
Felix's Magical Odyssey

In a world where magic is a part of everyday life, Felix, Athena, Rowan, Flint, and Flate are students at Shadowcrest Academy, a prestigious school for young wizards and witches. As they navigate their magical education, they face off against formidable monsters and uncover dark secrets within their realm. Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious figure lurks in the shadows, intent on their destruction. Together, they must hone their magical skills, strengthen their friendships, and stay one step ahead of the unseen threat that follows their every move. Felix is a determined and resourceful young wizard who often finds himself embroiled in adventures alongside his best friends, Athena and Rowan. Athena, known for her intelligence and strategic thinking, and Rowan, with his bravery and loyalty, form an unbreakable trio with Felix. Flint and Flate, equally talented and courageous, join their ranks, making their group even stronger. At Shadowcrest Academy, they learn to wield powerful spells, brew intricate potions, and combat dangerous creatures. Despite the rigorous training and perilous missions, their bond grows deeper, and their resolve to protect each other and their school becomes stronger. However, danger is never far away. An enigmatic and malevolent figure shadows their every step, plotting their demise. The identity and motives of this mysterious adversary remain unknown, adding a layer of suspense and urgency to their quest. The group must stay vigilant, using their wits and magical prowess to outmaneuver this unseen foe. As they delve into ancient lore and confront dark forces, the friends discover that their journey is about more than just survival; it's about uncovering the truth and standing up against the darkness that threatens their world. Together, they embark on an epic adventure that tests their limits and shapes their destiny. Will Felix and his friends unravel the mystery in time, or will the shadowy adversary succeed in their sinister plans? Join them in "The Apprentice's Arcane Adventure: A 13-Year-Old Wizard's Journey" to find out.

mcmagical · Fantasia
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29 Chs


They were walking out when the fairy found a small window and flew out. The others waited for Professor Limunos to teleport them. When he did, they found themselves back at the school, but...

They were met with Professor Miranda's angry face. She screamed, "Are you guys out of your minds?! I mostly don't swear, but bloody hell, you could have been dead!!"

Professor Limunos said, "Mira, calm down a little."

Professor Miranda, still angry, retorted, "Oh no, don't tell me to calm down!"

Professor Limunos tried to calm her, but it didn't work. Then Evander said, "It wasn't their fault, Professor Miranda."

Professor Miranda said, "Evander, don't you think I don't know them? I know why you did it, but I can't believe you went there without telling anyone. We could have helped you!"

Evander stammered, "I—"

Professor Miranda cut him off, "Get out!! But first, Evander, go to the healer's room." She blinked, and Evander was teleported to the healer's room.

The fairy there said, "You again? You guys never give fairies rest, huh?" She then took him to one of the rooms where he lay down, thinking, "What did I just do? Defending them—that's insane. This is the first and last time I'm doing that again."

He slowly opened his eyes and sat up in bed. Melody, standing nearby, teased, "You finally woke up from your beauty sleep."

Evander rolled his eyes and replied, "At least I get beauty sleep."

Melody rolled her eyes in return and said, "Shut up." Then she asked, "What are you doing here?"

Melody said, "Sylvan has a broom race and asked if I could get you to come along."

Evander glared at her. "Don't you see I'm in the healer's room?"

Melody glared back and said, "You slip out of here most of the time anyway."

Evander conceded, "Alright, that's true, but I want to sleep again."

Melody teased, "I'm sorry, your highness. Do you also want a cup of tea?"

Evander grinned, "Yes, please."

Melody slapped his arm playfully and said, "Get it yourself."

Evander slapped her arm and said, "Get out, I want to sleep."

Melody said, "Well, then sleep never since I have other plans."

Evander sighed, "Alright, alright. How late is his broom race?"

Melody said, "Look, it's 67:65, Rombando time, not Mirror time this time."

Evander said, "Fine, can I go back to sleep now?"

Just then, the fairy came in and said, "Ah, you are awake." She sighed out of relief, which made Evander curious. He asked, "What do you mean?"

The fairy explained, "Well, they hit you with the Rolixius curse, which meant you should actually be in a coma right now."

Melody looked as confused as Evander was. Then another fairy flew in, one Evander recognized. The fairy said, "If I hadn't used my magic on him to make him better, he would be in a coma. So actually, I saved him," the fairy said proudly.

Melody laughed a little, and Evander slapped her arm again.

Ten minutes later, the fairy said, "Hmm, we've checked everything and you are okay to go, but make sure you get some rest."

Evander nodded and got out of there. He walked towards the door and, unsurprisingly, saw Rowan. He wasn't surprised to see them running but had nothing else to do, so he followed them. He saw them sitting with a cloak that looked weird. Evander walked in and asked, "What is that?"

Athena glared at Rowan and whispered angrily, "You should have locked the doors."

Rowan whispered back, "I forgot to, and you should have made a bubble so nobody could enter. You didn't either."

Athena said, "I also forgot."

Felix asked, "Why are we whispering, guys?"

Thorn said, "Probably because Athena wanted to keep it a secret."

Athena said, "Because it is." 

The cloak suddenly activated, and they were teleported somewhere. 

Evander asked angrily, "Where are we??"

Felix saw a bicycle and said, "We are in my world."

They all said in shock, "Huh?"

Felix said, "Well, it's technically not mine, but I mean it's the human world."

Evander asked, "You are half-human and half-wizard?"

Felix said, "If you put it that way... but maybe my mother was secretly a witch."

Thorn said, "I doubt that since we didn't even know which family line you were in when we first met."

Felix crossed his arms and said, "Well, maybe there was something secret about my family!"

Rowan interjected, "Wizard, human—what does that even matter when we still have to get back to Shadowcrest before Professor Nightshade kills us?!"

Evander asked, "How are we even going back unless the cloak works again?"

Athena said, "What do you mean? Is it broken?"

Evander pointed to the cloak, "Yes, see? It is broken."

Athena picked it up and inspected it, "It really is broken, but we still need it if we want to go back."

Felix said, "Well, I guess we need to take the bus to get to my home. I still have some spare money from the human world, so I guess I'll need to pay for you guys. Let's just say it was partly my fault we ended up here since I took the cloak when Athena said I shouldn't."

Athena said, "See, I'm not being bossy, but you guys won't take anything seriously!"

Flate then said, "Because we're teenagers, not adults, Athena."

Athena replied, "Still, some things you have to take seriously."

They stopped the discussion and followed Felix to the bus stop. Felix saw one nearby. They sat there, and when the bus arrived, Felix stood up, saying, "Seven bus cards, please."

The bus driver said, "Eleven dollars."

Felix took out his cash, handed it to the driver, and received the tickets. They sat on the bus. Evander crossed his arms and said, "I don't like this."

Thorn said, "Whether you like it or not, we still have to be here because of the cloak."

Evander then said, "I don't want to stay in the human world."

Athena added, "I don't want to either, but we have to."

Evander, still looking mad, said, "You guys shouldn't have taken the cloak."

Athena said, "I agree with Evander on this one."