
Mr. Lee worried

Mr. Lee why are you here?

Well my dad said that he won't be able to make it so he says sorry and when I arrived One of you maids told me that you didn't feel well.

Well I'm tired and not feeling it today anymore like all I want is not talk about work when I don't ask like that's all I want also I was going to spend time with my daughter but no always something comes up I'm sick of it like all I want is for all of you to leave me room now!!!!

Yes Kim sorry

Both of you leave and tell my daughter to come and get me my fruit!!

Yes I'll tel her to come sorry to bother you

(Leaving Ms. Kim's room)

I wonder why she's so mad

Well probably because you came without her knowing, 2 you make arrangements when she doesn't need it, 3 you don't understand she wants to be left alone when she asks for it, 4 she wants to spend time with her daughter but no she can't because you come to see her about work. You know once in a while it gets annoying so please stop and leave her alone!!

Ashhhh why are you mad

Because it annoys me seeing how your dumb and don't listen so please leave and unless she calls you, your not allowed inside this house. Now leave!

Don't have to be so mean

Yes I do because you never understand

Hae her fruit I'll take it to her personally

I think I should do it

No I'll do it I'm her nana and she listens to me so go on and move both of you leave Hae go downstairs and kick him out and you Mr. Lee if you actually care about her then leave when she calls you on Monday you can see her but for now leave her alone.

I didn't know you were her nana

We'll talk about this later

Kim let me in

Come in nana

Here I come

Hi sorry I was yelling I was just mad and hate when people don't listen

I know my dear but you have to understand that's how life is it never goes the way you plan it to go but look at me


And listen to me

I am

Then first you Aren't going to allow any men in your house no matter if its about business ok?


Next try to calm down, 3 when you say don't call me unless it's an emergency as it like you mean it, 4 when you get mad at your office then always have a balloon filled with rice and squish it as many times you need to so you let your anger go, 5 if your in a place where you call yell then yell let it all out, 6 think about your daughter now and think about is she's sees you like this it'll be bad so calm down for her sake, 7 if anyone calls and says I'll be at your house soon says I'm sorry but you can't come your not allowed if they say why you say because I don't like anyone at my house unless I say so and then you say let's meet somewhere else and you choose or that person does. Ok

Ok thank you nana for the advice I know I can count on you, you're always there for me and have been even though when my parents hurt my feelings so no one can replace you

Ok now calm down and be here with you daughter watch a movie or a series and have fun I'll come back up in 2 hours and when I do your going to go downstairs and have a new perspective and eat down there and remember what I told you when your get mad alright

Yes nana I love you

I love you too kid now act right and control yourself

Ok I will

I have to go and finish making your food

Thank you nana

No problem just remember to calm down and control yourself and you'll be alright.

I will nana

Hurry and come down

Ok I will

Miss Kim I'm sorry for being rash and mean

I clearly told you to leave

Kim calm down now!

Sorry, it's fine just leve would you I don't want to see your face right now

I will and again I'm sorry

It's fine

I have 1 question if that's possible?

Fine, what is it?

Well since when do you have you had a nana?

Well I have had a nana ever since I bought my own house and had a business. That's was when I was like

When you were 20 luv

Thanks nana. Yes when I was 20 and she was 65 I love her and I wouldn't change her for nothing

Wow that's been a long time 3 years

Yes it is long 3 years but she was always there for me and takes care of me and gives me the best advice.

That's true now go eat Kim be sis wove made your favorite and Katie went to sleep she was tired because she was playing with Leo ( Leo is the dog)

Oh ok yeah Leo has the most energy I've ever seen and I can understand

Yeah now go and eat or else the food will get cold

Yes ma'am (Kim said to nana)


Yes well I'm sorry for what Kim has said or done to you also I will ask you to leave and she will call you when she is calmed down

Miss Kim!!


Your daughter!!