
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

traps and magic

"When you are already talking, sitting on the tree branch under the sun, he was really amazed that I was capable of finishing the task. For some reason, I didn't do anything. I got up to stretch out a little bit because my back hurt and to make sure I am energetic, you know. He still saw the wonder in his eyes, but I didn't do much of anything. Instead, I just tried to understand what he meant by being calm and angry at the same time; it seemed like controlling my anger.

I could think about it, so I closed my eyes, trying to understand it as if the feeling of being a really successful person, but when I get my success, I get killed. So, it's full of calm and happiness but has a bit of anger and disappointment. I focused as much as I could and began making the same movement that I learned to make a water ball, but instead, I wanted to make it an ice one.

I began to focus on those two feelings, even if it was so difficult, and did the same thing, moving my hands slowly and maturely, trying to understand every bit from calm to anger, disappointment to happiness, like a circle in my head. After a few seconds of this big circle going on in my head, I could feel a bit of coldness around my hands. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a perfect ice ball. I let my hand away just to see what would happen, and it didn't disappear. I got so excited because it was my second time using a new element other than water and earth, like in my own control, not when I am without any control.

I glanced at him to see how he would react, but instead, he was so cool. He put his hand on his chin, thinking deeply. I didn't expect that much, but a slow fuzzy wave of wind touched my shoulder, making me shiver. I still remembered it was the time of Winter to come, but I was so not paying attention to my surroundings that I ended up getting scared when he appeared in front of me without even walking. He just picked up the ice ball, and it slowly melted in his hand, a similar reaction. It melted easily, but at the same time, I could see a small smirk on his face. I didn't pay so much attention to it because every time I accomplished something, he did the same kind of faces. But this time, he looked straight into my eyes as he held my hand with a soft smile. 'Good job, success to make ice, but we need ice arrows, not ice balls, not shapes. Just make the same process, but don't imagine any type of shapes other than an arrow with a sharp tip that can pierce any person and the heart.' I let my hand away because for now, he seemed terrifying, but his act was smooth like butter. So, he backed up again, and I practiced it multiple times to get the shape right. But suddenly, something from afar began to move, as something hit so hard in the background. All the birds flew away.

I looked around to understand what happened from the noises and all of that. The only thing I could think about was probably a monster. I panicked, not knowing what I had to do, but he held my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. 'Mia, it is a perfect opportunity to use this spell that we trained about. Don't get nervous because if you get nervous, everything will be screwed up.' I nodded slowly as he backed away, sitting on the tree branch, just observing from afar. For me, I just waited as the noises got louder and louder. When I saw the monster, it was a huge orc with green skin, holding a huge axe, and he looked at me directly.

I began to focus and try to cast the spell. The first time I cast it and hit him, he got angry but didn't affect him in any possible way. I cast it multiple times, getting more panicked and trying to hit faster, just to make a little bit of damage. Anguish filled the top of my lungs because I was getting more scared. 'Go away! Die! Why is it not so effective!'

I didn't know what to do in this situation because it was my first time encountering a strong monster like it without using my sword, and for now, I didn't have it. So, I fainted because I didn't have magic or die in front of this monster. All of a sudden, the man who trained me jumped between me and him and used a really high magic spell that killed this orc. Just then, a ground of the magic tower turned into multiple magic circles that ended up catching him as he couldn't move an inch or use his magic.

I was so confused. Why were they treating him in the magic tower? At the same time, why did they capture him when he didn't do anything wrong? He's a friend. But at the same time, he always disguises himself, so I don't know who I will blame. I saw my mother rush towards me, hold me, and embrace me, as everyone caught him and treated him in a really bad and cruel way.

I embraced my mother but still wondered why they were treating him that badly. My mother looked at me in the eyes, tears flowing from hers. 'My little lovely child, he was in so much danger. I didn't even know. For now, we captured this unbelievable criminal who was trying to do something bad to you. My heart couldn't even handle it, finally capturing him.' I got more confused as she said she captured him and all of that. What did he do?

I remembered that I didn't know that much about him. He was just someone who trained me on magic and couldn't see fairies like me. I didn't think about it much. 'Mother, why are you so eager to catch this person? Did he do anything to you? He looked nice.' Her expression turned upside down as she looked at this person so disgustingly. She held my hand and led me into the magic tower because she wanted a bit of privacy. 'Do you remember when I told you not to talk to any person under the name of Charles? It is the name of the Fair King. These kinds of people are like foxes, tricking you and making you sacrifice your life in the end. I don't want that to happen to my daughter.'

Her look got darker every time she explained it. I didn't open my mouth; instead, I just focused on what she was saying. She talked about history and how much mages hated fairies and never got together for so many reasons. I can say that it was because of how much logic my mother and mages had, while fairies were more emotional.

Now, I was worried about him and looked into my mother's eyes seriously. 'Mother, after catching him, what are you planning to do with him?' In a soft tone, and there was a full smile on her face. I could see the satisfaction in her eyes. 'You know, first of all, let him go to his real look as a fairy, use his wings, and all of that. We got one of his wings because there was also pain on it. After that, we can turn him into a slave.All fairies that we capture turn into this. This things that humans dislike, and mages—why are you so concerned?"

My palms began to sweat as I knew he would go through so much torture. I excused myself as if she were waving goodbye to me. I ran towards the place where he was captured and saw him in a prison. His wings were spread, but nothing happened. I could see his true form: beautiful green hair with beautiful golden eyes. His beauty was on another level, but I was still worried. I got closer to the bars, put my hand on the metal bars, and looked at him. With a whisper, hoping no one could hear, I said, "Can you get free? I can free you if you want, but don't let them make you a slave to them because I don't like it."

Suddenly, he looked at me, chuckling, and a beautiful, soft smile drew on his face. He clapped softly, and suddenly, time stopped. Everything froze in place; nothing besides me and him could move and talk. I shouted from the bottom of my heart, "How did they catch you?"

He got closer to the bars, walking slowly toward me, looking at me in the eyes. My heart was racing, hoping that nightmare would go away. "Don't worry about why and how and those useless details. They will not make me a slave, but I will give you a fairy. She'll always be with you, guiding you through your journey to become the best wizard. Even if I'm not here, you can put any type of message to her, and she'll let me know. And if you need me urgently, just shout my name, and I'll be here to save you, no matter the time."

At this point, I closed my eyes, feeling so bad for him. He clapped his hands again, and suddenly, I teleported to my room. I didn't know if he had left, but the fairy that always hovered around me sat on the table and looked directly into my eyes. "Don't worry. He is a king, more powerful than all mankind. No one can catch him. He always finds a way out of situations he dislikes. But be grateful that he has a pure heart, unlike you humans."

She said all of that so arrogantly. I understood the need to be proud of your king or whatever, but not to that extent. I ignored it all and went to my bed, trying to clear my mind. When I lay on my bed and closed my eyes, my mother burst into my room without even knocking. The fairy already knew how to hide, so I didn't pay too much attention. "Mia, Fairy King, get out. I'm not suspecting you, but it's now a big danger. You have to be protected all the time, you understand?"

I was taken by surprise. She had become so overprotective that breathing was hard now. I understood her concern about my safety, but at the same time, I needed some privacy. "Mother, don't worry about me. Most of the time, I'm in the sanctuary. What will happen?" She rolled her eyes, as if she believed I was lying, and she wasn't wrong. But it's not like I was doing things that I wasn't supposed to."