
Felix's Magical Odyssey

In a world where magic is a part of everyday life, Felix, Athena, Rowan, Flint, and Flate are students at Shadowcrest Academy, a prestigious school for young wizards and witches. As they navigate their magical education, they face off against formidable monsters and uncover dark secrets within their realm. Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious figure lurks in the shadows, intent on their destruction. Together, they must hone their magical skills, strengthen their friendships, and stay one step ahead of the unseen threat that follows their every move. Felix is a determined and resourceful young wizard who often finds himself embroiled in adventures alongside his best friends, Athena and Rowan. Athena, known for her intelligence and strategic thinking, and Rowan, with his bravery and loyalty, form an unbreakable trio with Felix. Flint and Flate, equally talented and courageous, join their ranks, making their group even stronger. At Shadowcrest Academy, they learn to wield powerful spells, brew intricate potions, and combat dangerous creatures. Despite the rigorous training and perilous missions, their bond grows deeper, and their resolve to protect each other and their school becomes stronger. However, danger is never far away. An enigmatic and malevolent figure shadows their every step, plotting their demise. The identity and motives of this mysterious adversary remain unknown, adding a layer of suspense and urgency to their quest. The group must stay vigilant, using their wits and magical prowess to outmaneuver this unseen foe. As they delve into ancient lore and confront dark forces, the friends discover that their journey is about more than just survival; it's about uncovering the truth and standing up against the darkness that threatens their world. Together, they embark on an epic adventure that tests their limits and shapes their destiny. Will Felix and his friends unravel the mystery in time, or will the shadowy adversary succeed in their sinister plans? Join them in "The Apprentice's Arcane Adventure: A 13-Year-Old Wizard's Journey" to find out.

mcmagical · Fantasia
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29 Chs


Rowan spun the Time Turner around. Suddenly, they found themselves in a different time zone. Evander demanded, "Give me that!" But as they wrestled over it, the Time Turner activated again. Disoriented, they realized they were back in the same time zone they'd just left.Just then, a young woman and man approached them. The woman exclaimed, "Yes! We're finally back at Shadowcrest Academy! Wow, those holidays felt like forever!"The man chuckled and replied, "They could have been longer, if you ask me."She smiled and said, "I just really missed this school.

The young woman noticed the kids and said, "Hey, you guys must be the new first years. I'm Ivy Moonshadow."

The boy added, "And I'm Nathaniel Arcana."

Evander started, "I am Evander—"

But Thorn quickly clapped a hand over his mouth and whispered, "Your family is popular. They would question things, and what if your family contacts your dad? What if they know how to talk to their future selves?"

Evander thought to himself, He's right, but I'm never going to admit that.

Ivy then asked, "Okay, so what were your names again?"

The group remained silent. Nathaniel quickly said, "Let's go before Professor Willowbrook gets mad."

Ivy and Nathaniel gestured for the group to follow, and they ran along with them.

When they saw Professor Willowbrook, Ivy and Nathaniel looked scared, while Athena, Flint, Flate, Rowan, Felix, Thorn, and Evander only looked confused.

Ivy began to speak, "We- we are sorry..."

Professor Willowbrook interrupted, "I don't want to hear your excuses. Go to the hall."

Then she noticed the other students. "Well, well, who are you guys?"

Ivy quickly said, "They are probably the new first years—"

Professor Willowbrook turned to Ivy and Nathaniel, "Go back to your classes, Mr. Arcana and Ms. Moonshadow."

They nodded and hurried off to find their classroom. Professor Willowbrook then noticed the time watch. She looked at the students, then at the time watch, and said, "Office."

They were instantly teleported to her office.

As she walked to her desk, Professor Willowbrook said, "Well, well, you guys look strange."

Felix stammered, "Uh, we are just awake?"

Professor Willowbrook looked at him sharply. "I mean, your clothes are not from this timeline."

Felix quickly improvised, "We, uh, bought them from that shop across the school."

She sighed. "Clothes and Fancy Shop," she said, and they all nodded. "Don't go there again. He sells weird clothes and sometimes... weird things. You know, don't come too close to that shop."

"Did you guys already go by the Crest of Destiny?" Professor Willowbrook asked. They all nodded.

"Why don't you have your uniforms on, then?" she continued.

Evander replied, "The Crest of Destiny did not give them to us."

She sighed again. "The Crest is probably mad... don't worry about the clothes. Tell me your houses."

After they provided their houses, she handed each of them a key. Then she looked at Evander and Thorn. "Evander and Thorn, right?" They nodded. "You two will share a dorm."

They whispered, "Not again," and Athena laughed. Professor Willowbrook looked confused. "What's so funny?"

Athena said, "Well, it's just they always need to share a room."

Professor Willowbrook, not wanting to delve further, sighed and said angrily, "Leave my office now!"

Rowan sighed and said, "Ugh, we have to spend time with Frost."

Evander looked at Rowan with anger and said, "Who was the one turning the time watch around when we said not to?"

Rowan screamed back, "How was I supposed to know?"

Evander retorted, "It's in the name!"

Rowan, mad, turned around, crossed his arms, and walked away. Thorn then slammed Evander against the wall. Evander shouted, "What the bloody hell is your problem, slamming me against the wall?"

Thorn said, "I told you to leave my friends alone!"

Evander replied, "He asked for it."

Thorn rolled his eyes and whispered in Evander's ear, "Look, don't go near my friends." Then he left.

Evander yelled after him, "Don't think you're tough! You're only 14!"

Thorn said nothing, but then Athena walked towards Evander and said, "I think we need to follow them if we don't want to be lost." Evander followed her, and they ran to catch up with the group.

Nathaniel approached them and asked, "Did you guys see Ravenwood?" They looked at Felix. Athena whispered, "I don't think he meant Felix."

Nathaniel then asked, "Who is Felix? I'm asking for Ravenwood."

Flint answered, "No, we did not."

Ivy ran up to them and asked, "And?"

Nathaniel replied, "They don't know either."

Ivy sighed and said, "We haven't seen him for 3 days. I'm starting to get worried."

Nathaniel added, "Yeah, and where is Claw? I haven't seen him either for 3 days."

Athena then asked, "If it's okay with you guys, can you tell us how they look like?"

Ivy started to think. "Hmm... Ravenwood has black hair, well, light black. I don't know how to explain it. And he has scars on his face. Um, he talks in difficult English. And he's in Emberforge."

Then Ivy said, "If you guys see him, let us know." They nodded, and Nathaniel and Ivy said goodbye before leaving.

Athena said, "Do you guys think it's the weird man?"

Felix replied, "Well, they are full of scars."

Flate added, "But they also had blood."

Evander said, "So we are going to watch how the Autinium War started." Athena, Felix, Rowan, Flate, Thorn, and Flint looked sad about that fact.

Rowan said, "No, but... no, that can't!"

Evander turned towards him and said, "I'm sorry, but who brought us here?"

Rowan looked down, and then Thorn said, "Well, Rowan only wanted to know what it did. What if it didn't work? Then at least we'd know that."

Evander looked at Thorn and said

"Evernight, I don't know why you always talk like this toward me, but know one thing: you should not mess with me. I warn you one time, because if you don't listen to me, then—"