
Katie tells something to mom

"Well he called this morning that's how I woke up and since your phone was upstairs I answered I'm sorry. Said Katie

"It's fine, what did he say?"

"Well he said that hi and if he can talk to you and I asked why, he said it was about work and that if I can pass the phone to you know but then I asked if he liked you and he said yes."

"Why did you ask that baby?"

"Well when you are in a adoption center you get used to see a lot of couples in love to adopt a kid so that's how I knew he liked you he had those eyes."

"Aww, sweetheart that so nice I'm sorry I couldn't adopt you sooner."

"It's fine and it's not your fault."

"Wait a second did you say you those it in his eyes?"

"Yes I did say that, why?"

"Well because you said you saw it in his eyes so he was actually being sincere about what he said last night."

"Wait mommy did he confess his love to you?"

"Yes he did, he did it last night but I rejected him."

"Why did you reject him?"

"Well because I'm scared of getting hurt and other reasons."

"Mommy I think you should at least try because of you do get hurt it's normal that's part of life and at least you learn from your own mistakes."

"Wow you know at lot don't you. How do you know all of this?"

Well because they taught us this before we turn 7 so 5-7 years old you have to learn about what live is really like

"Ok now I understand why they took so long for me to adopt you. Also they prepare you for everything."

"Yeah they do."

"Well I'll think about it maybe I will but maybe not we'll see where time takes me."

"Ok as you want mommy."

"Ok baby where is my phone you said Mr. Lee needed to talk to me."

"Here mommy call him back now and talk about "work" and see how that goes."

"Ok I will."

(Calling Mr. Lee)


"Hi Mr. Lee you needed to talk to me."

"Ah yes I did you daughter picked up the phone but then we started talking and then when she was done talking she hung up."

"Haha I'm so sorry I'm laughing but that's how she is."

"It's not funny but ok I get it then."

"Great so what do you want to talk about work. Did something go wrong on why we talked about?"

"No nothing went wrong, I wanted to change a few things to the plan and make it better."

"Oh ok thanks for telling me but we can do that another day right now I'll be with my daughter."

"Oh I know but before she hung up she said to come to your house around 10:00-11:30, so that we can adjust everything and then so we can start working as soon as Monday."

"Oh ok I didn't know she said that, well ok then you can come at 10:00 and we'll do it fast I want to be with my new family."

"Ok see you in 1 hour then."

"Ok see you soon."

(After hanging up the phone)


Yes mommy

Why did you tell him I would meet him today

Well because I want you to spend time with him and see if you guys can make up and maybe become something

No that won't be necessary because we were going to meet each other on Monday.

Sorry mom but what's done is done I can't change it now it would be rude


Miss Kim your daughter is very smart

I am thank you I learned from what they said to me in the center and I've learned many things.

Good job at least your mom can now see Mr. Lee and maybe be with him soon thanks to you, very smart I thought of that but Never knew how I would do it.

Well I did it for you. Also my mom can't do nothing to me because she loves me right mommy

Yes baby I love you but that should've been done next time don't do that

So there will be a next time?

No what I mean if there is don't do that

Fine well I will go eat breakfast ma then take a shower and get ready to go to the mall

Ok but take your time to each and don't rush I'll be busy thanks to you

Sorry but I had to

Ok we'll hurry your food will get cold if you don't start eating soon

Okay by the way you think of the next plan for my mom

I will don't worry

Hey you both are doing that to me and saying it to my face

"Well would you like us to say it behind your back so you don't know it's coming or would you like for us to tell you upfront so you to know what coming your way."

Fine I have to eat and finish making my bacon

Ok mommy that's excuses

You are very smart

I know thank you again for the same compliment

Your welcome now hurry and eat so we can make a plan but we also have to get you dressed and showered to smell nice and look good

Wow I can't believe this the both of you don't that

Yes we do it because we want you to be happy mommy

I know but there's no need

Yes there is Kim

Fine go now take this to the table so we can all start eating hurry I'm starving

Ok ok just calm down then


(15 minutes later)

Mommy I'm done eating

Ok sweetheart go upstairs and take a shower

Can you take her up and choose cloths for her to wear and show her how they shower works

Yes ma'am


Excuse me then


Mommy I'll be back soon

Ok love


Ye mommy

Well Hae will be your nana so treat her well and listen to her when I'm not around ok?


Great now hurry and go



Knock knock


Hi Ms. Kim

Oh Mr. Lee

Yes it's me

(Kisses Ms. Kim on the cheek )

Wha- why did yo- I mean-

(Ms. Kim so shocked that she can't even talk)