
Fearless hearts

The devil stared at the painting of his only daughter and smiled.. "It's only a matter of time Darlene, you'll either come back to me or I'll take you back by force"

Zendaya_nights · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Raven's highschool

This school seems quite strange to me.. this is not the normal typical highschool have read about in romantic novels.

Yes, I read a lot of romantic novels and I hope that some day I'll meet my prince charming...

Silly right? 

Anyways I go to the adminstrative department and sorted out a lot of things and finally the strange looking principal .. I call him strange because he has this eerie aura that creeps me out. He took me to my class and asked me to stand outside as he introduced me to my new classmates 

I was asked to stand outside as he introduced me to the my new classmates .

"Good morning principal " the class chorused their greetings.

"Good morning to you too students. I'll be introducing your new classmates to you please I'll like you all to meet miss Ariana Adams.."

I walked into the class in high spirits but was immediately very shy when I came face to face with the students who were staring at me with curiosity . 

" Please introduce your self miss Adams" the principal said" .

"Umh.. hi everyone, am looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you" i said waving awkwardly.

" With that said please take your seat , I'll be taking my leave " and he left.

I looked at my classmates nervously as I took a seat at the back of the class. And the teacher resumed his teaching.

I felt really uncomfortable because all of them were staring at me with wierd looks on their face and I began to wonder if there was something on my face.

If I had a lot of social interactions I would have realized that they were staring at me with admiration but that wasn't the case so my self esteem was lowered considerably.

When it was finally lunch time the students all began to leave the class one after the other chattering and making a hell of a noise. I saw some of the boys looking at me and whispering something to each other. The one that particularly caught my attention was a raven haired boy and he was what I would call gorgeous. I couldn't stop staring at him when he looked towards my direction I did instantly look away and gaze at my book as if I was reading. Slowly the class became empty. I hoped that at least someone will walk up to me and show me the way to the cafeteria but it seems like I wasn't welcomed here. As I was thinking of that I suddenly felt a shadow of someone in front of me. I raised my head to see the gorgeous boy I was admiring earlier..

Before I could say jack his lips crashed into mine. I was beyond shocked.

I've never kissed anyone in my life and I Just met him today why would he kiss me?

As those thoughts were running through my mind he pulled me up to my feet and dragged me closer to him and before I knew what was going on I began to respond to the kiss but he was mostly in control cuz I wasn't a really good kisser... I mean you can't blame me it's my first time!!

As the kiss was getting more passionate I slowly came back to my senses and my instincts kicked in so I pushed him away with all my strength and slapped him hard in the face!!

A red mark showed on his handsome face.. he looked angrily at me and I became scared but slowly his lips curved into a smirk and he walked out of the classroom.

"What the fuck just happened!!?

Stupid Ariana you can't go around kissing guys you don't know their name in a new school " I exclaimed loudly hitting my head.

My fingers found its way to my lips they were swollen and my hair was a bit out of place .

I remembered seeing the girls bathroom on my way to class in the morning so I went there to freshen up.

After splashing some water in my face I stared at my appearance in the mirror.

Was I beautiful??

Even I didn't know the answer to that question. I've been stuck indoors for a long time that I didn't even know the difference.

For me my mum was beautiful, some of the girls in class were pretty as well but I couldn't compare my appearance to them.

I tried to smoothen my hair and began to wonder if it was a kind of tradition in the school to kiss new students..