
Dad brings a guest

" Bye" said Ms.Jin

"Oh hi Mr. Lee's father please come this way." Said secretary Kim

"Hi I'll be there juts give me a minute my guest is getting out of the car." Said Mr. Lee he is Boss Lees fathers

"Ok, wait is that Ms. Kim Mi So?" Said secretary Kim

"Yes, yes it is she is my guest." Said Mr. Jiang is Mr. Lee's dad

( in head of secretary Kim ) I knew something would go wrong

"Well please come this way." Said secretary Kim

"Here we are,Mr. Lee!!" Said Secretary Kim

"Yes, please come in." Said Mr. Lee

"Hi dad" said Mr. Lee

"Hi son I've brought a guest." Said Mr. Jiang

"Who is it dad?"

"My guest is Kim Mi So" said Mr. Jiang

(In head of Mr.Lee ) something had to go wrong today didn't it but I get to finally meet her.

"Hi Welcome." Said Mr. Lee

"Hi there I've heard so many hood things about you but I've never been able to see you in person it's my pleasure to meet you Mr. Lee I hope we can become close." Said Ms. Kim Mi So

(In head of Mr. Lee) wow she is more gorgeous in person she looks so innocent and she is so nice how can I be mean to her. Ugh.

"You are very beautiful and I also hope we become close too." Said Mr. Lee

"Thank you for the compliment" said Ms. Kim

"Your welcome and thank you for the compliment too." Said Mr. Lee

"No problem." Said Ms. Kim

"Well Mr. Lee I would like to get to the point why I'm here."

"Wow so direct Ms. Kim." Said Mr. Jiang

"Well that's how I am, well I came here because I would like to offer you a proposal of us working together for the better of both of our company's, what do you say."

"Well Ms. Kim I'm sorry, but I will have to reject your offer"

"May I ask why?"

"Well because I just prefer working by myself and because I don't work with women since I did one time and that didn't go well."

"Well I have to say Me. Lee I'm not just any women I'm Ms. Kim Mi So recommend by everyone I work with, I have a different perspective in life and also am very private with my work and the people, I'm also recognizing by everyone and I can work with anyone. Also I'm a very qualified person I am as capable as you are.!!" Said Ms. Kim Mi So

"Son please look over the offer." Said Mr. Jiang

(In Mr. Lee's head) why did I just reject her offer, why am I acting like this, am I falling for her?, I hope not, why can I not stop looking at her, ugh what is wrong with me today I'm going crazy.

"I'm sorry dad but no I won't"

( In head) why am I so stubborn, and so mean?

Should I accept the offer, I could get close and destroy her myself. Ok I will accept.

"Fine I'll think it over."

"Thank you son."

"I'm only doing this for you dad."

(In head) no I'm not I'm doing it for a different reason I just don't know what yet

"Ok well thank you for at least thinking it over I will be going now because I have to do some things."

" Secretary Kim please lead her out."

"Yes sir"

"Hi I'm Kim Mi So"

"Hi I'm secretary Kim Ji Ah"

"I like your name" said Ms. Kim

"Thank you" said secretary Kim

" No problem"

"If it's not so much trouble can I ask you a question?" Said secretary Kim

"Sure, what up" said Ms. Kim

"What were you talking about with Mr. Lee" said secretary Kim

"Well we were talking about if we can work together but he said no the first two times then out of no where he said that he is doing it for his dad, but every time I said something he kept spacing out for a moment then came back." Said Ms. Kim

"That's weird of Mr. Lee doing that I've never seen him do that."said secretary Kim

"Well he probably did that because it was me I probably made him uncomfortable and made him mad most likely." Said Ms. Kim

"Well bye and thank you for walking me out." Said Ms. Kim

"No problem, bye." Said Secretary Kim

"Well dad why did you come?"

" Well I came because I also wanted to see what you were going to say after what she did for us."

"What do you mean by what she did for us?"

"I mean she was the one who saved us from the crisis."

"She did what, why didn't you tell me that I would've been nicer and would've said yes right away."

"Well I'm sorry son but I came with her so how would've I told you and plus you are so arrogant like your mother. "

"True true dad but now I feel bad."

(In head) what have I done she had been nice to me even when I treated her bad, saved my company a few years ago and i still want revenge what am I doing? But it doesn't Mayte snow I will still get revenge, but I think I'm hurting her more then she should when she didn't do nothing.

"Son are you there, hello, son come back to earth"

"Sorry dad I was just thinking."