

Well some snacks you said that you wanted at this time are done when your ready just tell me so I can put everything on the table

Ok well you can go ahead and put it I'll be down in like 2 minutes I just have to tie my hair up before it gets frizzy

Ok by the way Ms. Kim I didn't know you had long and curly hair

Well I have it from my mom she also has curly hair

Ms. Kim!! Sorry to interrupt but Mr. Lee's father is here

Oh my goodness why don't peopl ever come when I ask but instead early I'm really going to get mad today I don't have time for this I have to go shopping with my daughter and spend time with her but I can't because all I do is work work work geez I'm tired of it all tell Mr. Lee's father to please go home I'm not feeling well. Also can you please bring y my fruits I'm hungry also when lunch is ready bring it to me

Yes ma'am

Kim what's wrong

Well you se Hae I'm tired and-

Ms. Kim are you sick?

Mr. Lee why are you here