
Fault In Our Scars

After one of his best mates gets married, rich player Leo decides to go find love. After rude encounters and just a little jail time, he might as well be in luck.

Gloria_Maiyo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

chapter five

I looked around the holding cell,the smell of piss making my nose sting. There was a man passed out on the floor and two women who were dressed inappropriately sitting right next to him.They had not tried to converse with me, something I clearly appreciated. They however took me as no threat as they started laughing loudly while high-fiving each other like they were in a restaurant rather than a cell with pungent smell.

A guard had told them to quiet down earlier, to which they replied,

"what you gonna do?Put us in a cell?"

They laughed louder as if trying to irk the guard, which seemed futile as he walked away. A blinding headache had seen the humor in my situation and decided to attack. I tried to close my eyes hoping I would open them and find myself in my room with proper room service. I do not know how long I slept for but I presumed not long as the two women were still loudly laughing. Though one other person had been brought to the cell.

My eyes took a while to get used to the dim blinking light as the outline of the newcomer's face came into focus. Her brunette hair and her button nose were the first things I recognized.There was paint and scars all over her hands and she smelled of alcohol. Her eyes looked like she had been crying which explained the mascara on her face. Her full lips wobbled with every breath she took.

"I didn't take you for a criminal,"

She said, her words slurring indicating she was still clearly drunk.

"Neither did I,"

I responded making her smile, then almost immediately burst out in tears. The sudden urge to hug her came over me as I scooted closer to her. I tried holding her hand to soothe her but it seemed like it did nothing for her as she started crying more hysterically. The guard came back looking at me with a huge scowl.

"Shut your girlfriend up, or I am gonna do it myself"he shouted, hitting his baton on the steel bars.

Bella jumped from the sound and half her body landed on me. I grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling over. She looked at my face with big, wide eyes, tears still evident in them as she sniffed.

"You are like a big warm bed," she said

Snuggling her small body on my chest as she wrapped her small arms around my waist. I was still stiff from the sudden contact but started to settle as her breathing evened out. I adjusted her body so that I could balance her weight on both legs. She was not heavy but I did not want to feel numb when she stood up. I took this as an advantage to study her. She looked peaceful in her sleep her nose crunched slightly as her lips slightly parted. I looked at the streaks of mascara on her face and felt a weird jab in my chest. I didn't like to see her cry. Weird that we had met today.

Her face looked so soft, only on close observation could you see the make-up on her face. I did not understand why she had bothered to put on make-up yet she looked so stunning without it. She had a tattoo on her wrist that looked like an initial. My mind drifted to the cafe and how she looked angry but cute. I smiled at the thought as she stirred a little and let out a small whimper. There went my heart again, jumping as if it had forgotten its purpose in my body.

"Looks like your boyfriend has a girlfriend," One of the two women said making me look up from Bella.

I looked at the two women who were grinning, one exposing her tobacco stained teeth and the other had a gap where two of her incisors were meant to be. I cringed at the sight and looked away quickly looking back at Bella. The warmth that had started radiating from her body made me realize how cold I was.

"Where the fuck is she! Don't I pay you enough to keep my people out of jail" I heard a horse voice shout.

The guard who was here earlier seemed to be the one being addressed as he responded too quiet for me to hear. Well that was none of my business. As if on cue Bella jumped again from my arms her eyes blinking as if trying to recognize her surroundings.

"Marcello?" She asked.

She squinted her eyes as if trying to recognize me. Her eyes went wide again as they looked at her hands that were now on my chest. I liked how it felt when she touched me. She snuggled one more into my chest and closed her eyes slightly. I knew she was not asleep so I did not try to conceal my movements.

"Leo, why are you carrying me"she whispered.

Before I could ask her how she knew my name, a guy about the same height as me with long dark hair came to the bars with the shivering guard. His eyes landed on Bella then narrowed down on me.

"Let her go you freaking pervert."

"Isabella Amaia Santiago get the fuck up!"

Bella jolted from her sleep and looked up at the shouting man. By now he was fuming breathing in and out like a thirsty horse. He looked threatening, but that did not phase me. Its not like I had forced Bella on my lap. Knowing she was drunk, she was probably safer with me than with this brute here.

"Marcello, stop shouting before I smack you in the ass"Bella retorted, snuggling herself back to sleep.

I coughed, trying to hold back a laugh. I really hoped this was not her boyfriend, I was not really in the mood for a fight.

"Hermana, Catalina is worried about you, you are trending on more than two social media platforms can we just go home" he said, running his hands through his hair.

Well at least he stopped shouting. Hermana meant sister, right? Well at least that was cleared up

"She's drunk, I do not think she is listening to you."I responded after hearing Bella's breath even out.

I stood up with Bella, carrying her bridal style and put her in Marcello's open arms. She woke up again probably from the loss of warmth and narrowed her eyes on Marcello.

"Where are you taking me, I'm going with Leo.I don't want a scolding right now Marc." She said landing on her feet and standing beside me.

Marcello ruffled his hair once more and looked at me. Damn, if looks could kill.

"She's usually stubborn when she is drunk, I do not trust you, but she seems to know you well enough. I have a pregnant wife to take care of, so take care of her. If even a hair on her head is missing when she comes home tomorrow I swear I will skin you alive and feed you to my dogs." he said in a small menacing voice.

"Is that a threat?"I asked a small smile on my face.

"No, take it as my word. Because I intend to do every single bit of it." He said,

"Follow me."

I looked down at Bella, her eyes now droopy as she leaned on me for support. When she realized I was looking at her she smiled and held my hand. I started walking following this man. he reminded me more of myself. If we met in different circumstances I even bet we would have been friends. Bella kept up well as I led her outside. There were four BMW x6 outside.

"Hmm, a little cliche don't you think?" I said.

Marcello stiffened, indicating he had heard what I said.

"Thomas, drive this bloke to where he stays and bring back an address"

A young man nodded at his command and opened the door for one of the cars. I led Bella into the car and followed her in.

I watched as Marcello walked to the car I was in. I was happy Bella had chosen to go with me instead of him the thought bringing a smile to my mouth.

"Use those dazzling teeth when you still can British boy, the only reason you are still alive is because of this infatuation she has for you, once it ends, and trust me it will not last long, I will have the pleasure of keeping my promise"he said ginning.

"They truly are dazzling aren't they?" I asked rhetorically as the car drove away.