

The reason I hate her is because - is because- well she dated my brother

Wait a minute you have a brother

Yes I do I- I mean did

What do you mean did

Well he died because of her

Ok now I need you to explain everything in details

Ok, first when they were in high school they were truly in love an day the time they were in high school I was already in college and I was in North Carolina studying and then he told me the story Everyday we were close so he was in 11 grade and confesses to her and she accepted to be his girlfriend after that 2 years went by and she has a older sister which was my girlfriend at the time too so when they were in collage she visited her and I visited my brother mind you they went to the same school because they both had the same dream school but he wanted to be a lawyer and she wanted to be a business women after they graduated in 2014 They both were supposed to get married because we were there for their graduation and there was a shooter that day is was supposed to kill Miss Kim because he loved her and she decided to date my brother and that man wanted to kill her because he said if she wasn't with him she wasn't going to be with anybody. Then that man shot my brother because he went in front of Kim so that she didn't die because he loved her so much. She promised him to make his dream come true. But I hate her because she was supposed to die instead of my brother and now I want to destroy everything she had but because I was going to do that her sister broke up with me because I wanted to destroy her sister.

My gosh that a very sad story but you have to understand how hard it would've been for her because they dated for I think around 6 years that was the love of her life too and I think she suffered more

No she didn't he was my brother my family my everything

But that was also her everything love too

Stop you're supposed to be on my side


Good now remember

Ik but you also remember to sign the contract it's not an option I'm giving you you have too

You're not my boss I'm yours

Well you don't act like it

Thanks for the compliment

Your welcome

I was being sarcastic

Well too bad

Don't you have to go now

Nope I still have I think until 11:00 because of traffic also don't you have to leave because you have to sign a contract

Yes I do sadly

Not sadly be happy


Because if you don't you'll look bad and she might consider not signing


Well then I'll be on my way because before I have a lunch meeting I have work to do




Mr. Lee


You have a visitor

Who is it

Well sir he didn't want to say who he was

Make him come in then

Please come in

Thank you

Hi welcome what can I do for you

Hi you don't remember me

I'm afraid I don't how can I help you

I'll tell you who I am I'm Kim Mi So's older brother

What she doesn't have one

She does I'm the oldest one in the family

Well I'm sorry I don't know you

You do

I don't

Remember that time when your dad introduced me to you and your girlfriend I mean ex girlfriend now

Oh my god

Yes that's me

That's you but he never mentioned you were my ex's older brother

Well because I was over seas más she never knew about me because when I left she was 5 and I was 12 and I went to study abroad only Kim remember and knows me

How is that possible if Her older sister was older

Well because when I came back she knew me because my parents always talked about me shower her my pictures and told her how I was but now I'm back and you won't sign that contract with her

Yes I will and I'm afraid to tell you that's you can't stop it

Actually I can and already did.

What do you mean?

Kim's secretary is going to call your secretary and say that the contract will not be signed very very soon

I don't believe you

Just wait for it

I'm so sorry to interrupt you both but Mr. Lee Miss Kim has canceled the sign for the contract

What how

I'm sorry sir

Thank you for letting me know

(1 hour earlier) ( this is when Mr. Lee was talking to Miss Cheon )

Hi little sis

Hi welcome. Sorry that's I had to welcome you to my office/ company instead of at my house

It's fine

Well how can I help you

Well I want to ask you a favor

Sure what is it

Well I need you to cancel the contract your about to sign

You heard of the news

Yes I did and I want to you cancel it please

Sure even though I was doing it for his dad not him but can I ask why you don't want me to sign the contract with him?

Well the thing is remember when you were dating you Felix

Yeah I remember when he saved me and died for me

Ok besides that remember he had a older brother?

Yeah I do why

Remember Felix's last name yeah I do but agin what does this have to do with me canceling the contract

Just wait and you'll see


Ok now what is Mr. Lee's last name

Oh my god


Mr. Lee is Felix's older brother right


Hasn't he been wanting to harm me and do something to me and I'm sure he said that if he saw me again he was going to destroy me and my career

That's why you can't get close to him and not let him sign a contract with you because something might happen to you. I'm just worried for my little sister

Thank you for telling me and now that I know I won't allow him to get close to me

Good I'll go to his office and tell him personally about canceling the contract and you call the press but just in case call him at 10:45 in 1 hour also don't talk to that Cheon girl

You know her?

Yes she works for-

Excuse me but Miss Cheon is here

Make her wait where she was last time and make sure she doesn't see my brother

Yes ma'am

Speaking of the devil


I'll tell you later so I'll leave now and make sure she doesn't see me and get rid of her make her go away and still have lunch with her but don't act suspicious just act normal.

Ok I will

