
Chapter 6.

The next day Ken told me not to be so dramatic and that everyone does i did said i needed time which he agreed to


Things were going smoothly at work and yeah i got a scholarship to J university one of the top UNIs in town for a 3 years degree course. And i was to start classes in 4months.

"Babe i got admitted" i excitedly told Ken he looked happy "congratulations babe,you'd finally fulfil your dreams of going to a uni" later that day we went out had fun when we got back i stayed back at his apartment ' i was ready ' i told my self mentally we usually kiss well just little pecking but tonight was different from every other time this time he did slow down and i was starting to get relaxed touching and touching "babe are you ready "he asked with lust evident in his eye " yes I'm ready"

"would be a little painful hope you don't mind"

"i know I'm ready"

so yeah he did that night i lost my virginity i engraved it in my heart promising it would be the best night ever

i was falling hard for him i knew it the following week has the same escapade i swear i didn't mind.....

i told Benny she was squealing as usual "Tell me how was it,oh i see why this bestie shut my out throughout the week. OMG!!!!! so you had sex" she kept screaming

i didn't know how to reply cause how was it ' i didn't feel nothing '

i just shrugged and smiled so i changed the topic

" I'm so going to miss you booboo, you don't seem like you would though" i wasn't leaving the town just i would be busy with studying and I'd be staying at the dorm it doesn't stop us from seeing though but I'd still miss her

"waaaahhhh "she was crying already that's so Benny too emotional " say you won't cast me out , say I'm your best friend for the rest of you life" i was getting emotional too

"oh common we still have months to do everything"i said . we talked all the night she slept over then she asked me about Ken

" about Ken what's his reaction to you leaving??"

" nothing though he said when there's time he'd visit, recently he has been busy well he has too make money you know" i shared

"Busy?? very well then he has to work" she replied as i picked up my phone and dialled his number

" Hello how are --" i said before he cut me off " Keila am busy now I'd talk to you later"

"ohk-" 'tuk tuk' he hanged up

"What was that all about keila "Benny asked frowning

"Never mind he's just busy "

" hmmp if you say so he better be busy because I'd kill him if he hurt my baby girl "

"thanks Benny let's go to sleep i have works tomorrow "