
Work Sucks

Charlotte parked her car and grabbed her purse and lunch from the passenger seat of her obnoxiously orange 2017 Jeep Renegade. She still got a giggle out of the fact that she chose that car based solely upon the fact that it was the most outlandishly colored car on the lot. Sure, she could have picked anything else there, but after a lifetime of blending in, she wanted to stand out. As she crossed the street, a lady in one of those bitchy "I'm rich and I want you to know it, but I also want you to know that I have kids" SUVs came flying around the corner and almost hit her. Luckily, Charlotte was on the ball and jumped out of the way just in time and yelled, "Hey loser! Why don't you spend some of that money on how to not drive like a moron classes!"

Charlotte grumbled a, "I knew it..." and made her way into the bank building in which she worked. As she made her way to her department, she kept passing litterally every single person who she barely tolerated. "What's with today?" she whispered under her breath as she plastered her best customer service smile on her face and greeted each person along the way.

Before she could even clock in, her phone started to ring. "Ugh. Really? Already?" she asked as she scowled at the caller ID before answering it in the most cheerful tone she could muster by physically smiling while she talked. The shriek that came from the other end quickly killed her smile and had her focusing, instead, on how best to end the conversation and save her eardrums without reaching through the phone and strangling one of the regions she helped daily's directors. By the time the conversation was done, she was so angry that she had to get up and head to the restroom to disengage and cool down for a minute; a practice her boss and her had decided was vital, after she lost her shit in front of the whole department several times and complaints were filed.

"I should have stayed home." Charlotte whined to her supervisor when she came back.

"Why?" he responded.

"I just have this feeling like something really bad is going to happen today, and I've already almost been hit by a car and screamed at for half an hour. Today is clearly not the kind of day where I should be out and about." she replied.

He just laughed and encouraged her to try keeping her conversations to a minimum and e-mail if at all possible, to take as many breaks as needed, and told her that if work was slow, she could leave early. He was a good guy, and was really good at trying to work with Charlotte and her moods. She was really thankful to have him as her boss.

However, no matter how hard she tried to keep her conversations contained to e-mail, how many breaks she took, or how hard she worked, she ended up having to stay late instead of getting to leave early.

"Today blows..."